Until I Met You (4 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“Why?” he asked, confused.

“I don’t like seeing you this way.  You look so sad, and I hate the fact that I’ve made you this way.”

“So stay,” he pleaded.  “We can get married.  I’m a good guy, with a great job.  I can promise you that I will look after you.  You would never have to worry about a thing.  I’d be a good husband.”

I sighed.  I really didn’t want this at all.  Of course Brian was a safe option and that’s probably why I should never have used him like this.  I told him from the start I didn’t want a relationship, and at the time, he was all too keen so he could get me into bed.  I should have known that, at some point, feelings may get in the way of things.  Unfortunately feelings like that are not something I have ever felt, nor do I think I ever will.  I’m just not that lovey-dovey, let’s get married and have babies, kind of person.

“Brian, I—”

“Please, just think about it, Angelina.  Even if it means you have to go to London for a while.  Just say you’ll think about it.”

“I can’t do that to you, Brian.  I think I’ve let this go on far enough.  You don’t deserve someone like me.  I can’t commit, I won’t commit.  I’m just not that type of person, and you deserve to have someone that will want that.  That will want you.  One day you will marry someone, settle down, have a family, but I’m afraid that person isn’t going to be me.”

He looked like a man defeated.  His shoulders sagged, his face to the floor.  It was almost like I’d hit him with the worst news ever, and I felt like such an ass because of it.  Why oh why can’t two people just have sex without the complication of feelings getting involved?

“Oh,” he said, shuffling his feet.  “I knew you felt that way, but hearing you actually say it like that to my face, hurt more than I thought.”

God, I felt like such a dick.  “I’m really sorry, Brian.  God, I feel awful.”

“Don’t,” he said smiling.  “I knew what this was from the beginning.  You told me as much before we started this.  I just didn’t realise at the time that I would fall in love with you.”

The pain from hearing that hurt worse than I thought.  I placed my hands on his shoulders and he grabbed me in for a hug.  “Brian, I love you, too, but as a friend.  You will always have a place in my heart, but this couldn’t have continued on like this if I had stayed.  I’m glad that I’m going to give you the space you need to get on with your life without me.  I don’t want to see you hurt.  That was never, ever, my intention.”

“I know,” he said, hugging me tighter.  “I just wanted you to know before you went.  I needed you to know how I felt.”

I was about soothe him some more, but a door flew open, revealing my mother.  “Oops, sorry I interrupted,” she said, with more than just a grin on her face. 

Oh, shit.  Now I have to face the twenty questions later!

“Julia and Jack are about to cut the cake.  I came looking for you so we can see it done and say our goodbyes.”

“Okay,” I said, pulling away from Brian as quickly as I could. 

Smiling up at him I made my way towards my mother.  She held the door open for us both and hitched her eyebrow up at me.  Just as we got to her table, she sprang, “You and Brian, eh?  Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because there was nothing to tell, Mum.  We’re just friends.”

“It didn’t look that way to me, Angelina.  He looked as smitten as a kitten with his arms wrapped around you.”

“Stop it, please.  There’s nothing happening between Brian and I.” 

She was about to argue back when my dad’s voice came booming from the stage.  “Please everyone; get your cameras ready for the cutting of the cake.  Julia, you look beautiful.  Your father is so very proud of you.  I love you, babes, and I know that you and Jack will be very happy together.”

Everyone went “Aww” as Julia blushed.  “I love you, too, Dad!” she shouted, tears in her eyes.

Jack gently stroked her face, before retrieving the knife on the table.  They both put their hands together and cut into the magnificent cake.  Lights were flashing everywhere, including my mum’s camera, as the pair sliced into it.

They did the traditional feeding each other a slice, then it was on to the other greedy buggers to get a piece.  Including me.

We saw them both off before deciding it was time for us to head back home.  I was tired and had a big day tomorrow.  Julia and Jack were going to stay in a very plush hotel tonight before venturing off to the Bahamas tomorrow.  I couldn’t help feeling a little jealous of them going somewhere nice and warm.  I don’t want to get married, but I’d never say no to the honeymoon.

