Wild Nevada Ride (20 page)

Read Wild Nevada Ride Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Wild Nevada Ride
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“No? Really? I hadn’t noticed that about the Wilder siblings. Why should you be any different? Neither of your brothers, nor your sister are any better.”

He chuckled to himself. “Yeah, I heard about Chase’s courtship of you, or should I say, his stubborn pride that got in the way. It sounds like the two of you are perfect for each other.”

She laughed. “I would hope so since we’re married and have a child together.”

“By the way, how is my nephew doing?”

“Getting big. He’s already trying to pull himself up on the furniture. He’ll be taking off walking across the room in no time, I’m afraid.”

“Has his dad put him on a horse yet?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course, he has. Chase had Jeremiah on horseback as soon as he could sit up.”

“That sounds just like Chase.”

“You know, you should come home for the holidays this year. Since we did Thanksgiving at Cole and Carrie’s last year, we’ll be doing it here at our house this year. Besides, you need to see your niece, too.”

“I don’t know—maybe. You know how much I hate the snow.” He paused for a moment before he said, “How are Cole and Carrie doing?”

“I take it you haven’t called them recently.”

“No. I’ve been really bad about keeping in contact. He called me when Anne was born, but I haven’t talked to him since.”

“They are doing fine. The store keeps him occupied and the kids keep Carrie out of trouble for the most part.”

“I better go. It’s been great talking to you. Thanks for the ear. I really needed it.”

“Write the email staring at you from the computer screen in front of you, and tell her how you feel.”

“But…” He heard her chuckle. “How do you do that?”

“Trust me…sometimes I wish I couldn’t.”

“I guess I’ll talk to you later. Thanks again, Abby.”

“You’re welcome. Call me any time if you want to talk.”

“I’ll do that. Tell Chase hi for me.”

“I will.”

Chapter Sixteen

The telephone brought him straight out of the bed when it rang on the nightstand. He groaned as he held his head for moment before he realized he had to answer it.
Damn! I should never have gotten drunk last night.

It had been several days since he had talked with Abby, but he still hadn’t broke down and emailed Katrina yet. He just didn’t know what to say.
How about ‘I love you?’

He shook his head when the phone rang again, and he stared at it like he wished he could throw it across the room. Grabbing it in his hand, he growled, “Hello?”


He pinched the bridge of his nose and his head pounded. “Yeah.”

“It’s Mark.”

“What do you want?”

“Don’t you sound chipper?”

“I’m hung over, Mark. Now what in the hell do you want?”

“I thought we were going to the cattle auction this morning?”

“Shit,” he grumbled. “I forgot.”

“You still want to go?”

“Yeah. I need to get a couple more bulls.”

“How about I stop and get the biggest Starbucks I can find while you get ready. I’ll see you in about fifteen minutes.”


He hung up the phone and stumbled to his feet. Finding a clean pair of jeans and a shirt, he headed toward the shower.

Several minutes later, he felt semi-normal when he ran a comb through his wet hair before he padded back into his room to retrieve socks and his boots. The doorbell rang in the distance as he looked at the clock on the bedside table.
Probably Mark. He just can’t seem to get over ringing the doorbell even though he practically lives here sometimes.

When he reached the living room, he hollered, “Come on in, Mark.”

The door swung open, revealing a bright smile on the other man’s face as he held two extra large cups of coffee in his hands.

“Ah. Nectar of the Gods.”

“And your salvation, my friend. Drink up,” Mark said after he handed one to Justin. “At least you look halfway normal.”

Justin took a long drink of the coffee before he answered, “A shower does wonders sometimes.” He moved toward the couch and sat the coffee on the table before he took a seat and slipped on his socks. “I’ll be ready in a minute.”

“No hurry.”

Justin watched Mark pace back and forth in the foyer for a moment. “What’s eating you?”

Mark finally turned to look back at him and asked, “Have you talked to Kat?”

“You mean have I emailed her? No.”

“Damn! You are about the most stubborn man I know. Why not?”

“I just haven’t figured out what I want to say.”

“How about

I love you?’

“That’s the easy part. It’s trying to figure out how to write the other stuff.” He stood and smoothed his jeans before he grabbed the coffee on the table.

“What other stuff?”

“Like how much I miss her. How I dream about her when I go to sleep at night. How I can’t live without her, and I don’t want to.”

“Say it just like that.”

