When Lightning Strikes (13 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Lucas

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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Chapter Thirteen


Later on, Marco sat quietly outside the shed, waiting in the moonlight for Gilda. He hoped that somehow she had come upon some information. He had known Nico since they were but children and he could see clearly that in just the span of two days time, his friend was falling in love with the woman called Sarah and it could not bode well for any of them.

Something about the whole thing did not feel quite right. She had appeared mysteriously that rainy night outside their camp. She was a noble. She was too damned beautiful and Nico was not thinking clearly now. He wanted to keep the witch! Of course he had not spoken the words aloud, but Marco could just tell it was so and no matter how much he tried to convince himself that Nico was their leader and of sound mind, he could not believe that anything good could come of their taking this outsider into their lives. Her people must be found and she must be returned to them while there was still time…before Nico fell more deeply under her spell and refused to let her go!

He stared at the full moon lost in his thought until a sound startled him. It was coming from the back door of the tavern. It was Gilda leaving the building followed by two soldiers both of whom were quite drunk. One of them staggered off down the alleyway, but the other was much more reluctant to go. Marco stiffened, ready to come to her aid if necessary.

“Alright then, my handsome soldier it is time that you be on your way now. My husband does not take lightly to our fine guests overstaying their welcome within the tavern. If you need a place to bed yourself, then I will see that you have a room. But it will cost you!” Her voice brooked no argument but still the drunken soldier argued back, his arm slung around her shoulder as he spoke.

“Gilda, my sweet.
I would very much so like a room and in fact, I think you should join me therein to keep me warm on this cold night.” He laughed and swayed as he let go of her.

“I think not! You sir, have spent entirely too much of this eve lost in your cup! Now get thee out of here before I call
my lord husband down here to escort you!” She popped him on the backside for emphasis and smirked not so playfully, but with a raised brow to let him know she meant business.

“Ah well, you were as hot as a bitch in heat for me earlier this eve, woman!” he roared. “And now you send me off upon my way with my balls as blue as those pretty eyes of yours! You are a cruel one, are you not?”

“Cruel or no, you go on now! That is my final answer.” Gilda pushed him on one last time using the toe of her boot.

For a moment it looked as if the soldier might turn upon her and Marco was ready to launch himself at the man if he tried to force himself on her. But it didn’t happen. The soldier cursed loudly under his breath, rubbing his crotch as he marched away angrily.

A sigh of relief escaped Gilda’s lips as she quickly closed and locked the back door and headed towards the shed. She could see Marco’s outline as he stepped from the shadows. Her arms quickly came around his neck and he pulled her to him.

“I saw it all, you know,” he said. “You, my fine woman, handled yourself beautifully. A certain roughness lies beneath these pretty trappings, no?” He winked at her.

“And do you like this roughness?” she giggled.

I think I just might at that. Do you think you could swat my backside, as you did that randy fool a few moments ago? I would not walk away so easily though.” He chuckled good-naturedly.

She smiled at him and pulled one end of his mustache.

“And perhaps I would not allow you to!” She raised one eyebrow.

Wrapping an arm around her waist they began to walk into the shed. She closed the door behind them quietly and he pulled her to him again, kissing her softly.

“Gilda, what of
? That loathsome cur you are wedded to. I mean is he…” his voice trailed off.

“He is drunk again. He is sleeping as always, leaving me to fend for myself and our establishment, as well as fighting off any of the drunken whoresons that think they will get to sample
my wares. He cares not whether they do as long as they pay for it! I loathe him, Marco. He cares naught for me. I am but another piece of his chattel. He would sell my body to anyone who will have it.”

Marco looked at her for a moment, his eyes filled with sadness. This woman did not deserve the life that her lazy, drunken husband provided for her. And yet that was her fate, and he could do nothing to change it for her. Despite his love; yes, it was indeed love for her. He had tried to deny it, but it was quite useless. He could no more hide the fact than hide the fact he was a Gypsien through and through. He traced her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

“Gilda. I am sorry that you must live this way that you do. Would only that I could change things for you, my sweet. I lov…..never mind.”

He stopped his words before letting them escape. Telling her his heart would only complicate things further for them both. She was wed. He was a Gypsy. They were better off living in this secret existence they had created for each other without ties.
Without speaking the words that could bring ecstasy. And pain.

He cleared his throat and changed the subject.

“Did you find out any information of consequence, love?”

Gilda stared at him for a moment in silence, her eyes becoming moist. She pulled from his embrace and headed over to one of the deep piles of hay and sat down.

“Gilda, what is wrong?” he said, a concerned look crossing his brow.

She sat in silence staring at him for a moment and then looked down at her hands.

“Marco….I….,” she choked on her words.

You must tell me what is the matter. Did you find something out about the woman? Did something happen to her family? I assure you if that is the case, we will do her no harm. That is none of her doing. She could not possibly help that.”

“No. It is not that.” Her eyes traveled to the hay-strewn
ground at her feet.

Marco’s gaze bored into hers as his two strong fingers pulled her chin up forcing her gaze to meet his own.

Gilda pulled away twisting her hands in the folds of her tattered skirt as she began to speak.

“Marco. There were soldiers here this evening. You saw them. They are looking for a lost noblewoman.”

His eyes lit up at this information. Perhaps they would be rid of the beautiful witch after all and Nico’s senses would return to him! And not to forget the gold they would receive for her safe return.

“Aaaand?” his voice trailed off.

“They are looking for the Lady Melissande de Lyonne.” She paused and took a breath

“Navarre’s wife?”
His brows furrowed as he pondered this.

