War In Heaven (8 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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as the Sumerian, Babylonian, and biblical texts related, it was a god that
decided to save

mankind from the impending Flood. In this case, it was the Most
High, ruler of Heaven: ‘MII the sons of

men shall not perish in consequence of every secret, which the
Watchers have destroyed, and which they

have taught their offspring. ” Enoch X verse 11.

the inferior genetic offshoots seeking also to return to the home planet in
order to

intermarry with its inhabitants, thereby infecting their gene
pool? Did this intermarriage present such a

problem that the ruling
faction decided that man must be destroyed in order to remove temptation from

the Elohim living on
Earth? Though the biblical texts only hint at the cause of God’s disenchantment

with mankind, a close
scrutiny of Enoch clarifies it. This genetic intermingling with lowly humans,

the offspring
it was producing, both angered and terrified the home planet.

Enoch was Double Agent

Enoch was chosen to commemorate this event for humanity; thus he became known

as “Enoch the scribe.”
According to the extra-biblical book of Jubilees, Enoch was a type of double

agent who testified
against the “Watchers,” or angels that had transgressed with the daughters of
men, “he testified against them all.” And, it was to protect him from sinning
angels and the half-breed

humans that Enoch was taken from amongst the children of men.
(Genesis 5:24 reports only that

“Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” This
account implies that God took him

for some good reason, which it does not supply, unfortunately).

all these things Enoch was concealed," nor did any one of the sons of men
know where

he was concealed, where he had been, and what had happened.
Apparently, Enoch was “engaged with

the holy ones, and with the Watchers in his days.”
And, it was the
“Watchers” who called Enoch the

scribe. One called the “Lord” spoke to Enoch, the “scribe of
righteousness.” He gave him a message to

convey to the “Watchers of Heaven,” that “have deserted the lofty
sky, their holy everlasting station.”

Those “who have been polluted with women...And have done as the
sons of men do, by taking

themselves wives.” It had come to his attention that they “have
been greatly corrupted on earth.” He

then states that as long as they are on earth, they won’t have
peace or remission of sin. And, that

shall not rejoice in their
But, instead these Nibirians were doomed to
“behold the slaughter

of their beloved; shall
lament the destruction of their sons, and shall petition forever, but shall not

obtain mercy and peace.”
Enoch Chapter XII (Section
III), verses 1-7.

Noah was a Nibirian Hybrid

was Noah chosen to be saved? The Bible tells us that it was because he had
found “favor

in the eyes of the Lord.” It then speaks of the “records of the
generations of Noah.” And, that “Noah

was a righteous man, complete, perfect; having integrity in his
generations; Noah walked with God.”

(Genesis 6:8-9 NAS, Literal interpretation of the text).

is some evidence presented in the book of Enoch (Chapter CV; verses 1 -20),
that Noah

was probably a half-breed himself, one of these sons of the
Watchers. Understandably, his birth caused

quite a bit of family
controversy. Here was a son whose “color is whiter than snow; the hair of his

whiter than
wool; his eyes like the rays of the sun; and when he opened them he illuminated
the whole


Understandably, his father
Lamech was afraid of him; and rushed to his own father Methuselah

with the disquieting news.
He then proceeded to tell him that he had “begotten a son, unlike other

children.” Lamech went on
to explain that he clearly was not human;
“but resembling the angels of

heaven, is of a different
nature from ours, being altogether unlike us."

Noah was Political Hybrid

Lamech believed Noah to be a child of one of the angels, something
that obviously frightened

and enraged him.
Apparently, such hybrid births were
commonplace, for Lamech wasted no time in

accusing his wife of infidelity with one of the “Watchers of
Was Noah, an obvious hybrid,

chosen by God to save the
seed of mankind because he was on the right side politically? Was he

specially engineered by
the home world to save a remnant of the human race by leading them in their

time of crisis? (We will
see in future chapters how the Nibirians used “hybrids” in the biblical texts

positions of
leadership). Or, was Noah, called Utnapishtim in the epic of Gilgamesh, chosen
by a leader

of the renegade extraterrestrials to preserve a perfected specimen
of their biological engineering? What

most readers of the biblical texts are not aware of is that the
Gilgamesh poem renders Utnapishtim as the

king of Shuruppak. In those days, it was not uncommon to place a
hybrid, half-extraterrestrial, half-

human monarch upon the throne of the various city-states. Such a
person would have been much

smarter, and stronger than an ordinary human. As a “political
hybrid” it would have been easier to

present such a being as a figurehead, linking the Nibirians to the
humans in a symbolic fashion. It might

have taken such a superior being to outsmart mankind, who would
have become curious about his ship building on dry land. And, if he truly were
the king, he would have had access to the funds necessary to

construct a huge
sea-faring vessel, and to fill it with the necessary food and other supplies.

