War In Heaven (11 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

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heard the king, they went their way; and lo,
the star which they had seen in
the east,

went on before them, until it came and stood over where the child
(Matthew 2:9).

new stars are incapable of moving from place to place, and certainly do not
come to a

complete standstill over a specific destination.

Christ Will Return with an Armada of Spaceships

Throughout the four Gospels of the New Testament, Christ is
associated with what appear to be

hovering spacecraft concealed within clouds. (This will be discussed
in detail in later chapters). In fact,

Christ is predicted to return with an armada of spaceships in the
later days: “and they will see the Son

of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great
glory." (Matthew 24:30). “For just as the

lightning comes from the
east, and flashes even to the west,
so shall the coming of the Son of Man

wherever the corpse is, there the eagles (literal) will gather.”
(Matthew 24:27-28).

In ancient times, eagles were associated with the spaceflight capabilities
of the gods. An

Assyrian seal from circa 1500 B. C. depicts two “eagle men”
saluting a “shem,” indicating that these

“men” were the pilots of these heavenly craft. Numerous depictions
of eagle men show that they were

not monstrous bird men, but anthropomorphic beings wearing
uniforms lending an appearance of an

eagle. A Sumerian king named Etana made the journey to Heaven with
the aid of eagle men. The

Mesopotamian god Shamash was often depicted wearing the costume of
an eagle man, including the

Wings. Oddly, some biblical texts describe God as having wings,
and speaks of flying eagles in relation

to God.
Could this have been how angels came to be
depicted with wings? Curiously, humans are

told to look to the skies
for their rescue in the end times: “when these things begin to come to pass,

look up, ...Iift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
(Luke 21:28). Is it
because the sky

will be filled with the invading military might of the home world
of the Nibirians? Will they return

because Nibiru will be crossing between Jupiter and mars making
invasion possible for the first time in

several thousand years? Are Christ’s chosen ones to be lifted up
into hovering spacecraft by

electromagnetic rays?

we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the
clouds to meet

the Lord in the air,
...thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (l1Thessalonians

6. The Glory, The Spirit, And The

Has Close Encounter

rabbis who put together the Old Testament, debated whether or not to include
the strange,

yet astounding book of Ezekiel due to their inability to
comprehend it.
The highly observant priest

reported some
extraordinary happenings, including several UFO sightings that may have
originated with

the Nibirians. He begins his book with a provocative description
of the final phase of a spaceship’s

descent from a circular orbit to the earth, and of its subsequent
He then provides a detailed

description of the main
parts of the spacecraft he calls “the glory of God,” and mentions that the
craft is

identical to the one he saw some twenty years earlier. He speaks
to the commanders of the spaceship.

He hears them converse, he observes their movements, and on one occasion
he witnesses a peculiar

event involving the participation of a ground crew summoned by the
commander. He is also carried

aloft by these spaceships, and travels to two temples of
mysterious location.

first encounter with the “glory” occurred around 592 B. C., while Ezekiel was
“by the river

Chebar" (in the land of the Chaldeans, Babylon) among the
exiles, when “the heavens were opened up ”

and he “saw visions of God.” (Ezekiel l:l).
Ezekiel looked, and “behold a storm was coming

from the north, a great
cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in

midst something glowing
like metal in the midst of the fire... within it there were figures resembling

four living beings; this
was their appearance: they had human form.” Ezekiel 1:4-5. The astonished

prophet goes on to
describe how “each had four faces and four wings... their legs were straight
and the

soles of their feet were like a calf's hoof, and they gleamed
like burnished bronze.” Ezekiel 1:6-7.

Ray Used on Ezekiel

from a distance, the “word of the Lord came expressly” to him, while the “hand
of the

Lord came upon him.” (Ezekiel l:3). It could be that a ray of some
kind, possibly magnetic in origin, was employed to hold Ezekiel in place.
Perhaps the “words of the Lord” were beamed into his head

telepathically, or by some
type of transmitter. The object that glowed like metal in the midst of the

may have actually have been some type of otherworldly craft.
Notice that again this UFO was reported

in a cloud. It could be that the device generated an
electromagnetic field as some modern scholars have

suggested, which in tum
created atmospheric disturbances that produced strong winds, lightning, and

storm-like conditions.

Ezekiel Sees Landing Pods of Craft Emerging from Cloud

The first things to emerge from this fiery cloud were what he
terms four “living creatures,” each

having four faces and four wings. Their straight legs, with soles
resembling calves hooves, imply that

these living beings were landed pods that supported the craft as
it landed. These metallic extensions

were probably round, tubular units with a flush bottom; while the
calves hooves might have acted as

shock absorbers.

their wings on their four sides were human hands... As for the faces and wings
of the

four of them, their wings touched one another; their faces did not
tum when they moved, each went

straight forward. As for the form of their faces, each had the
face of a man, all four of them had the face

of a lion on the right,
and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle. Such

their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two
touching another being, and two covering

bodies... each went straight forward; wherever the spirit was about to go, they
would go, without

turning as they went.” Ezekiel 1:8-12.

human hands beneath the wings were probably mechanical arms similar to devices

employed on the spacecraft
used in our own space program.
The wings did not tum when the
vehicle moved; instead the wings went straight forward, and were joined to each
other. The sound resembling

rushing water was most likely the loud whirring of the
helicopter-like wings.
Were these animal and

human faces simply carved
images of the chimeras so predominate in the Mesopotamian culture? The

lion, the bull, and the
eagle were all Mesopotamian symbols.

