When Lightning Strikes (9 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Lucas

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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be to God or maybe to Satan himself that the bitch was away from them all and visiting her sister in England. Marie had been gone from home for nearly four full months now to his relief. Thomas seemed to be in no hurry to get her home and that was perhaps the only thing he had in common with his sire. Maybe they would all get lucky and she would never return!

His plans would come to fruition all in good time. But first he had to rid himself of Melissande. He had after all, had just about enough of her. Though she was a pretty girl, she was completely lifeless in bed. And she was apparently barren. She had failed to conceive despite his attending her nightly for weeks and months on end. He scarcely had the energy to do so after spending many heated afternoons hiking up the skirts of the kitchen wenches.

Now he was growing increasingly tired of her whining. And he was growing equally tired of the demands placed upon him by their families.

Melissande was an only child. Were she to pass away, her land and titles would automatically pass to him since she had borne them no child and he was her legally wedded husband. The bitch simply had to die.
A pity. She had been subservient and quiet, attending to his every need. Although she had been mousy and fearful in their marriage bed, she also didn’t scream or make a fuss. She didn’t even complain about his dalliances with the buxom serving girls.  She probably wouldn’t make a fuss over this either! No sport whatsoever.

He had brought her here, supposedly for a quiet midday meal in the grass to discuss the purchase of a new horse for her that she had been eyeing for months. She soon realized what was going on as he had brought their horse to a stop, pulled her down roughly from the saddle and pushed her to the grass.

“Well, well…wife. Here we are. How perfectly romantic isn’t it?”

“Navarre, what are you doing. You are hurting me!”

“Oh, you’ve not begun to feel the hurt you will soon feel, Melissande.” He slapped her leaving red welts on the side of her face. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared at him from the ground. He knelt over her and pulled her to him by the bodice of her gown.

“Why? Why are you doing this to me? Have I not been an obedient wife to you? Have I not allowed you any dalliance you so choose?” He slapped her harder still and blood oozed
from one corner of her mouth.

“Yes, you have. You have indeed. But I have no interest in having a wife, my sweet. I never have and I never will. Our union was simply contrived by our families and I agreed to keep my father contented so that I could put my own plans into action. I will need full ownership of your interest in your family’s wealth for that. You may start running now. I will give you – oh, half way across the field as a head start. Now, run. You may have a chance to escape me if you make it to the top of that knoll.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “You are going to kill me? You cannot be serious, Navarre!”

“Oh, I’m quite serious. You are running out of time to run, Melissande. I am only doing it for sport, mind you.”

“Navarre. Please. If it is full ownership of that which is mine, you may have it all. For God’s sake, was my dowry not enough for you? My family will pay you for my safety! Please do not do this.”

“That is simply not enough. Now that you know what I have in mind, even if I did have some feeling for you I could not allow you to lurk about always a threat to my survival. And so you will die.”

“You will pay for this Navarre. My family will not allow you to get away with my murder!”

“Your family will never know, you little fool.
I will simply tell them that we went out for midday meal and were attacked in the meadow by a boar in rut.” He smiled, took his knife and slashed a line across his own forearm. She watched as his blood dripped from the wound to the ground. Bringing his arm to his face he smeared the blood there and more across the front of his white shirt. Then ran two more gashes across his arm and shoulder.

“There, you see now? We were ‘attacked’. Now, I would suggest that you start running because my patience is worn quite thin at this point. You will never escape me, but I think it will be quite fun to give you a chance. The only sporting fun you have ever been to me, dear wife. You are as dull and lifeless as a corpse in the bedchamber. You are dull and lifeless everywhere
else. Might as well that you be a corpse in truth. Now, run.”

He whispered those last two words into her ear with an evil smirk and he pushed her hard.

She began to run up the hill, her breath coming in great gasps from terror and her exertion. She felt her ribs straining against the heavy boning of her corset as she struggled to run, wishing to God that she could unlace it and run as fast as her legs would carry her. But it was not to be.

Navarre waited watching her for a few minutes then kicked his horse into a gallop. He had given her the several hundred yards head start, not because he even remotely thought she had a chance of escaping him and hiding somewhere but because he wanted her to think she did. It would also be much more fun to watch her die after running herself to exhaustion, all the while believing she might have a chance to make it to the woods and hide somewhere, thereby escaping with her life. She stopped to look behind her before going over the top of the hill. He could see the sheer terror in her eyes. Sweet Jesus! It was the most emotion he had ever seen there.