Possible Coup by Hybrids Frightened Government of Nibiru

other hybrid offspring were probably considered dangerous because they followed

fathers who had disobeyed the government of Nibiru. The renegade
Watchers might have been plotting

a takeover of the home planet, using the military might of earth
and their superhuman sons to attack

Nibiru when it drew near to earth. Such political coups were
reported in proto-biblical texts. For

example, the Hittite tale “Kingship in Heaven” describes how “Anu
gave battle against Alalu,” the King

of Heaven, and overthrew him.1
In the Babylonian
prayer inscription from a stelae set up by

Babylonian king Nabonidus at Harran, commemorating the Ehulhul,
the temple of Nannar-Sin, a

provocative military invasion of planet Nibiru is related. It is
written that “Sin, Lord of the gods,”

appropriated the “supremacy of Anu,” in Heaven, and apparently
Ea/Enki on earth. It was then that Sin

“ grasps all and every heavenly responsibility in his hands,” and
became “supreme God of the gods, king

of kings,” and Lord of lords.” The text goes on to describe how
all the “gods and goddesses dwelling in

heaven watch for, and whose utterance they carry out.” In other
words, the Mesopotamian Moon Deity

Nannar-Sin journeyed to Nibiru, used military force, usurped the
kingship of Anu, and became the

commander in chief, the King of Heaven and earth. Those in heaven
now carry out the commands of

“Nannaru,” another name for Nannar-Sin.

these military campaigns resulted in a transfer of political power, from one regime

another, then
we can begin to understand why the government of Nibiru would have been

about the creation of hybrids on earth. These hybrids, along with
their Nibirian fathers, might have

gotten the idea of taking over in Heaven. Indeed, the Nibirian
renegades stationed on earth, might have

used this opportunity to create a hybrid race under their control
so that they could stage such an

undertaking. Could this have been the real reason that the “sons
of Heaven” took the daughters of men

as wives? Were they trying to build a frightening army of
half-breeds who would join them in a war of

conquest involving the
home planet? Was this why man was viewed by the home planet as wicked,

with “every intent of the
thoughts of his heart,” being only “evil continually?”

this the final, pivotal reason that the Nibirians of the home planet decided to
allow the

coming global inundation to eliminate man? Is this why the Epic of
Gilgamesh tells us that man had to

be tricked about the true reason Utnapishtim was building the
boat? To escape the wrath of Enlil

because he had chosen to follow Enki instead? And does the
evidence presented in Enoch explain why

a tiny remnant of ordinary men were chosen to be saved? That Enki
was the god who saved man is very

interesting. For this implies that such an undertaking was
underway, lead by the family of Enki.

Realizing that he could not save enough humans to stage a coup
when Nibiru returned to earth’s

proximity, he chose to save a handful of his creations instead -
to breed a new army for a future war.

As you will see in later chapters, the Adversary of the God of the
Old Testament is from the family of

Enki. And, the Bible tells us in Revelation that this particular
family and its supporters were thrown out

of Heaven. The interplanetary war that will take place upon the
return of Christ will be against this

“Serpent Faction.”

Book of Enoch Believed Authentic

Is the story of Enoch genuine, and was it the original account
from which the biblical description

of life on earth before the Flood was drawn? Several ancient books
throw light on the dramatic events

of pre-diluvial times. These have been preserved in various
versions that are obviously direct, and

sometimes, indirect translations of lost Hebrew originals. Their
authenticity was recently confirmed with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Among the scroll fragments were found parts of the Hebrew

originals of these
forgotten patriarchal accounts.

The Account of Enoch Similar to Christ’s Warning About Last Days

only does Enoch supply details missing from the biblical account concerning the
days before

the Flood; it also gives us an understanding of what will happen
in the last days when Nibiru reappears.