Gilda plunked down on a huge pile of hay, pulling him down next to her.

“Well, from what they said, Navarre and the lady went out for their midday meal in the meadow and a wild boar in rut attacked them and dragged Melissande away. Navarre was unable to stop it because he was gored badly in his sword arm and lost much of his life’s blood trying to save them. Hours later Navarre showed up at the keep on horseback faint from blood loss.” She paused for a moment as a look of sadness crossed her brow. “They know not whether she lives.”

Marco sat in silent disbelief. What if this woman called ‘Sarah’ was actually Lady Melissande? What if it was simply a mistake because of her loss of memory or a name she made up for lack of something better out of fear? She had indeed been injured in her side and had lost her memories perhaps wandering out in the wilderness after her ordeal!

Granted Nico had seen her struck by lightning…or so he thought, and was certain her injuries were due to that unfortunate act of God, but what if that was not the case? What if she had been injured by a mad boar instead and simply couldn’t remember? The lightning could simply have been an added misfortune. There was no doubt that she could well be the Lady Melissande of Lyonne.

God in Heaven he prayed that it was not so! Nico was already taken with the woman and if she was indeed Nico’s own sister in law…he did not want to even think upon it. Everyone knew they were not of actual blood ties but only relatives through her marriage to Navarre and so it was not truly incestuous. The true danger was the hatred that already festered between Navarre and Nico. Navarre would take out his revenge on them all.

Marco sighed and lowered his head to his hands, brushing back the hair from his damp forehead.

“What of the lady Melissande? What does she look like? In all these years I have never had reason to ask nor care.” He was afraid to hear the answer to his question, but he knew that he must.

Gilda took a deep breath.

“Melissande is tall. She is fair of complexion with long, curly, golden tresses and eyes to match. Her eyes are of an unusual golden color. She is of mixed bloodlines; her mother was a Spaniard perhaps. I am not sure. She is very beautiful and giving.
Intelligent as well; much too good for that cur Navarre. He most likely did scarce to save her, considering he stands to inherit her holdings!” Her voice dripped with the venom she felt.

Marco’s eyes took on a haunted look at that moment.

“Gilda, the woman who is at camp with Nico matches that description. She is tall, with long golden tresses and the most unusual gold colored eyes though her complexion is darker, perhaps from the sun. She is startlingly beautiful and she is well spoken in the language of the English. She was indeed injured though we thought by a strike of lightning.”

Gilda began to cry.

“What? What is it love?” Marco reached for her.

“Oh, Marco…it is worse. I…I was afraid. I had to tell them.”

He stared at her in disbelief.

“Gilda, you did not tell them? You swore to me that you would keep this quiet!”

“Please forgive me. I was afraid of what they would do to me and I was afraid of what they might do to you or Nico when they asked me if I knew of this, but I was more afraid that if I lied and they discovered my ruse! They could do things that would make death seem pleasant. I am a woman after all.”

She paused, catching her breath.

“I did not tell them all. I only told them of
that there was a lady in the camp of du Barbaronne. I told them it was not for certain. That surely Nico would not know it was Melissande if he did indeed have her in his care and that he would safely return her to her family
he had the lady in the first place. Please do not be angry with me.”

She moved away as the tears slid from her golden lashes. Marco slid right along next to her as she went.

“I am not angry with you. I understand full well how you felt in that moment. I know the depths of cruelty Navarre’s men are capable of.” Marco offered her a weak smile.

“But I wish that you had not told them it was

He paused. “Ah, just as well, I suppose. They would indeed find out soon enough from the tongues wagging among the village crones with naught better to do.
Especially if one of the soldiers offered them a silver coin or two.”

Gilda slid forward and began to rub his neck and shoulders to ease his tension.

“Can this be so awful, my love? Could you not simply return her to Navarre in good will? Of course, you could not ransom her but is that so bad? It might be taken as an act of truce between Navarre and Nico were he to return Melissande unharmed. Though I care for the lady and would never wish to see her go back to that demon, I also wish to see no bloodshed.”

“You do not understand. It is not so simple a matter.” Marco stated matter-of-factly as he turned to Gilda and pulled her closer to his chest.

“Why? It would be so simple a thing to make peace after such long years of hatred.”

“Nico is taken with the woman. I think he is falling in love with her and worse. I can see that she feels the same for him,
each time she looks at him. It is very strong.”Gilda’s eyes widened.

“I see. Surely, when they are told of this, the two of them will do the honorable thing and save their own necks as well as that of your people?” She looked at him questioningly.

“Gilda, I have known Nico since we were but children. He is like my brother. He is my friend through all that life has to offer. And I can tell you, I have this feeling here,” he pointed one thick finger to his heart. “I know he will not let her go. Her arrival was most strange as if fate had played some wicked game. He has never given his heart to anyone that I know of. He has sworn not to in order to be a better leader to his people. He does not trust easily. He has been hurt. Is this some act of magic? Of  God? I know not, but I do know Nico and this would not happen were it not for some higher intervention. This I believe.”

He sighed. “We will pay for this. Navarre will see to it. But, I love my friend like none other on this earth. I would give my life for him. And so I will help him to keep her if that is what his heart desires.”

Gilda raised her chin slightly.

“If Nico wishes to keep the lady and she wishes to stay among your people, I will help you. I promise you from this moment on. Not just for you, but to save her from that bastard Navarre. I have seen the black crescents beneath her golden eyes when she has ridden with him to greet the serfs and I am certain he beats her with a heavy hand.”

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