War In Heaven (19 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Hostile Aliens are on the Moon!

In a recent British newspaper article, it was reported that the
first men on the moon encountered

hostile aliens. These extraterrestrials warned America’s first
moon expedition in 1969, that a space

station would not be tolerated. A fleet of UFO’s confronted the
Apollo ll, and its crew to prove their

point. Radio hams heard Apollo crew members Neil Armstrong, and Buzz
Aldrin’s astonishment as

they saw the aliens. Armstrong allegedly reported this to Mission
Control: “These babies are huge, sir

enormous! Oh my Godl” He also went on to say that there were other
spacecraft out there, lined up on

the craters edge, and that they were watching the astronauts.

freakish encounter was confirmed by Maurice Chatelain, a former head of

at NASA. Chatelain described in his book
Our Cosmic Ancestors
how this was common knowledge at

NASA. But, “it was something that nobody talked about until
now." He continued to speak of how

“All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance
and also quite closely, by space

vehicles of extraterrestrial origin.”*

World Governments Cover-Up ET Existence

UFO expert named Dr. Vladimir Azhazha told researchers that Armstrong has been

about his claims. He also stated that world governments have
covered up the UFO encounters in case

they spark mass panic.
This seems a likely scenario.
If the governments of the world were to admit

that not only do UFO’s
exist, but that they are piloted by beings of extraterrestrial origin, then
they would be required to reveal the following: that governments cannot protect
their citizens because they do not possess equivalent technology. And, that the
revelation of such beings would change mankind’s

view of his place in the
cosmic scheme of things. This in turn would change current opinions held by

religious authorities, and
would have far reaching social impact on the populations of every country of

the world.

Clandestine Military Mission Sent to Moon

might explain why the U.S. and the Russians have never tried to establish a
permanent base

on the moon. A moon base is the next logical step if man is ever
to push on to Mars, or even the stars.

Since the moon is different chemically than the earth, mining and
other pursuits would tend to interest

earthbound companies, yet we are not even trying to return. It’s
as though we have given up the prospect

of ever going back. Is it because our government knows that there
are at present hostile aliens on the


As if to bear up this idea that hostile extraterrestrials are
operating bases on the moon, Richard

Hoagland spoke of a clandestine mission to the moon which was
recently launched by the Pentagon.

Once it arrived on the moon, all transmissions ceased. Its fate is
If this is true, then why

did the Pentagon launch a
secret mission? Was it because the government did not wish citizens to be

aware of it in case
something happened to it? If it were widely known that a military mission had

wouldn’t this have created public curiosity? Wouldn’t people have demanded

coverage? If hostile beings are on the moon, then it becomes
obvious as to why covert operations would

be deemed necessary. The public must never see extraterrestrial
craft, beings, or attacks on our

spacecraft by such otherworldly forces. Did the government send
emissaries to the moon in an effort to

strike some kind of deal with the serpent faction?

Serpent Faction Filled with Wrath

Ironically, throughout the writings and drawings of antiquity, the
defeat of the dragon was a

common heroic theme among ancient cultures.
According to Revelation 12:12, the inhabitants of

Nibiru (heaven), rejoiced
once the war in heaven was fought and the dragon and his forces were thrown

down to earth. However,
the verse is also a warning to the people of earth; “because the devil has come

down to you, having great
wrath, knowing that he has only a short time."

the turmoil that the creation and fate of an inferior mortal race on a nearby
planet has

caused to the Elohim planet. This is probably been the greatest
internal conflict of their entire history.

The inhabitants of heaven know that the coming war; the Armageddon
that is to determine for all time

the ultimate fate of humanity, may also decide the fate of their
own planet as well. Because Enki,

Marduk, and the other renegades have been forced to hide on our
planet, they are filled with intense “wrath” at their defeat. They realize that
time is short. By 2060 A. D. planet Nibiru will once again be

in perigee between Jupiter
and Mars. However, as Nibiru nears, it will be possible for the

reinforcements of Christ
and his father to return and finish the job they started in Luke 10:18, and

Revelation 12, anytime
between now and 2060 A. D. Again, the “short time” applies to the Deity in

question, the “dragon” and
does not apply to earth time as measured by humans. Although 2,000 earth

years have passed since
the war in space that may have destroyed Mars, the moon and possibly Venus,

less than one year of
Elohim time has passed for Enki and the exiles.

