War In Heaven (24 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

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at that time, all Jews, and everyone “found written in the book, will be
rescued.” (Daniel

12:1). The book referred to here is the hidden fiftieth book of
the Bible, the Jubilee book synonymous

with the 50
year of Jubilee. It consists of
equidistant letter sequencing hidden with the plain text of the

Bible, and only accessible
through the use of a computer. (A senior code breaker at the National

Security Agency, the
clandestine government listening post in Washington, heard about the startling

discovery in Israel of the
Bible code, wrote his own program and searched for the names of 66 Hebrew

sages within the computer
code of the Bible. All 66, and more were found, including the names of the

cities where they were
born and died. It is believed that every person, living or dead, has been

in the hidden computer code of the Bible).

The Instructors Who Have Insight Will Explain What is Happening

will be those who deduce and comprehend exactly what is happening, and these
people are

called the “instructors” who have “insight.”
literal text in the New American Standard Bible

describes these Jews as
“instructors who have insight,” or as “instructors of the people who have

insight.” Daniel says they
will “give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by sword and by

flame, by captivity and by
plunder,” and that this will last for “many days.” (Daniel 11:33) It may very

well be that there will be
70 of these “instructors,” for before his appearance to the Jews of the Old

Testament, 70 were
appointed to “prophesy and speak of things that the Lord says will come to

These 70 were in a sense, preparing the way for the Lord’s
arrival. (Numbers 11:25). And, 70 were

appointed before the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament to
announce his arrival. (Luke

10:1 &10:l7). Now the number 70 in the biblical texts is
interchangeable with 72.

Moses and Elijah Will Reappear on Earth in the Last Days

Book of Revelation describes how two witnesses will appear on earth in the last

Revelation chapter eleven describes what will happen when they
arrive. Though their identities are not

clearly stated, clues are hidden in the text identifying them as
Moses and Elijah. Revelation 11:3 states

that they have “authority” granted to them by God. They are sent
to “prophesy for twelve hundred and

sixty days.” They will be in mourning because they are clothed in
“sackcloth.” Verse 4 calls them

“olive trees,” because they are a symbol of strength and blessing,
according to biblical writings. And,

they are referred to as “lamp stands,” which symbolize the
authority of heaven. Remember that the

Menorah, or 7 lamps of the Hebrew Temple represent the churches
authority through Jesus Christ, while

he is symbolically in the Temple in Heaven. Verse 5 tells us that
they will be supernaturally protected,

during this twelve hundred and sixty days. Verse 6 describes how
they have the power to stop the rain,

to turn water to blood, and to smite the earth with every plague,
as often as they desire.

Bible scholars will recall from Exodus that Moses had the power to
tum water to blood, and had

at his disposal various other plagues with which to plague Egypt.
The Bible also reports that when

Moses died, he died mysteriously. He was not ill, and was buried
by God, in a place unknown to

anyone but God. (See Deuteronomy 34:5-7). Why did Moses die? Why
did God conceal his burial place? Perhaps Moses was placed in some type of
suspended animation, and hidden someplace on earth

so he could be awakened in
the future. He knows God intimately, and he spent a lot of time with him,

face to face. He is a good
candidate for one of the two witnesses. And, Moses also saw and probably

entered the spaceship of
God when on Mount Sinai.

was carried to Heaven in a “chariot of tire,” by God. In all likelihood, this
was one of the

spacecraft of the Elohim. He never returned. (2 Kings 2:11-12).
Elijah too, performed miracles for

God. He slew the prophets of Baal. Afterwards, he was encouraged
by angels, who passed by in a

spaceship. (1 Kings 19:11-12). But, the most provocative evidence
is found in the New Testament.

Jesus, Peter, John, and James went up to a high mountain. Jesus
was “transfigured” before them. His

face “shone like the sun,” and his garments became as “white as
light.” Then, Moses and Elijah

appeared, to them, talking with Him. This tells us that Moses and
Elijah were both still alive at the

time of Christ. They may have spoken to him about their mission,
and how it would relate to his in the

future. They are in all probability, the two witnesses, of
Revelation, since they have both seen God,

Elohim before. The beast from the sea will eventually kill them,
when their mission is completed.