“If I were talking to her face to face, then maybe. I can’t write it. Things get all jumbled when I try. I’m not a poet or anything. I can’t seem to get it on paper or computer screen as the case may be, like I want to say it.”

“Well, after the auction, maybe I’ll sit down and help you. I know she would love to hear from you.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’ve emailed her, and she’s asked me about you.”

They moved toward Justin’s truck where Keith had already hitched the stock trailer.
It’s a good thing Keith has my back.

Once they were both settled and pulling out of the driveway, Justin asked, “What did she want to know?”

“Only general things like how you are. If you are seeing anyone.”

“She asked you if I’m seeing anyone?”


His heart lightened when Mark’s words penetrated his mind.
Maybe she does care.

Talk turned to business during the rest of the ride to the auction. When they pulled into the parking area, Mark said, “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m going to grab a listing so we know what’s up.”

“No problem. I’m going to wander down the aisle over here where the Angus bulls are.”

“I’ll catch up with you over there then.”

Justin moved down the aisle and eyed the impressive selection of animals up for auction. He stopped a few times to talk to the owners and even met a few he knew from past cattle sales. They exchanged ribbings and friendly insults until they laughed. He didn’t bring any of his cows this trip and a few of his competitors asked if he felt all right.

“Justin Wilder, not selling this trip? What’s up with that? If I didn’t know better, I would swear there is a woman involved, but damn. I don’t see one hangin’ around your pretty boy face.”

“Keep on Williams and we’ll be tusslin’ under the stands over there,” Justin growled playfully.

“Will you two quit?” Mary Williams said while she wrapped her arm around Justin’s waist. “How have you been? Haven’t seen you around much.”

He hugged the petite graying woman to his side before he planted a kiss on her head. “I’m doing fine. Just busy, that’s all.”

“Well, we sure miss you around here.”

Justin laughed and teased. “I’ll try to do better, Mom.”

“See that you do. How can I hook you up with some unsuspecting female if you aren’t around? Your handsome mug shouldn’t be alone.”

His good mood sobered a little when he thought of Katrina.

“Hey.” Mary waved a hand in front of his face. “What’s with the long face? If I didn’t know better, I would think some pretty little woman has already snagged your stubborn heart.”


She grabbed him in a huge hug and laughed. “I never thought I would see the day. Justin Wilder in love.”

“Don’t say it too loud. You might cause a stampede or something.”

“That could be.” She looked around before she asked, “So where is the lucky girl?”

“In Iraq.”


“She is a pilot in the Air Force. A mission took her over there about a month ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Justin. When does she come home?”

“I don’t know.”

“Wait a minute. Something isn’t right here. The woman you love is overseas, and you don’t know when she’s coming home?”

“It’s a long story. One I can’t go into right now.”

“Well then, make sure the next time you come, you bring her with you. I need to meet the woman who finally lassoed the heart of Justin Wilder.”

He chuckled softly. “I’ll do that.”

Mark returned to his side just as the conversation wound down. Shortly afterwards, they headed toward the stands to find a couple of seats to await the start of the auction.

Once they were settled and the parade of animals started, the cattleman in Justin took over while he surveyed the stock. He bid on several bulls that met his expectations for his stock. When the sale was over, he moved down the aisle toward the railing of the arena.

“I’m going to supervise the loading if you’ll take care of the check,” Justin told Mark.

“Sure. I’ll be back in a minute.

The two of them went in separate directions while Justin made his way to where his truck sat parked. He moved it in line, so when it came his turn to load, he already had his position. His thoughts drifted to his conversation with Mary earlier. The older woman would love Katrina, he knew. Kat kind of did that to a person. Her big green eyes and sexy smile usually turned him upside down and inside out whenever she was nearby. He hoped like hell, he had a chance to tell her how he really felt.

When it came his turn, he backed the stock trailer into position, shut the truck off, and stepped out. He moved around the back and unlatched the gate, swinging the big door open so the cattle could be loaded more easily as the cowboys on horseback herded them toward the ramp on the trailer.

Justin stepped outside the arena while the others did their job and came face to face with an ashen faced Mark.

“What’s wrong? You look like you are going to be sick.”


“Mark. Come on man, talk to me.”

“Justin, its Katrina.”

He felt like he had been gut punched. His legs went weak, and he almost dropped to his knees. “What about Katrina? God—please Mark, don’t tell me she’s de….”

“No, at least, not as far as I know.”

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