War In Heaven (6 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Nibirian Physical Appearance Tied to Orbital Cycle of Nibiru

men from Heaven are believed to have come from a planet having a highly
elliptical orbit

that carries it into Orion, and then back through Jupiter and
It is obvious that this planet spends

a great deal of time far
from the warmth of the sun and its effects. This could account for the

of the Nibirian hair, and sometimes their skin. (Some have been
described as albinos, while others have

a bronze-like complexion).
In all probability, the
highly elliptical orbit of their world is responsible

f or their ability to
radiate a visible aura. If beings were to evolve on such a comet-like planet,

might be
required to generate their own heat; and possibly their own light, so they
could see or be seen

in the absence of natural sunlight. Just as their planet generates
heat and light, so may its inhabitants.

The Bible calls these beings Nephilim, or “giants,” which seems
likely since the planet is believed to be

a good deal larger than earth. Logically, giants would evolve on a
large planet to counteract the

gravitational force of such a body.

Mesopotamian Deities Came from Nibiru

Mesopotamian texts describe these beings as having come from Heaven. A star was

placed beside their name
in the texts to indicate their origin.” Both Mesopotamian writings and biblical

scripture show that they
appear to be divided into a military ranking system. The Mesopotamian deities

were originally assigned
rank as follows: 60 belonged to Anu, king of Nibiru, 50 belonged to Enlil, lord

of the earth, 40 were
assigned to Ea/Enki commander of earth’s seas, and 30 to Nannar-Sin, the moon

god. They were also each
assigned a corresponding planet. The total number of the ruling elite was 12;

the number which stood for
planet Nibiru.”

Nibirians flew past Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars; before
reaching earth,

which they considered to be the seventh planet in their “zone of
flight” from Nibiru to earth.
I pointed

out in my first book that
the symbolic numbers 12 and 7 appear again and again in the pages of the

Bible. Twelve stood for
Heaven, and seven for earth.
Israel was divided into twelve
tribes, each

assigned a constellation of the zodiac.
Christ chose
twelve disciples. And, at age twelve, he visited

the temple that he
referred to as “his Father’s house” (Luke 2:42-49). Oddly, both Mesopotamians,

Hebrews worshiped their
Deity in a temple.

Father of Jesus Christ from Nibiru

I mentioned earlier, the Hebrew Temple was a type of celestial map that showed
Nibiru and

earth in the solar system, and the solar system against the
galactic plane. The Most Holy Place in the

Temple, or the Holy of Holies was where the “throne of heaven” was
found, represented by the Ark of

the Covenant. The throne was in Heaven, and Heaven is planet
Nibiru. The symbolism is clear ― Christ, Price of Nibiru, entered the
house of his Father the King of Nibiru on his twelfth birthday. A

clear indication of who he
really was, and where he was actually from. Even in the feeding of the

multitudes, the symbolic
numbers 12 and 7 were employed. (See Mark 8:18-20). In the feeding of the

tive thousand, twelve
baskets of broken pieces of bread were picked up, while in the feeding of the

seven baskets of pieces were obtained. Both episodes were political references
to Christ as the

mediator between Heaven and Earth, and to Christ as the symbolic
“bread from Heaven.” In fact, Christ

stated that he was the “bread of life” (John 6:35).

Nibiru Returns in 2060 A. D.

Nibiru moves from its apogee in Orion, it should move very quickly toward the

gravitational pull of the sun. It may slow down as it passes
behind the sun; then it most likely spends about 1,500 years within the solar
system, and attaining apogee. If its last passage between Jupiter and

Mars occurred during the
great Exodus from Egypt in 1540 B. C., then we can expect its reappearance

about 2060 A. D. Plagues
and phenomena described in the book of Exodus seem to indicate the passage

of a large body near to
earth. “So there was hail and fire flashing continually in the midst of the

very severe, such as had not been in the land of Egypt since it
became a nation.” (Exodus 9:24). The fire

might have been caused by meteorites, or debris, that burned up in
the oxygenated atmosphere of earth.

Perhaps, debris was brought near to earth by Nibiru, as it passed
our planet. The severe hail might also

have been due to the increasing proximity of a large body, which
would cause fierce rainstorms,

flooding and of course hailstones.

