Until I Met You (14 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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I was confused by this.  “Why?”

Jack smiled and shook his head.  “Because this, dear Angelina, I have got to see.”

I started laughing again.  What is he talking about?  That Seth’s not real, and I tell him as much.  “You’re so silly, Jack.  He’s just a mirage.  He’ll be gone by tomorrow.”

He shook his head again and laughed.  “We’ll soon see about that.”











I woke up in the morning with a hangover from hell.  I didn’t remember a lot about last night at all.  I seem to recall getting very drunk and talking about bunnies a lot.  I also somehow recall being put to bed with a lot of voices telling me to be quiet.  This would then explain why I’m fully clothed in bed—minus my shoes of course.

I don’t know why I let myself get into that state last night.  I can’t seem to get Seth out of my head no matter what I do.  He was even in my dreams last night telling me things I wish I could hear.  I don’t know why my subconscious is being so evil towards me.  I’ve done nothing to her.

In an effort to shake myself out of it, I decided to hit the shower in the hope I won’t stink too much of booze once I’m done.  My head was still pounding.  It had a full on band playing, but I knew I only had myself to blame.

Once I had completely freshened up, and taken some strong tablets for my headache, I was in the kitchen to the welcome of eggs and bacon frying.  “That looks delicious, Mum.” She gushed at me and told me to take a seat.

“Did you enjoy yourself last night, Madam?”

I looked at her expression, but she was giving nothing away.  I don’t know how much she may, or may not know about last night. 

Damn alcohol!

“It was good thanks.  It was nice to see Jack and David again.  It’s hard not being around them all the time.”

With a tug of my hand, she patted it tenderly.  “I know dear.  They’re like brothers to you and I’m so glad you have them in your life.”  She got up, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.  I didn’t like my mum being upset.

“Mum, I’m okay you know… in London.  I’m doing very well.  I’m making friends and settling in nicely.”

“I know. You’re all grown up now and making your own decisions.  I just want to make sure that whatever choices you make, will make you happy—will make you safe.”  She carried on frying her eggs and said no more.  I knew what she meant, and there was no need for me to add anymore.  She doesn’t expect me to either.

After I had eaten my breakfast, I was starting to feel a little bit more human again.  I sat there as my dad did the washing up.  I insisted on helping but he was having none of it.

“Wow, didn’t think I’d see one of those down here.”

The sound of my dad’s voice had my posture pick up slightly.  “What’s that dad?”

“The new Jaguar F-Type. What a beauty.  In black as well.”

In an instant I shot up into the air and ran to the window.  Sure enough what he said was right, but I couldn’t see anyone in it. 

Out of nowhere a flashback of Seth came to me from last night.  But I was dreaming that—wasn’t I?  I shook my head.  It can’t be him.  I don’t even know what car he owns, so why did I immediately think it was him? 

My dad suddenly started laughing, so I asked him what was so funny.  “Whoever this is, his number plate spells out Cookie.  Look, C00 K1E.  He obviously likes cookies.  You’re not expecting any visitors, are you?”

My head, which I thought was getting better, was now pounding again.  It was him last night.  I wasn’t dreaming, he wasn’t a mirage.  I started to panic a little and then I heard my phone buzz.  I snapped it out of my pocket and answered without seeing who it was.

“Angelina, is it time to come round yet?”  It was Jack, and he was already laughing his head off.  As quickly as I could, I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room for some privacy.

“This is not funny, Jack.  His car’s here, what the fuck am I supposed to do?”  He was laughing again, but I was still panicking.

“I take it that you believe he’s real now?  You didn’t think so last night.  How’s your head this morning?  I bet it’s playing the trombone now, eh, kiddo.”  I could hear a muffled sound and then Jack came back on.  “Hold on one sec, Angelina.  Your sister wants to talk to you.”

“No!” I protested.  Oh God, could this get any worse.

“Angelina, why did you not tell me about this Seth Jacobs guy?  Who is he, and why are you hiding him from us?”

Oh God, Oh God, oh God.

