Weapon of Desire (9 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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His mouth teasingly travels up my body to meet my
mine as I taste my juices on his lips whipping me into a heady frenzy. 

“Darcey you
have to be patient.” Anthony flips me on top of him and pushes my head downwards indicating his desires.

My lips travel over his chest, flicking
and licking his nipples with my tongue. I watch Anthony close his eyes and breaths deep and slowly as he consumes each sensation.  My hand strokes the hardness inside his jeans as he pushes up to meet my touch. Unfastening the buttons my tongue circles just below his waist. I tug the jeans lower under his firm buttocks and then set to claiming my prize for being such a patient, good girl.


Anthony breaths faster as I stroke up and down with my tongue and then circle the bulging tip. Like a cat purring over milk, I lap up the cream that is drizzled there for me. My mouth engulfs the pulsing length as I watch Anthony’s writhing pleasure as my lips, tongue and hands stroke up and down in a controlled and firm motion.

I can’
t resist anymore as I pull my lacy underwear to one side and mount him slowly to accentuate each inch sinking deeper inside me. Anthony catches my gaze as I rock my hips backwards and forwards and then circle around to sink deeper and deeper. I squeeze my nipples that hang over the top of my displaced bra throwing my head back rocking faster and breathing deeper. Damn it feels so good.

Anthony holds my stare and grasps my hips to slow my movement.
I lean forward to rub hard against him as our mouths greedily drink each other. My pulse is quickening and I want him deeper as I push against him, taking what I want. My orgasm builds until it overwhelms me sending waves through my body as I cry out for more.

Anthony wastes no time flipping me over and stands at the edge of the bed holding my legs apart as he picks up a fast pace to pound harder.
He is ferocious in his attack and delivery of each movement. His eyes are alert and hungry as he watches my ultimate pleasure of having him inside me. His thrusts slow as he reaches orgasm closing his eyes and sinking his mouth into my ankle smothering his loud groans. In complete saturation he falls onto me filling me full and holding me as he kisses my neck.

We roll together still linked
onto our sides and as we smile at each other we say nothing. Our eyes say it all. We wrap together in the duvet as I curl my leg over his hip and his arms coil around my back. I rest my head against his shoulder as we snooze in each other’s arms.

The sound of his mobile ringi
ng wakes us. Anthony shoots upwards and retrieves his phone from his jean’s pocket.

“Hi” he looks startle
d “Shit, I’ll be down in10 minutes.”

I gradually sit up bleary
eyed noticing the time is 6pm and then curl back up under the duvet watching Anthony seek his scattered clothing. I grin to myself in amusement at his disorganised search.

“What is so funny?” Anthony stops and smiles.

“You’re acting like a teenager who’s been caught out by his parents.” I watch feeling so cosy under the covers.

s because I have been caught out. I was supposed to be at dinner with my parents at 6pm.” Anthony fastens the buckle on his belt then joins me on the bed. “Do you want to join us for dinner?”

“No perhaps another time.” I smile at his thoughtful offer.

Anthony lies with his head beside mine as he runs his hand through my wavy messed up curls and then kisses me gazing into my eyes.

“I have to go, thank you for inviting me over today.” He rises up from the bed and as he approaches the bedroom door he turns back. “See you at Dorton Prep in the morning.”



I wake early on Monday after a good night’s rest. The thought of seeing Anthony again this morning leaves me feeling excited and also enthusiastic with regards to the business presentation at Dorton Prep. My mind races with apprehension as I remember my meeting with Daniel at the La Piazza this evening. I suddenly feel flooded with guilt because of my broken promise to Lola.

My wardrobe
selection appears drab and nothing matches my present mood. I need something formal, smart but also shouts power and confidently sexy. After swishing through the hangers several times I find the chosen dress, ruby red pencil style with a matching jacket. I slither into black stockings and high heels then smooth down my figure hugging red dress. Perfect!

presentation documents are neatly packaged and my laptop packed away. I make final amendments to my lipstick, perfume and jewellery as I take a last glimpse in the mirror, yes I’m ready. I throw my hand bag over my shoulder and head for my car. Opening the boot I notice a black Range Rover parked in the road opposite with a man at the passenger window pointing a camera towards me. I freeze on the spot as he quickly closes the window and speeds away. Did I just imagine that? Why was he taking pictures of me? My paranoia kicks in and I suspect Daniel of hiring someone to check that I wasn’t with Anthony. I instantly dismiss my foolish, guilty thoughts.

by 9am at Dorton Prep there’s no sign of Anthony’s car so I make my way to the reception where I’m shown to the Headteacher’s office. As I approach Mr Hughes I am confident in my ability to do this without Anthony but panic slightly wondering what has happened to him. Mr Hughes is about the same age as Anthony, dark blond hair, blue eyes with a neat stubbly beard. He certainly has a charm about him and is very hospitable offering me a short tour while we wait for the others to arrive. I feel a little uncomfortable as he is very forward with guiding me with his arm across my lower back and insisting I call him Richard.

