When Lightning Strikes (14 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Lucas

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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Gilda started to open her mouth to speak again, but Marco silenced her with the finger that he softly brought to her lips. He quickly replaced it with his lips and kissed her deeply.

“We will speak of this no more, cherie. It is beyond our control, I think. So, let us forget of this matter for now and do what our hearts desire.”

She pulled back from him.

“You spoke of fate bringing Melissande to your camp. Do you believe fate has brought
together? I mean that perchance some higher power brought you to me, to give me some sort of shelter from this wretched life I must lead as the wife of a tavernkeep? My life was so harsh, so unbearable until the day you walked through my door with your laughing eyes and your loving arms. I can never repay you for the joy that you bring me. It gives me reason to go on. I love you as I have never loved another.”

Gilda’s heartfelt words touched him deeply and his eyes clouded in that moment. This beautiful, intelligent, yet unappreciated woman loved him. He was the reason she found any pleasure in living at all. He decided in that moment to utter the words he had sworn would never escape his lips and reveal that which he had sworn never to feel.

“If there is a God, then surely he is watching over you, my angel. And I will tell you this. My life was nothing compared to that which it is now, with you as a part of it. As a part of
.” He took her hand and moved it to his heart.

“If there is way that I can make life better for you, I swear to you in this moment that I will.”

He swallowed back the mist that threatened in his eyes.

“I have never given my heart. It is not something I do easily. But, you woman, have stolen mine and I have no choice in the matter.” He brought her fingers to his lips, kissing them lightly.

Gilda flung herself into his arms. Tomorrow would come soon enough and they would have to deal with Nico and Sarah…or the Lady Melissande if that was who she was.

For now there was only the two of them, and the rest of this night to express what had lain within their hearts for too long in silence but now had finally been spoken aloud.

Chapter Fourtee

Darkness still shrouded the early morning sky over the estate of Thomas de Lyonne. Navarre was upstairs feigning sleep in his chambers when he heard the hoof beats entering the courtyard below. Knowing his father’s men had returned empty handed from their search for Melissande sent chills of wicked delight down his spine.

The fools. They would never suspect a thing and he had even cleverly made sure he left ragged pieces of her bloody gown in a trail all the way back to the woods beyond the fields to ensure they would think she had been dragged off and eaten by wild animals. Now he had been up here in bed recovering from his self inflicted injury for a day and a half and on the morrow it would be safe to go downstairs.

He would be certain to moan and groan at the appropriate times and of course he would have to choke back his false tears every so often or at the mention of the name of his ‘beloved’. Choking back
his own laughter would be more the truth! Ah, but his own cleverness astounded him.

His glee was rudely interrupted by the creaking of the door as it opened a few moments later and Thomas came walking in/

“Father. What is it?” whispered Navarre as he slowly rose to a sitting position holding his injured limb for effect. The knife wound he had made in his sword arm was healing nicely and did not pain him nearly as much as he expected.

“Navarre, I have news! The men have information on the possible whereabouts of Melissande! She lives, my son. She lives!

He reached out to touch his son’s shoulder

??” Navarre’s voice trailed off in utter disbelief

This simply could not be. What in the name of Satan was going on? Navarre clutched his chest breathing deeply. ‘
Be still heart,’
he thought to himself.
‘They know nothing. There is some kind of mistake

“I know not how it came to be, but I do know that there is heresay amoung the provincials that she lives. She was found lying beneath a tree by one of the Gypsy troupes.”

He paused thoughtfully for a moment knowing the next words must be spoken with great caution/

Thomas laid a hand to his son’s shoulder. “They have said that Dominic has Melissande in his camp.”

To Thomas’s amazement Navarre did not move a muscle. He lay there motionless upon his pallet. His face remained a mask of calm and Thomas wondered what was going on inside the heart and mind of his son.

Navarre took a deep breath. “I am fine, father,” he said. “I am just happy that there is a possibility that she lives.
Beyond words.”

But his mind was racing at breakneck speed trying to figure out what was happening. Melissande was indeed dead. He had buried her himself for Christ’s sake! It could NOT be her so there was no reason to become livid with rage over the gypsy bastard or the threat of his own plan coming unravelled. And so he looked up at his father with calm, trusting eyes.

“Are they certain it is her? Did they ask what the woman looked like?” Navarre asked quietly. “I simply do not wish to fill my heart with hope of her return only to have it broken again.”

“I know not. But, I am quite certain that the alewife would know or be able to find out if the lady that was found has golden curls and eyes to match.” Thomas smiled gently at his son. “I know you are guarding your heart, my son. But trust in our Savior. I believe we will find her and return her to your side.”

Navarre smiled thinly before Thomas got up from the edge of the bed and left the room. He wasn’t worried since he knew Melissande was safely in her grave. The men would come back from the village later this eve with the sad news that the lady they had found was not their dear, sweet, lady.