Ezekiel Sees Reactor of Spaceship

“In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked
like burning coals of fire, like

torches darting back and forth among the living beings. The fire
was bright and lightning was flashing

from the fire... the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of
lightning.” Ezekiel 1:13-14.

the center of the craft, in the midst of the living beings,” emanated the glow
of an overheated

reactor; and if it were coming to a stop, it would probably
pulsate. Such a glow would naturally be

reflected on the metallic surface of the legs; that in tum would
give the appearance of glowing on their

own. This would reflect the pulsation of the hot reactor, giving
the impression of torches “darting back

and forth among the living beings.”

Craft Searches for Landing Site

Ezekiel observed the spacecraft as it hovered a few feet above the ground in

of a suitable landing site. Perhaps, the brief bursts of the
control rockets used to slow the craft for

landing occurred in a sequence that seemed irregular to Ezekiel
(like torches darting back and forth

among the living beings).
He said that the fire was
bright, and lightning was flashing from the fire.

This could have made it
seem as if the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning.

Man Wearing Special Suit Emerges

We find verification in chapter ten that the reactor was indeed
located in the center of the

spaceship, beneath the expanse (the main body of the craft), and
between the whirling wheels: “I looked

and behold, in the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim
something like a throne appeared

above them. And he (God?) spoke to the man clothed in linen and
said, “Enter between the whirling

wheels under the cherubim, and fill your hands with coals of fire
from between the cherubim, and

scatter them over the city. Ezekiel 10:1-2.

“And it came about when he commanded the man clothed in linen,
saying, take fire from

between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim, he entered
and stood beside a wheel.”

Ezekiel 10:6.

coals of fire must have been the radioactive by products of the crafts
propulsion system;

located under the vehicle for the “man clothed in linen” was
ordered to take fire from between the

whirling wheels,” and from between the cherubim. Were these coals
of fire capable of becoming a

formidable weapon? Is this why god ordered the man clothed in
linen to scatter them over the city? If

they were radioactive in nature, they would be quite capable of
destroying human and animal life. Note

that the man was wearing special protective attire that would make
it safe for him to handle radioactive

material. The special suit he wore made him more conspicuous than
other members of the ground crew.

It is intriguing to note that anyone handling radioactive elements
in atomic power plants and scientific

research facilities wears such protective clothing.

Ezekiel Sees “Wheel Within a Wheel”

I looked at the living beings, behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside
the beings,

for each of the four of them. The appearance of the wheels and
their workmanship was like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same
form, their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel

were within another.
Whenever they went, they went in any of their four sides, without turning as

moved. As for
their rims they were lofty and awesome, and the rims of all four of them were
full of

eyes round about. Ezekiel 1:15-18.

Notice that each of the four wheels looked alike, implying that
this was indeed a mechanical

apparition, since it displays uniformity in its functions and
design strategy, One would expect to see

four wheels on any modern day air borne craft, if it were also an
all-terrain vehicle when on the ground.

Four wheels would be required to support the weight of a large,
heavy space vehicle. If this were a

reconnaissance craft, then it would probably be specially designed
and equipped for movement on land,

just as one might expect if the vehicle were on a mission from
another world.


wheels were lofty and awesome, leading one to suspect that they must have been

large, since they made such an indelible impression on the
prophet. He describes them as being a huge

wheel within a wheel, which probably rotated inward or outward.
The workmanship of these wheels

suggests that there may literally have been a wheel within a
wheel. There may have been additional

appurtenances, such as segmented hubs that would have allowed the
circumferential movement

suggested by the statement “wheel within a wheel.”

― these awesome wheels had “eyes” all around. These “eyes” might have
been specially

molded bumps like the ones on modem day snow tires placed there to
help the tires gripping power. Or,

perhaps they were instead television camera lenses that were in a
sense, the “eyes of the vehicle, ”

allowing the crew to observe surrounding alien terrain."

...whenever the living beings went, the wheels went with them...
whenever the living beings

went from the earth,
the wheels rose also. Wherever the spirit
was about to go, they would go in that

... the wheels rose close
beside them; for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.

Whenever those went, these
went; and whenever those rose from the earth, the wheels rose close beside

them; for the spirit of
the living beings was in the wheels.” Ezekiel 1:19-20.