“I can’t deal with this right now.  His car is right outside the freakin house, Julia.”  Just as I said that there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it!” I heard my mum shout.

If I thought my panic couldn’t get any worse, I was wrong.  “Oh shit, Julia, I’ve got to go, he’s here!”

Julia gasped.  “Oh goodie.  We’re coming over.”

“Noooo!” I protested again, but it was already too late.  She hung up on me.  Now my whole family was going to meet him.  What has he got himself into, and why oh why had he come all this way to Cornwall?

I couldn’t think too long as the door was open and Seth’s voice could be heard down the hall.  “Hi, I’m Seth Jacobs, a very good friend of Angelina.  I came here to visit.  I hope you don’t mind the intrusion?”

“No, not at all,” my mum’s chirpy voice called.

“I take it that you are her sister?”

My mother giggled and I rolled my eyes.  I could already tell by the sound of her voice that she was smitten. 

I walked out of the living room and into the hall.  Sure enough, my eyes were not deceiving me.  Seth was there with two of the biggest goddamn bunches of flowers I had ever seen, and sporting the biggest, sexiest grin he could muster.

“Good morning, Angel.  How’s your head today?”

My mother looked as though she had just heard the most shocking news ever.  My dad came out of the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about, and my mum just stared at him, mouth wide open.

Turning to me, she glared and pursed her lips.  “He calls you Angel?  You never let anyone call you, Angel, apart from your father.  Angelina, I’m very disappointed in you.  Why didn’t you tell me about this lovely young man?  Come in, come in.”  She waved him through, her face in all a fluster.

Seth strolled through the door and handed my mother one of the flowers.  “This is for you, Mrs Bradshaw.”

“Please, call me Rachel—or even Mum will do.”

“Mum!” I shouted.  Could this
more embarrassing?

Seth just smiled, taking it all in his stride.  If he went to the trouble of following me here, then he will just have to deal with the consequences.  Let my mother at him!

“And these are for you, Angelina.”

I gracefully took the flowers from him, but I didn’t take much notice.  Our eyes were too busy locked on one another to notice anything.  In pure instinct, I thanked him and before we knew it, my mother had us ushered into the kitchen and offering Seth some breakfast.

“No, it’s okay, Mum, I had some before I got here.”

My mum blushed and smiled.  She looked like she’s about to burst with energy if she didn’t slow down soon.

I glared at Seth, but he just shrugged his shoulders, smiling.  “You do know what you’ve opened yourself up to?” I whispered towards him.

“Yes,” he said grinning.  “Jonathan filled me in on that front.”

My eyes widened.  I couldn’t believe Jonathan had done this.  He’s obviously gone and told him everything about my family.  Has he even given him my parents address?  I’ve got a huge bone to pick with Jonathan when I get back.

“Is that yours out there, son?”  My dad was still at the window admiring the Jaguar.

“Yes, I got her a couple of weeks ago.”

“Cookie?” I asked, with one eyebrow raised.

It didn’t take long for that cheeky grin to appear.  “Yes, I thought you’d like that?”

“What’s the significance?”  My dad tried to look at him, but he was obviously finding it hard to tear his eyes away from the car.

“It’s my little pet name for Angelina.”

My mother sat next to me, gushing at Seth, but looking none too pleased with me.  “Angelina, you two obviously have a lot of history here and you failed to mention this to me yesterday.  Why?”

I crossed my arms in front of me feeling annoyed at her question.  Seth looked over, just as eager to hear the answer as my mother.  “There’s nothing to tell, okay?  He’s one of my clients. We met about a month ago at a viewing and that’s it.”

Seth sighed and shook his head.  “Angel, it’s more than that, and you know it.  It certainly felt that way when you kissed me yesterday.”

My mother’s posture immediately picked up.  “You’ve kissed him?” 

Feeling like I needed to defend myself, I uncrossed my arms and waved my hands to him.  “He kissed me.”  I sank back in my chair and folded my arms again.

My mother just seemed baffled as she looked across at Seth.  With his full wattage smile he winked at her.  My mother instantly blushed.  It would seem that nobody was immune to his charms.

