When Lightning Strikes (18 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Lucas

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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Chapter Twenty


Navarre and his men rode throughout the morning toward the village. The filthy gypsiens moved from place to place so often, no one was ever really certain where they happened to be. But for a few pieces of silver he knew someone in the village would send them in the right direction.

As they pulled into the village square Navarre nodded to one of the men to head toward the tavern. The buxom alewife…whatever was her name? Gilda! Gilda always seemed to know much about everything. She would know where they may be. She had probably offered up her services to the gypsien on occasion for a few of their gold coins as well.

He thought of Gilda’s ample curves and a smile crossed his lips. Perhaps he would partake of them as well whilst he was here. But that was a matter to attend to much later. Right now, he needed to find du Barbaronne and find out who this woman masquerading as his wife was. She must be one of his enemies or have some sort of damning information about his killing of Melissande. Perhaps she had been hidden away in secret in the woods and had seen him do it.

He paled slightly at the thought. How else could she possibly walk around pretending to be her? Perhaps she planned to exact a small fortune in gold from him in exchange for her silence. His lips tightened into a line.

The soldiers walked into the tavern. Gilda was in her usual place behind the long plank that served as a bar. She tried to remain calm and keep her sharp intake of breath quiet when they came in. She knew their visit would have something to do with du Barbaronne and the lady Melissande. She would tell them nothing.

“Gilda…that is your name, is it not?” Navarre walked forward slowly. He reached out and touched one of the loose locks of hair that had fallen free of Gilda’s braid.

“Well then, Gilda. I understand my men were in here yestereve and you gave them information on the whereabouts of my lady wife. She is with du Barbaronne’s troupe, is she not?”

He raised an eyebrow and lifted the lock of hair to his lips. She backed away abruptly.

“I told your men that I had heard a
, that she was there, milord. I do not know this to be true. And in truth, I have heard nothing else about it.” She raised her chin slightly in defiance.

She was lying. Navarre could tell she was hiding something. Why? Perhaps she herself was in love with du Barbaronne and protecting him.

“You know, woman, it is treason to lie to your lord. And although in fact it is my father Thomas who commands all of these lands that you see, I am his firstborn son and rightful heir. And by lying to me, you would be lying to him.  If you know anything of the whereabouts of du Barbaronne’s camp, by law you must tell me now or you will be held in treason.”

His eyes narrowed as he watched for her reaction. To his amazement there was none. She remained calm and her look was quite innocent.

“Sir…Lord Navarre. I give you my word that I know nothing more than what I have told you,” she lied.

A calmness
had come over her now. She was lying, and damned proud of it and furthermore she was completely unafraid! She would do anything to protect Marco.

“I do not know where the camp of du Barbaronne is.”

That was the truth. She didn’t know where the gypsies were staying. She began wiping down a wooden table with a wet rag.

“I tell you respectfully though, my lord that if I am told anything else of the matter, I will send you word of it.” She curtsied and raised her eyebrows as if waiting for his approval that she may continue with her work.

He waved his hand to dismiss her and started to walk away. Then he stopped remembering one more thing.

“Oh, yes. I will be back this way later in the evening, Gilda. I would expect some ale, a good meal and a warm bed, if I so choose.”

His smile was wolf-like and he raised one eyebrow slightly to let her know his meaning. He knew she would not have the audacity to say no to him, the son of the lord of this village and a former knight in service to the king himself.

She bowed almost mockingly. “If ale and a meal is what you wish, then that is what you shall have. As for a warm bed, we have rooms here at this inn. I will make sure one of them is clean, and the fireplace lit so the room is quite warm if that is your desire. I know how anxious you are to find your lady
as soon as possible.” She curtsied again and his lips curled into a thin line. How dare this bitch deny him!

“A fire is not what I had in mind and you know it, madam. I am your lord and I own you just as I own this land. And as for my wife, the only thing that concerns you is providing me with any information I require to locate her.”

“That may be so, milord. But I am a married woman and I do not think my husband would take kindly to me sharing myself with you. There are no laws providing for you to fornicate with a wedded woman.” She curtsied politely and turned away.

She thought to herself.
That was a good one indeed. In truth, her husband would sell her to the lowest passerby for gold coins if the opportunity arose. But he was nowhere to be seen and so she could feign his undying devotion to her in this moment when she most needed it.

Navarre was livid. She had won for the moment. But she would pay for her insolence. He turned on his heel and walked out the door. They would obtain no information from the tavern wench. There would be someone else in this damnable village who would know, he was sure.

Chapter Twenty-One


Sarah dragged her eyes away from Dominic. Moments ago he had related the story of the galbi and how his act of kindness had brought it to her and back to him again across time. She realized that he was much more than she had even initially thought. He was a man of honor and kindness.

No knight of the realm could possibly possess more good qualities than he did. He had offered his life for her, he protected her,
he offered her his love. And despite his own lot in life, he was still able to feel compassion for the plight of others even placing their needs above his own.

