Wanna Bet? (38 page)

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Authors: R. S. Burnett

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #new adult, #college

BOOK: Wanna Bet?
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I lead Adam across the bar
by the hand and we stop a few times so he can twirl me under his
arm a few people make a tunnel out of their arms for us to duck
under, stood at the end of it is Jess who is grinning and holding
her arms out for me.

Hey Jessie!” I greet
laughing at her giggling.

I love fun drunk Brooke?”
she squeals laughing, I love Jess she can tell my mood just from
looking at me.

Me too! Want to be fun
drunk with us? This is Adam” I introduce.

Hey, I’m Jess” she smiles
at him and pulls him into a hug too “What are we doing?” She asks
me excited.

We are drinking beer, so
we don’t get pass out drunk, drunk but you have to help me because
I told Adam he could see my bar dance but Andrew says I’m not
allowed to do it. Oh and Adams going to help me get grounded, you
can help too”

Okay, to the bar!” she
sings and grabs both of us by the hand and leads s back to the bar.
“Are you going to serve us Brooke?” she asks laughing at my attempt
to get over the bar, Adam finally takes pity on me and lifts me
over it.

Of course, what would
madam like?” I ask putting on a posh English accent.

SHOTS!” Adam and Jess
shouts at the same time.

I nod at them and gather
some shot glasses whatever bottle I can find.

Lucy and Will walk out of
the office and make their way towards me.

Oppps, I think you’re in
trouble” Mel laughs at me watching Will come closer.

Nope, watch and learn baby
girl” I wink at her and then turn to Will as she and Adam take
their shots.

Brooke, everything OKAY?”
Will asks cautiously.

Everything is finally
good. I’m happy for once Will. I might be drunk but look around you
so is everyone else in here. I was thinking you know that I’d like
to meet Tom again sometime now that I know he’s like my brother.
I’d like to talk to him about our dad, if that’s OKAY with you?” I
ask smiling my sweet girl smile that I know he can’t say no

That would be great
Brooke, he talks to me about him but you knew him best. I’m glad
you’re happy Brooke” he hugs me quickly and walks back into the
office leaving Lucy to scowl after him.

And that is how it’s done”
I grin at Jess and Adam who both ‘whoop’ and punch the air
laughing. “You know you might as well join us” I grin at

Body shots!” Jess tells
Andrew as he also joins us at the bar.

I don’t wait for anyone to
confirm I clear an area on the bar and instruct her to lay on it, I
se the shot up clumsily on her and Lucy puts the shot in between
her breasts. A few of the customers crowd around to watch and I
join in shouting “Do it” with them and point to Andrew.

Cheers go up around us as
he slams the shot down and then I clear the area for him and set
him up for Jess. Lucy sets it up for me and Adam takes the shot.
Andrew helps me down and Lucy sets Adam up for the shot, I straddle
the bar in front of him.

Umm what are you doing?”
Andrew asks watching me smiling.

A body shot” I answer
slowly so he can understand.

Oh lord” Lucy sighs as
Andrew picks up his mic. It’s then I realize the bands set has

OKAY ladies and gentlemen
are you ready to witness for a first time ever in the history of
this club … Brooke who has always refused in the past is going to
do a body shot off someone at last!” he announces to the club as
more people start to gather around Lucy passes me a mic resigned
and just shakes her head grinning at me.

What can I say? He’s a
very convincing man my Adam” I say making a few people chuckle.
“You’re a very lucky man my friend” I wink down at Adam.

You know you don’t have to
be on the bar with him for this right Brooke?” Andrew laughs at my

Ahh but my way is so much
more fun” I smile into my mix and wink at Andrew “watch and learn

Keeping the mic in my one
hand I get onto my hands an knees, placing them outside Adams legs,
I crawl up to his stomach and lick the salt away moving up the bar
as I go, I take the shot glass off his chest and throw it back, I
suck the lime, not taking it from him mouth. When I’m done I sit
back and straddle him. The crowd cheers.

So much more fun my way” I
grin over at Andrew.

Uh, Brooke” Lucy nudges my
arm with her shoulder from behind the bar.

What?” I look down at her
then move my eyes to where she is looking and lock gazes with a not
impressed looking Tucker.

I lean forward getting
back on my knees and put my hands on either side of Adams face “I
think you just got me grounded” I whisper to him before I push
myself up onto my hands so I’m hovering over him and then

Jess helps Adam off he bar
and everyone watches me to see what I’m going to do next. I can see
Jess saying something to Tucker and she looks as if she’s shouting
but I can’t hear over the music.

Andrew climbs up on the
bar after me and we wait while the DJ lowers the music.

Whatcha gonna do Brooke?”
he asks into his mic.

I wrap my both hands
around my mic and make my voice as pleading as possible “Brooke
wants to dance” I pout at him

Brooke’s drunk” he shakes
his head.

But … she’s
drunk Brooke
tonight” I announce making the crowd cheer and Jess shop talking to
laugh at her words being shouted throughout the club.

I don’t think Brooke would
be able to do it without falling off the bar” he says

Brooke can do a lap dance,
there only one place she can fall then … or one thing she can all
on and that could be interesting” I laugh at the scene that plays
out in my head.

Fun drunk Brooke is also
loving” Andrew notes laughing.