Their dead bodies will lie in the street of a city in Egypt for
three days. Everyone will rejoice, and

exchange gifts, because the two “prophets” tormented
them.(Revelation 11:7-10). Again, Moses and

Elijah were both
“prophets” Verses ll & 12 tell us that then they will be resurrected, and
in the sight

of their enemies, they will be taken up into a cloud. Remember
that UFO’s of the Bible were found in

clouds. It appears to me that there will be 70 “instructors who
have insight,” and two
equaling seventy-two total. The number seventy-two represented to
the Nibirians, a degree of arc, in the

precessional shift of a zodiacal house. A fragment of celestial
time that a human could live long enough

to observe, and that became in their way of thinking, synonymous
with humans.

“God of Heaven” appears to be Nannar-Sin. After the death of Nebuchadnezzar’s

Labashi-Marduk, conspirators selected a commoner called Nabonidus
to be king of Babylon. He was

the son of the governor of Harran, and the priestess of the moon
god Sin in that city. His own daughter

was priestess “entu” of the god Sin in Ur. Nabonidus promoted the
worship of the god Sin, and the

re building of his temples in Ur and Harran. Early in his reign
Nabonidus had a dream in which Sin told

him to rebuild his temple in Harran that had lain deserted for 54
years. At that time, Harran was

controlled by the Medes, but according to Nabonidus, three years
later, Sin caused Cyrus, the king of

Persia to defeat the Medes, so that Nabonidus was able to carry
out the god’s command. (Curiously,

Cyrus bestowed upon himself the title: “King of the World.” His
kingdom eventually supplanted that of

Nabonidus. It seems likely that Nannar-Sin had not only the
control of Babylon in mind, but the control

of Persia as well).

The priests of Babylon
didn’t take well to Nabonidus attempts to promote Sin over Marduk.

They objected to his rule,
and he left Babylon and traveled to Taima in northwest Arabia. It is believed

that he had been in Arabia
from the seventh through the eleventh years of his reign. He would have

returned during the
twelfth year of his reign, a symbolic way to illustrate that he was still king.
In all

probability, Nabonidus chose Arabia for his stay, because at that
time there was a huge cult of Nannar-

Sin in the region. Persian propaganda suggests that Nabonidus was
a heretic who ignored the worship

of Marduk, the beloved national Deity. (See 199-201 of the
Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia). Thus we

can see from a study of Nabonidus, that he was placed on the
throne of Babylon by the God of

Heaven...Nannar-Sin, the god of Nabonidus. Nabonidus may have been
trying to convert the people of

Babylon over to a worship of Nannar-Sin since he promoted him over
Marduk, and later stayed in

Arabia. Apparently, the same scenario was attempted during the
time of Daniel with Nebuchadnezzar,

but was totally unsuccessful. Though Nebuchadnezzar was encouraged
to acknowledge that it is the God of Heaven that rules, he kept returning to his
worship of Marduk. Though Nannar-Sin succeeded in

getting a king on the
throne of Babylon who would promote him, he was never successful in winning

the hearts of the people
of Babylon. It eventually took an invasion by an outside force to take down the

Babylonian power structure
and its promotion of Marduk as the chief Deity. Perhaps he found his ally

in the Persians?