This would be more fun than he thought.

He sped up his horse and reached her quickly. She had tripped running down the other side of the hill and lost her speed as he approached her, knife in hand. With one smooth motion, he slipped from his still galloping horse and landed atop her with full force. She felt the wind being knocked from her as she tried to scream. The sound never escaped her lips as his blade found
it’s way to the soft flesh of her throat slicing cleanly.

A bubble gurgled from her lips as he pulled her close and whispered, “Too bad. You weren’t much sport after all, wife.”

He dropped her lifeless form then knelt beside her daubing the torrent of blood spilling from her neck and smearing it all over his face, neck and body. Then he picked up her body, threw it atop his horse and quickly ascended to the bottom of the knoll and headed toward the woods. He spent the next hour digging a hole with crude tools of sharpened tree branches and buried the remains. No one would ever find her here. And he would simply tell them that the boar had dragged her off and likely tore her to pieces, leaving the rest to the wolves and buzzards.

He finished the grisly job and wiped the trickle of bloody sweat that threatened to spill from his brow into his eyes. Then biting down hard on a stick, he took his knife and stabbed it cleanly through his sword arm in a place he knew would cause the least injury possible. It was a necessary pain to endure if he was to convince them that he had been gored by a raging boar while trying to save his dear wife. He cringed with the pain and wrapped a piece of torn cloth from his shirt around the wound to staunch some of the blood.

He had received worse injury on the battlefield. He would just have to convince them that it had wounded him in a place that caused his arm to fail. Easy enough.

Mounting his horse, he headed from the woods. Back he would go to the keep to announce her unfortunate demise to the household. He smiled to himself because at last plan number one was complete.

Chapter Nine


Navarre rode into the gate of the keep making sure to look lopsided and near faint in his saddle. The steward, seeing him covered in blood rushed to his side to help the master’s son from his horse.

“My lord, Navarre!
Dear Father in Heaven, what has happened?! Where is the Lady Melissande?”

Navarre gasped. “We…..we were taking our midday meal in the grass by the knoll….at the meadow.” He sagged in the steward’s arms for effect. “We were attacked.”

By whom? Is Melissande lying injured?”

The steward quickly called the housemaid Margery to help him. In moments the entire household including his father were standing by.

“We were attacked by a….a wild boar,” he panted, groaning to emphasize his agony. “I was slashed and my sweet Melissande…she was dragged away by the God forsaken thing. It was frothing at the mouth and I was gored before I could get to her.”

“Navarre,” his father spoke now. “You must save your strength. You have bled immensely. If Melissande is alive, we shall find her.”

“Father, I do not believe she lives. My sword arm was gored badly and I could not use it. I lost so much of my life’s blood that I was unable to chase it to the woods as it dragged her. The beast likely has torn her to pieces and left what he could not finish to the wolves.”

He feigned passing out and Thomas sighed worriedly.

“Take him to his chambers and clean him up. Call the physician to keep an eye on him in case he becomes fevered.”

He paused and turned to the steward.

“Send out five of our best men to look for Melissande and bring her here if she is found. I will be upstairs attending to my son.”



Not far away, Marco was sitting in the local tavern drinking a flagon of ale and flirting mercilessly with Gilda, the alewife. Her ample breasts spilled out over the edge of her chemise and he was eyeing them hungrily.

“Gilda, my sweet cherie. And I don’t use the term without real meaning”, he added with a saucy wink, remembering the sweet taste of the soft place between her thighs.

“Marco, you’re the devil himself. But I might be tempted to sin with ye”, she said as she leaned over further so he could get a better view.

“Meet me later behind the shed and I will make you quite certain that I am no devil, but an angel sent to take you to the gates of Heaven itself. And you know I can”, he added twisting his moustache for emphasis.

She got his drift.
Perfectly. She remembered many a lazy afternoon with her skirts hiked up and the sweet scratchiness of that substantial moustache as he worked his magic. Yes. She would indeed meet him. She would do anything for Marco. Trapped in a loveless marriage since the age of fifteen to the local tavern owner, she had worked in this place morning to evening every day since.