Serpent Faction Controls Vatican

Revelation 12:17 describes how the dragon “enraged with the woman”
has been “making war

with the rest of her offspring” since his defeat. Specifically,
those among her offspring “who keep the

commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” This is
undoubtedly a reference to

Christians. It is obvious that the “dragon” has persecuted the
Christians of the world, as the verse

plainly indicated that he would. Closely examine the bloody pages
of history to see what world-wide

institution has been chiefly responsible for this persecution. See
what institution has killed both Jews

and Christians alike, persecuted those who tried to make
scientific progress, and hid the real words of

the Bible from its members
until recently when Vatican II terminated the strictly Latin masses forced

upon its congregations in
the past. From Bible prophesy, we know that in the fixture, an antichrist will

take his place as head of
the Catholic church. He will use its authority as an instrument of persecution

for those who will not
swear allegiance to it. (Bear in mind that the word Catholic means

use the church as a means to persecute and control humans? What better way
would there

be than to infiltrate the very body designed to aid and guide
those in allegiance with Christ and his

father? Ignorant humanity could easily be manipulated by a
powerful, and authoritative body,

supposedly acting upon the wishes of the Lord. And, if this church
is headed up by an antichrist, that

will call himself “god,” then he will also call himself the ruler
of earth; and consequently he will control

the resurrected spaceport.

NASA Conceals Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life

This “war in heaven” brings us back to another disquieting
question. Why has NASA been

silent regarding the single greatest discovery ever made, that we
are not alone? For centuries man has

wrestled with the possibility that there are other intelligent
life forms existing in the cosmos. Why send

the Viking probes to Mars
in search of life, and then, when compelling, hard evidence that intelligent

life exists right next
door is discovered, inexplicably clam up? Have powerful government

organizations outside of
NASA restricted the dispersion of this information?

findings of alien artifacts on the moon and Mars is startling, yet convincing
evidence that we

are not alone. But why withhold these discoveries from the general
public? Could it be that

independent bodies within the government have become aware of the
existence of the Elohim? Are they

afraid of the religious and political ramifications of such a revelation
to the American public? Is some

other agency within our government controlling the actions of

Curiously, Congressmen Robert Roe, former chairman of the House
Committee on Science,

Space and Technology had this to say regarding the Martian

“... there do appear to be formations of a face, as well as
pyramids, that do not appear to be of

natural or normal existence. It looked like they had to be
fashioned by some intelligent beings.”

Mr. Roe inexplicably resigned in 1991. On September 16, 1992, the
Mars Observer was

launched in an effort to provide scientists with a “comprehensive
study of the Martian geosphere.” For one Martian year it was to map the surface
and eventually serve as a science data relay facility for the

landed stations deployed
by the Soviet Mars ’94 mission.

enough, NASA did not plan to televise live pictures to the general population.
This is

unprecedented in the history of its space exploration policy.
Instead they would have censored what we

on earth were allowed to see.
We must ask ourselves
the disgruntling question as to why they would

be moved to take such a
radical step at this point in human history? Never before has NASA tried to

withhold scientific data
from the taxpayers that financed its procurement. Could it be that some other

body within the government
wished this “closer” look at planet Mars to be proofread before the

American Public saw it?
Was it because this closer look would have provided trained military eyes with

a detailed examination of
the Martian base?

is understandable that the government would want to keep the startling truth
from the

American people in these troubling times. They must surely
recognize the religious, political, and

sociological ramifications of the frightening revelation of an
alien space base on Mars. Perhaps they

should recall the titillating words of Christ: “the truth will set
you free.”

