War In Heaven (15 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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The Beth-El (God’s House), a site near the “Hallowed Mount,” to
which Abraham kept coming

back, was in the vicinity of Jerusalem and Mount Moriah (the Mount
of Directing). Here upon the

Sacred rock, the Ark of the Covenant was placed when Solomon built
the temple in Jerusalem. And,

from there Abraham journeyed to the Negev, the diy region where
Canaan and the Sinai peninsula merge. Here was the gateway to the Space Port in
the Sinai. Abraham had military allies in this region;

and it was his mission to
protect the Space Port and its facilities in the Sinai.”

the fourteenth chapter of Genesis, a rebellion is described in which
Chedorlaomer king of

Elam, Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, and Tidal
king of Goiim, made war with “Bera

king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of
Admah, and Shemeber king of

Zeboiim, and the king of Bela.” In verse five we are told that
“Chedorlaomer and the kings that were

with him, came and defeated the Rephaim in Ashteroth-Kamaim.”

Who were these giants that
were defeated? What was this war really about? It is from non-

biblical sources that the
missing pieces to this biblical puzzle are derived. In the “Khedorlaomer texts”

we learn that Marduk and
his brother Nabu were attempting to gain access to the Space Port in the

Sinai.” And, it was
because of this conflict that Abraham’s nephew Lot was taken hostage. Upon

hearing the news, Abraham
called up his best calvary men and pursued the retreating invaders. He

caught up with them near
Damascus, released Lot and retrieved the booty. Arriving at the valley of

Shalem (Jerusalem), he was
greeted as a victor.

Interestingly, a Sumerian cylinder seal which may depict this
invasion, pictures what some

believe to be Abraham seated on horseback, and below him is the
crescent moon of Nannar-Sin.

Some fifteen years later,
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by nuclear bombardment for harboring

the god Nabu. And it was
also then that the Space Port was destroyed, to put a stop to Marduk’s

ambitions. This occurred
in the year 2024 B.C.
Thus, with the Space Port gone, the Elohim

rule of earth over to Marduk, and he returned to Babylon, that had
escaped the “evil wind,” or radiation

carried by the wind.

Genesis records for us not only the beginning of mankind on Earth,
but the beginning of the

conflict between Marduk and Nannar-Sin, between the Serpent
faction and the God of the Old

Testament. This explains why Marduk would move his headquarters
from Ur, to Jerusalem. And, it

explains why Abraham, who was the son of a priest, (possibly of
the cult of Nannar-Sin) would be

called out by his god. If Nannar-Sin did return to Heaven and
overthrow the government there in order

to become the “God of Heaven and Earth,” or the Most High God, and
then return to earth, why then

was the creation of a god-man such as Christ necessary?

Christ is Replacement for Adversary

Marduk came to supremacy, he assumed for himself the rank of fifty, and thus
became the

“god of gods.” This policy was not to eliminate the other gods,
but to supervise and control them.

Although this “new religion” proclaimed in Babylon was a far cry
from monotheism, it probably gave

rise to Nannar-Sin, the God of the Old Testament’s attempt to
create a monotheistic religion with the

Hebrews. Modern scholars have recognized that Babylon’s
monotheistic religion created by Marduk

could have given rise to the concept of a Holy Trinity; for it
stressed the lineage Enki-Marduk-Nabu.

And, the divinity of the Son was obtained from a Holy or Divine

Interestingly, the leading Assyriologists were German, primarily
because the Deutsche Orient-

Gesellschaft - an archaeological society that also served as the
political and intelligence-gathering ends

of Germany had conducted excavations at Babylon from 1899 until
almost the end of World War I,

when Iraq fell to the British in 1917. One interesting book,
written by a German scholar, asked the very

provocative question, “Was
Marduk a Type of Christ?;” because of his entombment inside the Great

Pyramid for three days,
and then his reappearance to become the dominant Deity.

the death and entombment of Jesus Christ for three days, then his victorious

resurrection were in
direct imitation of Marduk’s own “passion.”
Christ as the son of
Nannar-Sin, has in a sense become the ruling Deity. He is predicted to replace
Marduk, the son of Enki, rivals of

Nannar-Sin and his line when he comes with the “army of Heaven.”