Yes, he could be as infuriating as she had first thought him to be, but she couldn’t imagine him
being like that. And she just couldn’t imagine not wanting to wring his neck every time he said something outrageous as he cocked his head and flashed that million dollar smile. She had only known him for a couple of days…and yet it felt as though she had known him for half a lifetime! How could this be? Was she just creating some image of what she wanted him to be n her own mind?

That was typical psychologically with lust and why so many relationships fail. People invent or imagine all kinds of wonderful traits about the object of their desire, but in real life the person is nothing like that. Was this the case? Somehow she knew it wasn’t. Dominic was for real and just as she’d been transported here by some magic; both of them seemed as if by that same magic, to be attracted to each other far beyond just the physical.

Damned her mother all to hell for this! She must have known somehow that this would happen…and for what? To make her see that she didn’t really love David and then have her heart broken in half because in the end, knew that she must get back to her own time and leave him and this world behind?

There was no possible way that they could ever stay together. He was a nomad from the 14
century. It was unrealistic and just plain impossible. He could never survive in her world and today’s little escapade had more than proven to her that she could never survive in his, especially alone. What if something happened to him? She had to find a way to get back home before she did something really stupid that would make leaving him even harder than it already was.

“Come here, Sarah.” His voice was almost a whisper and she looked up to see him holding out his hand.

She didn’t move. She just stood there in silence trying to steel herself from any emotions that would sway her from the decisions she knew she must make.

“Please?” he said even softer. She looked at his outstretched fingers and stepped forward placing her own palm in his larger one.

“I love you.” He whispered.

She whispered back to him, “I love you too.” She knew it was insane. But it was true…and he was making this unbelievably difficult. He pulled her into his arms again and just held her there.

“Stay with me, Sarah. Where else would you go? There is nothing here for you…you have no family. I have never believed in sorcery, but somehow this galbi has brought me…

“God knows, I want to. But I just can’t. I have
try to find a way to go back to my own time. I have a home and a fiancé named David du Bois.” She couldn’t look at him. He reached down with a finger and brought her chin up forcing her eyes to meet his own.

“I know now that you do not run from Navarre, but what of this David. Is he a good man? Do you love him?”

His ice blue gaze never wavered.

“That’s not fair. Dammit! Yes. He’s a wonderful guy…he’s kind and he works hard. He is faithful to me and
he…” her voice trailed off as she shook her head not wanting to go on. It made her feel guilty to voice the words aloud.

“This is good then, that he has not mistreated you. He sounds like perhaps he is a decent man. But…do you love him?”

Sarah sighed. “I did love him. I mean, I thought I did, until I came here. My mother gave me the galbi and told me it would bring me my heart’s desire if I kept it with me all night.”

“And did it?” he asked her very quietly.

She looked at him for a long moment before she whispered a single word: “Yes.”

“Then you will stay,” was all he said.

He moved in closer before she could speak and very gently touched the end of her nose with his own. And then his lips moved to where hers were and barely grazed them before covering them completely. His soft tongue parted her lips and she melted into him.

Her arms wound around this thick neck and her fingers laced into his long black mane as he deepened the kiss and his hands found their way up the smooth skin of her shoulders and back down along the curve of her back. He thought he would explode with the desire he felt for her and yet he kept himself in check. He would save the raging torrent inside of him until the time was right. And that would be very soon now.

Sarah pulled back from him at last, to catch her breath.

“I can’t stay here with you and you know it. We come from different worlds…different times.”

“Yes you can.”

He picked her up without another word and carried her towards his horse, snagging up the blanket rolls and supplies after he plopping her down next to the mare.

“Where are we going?”

“You will see,” was all he said before kissing her softly again and helping her to mount. He swung up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling his body in as close to her as he could. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest against her back.

They rode in silence for about ten minutes along a path through the shaded canopy of the forest and she could feel his chin on her skin as he nuzzled the back of her neck. Finally, they reached a place where the path came to an end and the trees thinned out.

“Where are we?” she asked him as his hands circled her waist and he pulled her down from the horse. “I hear a river. Are
we near water?”

I told you, you will see.”

He took her hand and they walked to the end of the path where the canopy of trees opened up into the sunlight. They walked slowly up a tiny crest and Sarah’s mouth fell open when she saw what was on the other side.

A large pool of water was surrounded by tiger lillies, iris and cattails. A solid wall of rocks rose up around the water almost completely encircling it and there was a small cascade of water coming down from a crevice somewhere near the top, apparently from an underground spring. Lilly pads floated on one side of pool gently drifting away from the waterfall. It was beautiful and serene. It was untouched nature in its purest form.

He still didn’t speak as he walked with her toward the water to a soft place in the grass. She opened her mouth to say something but he quickly put two fingers to her lips to quiet her and then replaced them with his own, softly at first then with much more urgency. His hands found their way up her back and down again and then traced the curve of her hips. A moment later he began to pull the ties undone that held her shirt, pushing it down over her shoulders. His lips trailed a path from hers down the side of her cheek and neck and found their way to the hollow of her cleavage.