He lay back on the bed and sighed. The next plan of action would be to get rid of Thomas, but only after ensuring that his mother would cause him no problems. She would die as well, if need be.

Yes, it was going to be a fine day indeed! But something was not sitting quite right with him. The mention of the bastard du Barbaronne had of course gotten him riled, but the gypsy’s demise would come in due time too, of course. For now, he would simply close his eyes and dream of which way he would make it happen.

Chapter Fifteen


Marco left the warmth of Gilda’s arms before sunrise.

His heart was filled with the love he felt for her and the joy of the night they had just spent together expressing it. But it was also filled with sadness and uncertainty. For now that he knew that it was likely that the woman Sarah was really the wife of Navarre, there would be unbounded trouble for them all.

And somehow he just knew that Dominic would not let the woman go so easily, despite his professed need of wanton women and plenty of ale to bring him to his senses. He hoped to God he was wrong…but something told him he was not.

Christ’s blood he was about to have an argument on his hands! Not the most savory way to start off one’s day. It would be almost humorous if the situation were not so grave.

As he neared the camp he tried to think of how he was going to tell Dominic. And once the word was out among the troupe there would be no turning back. They could not ransom her, but surely Navarre would offer them some kind of recompense for their trouble and for her safe return as would any grateful man, thankful to have his wife returned safe and sound? Would he not? His fat coffers could supply them all with enough gold to last not only through the rest of this year but through the next

But then again he realized that Navarre, would never give up gold to them in gratitude. Instead he would insist publicly that his ‘dear brother’ simply return Melissande unharmed and all would be forgiven with no recompense necessary since they are of blood relation. And that, he supposed was better than having their heads roll should Dominic be
so foolish as to try to keep her!

The sun was coming up over the horizon as he entered camp and Dominic was already up, sitting by the morning fire, his hair still wet from a bath in the river.

“What did you find out? Not that it really matters anymore since I have decided to keep her with me.”

Marco’s jaw tightened. So then, he was right. His little
speech had not driven any sense into his friend’s thick skull at all! That Dominic would just come right out and speak of it so freely despite knowing how the troupe would feel about it was what surprised him more, and now with this piece of information things would only go downhill from here. He sighed heavily as he opened his mouth to speak, but his friend quickly silenced him.

“Ta gueule…just shut up! I mean it Marco
.. You are my brother, but I am in no mood for any bullshit from you, ami. She wishes to stay.” His expression was one that meant there would be no arguments or trying to convince him otherwise.

Marco sat down heavily beside the fire, staring at the ground and remained silent for a moment.

“She has told you this, then?” His voice dripped with all the skepticism he felt.

“Yes. She did…without stating it exactly.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Marco spat out.

“It means she is afraid of who she runs from.” Dominic said firmly.

Marco dragged his hair back off his forehead and wiped a bead of sweat from his temple, and nodded stiffly.

“Very well, then. Gilda spoke with some soldiers in the village yestereve. There is a noblewoman who is missing. She was supposedly attacked by a wild boar two days past and could easily have lost her memory from the ordeal.”

Dominic took in a ragged breath and slid closer to his friend. “Who is she?”

Marco didn’t answer at first but then said very matter-of-factly, “I know that you lust for her, but you must give her back to her people.”

Dominic’s eyes burned with rage at his friend.

“I have already told you I do not simply lust for her. Do you think me such a fool that I would put myself and everyone here at such risk if it were so simple?

“Tu es con! You are an imbecile! You have known her but two days!” Marco raised his voice and laughed sarcastically.

“You know damned well what Mara foresaw. What if
this is it? How can we be sure this is not the work of God himself?”

“Or the work of Satan himself!?”
Marco picked up a stick from the dirt below. He broke it into pieces and tossed them one by one back down into the sand.

“Nico, I believe you have completely lost your mind. Mayhap you were the one struck by lightning. But I have stood by you through it all and I suppose I will stand by you to the end on this one too because you are a brother to me in very way but by blood. And we may shed plenty of it over this. Mon dieu! You are determined to get us both killed!” He shook his head.

“Who is she, Marco?”

“Alright then…you asked and I shall tell.” His jaw muscle clenched anxiously. “It is not certain. But there is rumor that she is the Lady de Lyonne.”



, you heard me! I warned you this would not bode well,” Marco said and nodded matter-of-factly

“Mon dieu,” Dominic said very quietly. They sat in silence for awhile before Marco finally spoke again.

“Perhaps now you will come to your senses and realize you must give the woman to her husband? She will regain her memory in time and you will forget about this foolishness! Navarre will never give us gold for her return since you are his half-brother. He will use that to his advantage in this case, though at any other time he would die before admitting to it.” He patted his friend’s shoulder. “I am truly sorry. You lose. We all lose. But if we walk away now, at least we will walk away with our heads intact!”

Dominic picked up a stone and heaved it angrily.