“I really like your daughter, Mrs Bradshaw.”  My mother gave him a warning look.  “Sorry, Rachel.”  He smiled and she nodded.  “Ever since she practically ram raided herself into my life I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her.  I would very much like it if she would come out on a date with me one evening, but every time I ask, she runs away.”

My mother turned to me, confusion written all over her face.  “Do you like him?”

Oh God, there’s that word.  I do like him.  I more than like him.  I just don’t want to let him in.  “I don’t have to answer that.”

My mother instantly laughed and grabbed one of Seth’s arms.  “She likes you.”

“Rachel, don’t you think we should leave these two to talk?  They look like they need it.”  My dad motioned for my mum to get up and she reluctantly walked toward the hallway with my dad.

Just before she was out the door, she turned.  “I hope you will be staying for dinner tonight, Seth?”  My mum glanced over to Seth with hope in her eyes.

“Yes, that would be lovely, thank you.  I’m actually here until Sunday.  I’m staying at the B&B down the road.”

Laying her hand on the door, she smiled.  “Oh, Charlie’s you mean?”

Seth nodded.  “Yes, that’s the one.”

“We have plenty of room here.  There’s no reason for you to stay in a B&B.  You can take Julia’s old room.  Unless of course..?”

“Mum, seriously?”  I couldn’t believe she just said that.  In my embarrassment I looked at Seth but all he was doing was grinning from ear to ear.  I want the floor to swallow me up.

“It’s okay, Rachel.  I don’t want to upset Angelina.  I’ll stay at the B&B.”

My mother nodded her head, but I knew she wouldn’t give up.  “Well, we’ll discuss this later.”

With her head held high, she walked out, but I could tell there was no way she was going to let this go.  She wanted him here whether I liked it or not.  I could already see her picking out the flowers for our wedding. 

Talking of which.

“Now that you’ve bought us flowers and knocked my mum off her feet—you do realise that she’s never going to let you go now?”  He started laughing and I watched how his chest rose and fell.  He’s not in a suit today.  He’s wearing a casual polo shirt and Chinos.  Does he have to look sexy in everything he wears?

“After talking to Jonathan, I was kind of counting on it.”

I rolled my eyes again.  “Boy, you really are a glutton for punishment aren’t you?”

“Only as far as you’re concerned.”  We both looked at one another in silence for a while.  I didn’t know what to say to him.  I was still in shock that he was even here.  Why did he follow me to Cornwall?

“Why did you run?”  He looked worried.  I could tell he knew I was a terrible liar when it came to him, but my survival instincts kicked in every time.

“I just wanted to come home, that’s all.  I haven’t seen them since I left for London.”  I was trying, but failing miserably, I knew it.  He knew it.

“I meant from me.  From what happened between us.  I can’t let that kiss go, Angel.  I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.  About an hour or so after you left, Jonathan called about the phone I left behind.  I didn’t understand what he meant, so I just took what he said and went to retrieve it.  When I saw it was the phone I gave you, it hurt.  Jonathan saw my expression and asked me if I liked you.  I said yes, more than she realises and that’s when he told me what happened.  I think he put two and two together when you asked to leave so quickly.  I told him how I felt about you and he told me all about your family.  He also said that if I was to ever hurt you, he would chop my balls off.  I told him I was very attached to my balls.”

The laughter came spilling out.  That was the funniest thing ever.  I could just imagine Jonathan in his office threatening to chop Seth’s balls off.  To be a fly on the wall.

“You see, I can make it happen.”

“Make what happen?” I asked confused.

“Make you laugh.”  He smiled and leaned forward to touch my cheek.  I couldn’t help it.  I closed my eyes, savouring the feel of him.

“Listen, I don’t want to be here if it upsets you.  If you really don’t want me here, I’ll go.  I promise I will leave you alone and you’ll never have to deal with me again.  If that’s what you want of course.”  He looked into my eyes, almost pleading that I make the right choice.  What is the right choice?  I’m so confused—my body, heart, and mind are having an all out battle with one another.  I know I don’t want him to leave, but I’m scared of what will happen if he doesn’t.

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