Christ is a Political Hybrid

Christ, as a half-god, half-human, martyr figure creates a
powerful symbol for all mankind. It

would appear that Jesus is actually a political “hybrid,” not
unlike the children born from political

marriages arranged between the monarchies of various countries of
earth, in order to stop wars or

strengthen alliances. This same principle applies to this complex
interplanetary political situation.

Jesus was an actual child of one of the Elohim Deities is evident by Mark
15:39. “. . .when

the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, s
aw the
way He breathed his last, he said, “Truly

this man was the Son of
God. ”
(Mark 15:39). The New American Standard Bible indicates that there is

another possible
translation of part of this verse. Instead of the “Son of God,” the manuscript
can also

be interpreted, the “Son of a God,” or “a Son of God.”
Here is yet another reference to the plurality of

the Elohim. In ancient
times these “sons of the gods” were more common than one might think.

Hercules, Gilgamesh,
Alexander the Great, Noah, and other heroes claimed divine blood.

pharaohs and Roman emperors boasted of their divine blood as well.
(Divine blood gave one political

authority. This probably stemmed from the belief that “kingship”
had been given to man by the gods,

and that for a time the gods and their offspring were the rulers
of mankind). Therefore, it stands to

reason that the centurion may have actually recognized “a son of a
god” when he saw one.

did the centurion make this assessment? What was it about Christ that made his
death gasp

different from the average mortal? Clearly, something unusual
happened at the moment he “breathed

his last,” that does not ordinarily happen to human beings. What
was it about that last breath that was


If Jesus were a hybrid between the Nibirians and humans, a living
clone of his father, then his

cell structure would have been different from that of an
earthling. In fact, Joseph, the betrothed of the

virgin Mary, was told by
an angel that the child she carried was of the “holy Spirit.” He also told

that the child could be a boy, and that his name would be
Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” (See

Mathew 1:18-24). In these days of invitro-fertilization, a virgin
birth could hardly be considered a

“miracle,” however, to someone living in ancient times it would
have indeed been miraculous.

Curiously, the angel told Mary that “the Holy Spirit would come
upon her, and the power of the Most

High would overshadow her, and for that reason the holy offspring
shall be called the son of God. ”

(Luke 1:35).

Christ is Clone of His Father

Mary subjected to the special spirit ray used by the Elohim to manipulate human

of God? Was she in essence told that while she was under the
influence of this ray, that some sort of

technological feat was to happen which is the “power of God,” and
for that reason her child would be a

“son of God?” Such a possibility could explain why the “star of
Bethlehem” followed Mary and Joseph;

to check on the outcome of their genetic experiment (Matthew 2:9).
Was Christ in fact, a “clone” of his

father? In John 14 verses 9-11, Christ states that,
“He who has
seen Me has seen the Father;. . .”
He goes

on to ask:
"Do you
not believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? "
me that I

am in the Father, and the Father is in Me..." (John 14:9-11).

Christ Subjected to Spirit Ray

It would appear from this portion of the verses that the “spirit”
of god was also in Him, “The

words that I say to you I do not speak on my own initiative, but
the Father abiding in Me does his

works.” Apparently, Christ was saturated with the Spirit ray at
his baptism. For as soon as he was

He went immediately from the water; and behold the
heavens were opened and he saw the

Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him,”
then, “a voice out of the
heavens,” which

said: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew

If he was impregnated with this special ray, this could explain
why he stated that he couldn’t do

anything on his own initiative, but rather that
father abiding in Me does his works. ”
And that He

did not seek his own will,
but “the will of Him who sent Me.” John 5:30.