Returning to
the office just after 9.30am I’m relieved to see Anthony and another gentleman waiting in the office. I smile at Anthony who shocks me with a blank face as he notices Richard’s arm on my back. He offers a hand to Richard introducing himself as does the tall gentleman namely Jeremy Rowland, Director of Education at Mid Suffolk Council. Jeremy is very slim with short dark hair and thick set glasses wearing a charcoal grey suit. I sit at the oval table and Richard indicates for me to sit next to him, Anthony is not amused.

“Ms Brooks please could you move to this side of the table it will
be a lot easier to discuss and explain the business case together.” Anthony is undeniably pissed off with Richard’s attempts.

Of course Mr Hunt” I smile sweetly picking up the packs and moving alongside Anthony.

“So Darcey, may I call you Dar
cey?” Richard is pushing all Anthony’s buttons.

m intrigued to hear the benefits for Dorton Prep to merge with Dorton Airfield School.” Anthony is squirming in his seat as he accepts that the question is directly to me and bypasses him.

“Richard.” I pause
as Anthony shifts awkwardly turning towards me with a glare. “We have achieved the best results in Suffolk during the past two years. This is due to the excellent skill base from carefully recruited teachers at the start up of the school in 2009.” Richard is sitting attentively with his hands clasped in front of him at the table.

“We can also offer boarding facilities
which is not currently represented in any schools in this area.” I clear my throat before proceeding. “We recognise that you also have a good skill base and would be able to consider redeployment for most of your staff.”

Richard leans forward and prompts “So what about the grounds and
heritage buildings, do they all get sold off?”

“Yes some of the buildings
and land however the fields that adjoin the airbase would facilitate the new school. The buildings are beautiful but impractical and costly to run.” I hand out the packs. “The proceeds would pay for a modern, purpose built, high tech, Dorton Airfield Academy.”

s the timeframe for this?” Richard opens his pack flicking through.

Anthony and Jeremy
take over the conversation.

“We anticipate 12 months for consultations and planning applications, followed by another 12 months for the new build and staged relocation.” Anthony is focused and cold in his approach.

“All school central funding will of course divert to the academy in line with the staged relocation.” Jeremy twiddles his thumbs nervously.

Richard is silent, mulling over the detail. “You say most staff will be offered redeployment, what about my position? I understand that you already have a Headteacher?”

Anthony turns to a proposed staffing structure in the pack and points to the requirement of a further Headteacher of Curriculum Development in the lower year groups.

“Darcey, I might be seeing a lot more of you after all!” Richard looks up and grins in my direction

I reciprocate the gesture and immediately feel eyes drilling in the side of my head. Oh dear Anthony is really mad.

“I want to take this confidentially to the Governing body this week, so I’d appreciate your patience until then. Perhaps you could all attend dinner with us on Wednesday evening to iron out any other foreseeable issues or questions they may have?” Richard looks at me particularly for a response.

m worried about looking too keen and hold back for Anthony and Jeremy to answer.

m sure we can make that date together.” Anthony raises his eyebrows to me and then nods to Jeremy.

“Great that’s a date then, Darcey do you have your business card so I can call you to finalise arrangements?” Richard is
persistent and sneaky in his evident determination to get my number.

Please call Patricia my PA with further details.” Anthony slides his business card across the table to Richard.

The meeting is short but very positive. W
e shake hands in agreement to discuss further at dinner. Richard lingers far too long holding my hand jabbering on “feel free to come back should you wish to view anything else.”

Outside the main entrance I take a deep breath. That was hard work and the
atmosphere could be cut with a knife. I walk in the direction of my car as Anthony talks to Jeremy. As I open my car door I hear Anthony’s voice.

, a word please.” Anthony is still cold and so controlling. Nick waves as he steps out of the car. I turn towards them as Anthony opens the rear door gesturing for me to get inside.

As soon as the car door is closed
and we are alone Anthony’s hands are on my thighs and his eyes are wanting.

“Darcey why are you so determined to make me jealous, keep away from that creep.”
His mouth moves closer to my ear and whispers “You look hot in that dress, are you wearing those stockings for me?” His hands glide up my outer thighs.

“Where were you this morning?” I slap my palms on top of his over active hands.

“I had an emergency to deal with.” Anthony’s brow furrows in protest realising that I’m not going to allow his hands to wander.

“How was dinner last night?” I decide to change the subject as Anthony is being so cagey.

“Lonely without you.” he pouts trying to gain my sympathy and nibbles my neck which unlocks my urges as I release his hands to roam freely. Nick smiles waiting outside the car.

Aware of Nick I take a professional stance “Anthony I thought the meeting went well with no objections.”