Whenever the living beings moved, the wheels accompanied them,
just as one would expect if

they were all part of the same unit. “...over the heads of the
living beings there was something like an

expanse, like the awesome gleam of crystal, extended over their
heads... under the expanse their wings

were stretched out straight, one toward the other; each one also
had two wings covering their bodies on

the one side and on the other.” I also heard the sound of their
wings like the sound of their wings like

the sound of abundant waters as they went, like the voice of the
Almighty, a sound of tumult like the

sound of an army camp; whenever they stood still, they dropped
their wings... their came a voice from

above the expanse that was over their heads; whenever they stood
still, they dropped their wings.”

Ezekiel 1:22-25.

“expanse” was most likely the main body of the craft, which contained the

module of the ship. Notice that the wings made a deafening sound
like “abundant waters,” and that

when the vehicle came to a halt, the wings dropped ― just as
one might expect from rotor-like

propellers! Did the voice that came “from above the expanse”
emanate from a loud speaking device?

Ezekiel Sees the Commander of the Craft

the expanse that was over their heads; like eben-sappir (literal Hebrew texts

sapphire) in appearance; and on that which resembled a throne,
high up, was a figure with the

appearance of a man. " Ezekiel 1:26

the prophet sees the command module shaped and colored like a cabochon-cut

Then he sees the commander of the vehicle, sitting in the command
chair. Or, was it the pilot of the

craft? Ezekiel might have mistaken this to be the Almighty, when
it was actually only an Elohim crewman. It seems logical that the crew of the
spaceship would be located on top of the vessel (above

the expanse), for this
would have separated the inhabitants of the vehicle from the main body of the

craft, which may have
housed the reactor that fueled it. This “expanse” would protect the crew from

radiation given off by the reactor.

noticed from the appearance of His loins and upward something like glowing
metal, that

looked like fire all around within it, and from the appearance of
his loins and downward I saw

something like fire; and there was a radiance around him. As the
appearance of the rainbow in the

clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding
radiance. Such was the appearance of

the likeness of the glory of the Lord. ...when I saw it, I fell on
my face and heard a voice speaking.”

Ezekiel 1:27-28.

Ezekiel describing the light effects of the crewman’s flight suit which are
reminiscent of the

similar effects caused by the reflecting surfaces of certain
insulation materials used in the Apollo Lunar

module? (See also
Revelation 1:12-15, Daniel 10:6). In some modem day close encounters, UFO

witnesses have described a
“golden glow effect.” A well-known example of such an effect would be the

incident at Fatima, which
transpired earlier in this century.

effects of verse 28 may have been produced by the optical light effects of the

cabochon-shaped command module sitting atop the main body of the
craft. The rainbow light effect

was probably the result of sunlight hitting the translucent
surface and reflecting off other surfaces, such

as glowing, or lighted
control panels inside the module.1
Notice his reaction to the
sight of the

descended alien craft - “he fell on his face,” and “heard a voice
speaking.” Such a response is a-typical

of modern day UFO observers who are within close proximity of a
landed craft.

In Ezekiel chapter eight, verse 3, the prophet describes how, “he
stretched out the form of a hand

and caught me by a lock of my head; and the Spirit lifted me up
between earth and heaven and brought

me in the visions of God to Jerusalem.” What did Ezekiel mean by
“visions of God?” Could he have

meant that his experience of flying and seeing the earth from the
confines of a spacecraft was like seeing

the earth as God saw it ― “in visions of God?”

NASA Engineer Concludes that Ezekiel Did See Spaceship

twentieth century persons have read the book of Ezekiel and reached the
conclusion that

the Old Testament prophet was indeed describing a spaceship. Erich
Von Daniken wrote of it,

compelling a NASA engineer, Josef F. Blumrich to attempt to
disprove this idea. As Blumrich began to

analyze the biblical book, he soon realized that the
technologically ignorant Ezekiel had indeed

witnessed the landing of a

published his work entitled “The Spaceships of Ezekiel” in 1973. The main
thesis of

the book was to prove that Ezekiel did report an exact description
of a spaceship, propelled by rocket

power, descending to earth. He believes that the last phases of
its descent and landing were by means of

a helicopter-like action.
This certainly falls
within the realm of wings that were constantly in motion,

dropping only when the
vehicle stopped.

Blumrich stated that the craft possessed a main body, four
extension legs equipped with

helicopter-like blades, and a top capsule for the commander and
his crew. The awesome wheels

probably had the ability to retract themselves back into the
vehicle, as the craft went aloft. The specific

impulse of the craft was
estimated to be 2,080 sec, the weight of construction 63,300 kg (139,000 lbs.),

the fuel for the return
journey ― 36,700 kg (81,000 lbs.). The diameter of the rotor was 18m
(59.0 ft.).

The total power developed by the rotor was 70,000 H. P. The
diameter of the spaceship proper was

18 m.

Blumrich Receives Patent on Ezekiel's “Wheel Within a Wheel

It was Blumrich’s
conclusion that this spaceship was a smaller reconnaissance craft; that exited

larger mother ship in
orbit around earth. In addition to his technical composition of the spacecraft

described by Ezekiel, Mr.
Blumrich subsequently patented the “wheel within a wheel” (U.S. patent No.


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