Until I Met You (5 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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Three weeks later I had settled in nicely.  I had made seven sales already—which Jonathan was ecstatic about—and I was slowly, but surely, getting to know the area a bit better.

I had met the infamous Miss Charmers and boy did she try to.  I showed her around a house on Royal Avenue and I swear she touched my arse.  I looked around at her once I felt it, but she was looking elsewhere.  I didn’t know whether I was imagining things, but as quickly as I could, I went round that house like a bullet.  I don’t think she knew what hit her after that.  I think it must have been the quickest viewing in history.  It didn’t help the fact that she was learning Spanish and was trying to say as many ‘cutesy’ Spanish words to me as she possibly could.

She didn’t take the house and I felt I had to say something to Jonathan.  He thought it was funny, but assured me that if she came in again, he would ask Anthony, Brad, or Timothy to take her.  This soon changed on Wednesday afternoon.

I was at my desk as usual when Jonathan called me in to speak with him.  I made my way into his office and shut the door.

“Angelina, how have you been getting on?  I know we haven’t had much time to talk, but I wanted to make sure you were okay and settling in well.”  Swivelling in his chair slightly, he grinned, that swoon worthy grin of his.

“I’ve been fine, Jonathan.  It’s certainly been an experience here, and you do get to meet some characters.”

He stopped swivelling and placed his elbows on his desk.  “Yes, you certainly do.  Talking of which, Mr Jacobs rang.  It would seem he is looking for some properties again.  I didn’t think it would work, but I have told him about some brand new properties.  I had a penthouse that was bought off-plan, but the buyer has just pulled out.  I told Mr Jacobs about it and he’s interested in seeing it.  I mentioned that I thought you would be the best person for the job.”

“Me?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes, and why not?  I think you’ve been doing exceptionally well these past three weeks.  I have every confidence that you will be able to deal with him—as always—in your efficient, professional, and pleasant manner.”

I smiled from ear to ear at Jonathan’s compliment.  “Okay.”

“Excellent.  Let me know your schedule for tomorrow and I will call Mr Jacobs to make further arrangements.”  He pulled his elbows off the table, ending our little meeting. I thanked him and excitedly made my way back to my desk.

“What’s put that smile on your face?” Shelly asked.

“I’m meeting the famous Mr Jacobs tomorrow.”  I was so giddy at the prospect; I forgot how this might affect Shelly.  I think I would be pissed off if some newbie came along and snapped up all the high end clients.  As it turned out, Shelly was a very unselfish person in that respect.  She just high fived me and wished me luck.

Upon checking my schedule, I could see an availability at twelve o’clock.  I had a viewing for the same penthouse at two, and I thought it only fair that our VIP gets to see it first.  I told Jonathan and he was pleased.  He soon confirmed the appointment via email and told me that Mr Jacobs would meet me here.

“That’s unusual,” I said out loud.

“What’s that?” Shelly asked.

“I thought Mr Jacobs always met at the property?”

Shelley’s head snapped up.  “He does.  That’s why I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting him,” she giggled.

“He’s coming here, tomorrow, at twelve o’clock.”

Shelly could hardly contain her excitement.  She was certainly desperate to see this famous ‘man-whore’, as she called him.


I thought my day was going pretty well until Jonathan called me back in the office.  I walked in and he looked like a man who was about to receive a telling off.  I didn’t like where this was going.

“Take a seat, dear Angelina.  I think you’ll need to sit down.”

“What is it?” I asked, now concerned.  A million things were flying around my head right about now. 

“Miss Charmers has just been on the phone.  She wants to see that house again and she insists on you showing it to her.” 

I tried speaking, but Jonathan just put his hands up to stop me.  “I tried telling her that you were fully booked, but she still insisted.”

