Wanna Bet? (35 page)

Read Wanna Bet? Online

Authors: R. S. Burnett

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #new adult, #college

BOOK: Wanna Bet?
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Why the hell not?” He
demands. “She …”

I cut him off leaning up
to him and whispering in his ear. “I don’t want the man I’m dating
to think he’s going out with a stripper Andrew. Cut me some slack
please” I beg.

I stand back and wait for
his reaction. His eyes swing to Tucker who frowns at us and then he
looks back at me I shake my head at his assumption and discreetly
with my eyes I gesture to the crowd.

Fine” he sighs into his
mic “But you’re not off the hook. I will think of something

I feel my whole body relax
with relief and finally search for Morgan in the crowd, when I find
him he is watching me smiling. I grin down at him and roll my eyes
making him chuckle. I’ve told him all about the bets and trouble I
get myself into with them. He finds the whole thing amusing but
somehow I don’t think me pretending to strip in front of a club
full of people would have the same effect. We both jump down from
the bar, I go and hug Lucy gratefully and discreetly point Morgan
out in the crowd for her then we go to work while Andrew sits on a
bar stool grumpily thinking about another forfeit.

You’re not going to start
being boring now that you have a boyfriend are you?” he pouts at

No, I just don’t want to
take it too far, just tone it down a touch when he’s in here
please. I’d really appreciate it if you’d let him think I’m
slightly normal”

Fine” he

About an hour has passed
since I came here and Morgan still hasn’t come over to see me, the
bar has been busy but he hasn’t acknowledged me at all since I was
on the bar. He has been looking my way with a strange expression
though I frown to myself into the drink I’m pouring.

Have you noticed the way
Morgan keeps looking at you?” Lucy asks me when I turn and lean my
back on the bar as soon as we have a quiet five minutes.

Yeah, it’s strange right?”
I ask.

It’s as if he’s checking
to see if you’re watching him” she thoughtfully.

That’s what I thought, He
hasn’t even said hello to me yet” I complain

Well he’s a bit
preoccupied at the moment” I turn at the shock in her voice and
watch as Morgan leans in and kisses a woman wearing a tight black

Okay please tell me I just
imagined that” I say turning back around not able to watch any
longer just in case I see something else.

What an ass” She mutters
“want me to go slap him for you?” she asks seriously making me

No it’s okay” I sake my
head at her then head to the end of the bar where the band are sat
Jamie catches my eye as I’m headed towards them and I gesture for
him to move away from the band and meet me halfway.

Alright Brooke?” he asks
as I lean over the bar to talk to him quietly. Once I’ve explained
what I want him to do he looks into the crowd and then frowns at

Please?” I smile at him
pleadingly. He walks away and heads into the crowd and I go back to
help Lucy serve the group of students that have just come in. We
have another busy twenty minutes and finally just as the bar are
clears Jamie comes over.

They swapped numbers, and
spit … a few times. He’s here to see a friend. They’re going out
for dinner tomorrow, I didn’t catch where to though”

I drop my head on the bar
“I have terrible taste in men. It’s official I am a dickhead

Wait I thought you just
wanted me to listen to see if he was single because you thought he
was fit?” Jamie asks looking down at me.

I’ve been dating him. He’s
supposed to be staying over mine tonight, you know our first sleep
over” I answer feeling a bit sick.

Idiot” Jamie

I know, I should have
known sooner what he was like” I agree but he just shakes his head
at me and joins the band back at the bottom of the bar.

He’s planning on dumping
me after I’ve has sex with him isn’t he?” I ask Lucy.

Sounds like it” she agrees
with me.

I walk down to the end of
the bar and join the boys.

Hey Brooke, what was the
bet you backed out of earlier?” Derek asks me when I join

Strip tease” I reply then
turn to Tucker.

Can I speak to you a sec

Sure” he says looking at
me questioningly then walking to an empty table with me.

Once we are seated I turn
to him “Am I good at sex” I ask watching his eyes for any signs of
a lie.

Excuse me?” he says
choking on his drink, I wait for him to calm down “Why?” he

Because see that guy over
there” I point to Morgan and the woman he is dancing with “Well he
plans on having sex with me tonight and then leaving me to have sex
with her” I explain as he turns to look at Morgan.

Idiot” he says straight

I know. I can’t help it.
So am I?” I press.

He turns and watches me
intently for a second. “You’re serious?” He finally asks starting
to look uncomfortable. I nod at him. “Surely there’s someone else
you can ask?” he pleads.

Not really no” I say
starting to feel uncomfortable as well. “Do you know, what don’t
worry about it, forget I ever asked” I stand up and leave the table
heading for Andrew.

Does kissing a girl turn
you on?” I ask leaning up to speak into his ear. He nods at me and
frowns in confusion.

Have you ever kissed a
man?” I ask but he just pulls an
are-you-out-of-your-ever-loving-mind face at me making me chuckle.
“I guess not. Do you think someone can be turned on from just a
kiss weather or not they fancy the person?” I continue my

I don’t know, why?” he
asks me out loud now.

I’m thinking about giving
up men but I don’t fancy women and kissing turns me on so I’m
thinking maybe it doesn’t matter who I kiss” I explain.

Will you let me watch?” he
says, excitement gleaming in his eyes. I walk away from him and
head back behind the bar. Trying to figure out if it’s time I made
a lifestyle change or not.

I need a favor” I say to
Tucker once I have made my mind up.