Marco was a Gypsy, yes, but that was no matter to her. She was naught but a simple provincial working in her husband’s tavern. She owned nothing. She would never own anything and she was at the disposal of her lord and considered naught but chattel. And he treated her as such.

She had never known any pleasure in her marriage bed, only pain and longing. Marco…handsome Marco, with his laughing eyes and his love of life brought a breath of fresh air to her dreary existence. And she loved him. In a way, she thought he loved her too. But at this point, she really didn’t care. She liked his attentions. And she certainly liked what he did to her when she was lying naked in his arms.

“Gilda, love,” Marco said. “Being as you know much of what goes on around here I have a few questions to ask of you. Has anyone come in here lately; I mean the nobles, pompous bastards that they are? I mean
has there been any of them in here seeking out a missing woman. A daughter? A niece? A wife?”

“No. Not that I know of. Why, love?” she asked brushing a stray lock of hair back from his forehead.

“Hmmmm.” He paused. “Well, let’s just say that we know of a lady who is seeking to find her family. She is unable to remember from whence she came, but our leader, Nico…you remember him I’m sure, all the ladies do…is hoping to return her to her people. For a fair price of course.”

“I have heard nothing, Marco. Perchance some of the men traveling through here would. Many soldiers pass this way all the time. I’m sure I could find out for you…and in return…” she giggled and winked.

“Yes, mon fleur. In return you shall know heaven, many times over!”

He laughed heartily and stole a quick kiss trailing his tongue down her neck to the tops of her luscious breasts. He tapped a finger to the end of her nose.

“But, you must promise not to mention this to anyone. You must find out what you can and then tell me when I return. And that I shall!”

“I will find out what I am able. You will meet me soon?”

“Rest assured. I will be waiting tonight for you, in the shed. Meet me there as soon as you lock the doors this eve.”

He popped a quick kiss to her forehead and slipped from his seat and headed out the door.

Chapter Ten


Back at the gypsy camp Sarah sat inside the wagon. She woke up late in the morning to find herself alone.

She peeked out of the canvas and saw Dominic sitting before a fire. She jumped over the side of the wagon and headed over to where he sat. She wouldn’t mind a bath…or a bathroom come to think of it right about now. And the thought of spending any more time holed up in the wretched, creaky contraption made her crazy.

Dominic was making her even crazier. He had really opened up to her last night and she had decided that he was not the smelly, swaggering, jerk she had first supposed him to be. He was not only the most gorgeous man she had ever met, but he was also intelligent, witty and could be quite charming.

And most of all beneath all of his pain and his front of being a tough guy, she could tell he had a heart of gold just waiting for the right person to bring it all out. And more than ever it made her know that she had to get back to her own time.

She was engaged to be married and she just was
supposed to be thinking or feeling any of the things she was starting to feel about him. And all in the course of two days, no less! Love at first site was a myth and she didn’t even know this man. My God, what was she thinking?! She really had to put a stop to this.

A few more strides brought her to where he was sitting.

She stood directly behind his broad back and he turned with a start to see her standing there still clad in his white shirt. He had been lost in thought and did not even hear her approach, which was very unlike him. As he turned he noticed her smooth thigh was only inches from his face. He dragged in a breath and felt his muscles tighten at the sight.

“Lady, you should not be out here dressed in such a way.”

“I would not be dressed in such a way if I had anything else to wear! Now would you please see me to the nearest place of privacy and we will discuss it later.”

Dominic stood and motioned for her to follow him making sure there was no one else about to follow them. They headed towards a nearby copse of trees where there was enough over-growth to offer her privacy. He walked several paces away and began kicking the dirt as his mind traveled over the events of the past two days.

After their conversation last night, he felt he had shared pieces of himself that he rarely shared with anyone, let alone a woman or an outsider. And when she was pressed up against him, so soft and warm, her eyes were like fire burning into his own. What he had almost done! He wasn’t sure he would have been able to stop himself had Marco not interrupted him.

All he knew now was that he had to get her away from him as quickly as possible or lose his sanity. At least the gold she might bring might take his mind off her. Hopefully Marco would have some news from the village when he returned regarding to whom she might belong.