He yanked the neck of her shirt down completely exposing her breasts and began licking one of her hardened nipples before taking it into his mouth. Her fingers found their way into the depths of his silky hair again as he caressed her breast with his tongue. A moment later he worked his way back up the side of her neck with his lips until they reached hers and he kissed her again deeply. He pulled back resting his forehead against hers as he finished the job of pulling down her shirt. He took her hands in his own and placed them against his chest.

“I am at your service, my lady.”

He moved her palms down across his washboard stomach to the place where he was hard and pulsing with desire.

She could feel him there swollen and rigid and she ran her hands back up over his muscled chest and body, marveling at
the strength that was there. He pulled her body in close to his once more before he swept her up off her feet from beneath her knees.

He knelt in the soft grass and very gently laid her back into it. And then she could feel his weight on top of her, enveloping her. He showered kisses down on her face, her neck and her naked breasts. He lifted the hem of her dress and she felt his soft caress moving up the inside of her thigh as he kissed her. She kissed him back, matching his urgency and allowing herself to revel in the feel of his rock-solid shoulders and his silky coffee with cream colored skin.

At last his fingers found their way to place they sought. The pad of his finger delved into her dampness and then began to caress that little place that made her feel like she would shatter into a million pieces. She thought she would die if he stopped..and she was afraid she would die if she didn’t make him stop! And yet she couldn’t make her voice work right now.

He sheathed one long finger inside of her and she moaned with her pleasure. He stopped only for one second to remove his shirt and untie the laces that held his breeches in place. And in one fluid movement he was on top of her again  this time his tongue trailing a damp path up her thigh and before she could even breathe he had buried it in her wetness.

The smell and taste of her almost drove him over the edge but he held himself back because he wanted this first time with her to be memorable and this time he wasn’t taking “no” for an answer.

Sarah was about to explode. She could feel her muscles tightening and ripples of intense pleasure vibrating from between her legs all the way up into her abdomen.

She was supposed to go home to her own time. And yet she didn’t think she could bear to leave him. And how on earth would she ever be able to get over him if they did this?! Not to mention the fact of how she would ever explain her lack of virginity to David…if that even mattered anymore. He sensed her discomfort.


He was propped up on his elbows staring at her. He popped a soft kiss to the end of her nose. “What is the matter? Do I not please you?” He trailed a finger up her thigh.

“Yes! Of course you please me. It’s just…that…well,” she didn’t finish. She just looked away from him.

“It is just what?” He turned her chin to face his own. “I intend to take my time so we both enjoy this very much.”

She sighed. “What I am trying to say is that I’ve done a lot of things, but not actually...damn. That doesn’t sound right. Okay. Not a lot of things, and just with one person. But, I’m still a virgin.”

He smiled at her knowingly. “I presumed that would be so if you are not wed.” He took one of her hands in his own. “I will be gentle with you. I cannot promise you that it will be painless, but I do promise that I will make it pleasurable.”

“Well, in my time…let’s just say things are different as far as not being wed and being a virgin.”

She suppressed a smirk before continuing.

“And yes, I know it’s probably going to hurt at least a little…but I am supposed to be saving myself for my wedding night!  I made him wait. And I
to get back to my own time. How would I explain this to him?” She took a deep breath. “If we do this, it will just make it harder for me to leave when it’s time to go. You have already made this the hardest thing I will ever have to do.”

He stood up and offered her his hand.

“Give me your hands.”

She stood up next to him with a questioning look as he took both of her palms in his own. He kissed her fingers and stood back from her slightly. He took a deep breath and then he spoke in a strong, firm tone.

“I, Dominic du Barbaronne, son of Mara, stand here humbly before God on this fourth day of April in the year of our Lord thirteen hundred and sixty three. Although there are no witnesses standing in attendance, the Almighty shall know that through this rite of hand-fasting, I offer you, Sarah Douglas, my love, my heart, my body and my faithfulness until a holy man may be sought out to bless our union in truth. Do you Sarah, agree to and accept the terms of this hand-fasting?”

“What the hell are you doing? My God, Dominic…” her voice trailed off in disbelief.

“All you must do is agree and it is done. We are, after all, peasants and none shall care. By the laws of the king, we will be wed until we can find a friar to do the ceremony according to the rites of the church and it can be recorded.”

He looked at her, waiting for her answer.

She stood in stunned silence. He was marrying her right here and now! She remembered in her history books about hand-fasting. It was a vow two people could take in front of their families or the village people as a trial marriage of sorts for the period of one year. At the end of the hand-fasting they could either decide they wished to be married for real or go their separate ways. It was also done in instances where two people wished to take a vow of marriage, but there was no friar or holy man within reasonable distance to perform the ceremony. The couple had the right by law to agree to their hand-fasting with God alone as their witness until the ceremony could be performed properly and recorded. It was perfectly legal and binding according to the laws of that time.

What was she going to do? Something inside of her wanted more than anything in the world to utter the words that would make her his wife.

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