I’m not having sex with
you” he replies not looking up from his drink.

I don’t want you to have
sex with me” I insist rolling my eyes.

Then what do you want from
me” he asks ignoring the band members all looking at him as if he’s

I need you to kiss me” I
say turning on my most sweet and innocent smile.

He snorts at my smile

Because I’m giving up men”
I huff.

Then why do you want me to
kiss you?” he asks slightly offended.

I can’t believe you’re
going to make me say this” I grumble and then look at him straight
in the eye as I explain, hoping I don’t blush “Because when you
kiss me you turn me on, really turn me on so much that I’m
basically ready for sex straight away after it. My problem is that
I don’t fancy women, although watching lesbian porn turns me on as
you know so I suppose I could … So anyway I need you to kiss me so
I’m so turned on that I’m no longer thinking about who I’m with and
then I can kiss a woman and it will be like I’m gay ... except with
your help … actually I might need you every time I want to have sex
with my girlfriend … if I can find one … where the hell would I
meet a gay girl?” I trail off distracted.

He just stares at me wide
eyed and open mouthed. I shift nervously.

Holy shit” the rest of the
boys say almost in chorus but not quite so it sounds like hohoholy

Walk away Brooke” Tucker
says to me tightly clenching his jaw.

Fine” I say holding up my
hands in a defensive gesture “I’m going”.

What are you sulking for?”
Lucy asks I reach around her to get to the limes.

I’m not sulking” I reply
sulkily making her laugh.

You clearly are” she says
dryly as she watches me line up the tequila shots on the

Would you kiss me?” I ask
turning my back on the people taking their shots.

Sure” she shrugs and then
kisses me; I am so stunned I don’t even know what’s going on. I’m
aware that a few men are cheering and I suspect they are Jamie, Cam
and Derek. I am aware that Lucy’s hands are on my hips holding me
in place and I am aware that Andrew is standing very close to us
shouting “Fuck, I didn’t think you were serious!” and a few people
by the bar are clapping.

She pulls away from me and
I can’t help but feel disappointed. I might as well have kissed a
cup I got so little excitement out of it. I throw my arms up and
let them fall to my sides then turn and put at Tucker who just
rolls his eyes at me.

Sorry Luce didn’t get my
juices flowing” I say still disappointed.

That’s okay, it happens”
she shrugging as if she helps people discover their sexuality all
the time.

Andrew climbs on to the a
and grabs a mic I barely stop my legs from taking me as far away
from the building as possible, I know this isn’t going to be good,
for me anyway. Holding in a sigh of exasperation I get my mic and
jump up there with him.

Tonight is all about
discovering your sexuality” he announces making the crowd go wild.
I look around and notice that Morgan is no longer here so I check
my phone, he text me.

Morgan: Sorry babe I had
to rush out to a meeting.

Unbelievable able to man
sells cars for a living and it’s as if he actually believes that I
didn’t see him with another woman all night.

Our two lovely ladies
behind the bar have already started and have just finished making
out” he tells them all. “Did it do anything for you Brooke?” He
asks turning to me.

I glare down at Tucker
before I reply “No”

Maybe you didn’t do it
right?” he asks

Are you implying I’m a bad
kisser?” I ask a little offended but after thinking it through,
maybe that’s why I didn’t get turned on. Maybe that’s why Tucker
didn’t want to kiss me and boyfriends never stay around long enough
for me to decide weather or not I want to have sex with them. I put
my face in my hands and groan “Oh god I
a bad kisser”

No, that’s not what I’m
saying, I’ve kissed you remember, so I would know” he reassures me
but I don’t quite believe him.

you saying then?” I ask still
not convinced.

I’m saying that maybe you
just aren’t attracted to Lucy” he says “Sorry Luce” he apologizes
down to her with a wince.

No that’s not it, I’m just
not attracted to anyone with breasts” I admit. “I’ve already solved
my problem anyway, so I don’t need your help anymore” I inform

And what conclusion did
you come to?” he asks cocking his head to the side and regarding me

To buy a new vibrator. But
enough about my sex life, how’s yours?” I ask taking the attention
on from me.

Mine’s mighty fine” he
says grinning and then winks at a group of women.

Oh” I say putting
disappointment into my voice.

Why what did you have in
mind?” he asks turning back to face me.

Only that if you were
lonely I could …lend you a video” I wink at him

What video?”

I put my mic down on the
bar and walk over to him and whisper up in his ear “You’re brother
lent me a video … of someone … in the bath … singing … and …
shaving his legs” as soon as I have said the last word I take a few
steps back laughing as he shouts “I’ll kill him” he takes a step
towards me

Where is it Brooke?” he
says threateningly.

What’s it worth?” I

What do you

Now there a loaded
question” I smirk

Have you watched it?” he

Of course. I like the
soundtrack” I try to say but not sure it comes out through my
laughing. I try to stop laughing so much, I really do but it’s not
happening. My chest starts hurting and I’m finding it hard to
breathe. I sit down and start hyperventilating. Lucy starts rubbing
my back and once I’m calm enough she passes me a glass of water.
While I’ve been having a laughing fit, Andrew has been over to DJ
and handed him his phone. I look up amazed as all the screens in
the club turn to a drunken me dressed up as a police woman. I
shrink slightly into the bar as the drunken me on video starts

Come on, lets go find
someone I can put under arrest” I beg to the camera.

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