To whom she might belong.
The words stung him, as he knew full well that it was most certainly a lord husband.

“Now, can we talk of finding me something else to wear?”

Sarah stood before him with her hands on her hips. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to expose her smooth arms. Her mouth looked so lush and sensuous with the way she was pouting that he wanted to crush her to him and taste their sweetness until she was senseless. 

Instead he spoke.

“Oui, we will do it now. I am sure that one of the women will have something for you. And it is time that we introduce you to my people, cautiously mind you. The women will not like you at first. Fala and Shaia will be jealous. The men will be less than chivalrous, of course. They rarely get to see a golden beauty such as you.” He twisted a finger in her hair. “Beware of Jean-Paul. He is a randy young fool.”

              “I will be fine. I am not completely helpless you know! Yes, I have lost my memories, but I am not daft,” she said matter-of-factly. She tried to sound stern but knew that she hadn’t quite hit the mark on that one.

He looked down at her and offered her his arm, which she took readily and they walked toward the nearest campfire. Her touch sent a shiver through him. Dominic had vowed to himself after his conversation with Marco that he would distance himself from her. Now here she was next to him, and he realized just how difficult it would be.

An older woman was standing there stirring something. She looked to be in her mid-fifties from what Sarah could tell…although in this rough century, she might be younger. But she was still beautiful with her dark skin and raven hair touched with gray streaks.

She looked up at Dominic and smiled. Just before they reached the woman Dominic spoke again.

“That is Indiri. She is my god- mother. She is also the birth-mother of Marco. You remember him, of course.”

He smiled wryly. Seconds later they were standing before her.

“Indiri, this is Lady Sarah.  I found her injured beneath the hanging tree the other night,” Dominic said to the woman.

“Oui, I heard.” Indiri looked up at Dominic.

“So, this is the lady who has taken up so much of your time then? Well, Nico she is quite beautiful.”

She looked at Sarah.

“Par le vouz francais? Or do you speak the language of England?” She squinted and looked closer at Sarah. “No…you are much to dark to be a Briton…you are a Castellano then?”

“No, I speak English madame,” Sarah replied and smiled.

She hoped beyond hope that Indiri would like and accept her. She needed to make friends right about now. There was still the constant threat that it would be discovered where and when she actually came from, and she didn’t really feel like being branded a witch and roasting over one of their fires this morning.

“Ah. That is good. You are a lovely young lady.” She eyed Sarah for a moment and nodded. “You are afraid. Do not fear child, you are safe for now until Nico can locate your family
that is. I’m sure you will bring a fine ransom for us!”

She laughed heartily and offered a bowl of stew to Sarah and then one to Dominic.

“Thank you….I think.” Sarah smiled faintly at the older woman. “I hope he can find them, my family I mean, soon. They will be most worried for my well-being.”

Sarah looked at Dominic through the corner of her eyes as she lied to the woman hoping he would be pleased that she wasn’t letting on to her that she had ‘amnesia’ and couldn’t remember who her family was. He had warned her that her life would depend on saying and doing all the right things. His expression was one of relief at her words and she knew she had done what he was hoping she would.
For some reason that filled her with gladness. He smiled at her and she almost dropped her bowl.

“Sarah needs clothing, Indiri. Her garments were destroyed by the rain and the strike of lightning the other night. Do you have something?”

“Yes of course, godson. I am certain I have a spare dress that she can wear. Or we can make her one from some of our old scraps although I must say, she is quite becoming in your shirt.”

Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

Sarah blushed. Perhaps she did have some sense of decency after all. Perhaps she was blushing because she really was beginning to wish she had done all the things with Dominic that Indiri and everyone else here thought she did.

Marco’s boisterous voice more than made his presence known. He strode over and threw an arm around Indiri’s neck and kissed her cheek with great gusto. She laughingly swished him away and handed him a bowl of stew.

He turned to Dominic.

“I paid a visit to Gilda.” He winked and twisted his moustache, grinning widely between bites of stew. Sarah could tell this ‘Gilda’ must be someone special.


“She knows nothing at this moment. But she says that she will be more than happy to find out whatever she can for me
for a price of course.”

He smiled even wider if that was possible and elbowed his friend. Sarah could tell it was some private joke.