Once we had cleared up a bit and made sure the rest of the cake was boxed up, we said goodbye to everyone, including a sad looking Brian.  I looked for David and Mindy, but couldn’t find them anywhere.  I tried texting them both, but no answer.  I assumed they were extremely busy with one another.  Well, at least I hoped they were.

My parents and I caught a taxi back home, and all the time we were there, my mother was itching to ask me questions about Brian.  I could tell the little screws in her head were spinning.  She was probably mapping out our wedding and how many grandchildren I was going to give her.  I really didn’t want to be having this conversation.

Once home, I tried to make my excuses and head for bed, but my mother was having none of it.

“Oh no you don’t, Angelina.  Get back here and speak with your mother.”

“What’s going on?” my dad asked.

I huffed and took back the two steps I had already climbed.  How on earth I thought I could get out of this, I don’t know.

“I caught her and Brian having an intimate hug outside the hall.”

“Mum!” I protested as my dad looked on at me with mild amusement.  “Listen, Brian and I are friends, nothing more.”

“So you haven’t... you know?” she asked, nudging her head to one side.

“Mum, please,” I begged, looking over towards my dad.

“I think I had better leave,” he said wisely. 

I wish I could bloody do the same

She looked practically animated.  “Have you given him your flower?”

“No, I have not.  I gave that to Robert Parkes when I was seventeen,” I smiled.

“I hated that boy,” she said, frowning.

“I know,” I said cheekily.  “Why do you think I gave it to him?”

“Angelina Bradshaw, you are the most stubborn, insubordinate, unruly person I have ever met.  I swear you were born the wrong sex.”

I shrugged my shoulders knowing I had already had this one today.  “I know, I think we’ve had this conversation before.”

“But you don’t date.  I’ve seen you with men, but you never seem to be in a relationship with them.  Why?”

“Because I don’t need them, Mum.”

“It’s not about needing them, is it?  It’s about finding someone who makes your heart sing and your belly dance.  It’s about the euphoria you feel when he touches you and the feeling that you’ll explode when you’re not near him—because every time you are—it’s like nothing in the world could ever get better than this.”

My eyes widened.  “Wow, Mum, that was beautiful.  You talk like you know from experience.  Is it always like that with Dad?”  She smiled timidly and sighed.  “Actually, on second thoughts, don’t answer that.”

“So, come on darling.  Tell me.  Speak the truth for once.  What’s been going on?”

I took a deep breath, nervous of her reaction.  “Brian and I have been seeing each other.”  She smiled, but then I continued.  “For sex.”  The smile went, like I thought it would, and I was flinching, getting ready for the telling off I was about to receive.  Instead she did something shocking.  She laughed.

“Mum, what’s so funny?” I asked, joining in with her.

“I don’t know.  Hearing you say it, just sounded... funny.  How long has it been going on for?”

“About a year on and off.  I told him from the start what it was, and he agreed to it.”

“And now he’s regretting that?” she asked.

I looked at her, unable to say what was on my mind.

“I saw the way he was holding you, Angelina.  That was not from a person who is just after sex.  He’s in love with you.”

“I know.  He told me that much tonight.”

“Really?” she asked, shocked.  “And what did you say?”

“I basically told him that it was a good thing I was going to London.  I don’t feel that way about him, Mum.  I never have.  He’s a great guy, but there has never been any connection there at all.  At least not on my part.”

She placed her hand on mine and smiled.  “I can’t force you to be something you’re not.  Of course I want you married, but I want you married to someone you love.  Someone who will sweep you off your feet and make you feel like you’re the most precious person on earth to him.  I hope you find that, Angelina.  I really do.”

I smiled, placing my hand on hers.  “I know you do, Mum.  Thanks.  I’m quite happy as I am for the moment though.”

“I know, I know,” she said, patting my hand back.  “Hopefully that will change for you soon.”