She is” I sigh into the

Brooke is also talking
about herself in the third person”

True, we sure are saying
Brooke a lot. Let’s stop”

I don’t think you can” he
laughs at me.

Are you going to spoil my
night?” I ask disappointed in him. “You’re normally fun with me” I

Well it’s nearly the end
of the night”

Not for me” I

And what are your

Well after here, we are
going on a train”

Who’s we?”

Me and Adam … Where are
you Adam ... Oh there you are” I wave at him. “Well you see we came
here so he could see me do my bar dance and meet my
have you seen
them by the way because you lot aren’t being very welcoming. After
here we are going on a train to a house party at the uni I went to
so I can meet some of his friends that are there. I don’t know what
happening after that, we haven’t figured out if we are going to
crash down there or go back to mine yet”

That’s not going to happen
Brooke” Andrew shakes his head at me.

Uh ... yes it is. It’s
been decided, plans have been made, you don’t get a say in it
anyway you can’t stop me you’re supposed to me my big brother, I
thought big brothers were cool. What happened to you? You sound
more like a grumpy dad and that’s not your job”

Think of me as an
overprotective big brother then” he sighs.

How about we make a bet?”
I ask and the crowd cheers.

What kind of bet?” he asks

I lower my mic and walk
over to whisper the bet in his ear.

And if what happens either
way?” he asks smirking at me.

If I do it you let me
carry on with my night of having fun and leave me alone, if I can’t
do it you can put a stop to my fun and I’ll go home.

You’re on. You wouldn’t be
able to do that sober, let alone as drunk as you are right

The crowd cheers and I
turn to them gesturing them to be quiet. “Anyone got a condom? I
ask about fifty hands go up but I take the one closest to me, I
pick my beer up from the bar and down the rest of it.

OKAY you ready?” I shout
into my mic.

I open the condom, put it
in my mouth and get down on my knees, placing the bottle on the bar
in front of me I put my hands behind my back and silence fills the
club as I slide the condom all the way onto the bottle using only
my mouth.

Want to check it?” I grin
up at Andrew he just shakes his head at me and jumps down from the
bar defeated.

I lean back and sit on the
bar as Adam comes over to me. “We don’t have to stay, shall we just
go now? I think we’re ruining some of your friends nights” he asks
me keeping an eye on Andrew and Tucker.

Hey Jess, wanna come with
us? We’re just going to leave now”

You can’t leave yet
Brooke, I want to speak to you first” Lucy says to me pulling me
down from the bar.

Give me two minutes” I
call to Adam from behind the bar as I’m dragged into the

This isn’t about what Mel
and I told you earlier is it?” she asks looking worried.

No, it’s not about what
happened, don’t worry” I assure her.

Then what’s going on with
you and Adam because I thought you and Tucker were sort of a

Me and Adam are just
having some fun. As for Tucker and I, well when you find out what’s
going on with us let me know because I haven’t got a clue

Just don’t do anything
you’ll regret okay?”

I won’t regret a thing,
don’t worry. I’ve spent so many years doing the right thing that
one mistake is not going to end the world” I tell her as I leave
the office and head back into the bar picking up two beers on my
way through.

Hey, where’d Adam go?” I
ask Jess when I don’t spot him where he was before I went into the

Umm … Tucker and Andrew
went outside with him” she says nervously.

I knew we shouldn’t have
come here, I don’t know why I thought it would be okay. I never do
anything fun and I thought all my friends would be happy that I’m
finally letting my hair down, not all of them are apparently. I
know Adam won’t be coming back in and I’m going to have a word with
Andrew about getting rid of people I bring here. I could go follow
him but I know I won’t get far before one of them drag me back here
so I make the most of my time before they get back.

So what are we going to do
for fun now?” Jess asks accepting the bottle I hand her.

I’m not sure … dance I
suppose” I shrug at her and head off to the dance floor with her
following behind me. The DJ plays my bar dance song as soon as he
sees us enter the dance floor and me and Jess are grinding our way
through it when I suddenly find myself airborne.

What the hell Tucker! Put
me down” I scream kicking and punching him as he moves us through
the bar.

What to tell me who the
hell Adam is?” he demands as soon as he sets me on my feet when we
are inside the office.

My friend” I snap “Or was
until you got rid of him, which by the way you had no right to

Was you going to sleep
with him?” his voice is quiet turning my anger up another

Do you have a problem with
that?” I ask staring him straight in the eye.

How would you feel if I
slept with someone else?” he asks not looking away from my

Probably the same way I
feel about you having sex with one of my best friends the day
before you have sex with me right here in this office and then you
having sex with another one of my best friend’s a few hours later”
I shout and walk out of the office.

I make my way through the
bar with my head down, not talking to anyone and I don’t look up
when Andrew puts his arm around me and walks me out to his car and
then drives me home.

We don’t speak at all
until we are in my bedroom and both sat on my bed.

Why do people do things to
hurt me?” I ask as I take my shoes off.

What do you mean?” he asks
me softly helping with my shoes.

Every time I let someone
in they do something to hurt me. Why?”

Who hurt you

A few people, I have no
right to be upset but I can’t help it. It takes a lot for me to
trust someone and let them in. I wonder why I bother

I’m sure no one meant to
hurt you”

I know but it still hurts
all the same” I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder.

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