such men fear that a religious vacuum would ensue, if the startling truth were

telecast for all to see.
Finding human-like extraterrestrials, that might provide evidence that they are

creators of
mankind, might send millions of people into a frenzy of terror. They would be
unable to

reconcile this truth with the teachings of the Bible, the Torah,
or the Koran. Can you imagine this world

with no religion; and people who now question the validity of an
afterlife? Might some revert to a more

primitive nature? Chaos might ensue, or so the authorities

a study of Hebrew/Greek scripture, the vacuum can be filled with the knowledge
that the

though God is one of the Elohim, he is benevolent. He appears to
be on his way with a fleet of

spaceships to save man from a dying world, and from the hands of
his enemy, the renegade Serpent

faction. And, his power is shared with his half-human son, Jesus
Christ, who has the power of life and

death in his hands now. Revelation 1:17-18.

an eerie reality could be perceived as hope, a message meant to inspire faith
to the

maximum, not to destroy it. Christ has been given the power to
resurrect the dead, the key to unlock

death and to defeat it forever. And, he has been given the right
to govern mankind because he is both

human and Nibirian. If those in power do nothing, then when the
Serpent faction makes its appearance,

there will indeed be hell to pay. Fear will rule planet earth, and
the power that they seek to keep, must

be relinquished to these renegade aliens who are in hiding on, and
near earth now. By trying to conceal

what is happening, our leaders may actually create the very
scenario they sought to avoid in the first


Extraterrestrial Message Points to Free Energy

But, there is more to this cover-up than fear and panic. There are
unique prizes to be had in the

Martian desert of Cydonia. From a study of the mathematical
layouts of the Martian ruins, scientists

have been able to deduce that the builders of the city were aware
of a mysterious power source lying

within every planet, every celestial body; even the sun. By
studying the precise position of each

structure, even the location on the planet proper, that is 19.5
degrees latitude, they were able to apply the

physics of tetrahedral
geometry. This consists of placing a tetrahedron inside a rotating sphere,

a vortex of energy within the sphere at 19.5 degrees latitude,
that can be harnessed and used as a source

of free energy! This power source is indeed the force that turns
the earth, and all celestial bodies.

The great red spot found on the planet Jupiter is one of these
whirling vortexes. It is found at

exactly 19.5 degrees latitude. Planet Neptune was also discovered
to have a slowly rotating vortex at

19.5 degrees latitude.
On Mars, in the Cydonia
region, a tetrahedral pyramid is perched on the rim of the 360-degree crater
situated behind the Cliff The Cliff forms a backdrop to the famous “face” on

Mars. To some, it appears
that the eyes of the cliff face appear to be looking at the tetrahedral

pointing the way to this free source of natural energy. The eyes
of the cliff face do in fact line up with

the tetrahedral pyramid in a precise manner.

ls this double inscribed tetrahedron the true meaning behind the
star of David? Was this the

power of God in antiquity? Right now, scientists are studying the
archaic texts of all ancient cultures.

They are looking at the Rig-Veda, Mayan codices, as well as the
Hebrew/Greek scriptures. Researcher

Stan Tenen has discovered that the letter forms of the Hebrew
documents are apparently formed by

variants of shadow projections of tetrahedral geometry!
The very word of God is made up of

tetrahedral mathematics.

ancient cultures were also aware of the tetrahedron as the fundamental of all

fact, one of the oldest alphabets on earth employed the
tetrahedron shape― the cuneifom “wedge

shaped” writing of the
Sumerians and Babylonians.
Ironically, this peculiar form of
writing also

resembles “flow diagrams for logic circuits” used in computers.
Zecharia Sitchin points out how this

writing was believed to have been initiated by the goddess Nidaba,
and how it seems to have originated


star of David was used as the “seal” of king Solomon, and was also called the
“star of creation” by

Was it because they understood that the
tetrahedral geometric force is the basis for all

creation? Of planets,
stars, and living things? Of all matter everywhere in this dimensional plane of

Oddly, a double inscribed tetrahedron is portrayed as the center of the chakra
of the human

heart powered by the kundalini serpent energy of Oriental
mysticism.” Did our ancient forefathers

understand physics that we are only now beginning to realize even

Even so, the humans who get to the desert of Cydonia first will
discover, by deciphering the

hieroglyphics found in Cydonia City, the secrets of this
mysterious power source. If they do not receive

this secret from an extraterrestrial
source before they get to Mars...

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