10. The Resurrection Of Ancient

Organized Religion Suppresses Documents that Connect Religion to


does the church (organized religion) take such a dim view of UFO’s and their

If they dare admit that UFO’s and extraterrestrials do indeed
exist, they almost always declare them to

be demons. Rarely does a minister announce from his pulpit, that UFO’s
are piloted by angels from

God. Could it be that modem theologians have not the “wisdom” to
reconcile extraterrestrials and their

craft to their own interpretations of the Bible? Do they perhaps
suspect the truth, but fear the reality?

lt is clear that the organized religion has suppressed certain
ancient Hebrew documents that
critical components to understanding the true meaning of the Bible. For
The Book of

Enoch the Prophet
, was widely circulated by the early Christians. The Essenes
valued it so highly that

eight copies of it have been found at Qumran. It contains parts
which are some of the oldest texts of the

Judeo-Christian faiths. The early Christians were highly
influenced by these writings. The Ethiopic

translation found in Egypt
by the Scottish explorer James Bruce, was made from the Greek, perhaps

toward the middle of the
fourth century of our era, and it is believed that a Hebrew text preceded the

Greek. Aramaic versions
have also been found at Qumran, but are not as yet generally available.

Unfortunately, the texts did not find favor with the early ruling
church bishops, therefore the

remarkable book of Enoch was excluded from the traditional Church
Canon. Because the primitive

church freely dismissed the visions of Enoch as the materials of
imaginary dogmas, this fantastic book

and all it implies sank into oblivion, then disappeared from
western Christendom, almost entirely

forgotten by the church. (This same church perpetuated its own
teachings as the miraculous revelations

of Christianity).

priceless manuscript would lay forgotten throughout the long centuries. It was

resurrected by Dr. Lawrence, Archbishop of Cashel, formerly
Professor of Hebrew at Oxford, who

issued his first edition in 1821, apparently oblivious to the fact
that he was giving mankind one of the

theological keys with which to correctly interpret the actual
meaning of the Bible. According to

Lawrence: “The authors of the Kabalistic (ancient writings known
as Hebrew traditions which constitute

the hidden wisdom of the Jewish nation) remains wrote their
recondite (secret) doctrines in Chaldee.”

They possessed a copy of the book of Enoch, written in that
language, or in Hebrew. “They regarded as

the genuine work of him whose name it bore, and not as the
spurious production of a later age.”

Enoch Reveals SpaceFlight in Ancient Times

Lawrence believed that it must have been written prior to the
Christian era. He also believes that

the book of Daniel may have borrowed heavily from this earlier
source. He concluded that it was

written during the period of the reign of Herod. Much is contained
in the book of Enoch; prophesy

concerning the “end times,” and a fascinating account of a space
flight in which he saw the many

luminaries of the heavens. But, the most important aspect of the
book of Enoch is that it provides us

with the best description of the Elohim, and their prior
cohabitation with earthly females before the

Great Flood. It also
renders the situation between the renegade extraterrestrials and the God of the

Home Planet clearly, as
stated in other chapters.

Churches Suppresses Evidence of ET’s to Control Man

might wonder why the church would wish all this to remain hidden from the

man. It has many reasons to do so. The first and most obvious is
that the church wished to have total

control over the population under its domain. If mankind suspected
the real truth; that his “God” is in

reality a highly advanced extraterrestrial race who created him through
genetic manipulation, then

fought wars over what to do with him; man would have no real need
for priests. Man would recognize

that Christ the “Son of Man,” “Son of God,” is their only priest,
and only an allegiance to him can save

one (Hebrews 2:17, 3:1, & 5:6).

example of the church and its suppression of vital documents is well
illustrated with the

Gospel of Thomas which was thrown out because it did not suit the
needs of the early church in its

acquisition of new “dues paying” members for their own “religion.”
These greedy religionists were not

beyond twisting, and warping the words of the Bible in order to
remain in control of their religious

empire. However, the council of Nicea did not alter one particular
book of the Bible, the Book of

Revelation. Probably because it contained a special three-fold
curse, to anyone who dared to do so.

And, because they believed that no one could decipher the special,
symbolic code, and the secret

mathematical code in which it was written. Therefore, this, the
strangest book found in the Bible was

spared from their destructive tampering.”

