Weapon of Desire (10 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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“Darcey, I missed you so much.” Daniel grabs my hands across the table and I know that Anthony will be analysing my movements and watching this performance. “Mum and Dad say hello. She wants you to go and stay for a weekend and have some girl time together.”
I wonder if he told them.

all the questions I want answered, I’m speechless, my mouth is dry and I desperately need a drink. I can feel tears welling behind my eyes as I breathe deeply and concentrate.

“Daniel why did you do it?”
My eyes don’t give away any emotion and focus on Daniel’s facial expression.

is sorrowful and looks down. “I’ve been so stupid! I was flattered by the attention of a colleague… a good friend.” His eyes meet mine and I accept his sincerity. “I didn’t stop to think that I could lose you or cause you so much pain.”

“How long has it been going on?” My strength is building.

“About five months.” He swallows looking down. I suspect that he’s not telling me the truth.

“How long,
” I ask again. “Don’t lie to me.” I pull away my hands indicating that I’m not accepting his answer.

Daniel is surprised at my abruptness “Since April.” He waits for my response.

“So you’re lying – seven months!” I take a long deep breath wondering how I can trust anything Daniel tells me.

He is openly anxious and frantically tries to redeem our conversation. “Darcey, I wa
nt you to know how committed I am to making everything right and that I’d do anything to prove this to you.”

m not convinced and sit in silence as we stare at each other. He fidgets and grapples to hold my hand. I don’t pull away but feel weakened by his show of affection.

“You hurt me so much and I’
m not sure if I can ever trust you. What if another colleague flirts a little, will you be tempted again? Daniel when we made love that was special, as it always was. The next day you were fucking Melissa!” A stray tear tumbles as I quickly wipe it away.

Daniel leans closer with t
ears in his eyes “Darcey, I didn’t love her. I love you, please believe me.” He grabs both of my hands tightly together and raises them to his lips as he softly kisses them. “Darcey I’d do anything… anything please give me another chance.”

He shuffles
behind him in his jacket pocket that hangs over the chair and reveals a small box. Oh no my heart is banging with terror. No No No…he can’t do this to me right now, not here…No I scream in my head.

stands and moves alongside me, lowering to one knee. The restaurant rapidly drops to a hush. I manage to catch a side view of Anthony who is open mouthed with astonishment and Marie smiles unaware that this isn’t a joyous proposal. What do I do? I want to run. All of these people are watching as I close my eyes painfully waiting for Daniel to speak.

“Darcey, I love you,
you would make me the happiest man on earth if you will be my wife?” the words roll out and the restaurant is mute waiting for my happy yes.

I open my eyes and look down at Daniel. He is smiling holding a beautiful diamond ring. My heart melts and I s
adden at the thought of what I’m about to do. I look around the room as smiling faces admire the romantic scene. I can see Anthony seated in the corner slowly shaking his head. My mouth is dry and my legs start to shake.

“Daniel No.” is all I manage to say before fleeing
cowardly from the table towards the exit. Gasps and low whispers fill the room as I make for the door.

Outside I
breathe in the fresh air and shiver in the cold night. I have left my jacket behind. I move quickly towards the solitude of my car and in the shadows convulse leaning against the wall to be sick. I can hear voices outside the restaurant and can see Daniel and Anthony.

“Let her go
.” Anthony storms towards Daniel.

“Why, so you can
have her?” Daniel spins around to face him.

Anthony stops in his tracks
“Daniel you need to give her space so she can decide what she wants.”

“Fuck you Anthony, I warned you to
keep away from her.” Daniel stands his ground. “You waited until I was out of sight and then made your move.”

You’re an idiot Daniel, you screwed it up yourself. You didn’t need my help!”

can’t bear to listen to anymore and need to get away. Opening the car I start the engine and make my escape.

My life is a complete mess a
nd this is my fault. If I hadn’t got involved with Anthony I perhaps would be over the moon accepting the proposal. Now here I am alone and running from them both. The street lights are blurred by my tears and sobs fill the quiet space. I hate myself right now for letting this happen. I want to block everything out and switch on my stereo to fill my head with loud music.

U2 rocks my car with
“Vertigo” which is exactly how I feel right now. I hit the A14 and crave a speed rush as my foot hits the floor. I zoom past cars at a dangerous pace soaking up the heavy beat pumping from the speakers. I feel drunk and light headed but haven’t touched a drop of alcohol.

Eventually m
y senses disentangle and I drop down to 70 to cruise along. The clear night sky is full of stars above me as my car hums softly along the road. I can see headlights speeding closer behind me as I ask myself if Daniel or Anthony may try to follow. I keep my speed constant watching the car gain the distance between us and then realise that it’s not Daniel or Anthony’s cars. I relax fiddling with the stereo to change the music to another track.

Raising my
head again I check my rear mirror to see a black Range Rover Sport flashing their headlights, driving treacherously close behind me. My initial fear is that they’re undercover police who saw me speeding or that something was wrong with my car. The Range Rover pulls into the second lane and drives alongside me as their passenger’s window lowers to reveal a man I recognise immediately from this morning. He was the man taking my picture outside my apartment.

He signals for me to pu
ll over to the hard shoulder but I carry on driving not knowing what to do. Who are they? They zoom ahead in front of me and brake to slow me down bringing me to a stop. I remain seated with the engine running as the driver and passenger step down from the car and walk back towards me. Both are wearing black suits with dark glasses even though it is nearly 9pm. The driver taps on my window.

Ms Brooks turn your engine off and step out of the car!” he demands.

