What He Really Feels (He Feels Trilogy) (6 page)

BOOK: What He Really Feels (He Feels Trilogy)
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I put my hands on her hips, my signature move that somehow made women melt apart at the seams for me, and she looked up longingly into my eyes. The look on her face said it all: She wanted me to take her home and fuck her senseless.

And I wanted to do just that.

That whole vow of turning over a new leaf was suddenly shot to hell.

I hadn’t yet laid eyes on this woman when I’d made that vow, anyway.

How the hell did this keep happening? I wasn’t complaining; I loved women, and I loved sex. But I wasn’t in a good place for random hookups. Or maybe I was. Maybe I was denying myself something I deserved and it was time to just give into it.

She tilted her head back, and I planted a wet kiss on her mouth. I pulled back quickly, shocked at the spark I felt when our lips had met, and I kept dancing as she laced her fingers through mine on her hips. She grinned up at me, and I found that I really enjoyed just looking down at her gorgeous face.

I leaned down close to her ear, and I caught a whiff of her scent. She smelled like a
citrus picnic on a summer day. I wanted to spread out a blanket and make myself comfortable.

“I’m moving out of Arizona in two days,” I said.

Her grin widened when I pulled back, and she reached up and curled her hand around my neck, pulling me down so her lips feathered against my ear.

“Perfect. I’m looking for something without strings anyway.”



Did she really just say that? She wanted it as much as I did.

She had given me permission to ravish her for just one night.

This was the perfect woman.


Saturday morning found me hung over in bed once again, which really sucked because I had to pick up the U-Haul and pack up my entire apartment before my 4:00 dinner at my parents’ house. I forced one eye open and tried to focus on my clock. It was 9:41, and for a split second, I had to think about how I got home. And then the movement in the bed next to me forced me to think about what had happened once I had gotten home.

I remembered Mike and Bill calling me a cab and throwing me in it. The gorgeous woman I’d been dancing with got in behind me, and we made out the entire cab ride. Her hand found my erection, which she rubbed through my jeans in the cab. I thought I was going to come in the car, but I barely managed to hold off.

My hands were equally exploratory as I fondled her perfect breasts, and then I slid my hand up the short skirt she was wearing and found just how ready she was to be with me.

I didn’t want to get her off in the back of a cab; I had some class left, so I kept my fingers to myself and just kept kissing her until we got to my apartment. I paid the driver and the two of us stumbled up my steps, our lips mostly connected for the entire walk, and then I fumbled with my keys as she stood between me and my door, her hands on my ass as I shoved in my key to unlock my door. The way she couldn’t keep her hands off of me was sexy in a purely physical, animal way.

We didn’t make it to my bedroom. She did a little strip show for me in the entryway, and I ripped my shirt over my head while I kicked off my shoes.

She eyed me hungrily, gazing at my chest as her eyes moved appreciatively down to my abs and then settled on the bulge in my pants.

It wasn’t the first time a woman had looked at me like that. I enjoyed exercising and working out, running in particular, and I tried to eat healthy most of the time (except for my addictions to cheese, Dr. Pepper, and beer). I knew that my body showed off the hard work I put into it, and I welcomed the looks of admiration that woman threw my way. But something about getting that look from this woman sent a rocket of lust right through me, landing squarely in my groin. I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted her in that moment.

She approached me confidently, a smile grazing those beautiful lips and lust glazing her exotic eyes.

Her fingertips ran over my chest and down my abs to the trail of hair that led downward, and then she unbuttoned my jeans, looking up at me through lowered lashes. She looked like a fucking animal, and I couldn’t wait to feel her from the inside.

She knelt down to take my jeans off, and then she reached into my boxer briefs to find my dick. Five Jaeger shots will do things to a man’s ability to perform, but I was hard as hell for this woman. She stroked me up and down, and I kissed her again. Her little strip show had eliminated most of her clothing. Her top and bra were gone, as were her panties, but she stood before me in her skirt and her black high heels.

She looked like every man’s wicked fantasy come true.

And she was mine to feast upon.

I backed away long enough to take my black boxer briefs off, and I stood in my entryway naked. We stared each other down, and I realized that I didn’t even know this woman’s name.

And then I attacked. 

My mouth crashed to hers in a vigorous collision of lips and tongues. I don’t think I’d ever kissed a woman like that before. It was aggressive and fucking hot, and I never wanted it to stop. However, I was ready for something else to start… but I had to get a condom from my bedroom first.

“Condom,” I muttered against her lips.

“Pill,” she muttered back.

“Is this okay?” I asked
, her lips still attached to mine. We were both a few drinks in, but we were both sober enough to know what we were doing. I still had to ask the question, though. It wasn’t every day I shoved TJ into a woman I didn’t know without protection, after all.

She moaned a yes and deepened the kiss, and then I put my hands under her ass and lifted her up, plunging myself into her warm wetness as she threw her arms around my neck.

I felt her body stretch to accommodate me as she screamed in pleasure at our first contact. Good God, she was wild and I fucking loved it.

The feeling of skin to skin contact with this magnificent woman was out of this world.

She squeezed me tightly inside of her, and she threw her head back, her hands still curled around my neck as she moaned these little feral sounds in her throat that aroused the hell out of me. I had the perfect view of her gorgeous breasts. They were spectacular, bouncing around as I guided her up and down my length. I felt myself getting close; I was a fairly skilled lover, and I had been blessed with the ability to go all night on occasion, but this wild woman turned me on in ways I had never experienced before.

All too soon, I lost it. I jetted hotly into her, and she leaned forward into me so her breasts pressed up against my chest, her head on my shoulder as she lost control, too, crying out as she tightened like a fucking glove around me and came along with me.