“There are many soldiers and travelers that come through the village and since most of them make their way to the tavern it will not be long before she finds whatever there might be to know,” said Marco. “Gilda is
good at what she does…I mean finding out what is needed,” he finished.

              “Yes, yes. And we know she is very good at other things by your account, ami,” Dominic chuckled. “Well, there is naught else to do but wait. We will know something soon enough. Come with me.”

He nodded to Sarah.

“Indiri is waiting to get you properly clothed.”

He took her arm and led her to the other side of the fire after noticing how Marco’s eyes lingered on her shapely legs.

They left him standing there a few moments later and walked towards Indiri’s makeshift tent made of canvas and animal skins. Indiri motioned for Sarah to enter and Dominic followed close behind her. Sarah eyed him warily.

“You cannot stay in here while I am dressing! It is not…” she paused searching for the right word. “Seemly.”

She hoped she sounded maidenly. It was after all important that they think she was a proper lady and it had to be made known that Dominic had not compromised her in any way if she was to remain safe from the other men in the camp.

Dominic smiled. “Lady, I have already seen every inch of your lovely wares. Granted, I have not had the pleasure of sampling. But you are right. I will go.” He winked at Sarah and slipped from the tent.

“He is something, no?” Indiri smiled as she spoke. “Come over this way so that I may hold this dress up to you and see if it would fit.”

She motioned for Sarah to step closer as she held up a beautiful dress fashioned from many different colors of cloth. It was decorated with various beads and pieces of polished metal falling in patterns across the front and skirt. It had long laces that
went up the back.

Sarah just stared at the beautiful creation.

“This is far too nice for you to just give to me. You must have spent many hours or days making this.”

“Yes, indeed I did. But in my old age I have grown much too fat to wear it anymore! I cannot imagine my rolls falling out over this scanty bodice!”

She chuckled and the mirth in her eyes made Sarah have to suppress a chuckle as well. She covered her mouth with her hand to suppress her laugh.

“Go on, Lady Sarah.
Laugh! Let it out, child! Laughter is good. Life is difficult and oft times a good laugh is just what is needed to make it easier to bear.

Sarah went on ahead and chuckled heartily with the woman. She liked Indiri. She could just tell that like her son Marco, this woman really found ways to enjoy life despite her hardships.

Indiri spoke again.

“I never was blessed to have any daughters you know.
Only sons. So, I have no one to pass this dress on to. You may take it…and besides,” she added with a wink, “I think Nico would like it.”

Sarah opened her mouth to speak but Indiri swished her to silence with the wave of a hand.

“There is no need to deny your heart, child. I can see it in your eyes. And in his. He talks of finding your family, but I will wager what little I possess that he will not find them and you will remain by his side. He will see to it.”

“I…I scarcely know him, madame! You are mistaken. I have passed twenty and three winters and I have a lord at home. I must go back there.”

“It matters not how many winters you have passed. And as for your lord at home, he may be your lord and husband but he is not your love. I can see that very clearly.”

What Indiri said struck home. Granted they were talking about some imaginary lord that she was supposedly married to in this time and place, but what of her real life back at home? What
of David? She had scarcely thought of him since she came here. And since meeting Dominic, David seemed so…so…what was the word? Average? No. Of course that wasn’t it. He was level-headed and trustworthy….just a normal every day guy. And did she really love him? Of course she did! She had told her mother so just two nights ago in her bedroom.

But what of the ever-growing feeling…this lust…this something or other that she felt for Dominic? She had never burned in this way for David.

Indiri’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

“So, I see my words ring of truth? Do they not?”

She tilted her head and looked very smug in that moment. Sarah was at a loss for what to say next. She had to remember to speak carefully and not let on too much about anything.

I am a Lady. Gently born and raised, and we must not speak of such things. Dominic will find my family and I will be returned to them.”

“Very well then,
my lady
,” she emphasized the words smugly. “We will speak of this no more. But mind you, you cannot fool and old fool. The elders like myself are ‘old fools’ because we have lived. We have loved. We have made all the mistakes. Do not deny the calling of your heart. Life is short and uncertain. You must live and love while you can or you will regret it later in the times to come. And some things are meant to be and cannot be stopped. Not even death can stop it. Passion. Desire. True love. These things know no time whether it be across one night or across lifetimes. Never forget this.”

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