Biker (BBW, Curvy with Dominant Alpha Biker)

BOOK: Biker (BBW, Curvy with Dominant Alpha Biker)
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(BBW, Curvy with

Dominant Alpha Biker)


by Anna Marcus


Content copyright ©2013 Anna Marcus.

All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to real people is only coincidental.


All individuals depicted in this work are adults over the age of eighteen years old. None of the characters in this story are blood related.






“Ben,” she was panting, “oh my god.” I paused, stepped back, and ripped the front of her shirt open. The buttons came flying off and hit the floor.


I looked at her perfectly sized breasts with a sneer of lust. I embraced her and we kissed deeply again.


I pulled back to admire her. She looked longingly into my eyes.


“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered and moved my lips close to hers. Our tongues fought in ecstasy as our bodies were becoming one.


“Ben, oh, Ben” she said and went back to my mouth.


I grabbed one of her legs at the knee, brought it up high, and drove my hips into her. I pushed that leg out toward the wall, reached under her skirt, down into her panties, and felt her wet pussy. She put her tongue as deeply as she could into my mouth.


I let her leg drop and grabbed her ass with both hands. “I love this perfect, ass of yours,” I growled into her ear. I rubbed my hips against her. “Can you feel how hot you make me?” I asked.



I guess it all started when I saw my townhome neighbor coming home from a work in a pair of stretch pants and a tight polo shirt. Something just clicked. My wife had gone inside to get us another couple of beers and I was just lounging on our front porch, when Carla pulled up. Damn! I’m a 39-year-old, healthy guy; there is no way my socks are not going to get knocked off at this sight. Oh, Carla!


She was big and she was cute. If only I was 20 years younger, I thought, and not married to this harpy. I was kidding myself. When I was 20 years younger, I wanted the standard hot woman like all my friends seemed to want, and none of us had a chance in hell of getting. I wanted the Playboy bunny type. What a fool.


Now that I was older, I realized that big young women were the hottest thing there was.


This was the first time I got to see Carla’s true shape. My goodness! What a woman. She was about 25 at the time, 5’ 5”, with light brown hair. Her butt looked so good in those tight pants. Huge, yes, but so young and fresh. She’s got average sized breasts, but they are just tight! Not just right, just
. What I mean to say is that, because they are so new, they strain against her skin and just stick out straight despite her being so big. I know someday they will probably sag more, but they look fantastic.


The longer we lived in the townhome next to Carla, the more that I’d become amazed by her body, but that day on the front porch is when it all came together and really started to drive me nuts. Not that I’d do anything about it. I just started going a little insane with desire is all. So, she’s got her super butt all perfectly displayed in her little stretch pants. Really now, what’s a man to do?


“Put your tongue back in your mouth, perv,” my wife joked as she came out of the screen door holding two beers. “Hi, beautiful,” she said with genuine sweetness to Carla.


Carla got up onto the porch that adjoined ours, and said, “Hi guys,” A radiant smile spread over her seductive face. She had those full lips, the cute nose, and big, wide-spaced eyes.


“Been at work?” I ventured.


“Yeah,” she said sweetly and disappeared into her townhouse. She could only be my fantasy until I saw her again.


“She’s sweet,” said my wife, Judy.


“Yeah,” I said. Judy and I had had a good life together, but she didn’t do it for me anymore. She had always been into dieting and exercise. She was fit, but I just didn’t find her attractive anymore and it wasn’t really my fault. Three or four years ago, against my objections, she got breast implants. So, now she’s got a flat stomach and big tits, but it’s just not for me.


We go to biker events and the other bikers, around my age, really seem to dig her, but to me she’s just a skinny ass and plastic tits.


I used to think she was good looking and the sex was unbelievable. The woman would drop to her knees and give me a stunning head job just about anytime I told her to. She also had more meat on her bones, and small, beautiful breasts. We got married 9 years ago. I’ve never cheated on her. Luckily, even though I didn’t have much money when we got married, I got a prenup.


I say that, because it turns out I
need a prenup. I needed a prenup for two reasons. One was, I was about to be rich. The second reason was, my wife was a cheating whore.





a couple months go by after I first started to become obsessed by Carla’s body and I couldn’t stop fantasizing about her. Not only was her body way better than Carla’s, her personality was 1,000 times better. I longed for the moments I got to spend near Carla. She was making me feel things I had never felt in my life. Magic is the best way to describe it.


Carla and I would spend hours out on our front porches talking about things. My wife, Judy, would always be out running around at night; almost every night. Carla and I would just lounge around outside and get to know one another. We were both early risers, worked all day long, came home, and were ready to sit around and talk.


She was actually interested in my invention, whereas Judy just wanted to talk about the money it was supposed to bring in. It got old.


I invented an electronic module that can be fit onto most motorcycles. It increases performance, improves gas mileage, and is selling like hotcakes. I’ve got investors in a bidding war to do business with me. Carla wanted to hear all about how I thought of it, and the hell I went through to manufacture it. It felt so good to be with her.