We stood in my entryway, still connected, and then I sank to the floor with her still clinging to my body as I stayed inside of her. It was warm and fantastic buried in there, and I didn’t want to leave. Ever.

She gripped my shoulders with her hands and then lifted herself off of me. She settled into my lap and I cradled her in my arms.

I got the sudden feeling that I didn’t want to say goodbye to her.

She stood up after a few minutes. She was still wearing her skirt and heels, looking utterly fantastic in my apartment. “Bathroom?” she asked as she kicked off her heels.

“End of the hallway. Door’s open.”

She nodded and then headed off
down the hall.

I stood up and picked up my jeans, pulling them on. It wasn’t fair for her to be wearing bottoms while I sprawled naked across my apartment.

I headed into the kitchen and got two glasses of ice water, feeling myself sobering. I was fucking sweating from our little four minute encounter, and I needed some fuel. I wanted to do

And when she returned, she had
also lost the skirt. She stood in my family room wearing nothing but a smile.

I asked, my voice husky and low and foreign to my own ears.

“Please,” she said, equally huskily.

I walked it over to her, and seeing that perfectly tight little body naked in my family room standing before me was enough for TJ to twitch back to life.

This was new. I don’t think I’d ever recharged in less than an hour.

But there he was, ready for round two.

She sipped her water slowly, and I found even that to be sensual. Everything about her was sinful.

She set her glass on the counter and turned toward me.

“You up for round two?”
I asked.

She glanced down toward my dick. “Are you?” There was surprise in her eyes when she made out the outline, and I puffed with sudden pride.

“It would appear so.”

“Then lose the jeans and take me long and slow on your bed.”

Did I mention that this was the perfect woman?

After my recollection of the evening, I realized that it wasn’t so much a bad hangover as it was dehydration. We had a long and slow session where I took the
top, and that lasted well over an hour, and then we both passed out until I was woken up a few hours later when I felt her hot mouth taking me all the way to the back of her throat. I returned the favor, worshipping the most delicious mouth-watering essence I had ever tasted, and then we both passed out again. I woke up the next time, and I wanted to be inside of her again, so I gently pulled her on top of me and she rode me sleepily with her fingers laced through mine until we both climaxed together for a fourth time.

It had been an unforgettable night with a woman who already told me she didn’t want any strings attached.

I thought of Jules for the first time since the night before, when I had first started dancing with this woman and made the comparison between the two. I realized that in the past ten hours, Jules hadn’t entered my mind once. And I had this woman to thank for that. This woman whose name I still didn’t know.

Half of me felt so utterly confused at what I was feeling, while the other half of me knew that it was exactly right.

I got up to alleviate myself in the restroom, and then I headed to the kitchen to put on the coffee. I slammed a Gatorade to try to rehydrate myself, and sleeping beauty was still in my bed when I returned, just waking up. She was naked, tangled in my white sheets, and she looked fucking adorable all sleepy and mussed from our night together.

“Hey, you,” she murmured.

“Hey, gorgeous,” I said, not knowing what else to call her, feeling foolish that I didn’t know something as important as her name after the intimacy we’d shared but unsure how to ask after so much time had passed.

“Come here,” she demanded softly, and I obliged, setting my cup of coffee down on my bedside table first and then taking off
my basketball shorts. I pulled her into me, my arm under her head as she cuddled into my shoulder and threw her arm around my waist. Somehow her small body molded perfectly to mine. I lazily drew circles on her lower back with my thumb, idly thinking that my most favorite part of a woman’s body were the little dimples on her back right above her ass. And the woman sharing my bed had the singular most perfect back and ass I had ever seen in my life.

That feels like heaven,” she said, so I kept doing it.

She looked up at me, and I recognized that same look from the night before. She wanted it.

“Again?” I asked, exhausted from our physical night together.

“If you’re up for it.”

I pushed my erection into her hip. “What do you think?” I grinned at her. She pressed a kiss to my chest, and in that moment I knew I had to find a way to hold onto her.

Moving lightning fast, I scooped her up and then threw her down, pinning her to the bed beneath me. I grabbed both of her hands in mine and held them above her head, and then I licked my way down her neck to her breast. I suckled for a moment, savoring the pretty pink tip in my mouth, and then I kissed my way back up to her mouth. She kissed back, that same abandon evident in her, inhibitions apparently checked at the door.

I don’t think I had ever been so hard for a woman in my entire life. It was painful, and I needed to alleviate the pressure by being inside of her warmth.

So I did.

I let go of her hands, and they were immediately on me, one tangled in my hair and the other pulling my ass toward her. I let my erection lay heavy against her entrance for a moment as I kissed her, the soft moans escaping her mouth spurring me on. I gazed down into her dark eyes and saw lust. And something else.

Something that told me that she was into me as more than a no strings attached type thing.

I don’t read into things, but I know what I saw. And then I guided myself inside of her, and I had the sudden inclination that I was home. I was where I was supposed to be.

I sank my teeth into her shoulder and she screamed out. Our morning sex was even better than the night before, her nails scratching down my back, pleasure edged with the slightest bit of pain as I rammed up into her.

Maybe it was because I was sober, or maybe it was because I had developed an attraction to this woman that was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.
Whatever the case, taking her in my bed that morning was by far the best sex I ever had in my entire life. It was slow and sensual and long and tender. And something about it meant saying goodbye. It meant saying goodbye to Arizona, perhaps, and to the horrific pain I’d gone through with Jules, but more than that, it meant saying goodbye to this incredible woman whose name I still didn’t know.

BOOK: What He Really Feels (He Feels Trilogy)
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