“Fuck!” I blurted.  I looked up to meet Jonathan’s eyes and I could see that little cocked eyebrow telling me off.  “Sorry,” I said, begging him to forgive me.  “If I’m fully booked, I’m fully booked.  What can she really expect us to do?” I was pleading now and I knew it, but I could see that Jonathan called me in here for a reason, and it wasn’t just to tell me I wouldn’t have to do it if I didn’t want to.

“Angelina, she is one of our biggest clients.  I know you thought she tried it on with you, but you can’t say that for certain, can you?  Besides, you have obviously made quite an impression on her.  It’s not the normal procedure for someone like yourself willing to turn down such high commission if she decides to buy.”

I looked angrily at Jonathan, but I knew there was no way of getting out of this.  It was four o’clock already and I didn’t have any other appointments scheduled, so I couldn’t really say no.

I sighed deeply.  “Okay, but if she touches my arse again, I’m off.”  I stood there with my hands on hips, having a right old dolly strop.  All Jonathan did was laugh and shake his hands in front of him.

“Of course, of course.  It’s a deal,” he said, chuckling.

I very reluctantly rang Miss Charmers to schedule her in for five o’clock.  All the while, Shelly was giggling in the background.  She was going to pay for this.

“You owe me a drink after work.” I glared at Shelly as I waited for the ever so charming Charmers to answer her phone.

“Yes,” she said, seductively.

“Miss Charmers, it’s Angelina here.”  I was about to go on but she interrupted me.

“Oh, Angelina, how nice to hear from you.  I thought you may have been trying to run away from me,” she said laughing.

I laughed too, but it was more of a hysterical—I’m about to lose the plot—laugh, more than a genuine, hearty laugh.  Shelly decided it was time to play games and thought it hilariously funny to turn away from me and rub her hands up and down her back, like she had someone kissing her.  I so wanted to kill her right now.

“No, Miss Charmers, I’ve just been very busy, that’s all.”  I grabbed the nearest thing I could find—which was a rubber—and threw it at Shelly’s head.  She turned toward me and giggled.

“Sounds like you’re having a party in the office.  Can I join?” she asked, laughing again.

My high pitched, nervous laugh had everyone looking.  Including Victor and Hyacinth.

“Sorry, Miss Charmers, it’s just my colleague here being silly.”

“My dear, how many times do I have to tell you, it’s Belinda.  Calling me Miss Charmers makes me sound like an old spinster.”

“Okay, Belinda.”

“That’s better.”  The tone in her voice was seductive, making that high pitched laugh roll out again.  I would have liked to crawl into a hole and never resurface.  This is just a little more than insane.

“I have a five o’clock cancel on me today, so I can meet you then, if you’re free?”  I was hoping she wasn’t.  I had my eyes shut, mouthing the words, “please, please, please, please,” over and over again.

“That would be lovely, Angelina.  I will meet you there.  Look forward to it, Chica.”

Oh, fucking hell!!

“Okay, see you there at five.”  I put the phone down as quickly as possible to a chorus of laughter from Shelly, Anthony, and Brad.

“You three are so dead meat.  You’re all taking me for a drink after work.  You owe me.”  I was pissed off, exhausted, and in bad need of that drink now.  I’d been so good these past three weeks, hardly socialising, taking plenty of walks to familiarise myself with the area more, and going to bed at a decent time.  It wasn’t like me to be this way, but I didn’t want to let Jonathan down.  I’ve been trying my best and I think I’ve been doing well.  Time to let my hair down a little.

“I can go,” both Shelly and Brad said.

I turned towards Anthony with a questioning eyebrow.  “I can’t, sorry.  It’s my wife’s birthday today and I promised her a slap-up meal.”

I smiled at Anthony, but decided to play a little joke. “Any excuse, Anthony.”

“Ah, come on, Angelina.  Definitely next time, any day—tomorrow even, if you want—but not today.  Katherine will never forgive me.”

“Tell Katherine from me that I wish her a very happy birthday.”

“Thank you,” he beamed.

“And that her husband owes me a very large vodka tonic.”