Revelation 8:7, the same phenomenon of hail and fire will smite earth in the
future. “... and

there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown
to the earth; and a third of the earth

was burnt up, and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the
green grass was burnt up.” Since Nibiru

is believed to cause heavy rains, flooding and hail storms, then
these verses could simply be describing

the effects on earth by the gravitational pull of this planet.
Since a third of the earth, its trees and grass

were burnt up, this future
passing of Nibiru must be much more severe.

to its extreme gravitational attraction, it may trigger a catastrophic pole
shift; resulting in

another global deluge, as it probably did about 10,800 years ago
(3,600 x 3 = l0,800). Heraclitus of

Ephesus stated that every 10,800 years, a great flood occurred,
due to a shifting of the bodies in the

He was most likely referring to the
appearance of Nibiru near earth, and the havoc it wreaks

on earth and other nearby
planets. And, when the planet returns to earth’s vicinity, so do the Nibirians

and the prophesied “army
of Heaven” led by Jesus Christ.


seems likely that this “life force” is tied into their blood. The Old Testament
states that “the blood is

the life,” and the blood on the Shroud of Turin has the ability to
fluoresce. Thus, when the Nibirian

dies, his blood quits circulating and his melammu disappears.
Technically, the lights go out.


4. Before The Flood

there once a great and terrible global inundation? Stories of the cataclysmic
Deluge abound

in most every ancient culture on earth. An awesome event of this
magnitude would undoubtedly leave

an indelible impression on the human race, no matter how scattered
they might be on the globe. The

inhabitants of Asia, the islands of the South Pacific, North
America, Central America, and South

America relate similar tales of this impressive occurrence.

accounts of the Flood existed before the Bible; yet, the various legends have
some basic

points in common with the biblical account. Some mention a race of
white-haired giants that lived on

earth before the Flood. The Bible also mentions the Nephilim
(giants) who came from heaven and lived

on earth before the Deluge.
Most of the ancient
accounts have these factors in common:

One man was warned about a
coming disaster, usually by a god.

The Flood catastrophe
brought about global destruction.

A man survived the Deluge,
along with other persons.

A huge
boat was used to weather the catastrophe, which came to rest on a mountain as
the waters


Greek Flood legend states, that only Deucalion and his wife, Pyrrha survived.

believed that
before the Flood, earth was inhabited by violent men called “the men of
bronze.” The God

Zeus decided to wipe out this errant race; and told Deucalion to
build a large chest and get into it. After

the Flood waters subsided,
the chest came to rest on Mt. Pamassus. Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha

descended from the
mountain and started mankind again.

Chinese rendition of the Flood reveals that a “thunder god” gave a tooth to two

Nuwa and Fuxi. He instructed them to plant it and to take shelter
in the gourd that was to grow from it.

Soon, a tree bearing a huge gourd grew from the tooth. The thunder
god caused torrential rainfall, and

the children climbed into the gourd. Everyone on earth perished,
and only Nuwa and Fuxi survived to

repopulate the planet.

rich heritage of the American Indians produced various legends concerning the
Great Flood.

The Arikara legend describes a race of giant people so strong that
they ridiculed the gods. Their god,

Nesaru, destroyed these people with a flood, but saved his own
people, animals and maize in a cave. The Havasupi Indians say that the god
Hokomatu unleashed a deluge that destroyed mankind. A man

named Tochopa saved his
daughter in a hollow log.

Central and South America, similar Flood accounts exist. The Maya believed in a
“great rain

serpent” that destroyed the world by torrents of water. The
Tupinamba Indians of Brazil spoke of a time

when a great Flood
destroyed all their ancestors except those who survived in canoes, or in the
tops of

tall trees."

Aymara of Peru and Bolivia say that the god, Virococha, came out of Lake
Titicaca, created

the world and abnormally large, strong men. This first race of men
angered him, thus he destroyed them

with a flood. In the South Pacific, the Samoans believe that there
was once a Great Flood that destroyed

everyone except Pili and his wife. These two people were saved, by
climbing up on a rock. After the

waters subsided, they repopulated the earth. In Hawaii, it was the
god Kane who destroyed mankind

with a Flood. Only Nu’u escaped with his life in a large boat that
later grounded on a mountain. The

Siberians believe in a global inundation, and that an old man and
his family survived on a raft they had

made. The Hungarians also say that those who survived the Flood
did so on rafts.

story of the Flood exists in Vedic Indian literature in several versions,
always an incident of

some more or less bulky work or collection, except for a short
narrative called the Matsya (fish) Purana.

Although the Flood story is mentioned in the Agni-Purana, two or
more elaborate versions are found in

the Bhagavata the “Shatapatha” (Brahamana of a hundred paths). It
is told as an ancient legend

accounting for the present human race.