I guess Judy had an excuse for turning into a black widow over the years. I know now that the whole prenup thing had really eaten away at Judy. Especially as I got closer to my big payday. Turned out that she not only had a boyfriend on the side at the time, she also had another guy that she was fucking so she could use him in a plan to blackmail me.


I didn’t know about any of that then. All I knew was that Judy and I had grown far apart, and I wanted to be with Carla. I knew it would end my marriage, but my marriage was already over. I sensed it, and Judy was doing things about it. I was just so busy, I didn’t know how to make it happen with Carla.


Then one day I got a break. Carla called me up, sounding upset. It was the first time she’d ever called me. We'd texted a couple of times, and at first I thought something might have happened to her mom, who had been really sick of late. It was just the way she said, “Ben, can I talk to you?”


“Yeah, uh, Carla, yeah, what’s wrong?”


“Well,” I just,” she paused. “It’s just that you’re the smartest person I know, and I’m kind of at the end of my rope here.”


“Well, what is it?” I said, thrilled, “You can trust me.”


“Can we talk in person? I’m right by your office. Do you have any time?”


I was doing cartwheels inside. “Sure, sure, come on up. I’m free. I’ll make time. I’m available.” I managed to stop myself from sputtering on and in few minutes the glorious Carla filled my office door.


She had on the outfit that immediately had me sweating. It was those same tighter than tight stretch pants and a simple polo. It’s what she wore to work at huge cell phone store. She was actually assistant manager and did pretty well financially. Well enough to rent out the sweet townhome (with a couple of roommates) next to Judy and mine.


When she plopped down in the chair across from my desk and kind of laid back and spread her legs apart, I think I almost broke out in a heat rash.


“I’m just tired of it,” she started. “I’m 25-years-old, I have a lot to offer, but guys don’t even look twice at me.


“Uh, yeah,” I stammered.


“I’m sorry,” she continued, “I shouldn’t be unloading this on you. I just need a little bit of friendly advice.


“Anytime, Carla, really.” I told her.


She looked at me like she was trying to figure out if she should tell me something, and then launched into her story. “There’s a guy I work with, Ronny. He’s nothing special really. About my age. Kind of cute. A little chunky, like me. He’s funny. I guess I really liked him. I thought he liked me, too. He’s only been there about 6 weeks.”


She sighed and continued, “Anyway, all day today he was trying to convince Shanie to go to the Pearl Jam concert with him. He’s such a fucken idiot. We talk about music all the time. He knows I love Pearl Jam. Never said a word to me. Ignored me all day. Hits on Shanie, who is like 20, and weighs about a hundred pounds.” She sighed loudly again and said, “I’m ranting. I’m just disappointed.”


“No,” I said, “that’s totally understandable. Especially the fact that he just ignored you all day like you no longer existed. Uncool. Even hitting on a co-worker like that--just uncool.


“I mean he’s a nice guy,” Carla went on. “I thought he was. We even hung out a couple of times. It was fun. We talked about ourselves, joked around, went to the movie. He’s really a good guy. I could tell because wherever we would go he would treat people good. You know, like the waitress and stuff?”


“Yeah,” I said, a little jealous.


“Well, last time we were together, just a week or so ago, I let him kiss me and stuff. You know, we fooled around a little bit. He called me the next day and said he had fun and we should do it again. Now this. I feel dumped on.


“I uh...” I stammered, willing my eyes to not look at her nipples that had grown hard beneath her polo.


I need someone who will treat me with respect.”


“Um, I think you have just figured this out for yourself,” I said.


Carla looked up and to the right, thought for a second, and said, “You’re right. I need to focus on being around people who will respect me,” She looked at me and cocked her head, “Wow, you’re great.”


“Oh. Well,” I said, feeling myself begin to sweat again. She was doing a number on me.


“Oh, Ben. Listen, I almost forgot,” Carla said, “I have to tell you something. This isn’t easy, but you deserve to know.”


“What?” I thought, and it flashed through my mind that she might say she loved me.


“I’m pretty sure Judy is still seeing some guy. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, but if I were you, I wouldn’t trust her.


“Oh, really,” I said. I wasn’t surprised, but it infuriated me. You know, STD’s, cheating whore wife, fucking bitch!


“Yeah, he’s some rich guy, I guess. I’ve seen him pick her up at your house a few times during the day. They seem pretty chummy with each other. He never comes inside, but he has this red sports car. You know one of those really low to the ground ones where the doors open upward?


I knew that car. It belonged to Henry Robertson. A big lawyer in town, and one of Judy’s former flings.


After Carla left I began to think about how Judy had actually been treating me a lot better lately. I thought it might have something to do with this Henry Robertson dude. She was fucking him, so her behavior changed toward me. That’s how it worked. Anyway, she had been fucking me virtually anytime I wanted. She was so good at oral sex, the best I’d ever had, I couldn’t resist. Long story short, I went ahead and hired a small detective agency to see if they could establish whether she was fucking some other guy whenever he wanted, too.




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