Anthony continues to bite my neck as his hands escalate up my stockings inside my skirt. “Yes great” he mumbles as he makes his way around to my lips and claims my mouth. I can’t resist as my tongue finds his.

Anthony’s mobile phone rings and startles us both
. He pulls back into the seat to view who is calling and then answers. “Hi Patricia.” He looks out of the window listening. “Ok thanks I’ll go straight there from here.” Anthony hangs up and directs his attention to me.

I smooth out my skirt and skate
nearer to the far door acknowledging that this wasn’t the time or place to do this with Anthony. “I need to get back to school” my hand reaches for the door.

where and when are you meeting Daniel?” Anthony is serious and direct.

La Piazza at 8. Why?” I’m inquisitive to where this is going.

“Will he be staying at yours?”
His eyes seem tormented.

“I shouldn’t think so.” My eyes dart
at Anthony. I start to feel uncomfortable by the line of questioning and long to run.

Anthony sighs
as though he knows this battle is not yet won. “Darcey I will speak to you later.”

The journey back is short
as I play over in my mind the conversation we had. Something is wrong and I wonder if Daniel has contacted Anthony. I remember the man with the camera. Arriving back at school I decide to seek out Patricia for more information. Perhaps I can discover what Anthony is up to.

“Good morning Patricia, I
wonder if you can tell me what time Anthony will be back this afternoon?” I wonder where he shot off to.

He will not be back this afternoon he had to return home to see detectives. There was a break in at his parents’ home last night.” Patricia stays poised at her computer in the middle of typing.

My mind is now racing remembering parts of conversations. He said that there was an emergency.
I instantly think of Joanna’s murder during a break in at Anthony’s apartment. My hurt leaps. “Was anyone hurt?” I blurt out with way too much concern in my voice.

“No they apparently were all out to dinner. Nothing was taken, just made an awful mess.” Patricia stops and stares at me. “Are you ok you look very pale?”

“I’m fine just had a busy morning and I need something to eat.” I smile and make tracks for the officer’s mess for lunch. I’m totally at sea and can’t put the jigsaw pieces together. Is this connected to the break in at Anthony’s apartment? Why did he not tell me this morning? I pick at my lasagne staring out of the window. I’m so confused and I desperately need some space.

Back in my office there is no communication from Anthony only an email from Daniel confirming his flight
departs at 2.55pm and our dinner date at 8pm. My heart sinks, right now Daniel sounds so uncomplicated and desirable. I press on with monitoring the current month’s finance report. My concentration is weak and I wonder what’s going on with Anthony.

The afternoon turns into a dark winter evenin
g and the building is so quiet apart from a cleaner vacuuming in the corridor. I notice the time is 7.20pm, where did the time go? I have butterflies in my stomach as I think about meeting Daniel. I tidy my hair, apply perfume and lipstick and make my way to the car park. I’m so nervous and need a stiff drink. The roads are empty and I arrive at the restaurant by 7.45pm. I sit in the car wondering whether to turn around and go home. I feel physically sick at the thought of looking into his eyes knowing about him and Melissa. I pluck up the courage and walk towards the entrance.

A waiter greets me at the door with a beaming smile and offers to take my jacket.
The restaurant entices me with soft lighting and candles at each table. Adele is playing low and the wonderful aroma of garlic wafts through the room. The restaurant is buzzing as I spot Daniel waving from a table towards the rear. I take a deep breath and smile making my way to the table. I stop dead, there’s Anthony sitting with that bloody brunette staring at one another over the candle lit table. The shock must be obvious on my face. Now I really feel sick, he’s lied to me he does have a girlfriend, there’s no way that this is a business meeting, not here in this romantic setting! How stupid do I feel right now, why did I give into him.

Anthony looks up and smiles. “Hello Darcey.” He stands to greet me
as though surprised to see me. Oh he is good, what an actor. I wanted to slap his face as the rage builds inside me.

I turn to smile at the attractive woman who remains seated. Anthony registers my envy and with that wicked smile he turns to her. “Oh how rude of me, Darcey this is Marie.” I hold out my hand to greet her wi
th a pathetic attempt to grin.

“Lovely to meet you Marie, I hope Anthony is treating you this evening.”
I think to myself, I sure as hell got treated and duped last night! I smile sweetly at Anthony who is enjoying the show. “I hope you enjoy your meal and maybe I’ll meet you again sometime. I’d better go as my boyfriend is waiting.” That did it! Anthony’s smile is wiped clean from his smug face.

breathe in and stroll on to where Daniel is sitting. He stands looking sun tanned with a new purple shirt and jeans. He greets me with a kiss on my lips. His eyes are solemn and I suddenly feel so pleased to see him and hug him in return. Daniel seems confused and holds me close. We sit and stare at each other. Champagne is being chilled in a silver bucket on the table. I anticipate the reason for his pre-empted celebration and feel very nervous about what may happen next.

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