Among the books suppressed
by the early church was the Kabbalah. Moses allegedly brought

this mysterious book out
of Egypt when he left. But, how did the strange book get there in the first

place? Joseph, who had
been placed there earlier by the fortuitous hand of God, brought it there with

him, which is evident only
if one reads the ciphered version of the Genesis story of Joseph’s abduction.

(Ciphered from letter/number
code). Moses then acquired the book from the priest of Midian, Reuel

(Jethro). It is rather odd
that the name Moses (Mosheh), means “water as a source of life” in

letter/number code.

Real Message of Christ ― Love One Another

If man were to lose faith in organized religion, he might realize
that he no longer depended upon

it to interpret the Bible, and reveal the wishes of God to him. he
might quit endowing it with money.

Inspired by the true message of God, he might dedicate such monies
toward doing the real work Christ

intended - helping mankind improve his miserable lot. He would
feed the hungry, clothe the poor, heal

the sick, and develop a more equitable society that treats every
member as a valuable commodity,

instead of something to be used and then discarded. He would also
use it to spread the genuine message

of Christ that has become so distorted.

Adversary Uses Organized Religion to Further His Cause

Remember a prominent televangelist who swindled millions of
dollars from his faithful flock in

TV land? Beware of someone who makes promises he doesn’t intend to
keep, all the while picking your

pocket and living high off the hog. No doubt antichrist Marduk
will use ruthless men like these to his

advantage when he returns, since he must manipulate the media to
gain his own advantage.

It has been recognized by some theologians, that the Adversary
Satan has corrupted and used the

church to his advantage throughout history. And, that is exactly
what is again to happen according to

the book of Revelation. There will be a universal church existing
at that time; with Marduk, or his

representative stepping in to become its head. The foundation of
this monstrous church exists today.

During the tribulation it is to absorb all other churches and
religions to create one “universal” faith.

false church, resurrects the ancient worship of the plural deities, and
savagely persecutes

those who do not join it: “. . .and I saw a woman sitting, on a
scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names,

having seven heads and ten horns... the woman was clothed in
purple and scarlet, ...adorned with gold

and precious pearls, having in her hand a cup full of abominations
and of the unclean things of her

immorality ,... upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery,
Babylon the great, the mother of

harlots and of the abominations of the earth... The woman was
“drunk” with the blood of saints, and

with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus” (Revelation 17:3-5).

her actions in regards to those killed by her in the past, and her liaison with

aliens who will use her to
further their cause, it is not difficult to deduce that the Universal church is

Babylonian Harlot.
Revelation 17:9 gives the precise location of the nucleus of the powerful

from which she has ruled, and is to rule... The seven heads are
seven mountains on which the woman


Seven-Headed Beast is Adversary With Authority

beast with the seven heads is of course a symbol for the adversary or if you prefer,

Everyone knows that Rome was built on seven hills, or mountains, and it is from
Rome that the

Universal Church reigns. It is no coincidence that the real ruler
of the Church has chosen an area that

contains seven hills, representing the seven heads of the great
dragon, and its former seat of power in

ancient times, as Well as in the middle ages. In Revelation we are
given a message from Christ

concerning the seven types of churches existing before his return.
We are told that the seven stars held

by Jesus in his right hand, are the seven “angels” (emissaries
from heaven) residing over the churches.

Seven is the symbolic number of earth because the Elohim passed by
six planets as their spacecraft left

Nibiru and traveled to earth, planet number seven. Thus they








was represented symbolically to them by the

Hebrew Menorah. Its lamps,
or candles, exemplifying the fiery “shem-rockets,” in which the Nibirians

traveled to earth.
To the ancients, a star was equivalent to a Deity or someone from Heaven.

Revelation 1:20, Y’shua,
or Jesus Christ explains that the seven stars are also the angels of the seven

churches. (Bear in mind
that angels were beings from Nibiru, simply emissaries from their world to

ours denoting political
authority). He also says that the seven lamp stands are the seven churches. In

other words, the rulers of
the seven planets in the zone of flight, represent the authority of the

here on earth. This is a direct take on Mesopotamian religious

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