We sat there for a while after, deciding on a night cap before bed.  We talked a little more about London and what it was going to be like working with Jonathan.  He was one person I could never tell her about.  I know we didn’t do anything, but it didn’t stop us from almost doing it.  I don’t think either my mum or dad could forgive Jonathan for that.











Today was the day!! 

I was about to embark on a new journey to a completely different part of the world.  Today was my first official day, and I had already had a brilliant time so far.  Jonathan was great at getting me settled in.  He helped me unpack, brought us back some lunch from the local store, and generally made the whole moving in process a lot less painful then it could have been.

That first evening he took me to the local supermarket so that I could get stocked up on some shopping.  I insisted on cooking him dinner for helping me, but he told me he had to get back to work and make sure everyone was okay.  It was probably just as well.  The big silver fox was way too tempting!

I also made sure I rang back home to let my parents know I was settled.  I called Mindy as I hadn’t heard from either her or David since I saw them both that night.  Turns out they headed straight over to David’s house and hadn’t left his bed since then.  When I asked her why she hadn’t thought about David beforehand, she said she didn’t know.  That the kiss just somehow turned a switch on, making her see him in a completely different light.  I ended the conversation by telling her how happy I was for them both and to send David my love.  Thankfully my meddling paid off.

But today was a brand new day, and the start of my new budding career was now ahead.  I was feeling good about my choices more than ever, but my first working day was the major hurdle that had to be jumped.

Yesterday was great.  I was introduced to Shelly first, as she will be the one I’m sitting next to during my career at Francis and Co.  She was very polite, with an eager smile and rosy cheeks.  She had long auburn hair, light brown eyes, and was rather small in size.  She must have only been around five foot tall, if that.

I was then introduced, in order around the room—from nearest to my desk, to furthest—a red haired guy in his thirties called Anthony.  Another guy with brown spiky hair and brown eyes called Brad—which most of them all got a kick out of—and then there were the miserable bastards, the ones I thought I would keep at arm’s length.  They were called Timothy and Daniela.  Timothy looked like he had a broom stuck up his arse and Daniela wasn’t too far behind that look.  Both seemed to be in their late thirties, snobs of the highest degrees. 

They both said hello, but with a level of distaste.  The other three were great, very warm, very friendly.  I could see why Jonathan had put me close to the other three, and I was grateful to him for that.


I got to Francis and Co a whole half an hour earlier then opening time.  I knew Jonathan would be there and it gave me a chance to settle in before everyone else turned up.

Sure enough, Jonathan was just opening up when I got downstairs.  “We’re keen, aren’t we?” he asked with a mischievous grin. 

“Raring to go,” I answered back.

Placing my bag down beside my desk, I went to make coffee with Jonathan.  We were in the middle of discussing his biggest client when Shelly walked in.

“Hi, Angelina.  So nice to see you again,” she said eagerly.

“Excuse Shelly’s excitement, I think she’s just glad to be getting some friendly female company,” Jonathan explained.

Shelly beamed from ear to ear.  “I think it’s great.  You’ll be the only girl in this office, apart from me, who doesn’t look like she’s chewing a wasp.”

We all started laughing, easing any last nerves I may have about working here.  It would seem my first impressions were bang on about Timothy and Daniela.

“So, what were you talking about?” Shelly asked.

Jonathan smiled and grabbed his coffee mug.  “Mr Jacobs, my biggest client.”

Shelly’s face suddenly lit up.  “Oh yes.  I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet.  I haven’t been working here that long myself and he always wants to meet Jonathan at the properties.  I’ve been told he’s a bit of a male whore.”

“Really?” I asked intrigued.  He was probably one to avoid, but certainly one to get all the gossip on.

“Yes, he’s a big property mogul around here.  He saw an opportunity when he was eighteen to buy his first three properties and do them up.  He hit gold and hasn’t looked back since.  He’s been making a nice tidy living from all his buying and selling.  He likes the old, run down properties.  Ones he can do up and sell on later for a huge whacking great profit.  Alright for some I suppose,” she said rolling her eyes.