“Marco you know I cannot simply give her to that dog. I think I would rather die first. Yes, I barely know the woman. And indeed, I have not even bedded her, but that morceau de merde…that piece of shit, has hurt her, and I would not give her back even if I had no feelings for her at all! I will not offer her…or
femme like a lamb going to slaughter to that swine.”

He tossed another piece of kindling onto the fire. “She
will stay. This is where she belongs.” His voice was firm..

“Well, then. I will still stand with you. You are my brother and that is that. And you are right…no woman should be treated in such a manner,” Marco said with both resignation and remorse. He now was the one who felt like an ass for not thinking of this earlier. How could he encourage his friend to give any femme to Navarre?

“I am sorry for calling you an imbecile…though, on second thought…maybe not so much,” he bantered good-naturedly.

“However, I also plan to partake in as much debauchery as possible starting immediately, because we will soon likely be trussed up upon a rack with our bones being pulled from their sockets and our heads rolling from the block! I, misseur, will be in town tonight getting drunk and enjoying Gilda’s tender ministrations. You may stay here…spouting verses and explaining to everyone else this torrid tale.” He laughed as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his breeches.

“You know there is also the chance albeit a small one, that she is not Melissande. She may well be Sarah Whom-Ever-She-Is, Dominic replied.. “She might be telling us the truth.”

“Yes, I know this,” said Marco. “But, do not forget that she has lost her memory or at least a good part of it and she could very well be Navarre’s lady wife. It is too much of a coincidence that she showed up here on the very eve when Melissande was lost.”

“The lady has not lost so much of her memories as she would like us to believe, I think. But that is another matter. I have never laid eyes upon Melissande. What does she look like?” asked Dominic, hopeful that Marco would say she was raven-haired and pale skinned with green eyes or something as such but knowing he would say no such thing.

“Gilda has said that the lady has curly golden tresses and eyes to match.
Unusual golden eyes. But then, perhaps Gilda was told wrong,” Marco offered.

“It may well be as she said…but strange that she bore no marks except the burn from the lightning.”

“I will find out more tonight, and I will find out what Navarre’s condition is as well,” Marco said. “I understand he was gored by the boar that dragged off the woman. He should be recovered by now and sending out men to retrieve her. It would be wise on our part to know where he is at all times if possible. So then…are you indeed going to stay here or would you care to ride with me?”

“No. I cannot leave the lady unattended. We may have to move camp until I can find some way for her to stay here within the confines of the law.”

“That will never happen,” said Marco. “The laws are the laws. But since when have you ever cared that you break them?!” he laughed lightly.

“I care this time. If I am to keep her then I cannot run forever…and I cannot make all of you run forever. We need the few places we find here to sell our wares. I will find some way to make her mine in truth even if it means I must make her a widow so she is free.”

Marco nodded. “Yes, but even if she were free, she is a noble and you are a peasant. Have you forgotten this?”

“Let is not forget that I am half noble as well.”

Marco raised his eyebrows that his friend would ever speak of his noble blood tie. In all their years, Dominic had scarcely brought it up, and in fact had spoken of it with great disdain what few times he had! His love for the woman must indeed be in truth.

“I will leave for the village again after I have bathed and had a meal. I will let you know before I go.”

Dominic nodded and Marco turned and walked away towards Indiri’s fire where there would already be some kind of stew boiling.

He stirred the fire once more and stared at his own wagon. Dear God, how had he gotten himself and now all of them into this? Why had he not just left the woman lying there in the rain? If he had never picked her up, he would never have known her and it would make no difference to him whether she lived or died or was rescued. But could he have done that? He
knew there was no way he could have done such a thing.

Now that he had gotten to know her even a little bit he was not the least bit sorry. And after tasting her soft lips and twining his fingers in those rich golden locks of hers not to mention the memory of the sweet taste of her skin, he knew he could not let another touch her in that way ever again.

The thought of her lying naked beneath him brought gooseflesh to his neck and he could feel himself becoming aroused once more. He could walk to the wagon and take her now if he so chose. Perhaps he should. Now that he knew there would be no ransom that there would be no returning her even if there was, it no longer mattered.

But it did matter. He wanted her to want him the way he wanted her. He already knew she did, but there was a lie built into it somehow because she did not even have all of her memory intact, so how could he know that her feelings were true?

Their time would come he hoped and when she was ready, he would take her in that way of her own free will, and she would forget her life with Navarre. At least he now knew she had no children…of that he was certain because the dog Navarre had fathered none that he’d heard of…at least with his wife.  That would have posed a severe problem for them had it been so.

Still, he knew that even if she did have children, if she wanted to stay with him he would have found some way to bring them to her and help her care for them.

For now, all he could do was protect her and try to figure out a way to keep her here with him

He stood up and headed for the wagon to inform the Lady Melissande that they had figured out to whom she belonged…and that she would not be going back to him.

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