They know who I am!
They don’t look like police and I’m sure they’re not here for a friendly chat. I remain locked inside with the engine ticking over. Perhaps if I do nothing they will go away. Which is wishful thinking as a gun is swiftly pointed directly at my head through the window. Oh my god!!!!! I start to freak out. I feel as though I’m in a nightmare as I assess my options. Do I get out and run? Too risky! Or do I put my foot down and speed away, could they catch me? I doubt it!

I hit the gas spinning the tyres and projecting the car forwards as a shot rings in the air and shatters my rear window. I swerve into oncoming hooting traffic, narrowly missing them as they
turn sharply using the central reservation. I watch in the mirror as the men scramble back into their car.

can also see in the far distance, blue flashing lights progressing at speed probably on their way to an emergency. I watch my speedometer rise to 100mph hoping I will attract their attention. The Range Rover is picking up pace but can’t match the approaching police who instantly flash their lights to pull me over. The Range Rover races past as I sigh with relief and slow to a halt on the hard shoulder.

I turn the engine off
and unlock the doors staring at my hands as I start to shake uncontrollably. Blood is dripping from my cheek down onto my palm. Oh my god have I been shot? I panic, I can’t feel any pain.  The policeman approaches shining his torch into the car and onto my face and then moves to the back of the car where glass is in shards. I’ve no energy to talk and sit staring ahead in shock.  He moves closer to assess the blood running down my face.

“Are you ok madam?” He
opens the car door.

“Can you tell me what happened?” He flashes his torch onto the passenger seat where splintered glass shines under
the beam of light.

“They shot at me” is all I
can manage.in disbelief.

He immediately turns away and is on hi
s radio calling for assistance.

“Can you feel pain?”
he returns to the door.

“No” I’
m still shaking and have an urge to be sick again. I dash from my seat and squat by the edge of the road.

Car lights
pull in front of us and then I can hear Daniel’s voice talking to the police officer. He joins me seated on the ground and wraps his jacket around my shoulders, tugging me gently into his clutch.

“Darcey are you ok?” He lifts my chin a
nd kisses my forehead. I’m so pleased he is here.

“Daniel I’m so sorry…please forgive my behaviour earlier.” I sob into his chest.

“Shhh….. Its ok, I understand, I deserved it.” He rocks me softly and pulls me close. “Don’t worry I’m here now, I’ll take care of you.”

The police officer returns hovering over us.

“Mr Frances, I think Ms Brooks needs to go to A&E for medical attention. Will you be taking her? A colleague of mine will follow you for your protection and he’ll take a statement once Ms Brooks has been seen by a nurse.” The officer opens the passenger side of my car and retrieves my bag from the glass and then hands it to Daniel.

“Thank you officer” Daniel helps me to my feet and walks
me slowly to his car. I curl into a ball on the passenger seat, closing my eyes and wrapping myself with Daniel’s jacket. I feel exhausted, traumatised but most of all safe and pleased to be with Daniel.

The hospital journey was
short and the A&E staff assesses me as fit to go home after cleaning and butterfly stitching the cuts on my face. The police officer returns to take my statement and contact details. Daniel sits dumbstruck as I reveal the extent to which the two men went to, threatening me with a gun.

“They knew me.” I add as
I remember the men calling me by my name.

, do you mean?” The officer looks up at me. “Did you recognise them?”

“No, they called me Ms Brooks.” This admission sent shivers down my spine. “It was the same car that was outside my house this morning taking pictures.” I speak out loud realising this connection.
Daniel looks horrified.

“Can you think of anyone who would have a reason to be watching you like this?” The officer stops writing.

I look up at Daniel thinking whether he would have arranged for someone to watch me with Anthony while he was away then I dismiss the thought seeing how supportive he is right now. “No, I can’t think of any motive why someone would do this.”

“Ok, thank you for your time Ms
Brooks; I’ll contact you should we need further information.” The door swings shut behind him.

Daniel and I travel to my
apartment in silence and I can’t sleep even though I feel extremely tired. Stepping inside my lounge I feel secure as I collapse onto my sofa. I remember that I’ve not eaten or had a drink since lunchtime. Daniel lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom unzipping and removing my dress as I sit on the bed. I watch his face as he innocently rolls down my stockings before tucking me into bed.

s busy in the kitchen and then returns with a cup of sweet tea. Removing his jeans and shirt he climbs in beside me. I smile appreciatively while I sip the hot tea. We cuddle up together not speaking, just enjoying the warmth of each other as we drift off to sleep.

still dark outside as I bolt upwards in bed in a sweat, it was just a dream. Those men were chasing me but Anthony was holding the gun to my head.

Daniel wakes beside me
. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, i
t’s just a dream.” I lay back down staring into the darkness replaying everything that’s happened over and over again. Why did Anthony choose to be at the restaurant with her? He knew that I was meeting Daniel there.

’s call yesterday must have been to speak to Marie confirming he would pick her up at 7.30pm. So he had already planned to take Marie to the restaurant. He was watching me throughout the evening and was indicating for me to say no when Daniel proposed. If Marie is his girlfriend why would he take her to a restaurant where I am? I need to know who Marie is.

I can’
t sleep and listen to Daniel breathing as he dozes. Moving carefully not to disturb him I tip toe out of the bedroom and into the lounge locating my handbag and mobile phone. As the screen lights up I see that the time is 2.33am and I snuggle down among the cushions on the sofa. My fingers tap out a text to Anthony without considering the early hour and then presses send.

Who is Marie to you? Are you with her right now? Darcey

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