The “Mahabharata” renders a version of the flood tale; that
includes the rescue of a tiny fish by

Manu; who eventually places him into the ocean:

“When he (the fish) had been thrown into the ocean, he said to
Manu: “Great Lord, thou hast in

every way preserved me: now hear from me what thou must do when
the time arrives. Soon shall all

these terrestrial objects, both moving and fixed, be dissolved.
The time for the purification of the

worlds has now arrived. I therefore inform thee what is for they
greatest good. The period dreadful for

the universe, moving and fixed, has come. Make for thyself a
strong ship, with a cable attached;

embarked in it with the seven Rishis and stow in it, carefully
preserved and assorted, all the seeds which

have been described of old
by Brahmans...”

taking mutual leave, they departed each on his own way. Manu then, as enjoined,

with him the seeds, floated on the billowy ocean in the beautiful
ship. He then thought of the fish,

which knowing his desire, arrived with all speed, distinguished by
a horn. When Manu saw the homed

Leviathan, lofty as a mountain, he fastened the ship’s cable to
the horn. Being thus attached the fish

dragged the ship with great rapidity, transporting it across the
briny ocean, which seemed to dance with

its waves and thunder with its waters. Tossed by the tempests, the
ship whirled like a reeling and

intoxicated woman. Neither the earth, nor the quarters of the
world appeared; there was nothing but air,

water, and sky...

preceding Flood story resembles the Sumerian and biblical versions from which
it may have

been derived in several ways:

The flood was used to
“purify” the world, or for its punishment, as it amounts to the same thing.

Manu is not saved alone,
but is allowed to take a few human beings (not his friends or family, but the

“seven” holy sages of
Hindu legend), and the “seeds” Notice that the holy number, appears in both the

biblical and Indian tales.

mysterious fish reveals himself to Manu as Brahma, the One Supreme Deity, and
speaks to him

bidding Manu to repopulate the world.

Sumerian and Biblical Flood Stories Similar

Note the startling similarities between the Sumerian Flood story
and the biblical account:


God Ea (Sumerian god of
the water) spoke to me his servant: “Men have rebelled against me, and I will

do judgment against them
... the heavens will rain destruction ... the appointed time has come.

God looked on the earth,... all flesh had corrupted their way upon the
earth." Genesis


God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; ...the earth is
filled with

violence because of them; ... behold I am about to destroy them
with the earth." Genesis 6: 12-13

brought together and stowed into the ship... the seed of life of every kind, my
family, my men

servants, and my women servants. _ .and also my nearest friends...

you shall enter the ark; you and your sons and your wife, and your sons’ wife,
and your sons’

wives with you.

... and every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of
every kind into the ark,... Genesis


survived the Deluge, Utnapishtim is not given any mission, or task; but simply

with his wife into immortal life, or, if you will, taken to
“planet Heaven.”

"And god blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “be
fruitful and multiply, and replenish

the earth.” Genesis 9:1

Epic of Gilgamesh Provides Important Clues in Flood Account

the ancient poem entitled, “The epic of Gilgamesh,” the legendary King of Uruk
ventured out

on a journey to the land of the gods in search of immortality.
Consequently, he was taken into the

heavens where he encountered Utnapishtim (Noah), who disclosed to
him the true account of the Flood

for the benefit of future generations of mankind.
Utnapishtim related that the gods swore an oath not

to tell the humans of the
impending Flood. Warned by Enki to build the ark, Utnapishtim quickly

obeyed. In order to fool
the inhabitants of Shuruppak, he was told to tell them that he must build a boat

to escape the wrath of the
deity Enlil, because he had chosen to serve Ea (Enki) instead. The populace

of Shuruppak were promised
a gift of food if they helped Utnapishtim build the ark.

It is significant that the poem mentions food, for at this time,
according to ancient Assyrian texts,

mankind was in a serious state of deprivation. In an effort to
starve unruly mankind, the gods had quit

irrigating crops that fed him.
The book of Genesis
seems to confirm this very idea by stating that “no

shrub of the field was yet
in the earth ,... no plant of the field had yet sprouted,
for the Lord God
had not

sent rain upon the earth; ...But a mist used to flow/90m the earth
and water the whole surface of the

Genesis 2:5-6

the earth was in an ice age, as speculated by Zecharia Sitchin in his now
legendary work:

, this would account for the scant vegetation; and for the
apparent lack of rain in some areas.
The “mist that flowed from
the ground” was probably due to the irrigation devices of the Elohim!

When they turned off the
water, man had to subsist on whatever he could find growing in the wild.

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