“Done.”  He held out his hand and I took it for a swift shake.

Dipping my head down, I buried myself in my hands.  “Oh God, has anyone got any tranquilisers?” I was starting to wish this day would end already.

“Aww, come on, Angelina.  You’ll get through this.” 

Shelly rubbed my shoulders, trying to calm my nerves.  “I didn’t mean for me.”  I laughed into my arms and the gang joined in with me, but suddenly Shelly jumped across to her desk.  With all of us staring, she retrieved a bag and pulled out a rape alarm. “Here, take this.” 

For a moment I tried to analyse her face, but she seemed deadly serious.  Anthony and Brad both looked like they’re about to spontaneously combust.

“Fuck that for a game of scrabble.  Jesus, Shelly, are you trying to kill me here?”

Her face was confused, as she shrugged her shoulders.  “Just trying to help.”  She placed the rape alarm back in her bag and sauntered over to her desk.

“I don’t think I need that kind of help from you.  That’s two drinks you owe me now—and make them large ones.” I was being demanding, but I didn’t much care after that.

“No problema, senorita,” she purred.

“Keep going and it will be three.”  She wisely kept quiet and everyone went back to work at their desks.  I couldn’t help looking at the time every sodding minute.  I just want this over already.

Once it got to ten minutes to five, I thought it better to get going before I decided to leg it up to my flat, crawl into my bed and hide.  That flat, and my bed, seemed rather enticing right now.

The gang wished me luck, to which I replied, “Go to hell,” and I swiftly made my way to Royal Avenue.

It didn’t help my mood that it looked like it was going to rain.  It already had that new rain smell you get once it hits the pavements and settles there. I had my trustee umbrella tucked under my arm in the eventuality that it did rain once I had finished showing Cruella de Vil round the house.

I got to the house with a couple of minutes to spare and unfortunately Charming Charmers was already waiting for me.

“Hola, como estas, mi amor?”  Her words were ringing out like a song almost.  She was looking like a woman about to go to the races with her long red dress and even longer fur coat she had on.  She was smoking a cigarette and very carefully breathed it up her nose as I came closer to her.  She was flirting already. 

The vodka’s calling, the vodka’s calling!

“Hi, Miss Char… Belinda, sorry.  Are you ready to go in now?”

She flicked her golden brown locks and threw her cigarette in the street.  “Si, lead the way, Chica.”

I walked past her and could feel her eyes follow me as I passed.  They were practically burning a hole into the back of me as I unlocked the door.

“The current owners have just recently moved out the last couple of days, so you will see it as a blank shell now.  That might help you better with this second viewing.”

Walking through the long hallway, we were greeted by a grand staircase.  I took her through, room by room, trying not to maintain much eye contact—which was hard.  I always like to look people in the eye when I speak, so this way was all foreign to me.  We got to one of the bedrooms upstairs where she came so close to me I thought I couldn’t breathe.

“Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful and unusual eyes?  They’re brown, but they’re not brown.  They’re green, but they’re not green.  Remarkable.”

I briefly looked her in the eyes and she smiled.  “Erm,” I began.  “As you can see, this is the only item of furniture they have left.  It’s way too big for them to manoeuvre.”  The item I was referring to was a humungous king size, four poster bed, sitting very regally in the middle of the room.

“It’s fabulous,” she cooed.  Very soon her hand was on my hair.  Picking up a lock, she studied it for a moment. “You have the most gorgeous hair.  It flows so elegantly down your beautifully curved back.”

I immediately stiffened at her touch and she noticed it straight away.  “Do I make you nervous, Angelina?”

I cleared my throat.  “No, I’m just not used to people playing with my hair when I’m trying to show them around a property.”  I squirmed a little trying to gain some space between us.

“You must have had someone try to touch you in some way my darling.  You’re a very attractive young lady.”

I tried to think of something fast, and the only thing I could think of to say was, “Yes, well… my boyfriend thinks so.”

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