In Luke 9:29-32, the Bible describes how Jesus became transfigured
on the mountaintop, and

that his physical appearance became altered ― he glowed just
as his two companions, Moses and Elijah.

Remember that in ancient times, contact with UFO’s and the gods
often occurred on the top of

mountains. Moses himself had gone up on Mt. Sinai to visit the
Lord after he landed his craft there.

Both Jesus and Moses glowed after their encounters on the mountain
top. Were they both saturated with

the ray? I speculated earlier that Moses may have been a hybrid
like Christ. Both may have had cell

structure that was particularly susceptible to this ray. This
spirit ray and absorption theory provides us

with a startling solution
to a modem day mystery, the Shroud of Turin; and could explain why Cl1rist’s

last breath was unusual
enough to prove him to be a “son of a god.”

Shroud of Turin May Hold Answers

to popular belief; the Catholic Church does not hold this particular artifact
in its

possession; for it actually belongs to the last king of Italy,
Umberto II, who lives in exile in Portugal.

All exhibition and testing
of the Shroud requires the permission of both Umberto and the Archbishop of

Turin, its actual
custodian. It has been displayed to the public only on rare occasions.”

consists of a piece of linen cloth, about fourteen feet long, and three and a
half feet wide. It

displays the blurred image of a man, front and back. This facade
presents precise details indicating that

the man was crucified.
Approximately one hundred and
twenty scourge wounds, numerous deep

puncture wounds covering the entire scalp, wrist and foot wounds,
and a deep side wound appear on the

Medical experts studying photographs of the
Shroud, discovered that it contains a degree of

anatomical detail far
surpassing medical knowledge of the fourteenth century, the time period in

the Shroud first gained notoriety. The details visible on the
Shroud are remarkably consistent with the

scriptural account of the crucifixion of Christ.
force scientists made the extraordinary discovery

that the image on the
Shroud has three-dimensional data encoded within it. Using a computer, a three

dimensional replica of the
image was constructed.
When photographed, the bizarre image
appears as

a “negative,” with very distinct details.

1978, a special research team attempted to determine the process by which the
image was

imprinted into the cloth. Though they failed to identify the exact
process that caused it, they did rule

that the image is a scorch. It could not have been painted on, or
changed by chemical method. Nor

could it have been stained into the cloth by vapor reaction from a
morbid death sweat combined with the

spices used to embalm the body (vaporgraph).

Shroud also contains a small amount of blood, according to ultraviolet

photographs taken by Vernon Miller and Samuel Pellicori. Normal
human blood does not fluoresce, but

blood serum, the colorless fluid part of the blood can. The fluorescent
margins are believed to be blood serum that separated from the whole blood
before, or after death.
It is intriguing that “fluorescent”

qualities should be
attributed to the blood of the Shroud.

numerous scriptures describe the bodies of the Elohim as having the ability to
glow, it

seems likely that their bodies produce a special internal
radiation which creates both heat and light. We

are then able to deduce
that it was probably this type of radiation that scorched the image into the

Shroud. If Jesus was a
hybrid clone, he too might have emanated this radiance or aura. It could be

each time he
was charged up with the spirit ray, his body would become hotter, and may have

exuded a soft

white linen shroud was the normal burial vestment among Jews of the first
century. It is

conceivable that sandwiched between the top and bottom layers of
the linen cloth, the radiation emitted

by Christ’s body may have produced a slight singeing effect on the
linen fibers next to his skin.

Depending upon the intensity of the radiation emitted from various
portions of the body, lighter or

darker imprints were obtained. Logically, the intensity of the
radiation would have changed from spot

to spot along the body, and the distance between the body and the
Shroud would have been a factor as

well. Bony parts, being more dense, should have a different
intensity of radiation than fleshy or

muscular parts of the body. The curvature of each section of the
body could have influenced the

intensity of the penetration into the cloth.

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