And, it is amazingly similar to prophetic accounts in the Bible.
Enoch relates how “in the days of the

sinners the years shall be shortened.” There will be a change in
the seasonable appearance of plants and

fruits, “and everything done on earth shall be subverted, and
disappear in its season.” It will not rain,

and “Heaven shall stand

will be celestial changes, for the “moon shall change its laws, and not be seen
in its proper

period.” Does this mean that as Nibiru nears earth its
gravitational influence causes the moon to slow

down, speed up, or
something else that changes its rotational time period? Christ stated in Luke:

“There will be signs in
the sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth dismay among nations, in

perplexity at the roaring
of the sea and the waves ,... for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” We

are then told that when we
see these things happening, we are to “recognize that the kingdom of God is

near." Since Nibiru
is the “kingdom of God,” or the “kingdom of the Heavens” according to Matthew

3:2, then Christ is
basically talking about the reappearance of “planet Heaven,” and its

effects on earth.

if a large body enters the solar system and travels between Jupiter and Mars,

fields of each celestial body will be effected, and will in tum effect
conditions here on

earth. The prophet Ezekiel also predicted strange celestial
phenomena during the last days: “When I

extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and darken the stars; I
will cover the sun with a cloud, and the

moon shall not give its light. All the shining lights in the
heavens I will darken over your land, declares

the Lord God.” (Ezekiel

describes how
“in those days shall Heaven be seen; ...Heaven shall shine
more than when

illuminated by the orders of light; while many chiefs of the stars
of authority shall err, perverting their

ways and works."
The text says stars would
not appear in their season, and people on earth would not

be able to see them. Is
this because planet Nibiru (Heaven), would cause the orbits of other planets to

be disturbed because of
its strong gravitational pull as it comes into earth’s proximity? Notice that

Enoch predicted that
“Heaven shall be seen,” when these things begin to occur. The Mesopotamian

texts also describe how
planet Nibiru could be seen on earth with the naked eye during its perigee

between Jupiter and Mars.
These texts describe the planet’s radiance and suggested that it could be seen

even in the daytime: “It
is visible at sunrise, disappearing from view at sunset.” A cylinder seal,

at Nippur, depicts a group of plowmen looking up with awe, as
Nibiru is clearly visible in the skies over

their heads.

It is then that the “thoughts of those who dwell on earth shall
transgress within them; and they

shall be perverted in all their ways.
They shall transgress,
and think themselves gods; while evil shall be

multiplied among them.
Ana' punishment shall come upon them, so that all of them shall be

Enoch Chapter LXXIX, verses 3-10.‘"

Aliens Will Provide Man With Technology in the Last Days

It seems that men at the time of Enoch, began to think of
themselves as “gods.” What could

have caused them to think this? Could it have been the scientific
advancements that were being

imparted to them by their Nibirian fathers against the wishes of
the home planet? And, was it because

they believed that since they were part Nibirian, that they truly
were part of the Elohim? If so, then we can understand why they would have been
willing to fight if necessary to return to the home planet.

And, we can see why the
government of Nibiru, then headed by Anu, was willing to let mankind perish

in the Flood.

modem man has recently begun to develop god-like powers. These entail cloning,

bioengineering, organ
transplantation, the ability to travel to other worlds, and perhaps soon, the

to regenerate our finite bodies into infinity - or shall we say,
eternal bodies? Some ufologists have

theorized that we have obtained high technology from crashed and
recovered alien spacecraft. An
book titled: The Day After Roswell, was written by Colonel Philip J. Corso. As
Chief of the

Army’s Foreign Technology Division in 1961, Corso stewarded the
Roswell, New Mexico, alien

artifacts in a reverse-engineering project that led to today’s:
integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers,

and super-tenacity fibers.
Corso states that the government “seeded” the Roswell alien technology to

giants of American Industry.
If what Corso claims is true, then there remains the possibility that ships

have been allowed to crash
on purpose, so that we might obtain this technology. The exiled faction of

the Nibirians might have
maneuvered such incidents. Perhaps this was an effort to bring us up to the

level of technology that
will serve their purposes when interplanetary war takes place upon the return


In the End, Man Becomes God-Like

is a high probability that men will begin to believe themselves to be “gods” in
the end

times. Is this because mankind will have begun a fresh
intermingling with the renegade Nibirians. . .just

like the one that went on
before the Flood? Will the technology and assistance of the gods make them

think that they have achieved
the same level as the gods? I shall delve deeper into this possibility as this


the story behind the original Flood account helps us understand what will

on earth when Nibiru passes near us again; for Christ stated that:
“... the coming of the son of Man will

be just like the days of
Noah. For as in those days before the Flood they were eating and drinking, they

were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah
entered the ark...”
Matthew 24:37-38.

this mean that before the return of Christ, and his planet, and before the
great Flood that its

arrival will trigger, that human beings will once again be
interbreeding with Elohim renegades? Will

the exiled Serpent Faction Nibirians once again decide that the
daughters of men are beautiful? Does it

also mean that the adversarial faction, referred to by the
Judeo-Christian world as Satan, will reside on

earth among men?

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