I saw her expression and laughed.  “We’re not jealous at all, are we?”

“No, of course not, Angelina.  I don’t want any of the vast millions he must have sitting in his bank account doing nothing but adding interest every day.” 

She turned to leave and I followed her out of the door, with Jonathan close behind.

“Shelly, is it okay if you could show Angelina a rundown of our client list, so she familiarises herself with some of them?  Also, if you can show her some of the houses on our listings so she knows in advance what they look like before she visits any?”

Shelly smiled sweetly.  “Of course, Jonathan, it would be my pleasure.”

Nodding to both of us, he smiled as he trotted over to his office.  “You all call him Jonathan here then?”  I thought I had better ask.  I’m so used to calling him Jonathan, but I couldn’t do it here if everyone calls him Mr Francis.

“Yes, he insists on it.  In fact, it was one of the reasons why I took this job when offered.  Jonathan seems more down to earth then some of the other stuck up agents around here.”

That was good to know.  I think it would feel strange calling him by his surname after all this time of just calling him Jonathan.

Shelly took a swig of her coffee and was about to speak when she looked up.  “Ah, Anthony and Brad are here.”

“Hi Angelina,” Anthony and Brad said together.

“Good morning,” I chimed back.  “I take it that you two are the other friendlies in this establishment?”

Brad gave me a knowing smile.  “Oh, you noticed that yesterday?”

“Just a little,” I answered.

“I think it’s fantastic that we have our very own Brad and Angelina working side by side here,” Shelly beamed.

“I wondered how long it would take before that was brought up,” I replied.  I noticed their smiles when his name was mentioned yesterday.  “I suppose you and I are going to be the butt of a few jokes from now on?” I looked up to Brad, who was rolling his eyes.

“It would seem so, although you haven’t been here the whole six weeks since we knew you were coming.”  He took his stance, hand on hips and glared at Shelly and Anthony.  They both just laughed and turned their attention back to me.

“So,” Shelly began.  “Why didn’t Jonathan introduce you to us when you came to stay here before?”

I shrugged my shoulders.  “I don’t know.  Maybe he didn’t want to put pressure on me.  Maybe he wanted to be sure himself.”  Just as I was about to rant on, both Timothy and Daniela walked in.  “Maybe,” I said with a whisper, “he didn’t want me put off by Victor Meldrew and Hyacinth Bouquet over there.”

Shelly was off in hysterics.  She obviously knew who I was talking about, but her laughter radiated that much that it caught their attention.  They both turned, scowling at me as they made their way to their desks.

“I can see I’m their favourite person here.”

“I wouldn’t take it personally.  They’re miserable with everyone.  They sell well, and as long as they’re doing that there isn’t much Jonathan can do about them.  I can’t for the life of me understand how they do it though.  Maybe they just like brown-nosing with the rich and famous, I don’t know.”

I smiled, agreeing with her one hundred percent.  “I should imagine you’re probably right.”

“Right, I better get cracking on with this list with you before Jonathan finds out we’ve been gossiping instead of working.”

I nodded in agreement and we set to work.  First of all she went through all the clients who were much like the famous Mr Jacobs, but not as successful.  There were a handful of them, some nice, some not so very nice.  She then went through some clients who are waiting on certain areas, or certain apartment blocks for sale.  She took me through each folder on my computer so I knew where to go when the need arises.  She then went through the list of properties for sale and even brought out a map so she could show me where each one of them was.  It was a lot of hard work for her, and she must have had the patience of a saint because I don’t think I could have done all that.

“You’ve got to watch out for a lady called Belinda Charmers when she comes in here.”  Shelly placed her pen on the table and winked at me.

“Oh, why is that then?”

“She likes the ladies,” she explained.  “She’s very attractive, in her thirties with mousey brown hair and long eyelashes that she likes to flick a lot whenever she’s in here.  I’m not gay, so it’s completely wasted on me.  She likes to flirt a lot though despite the fact, so watch out for her.  Unless of course you’re…?” she probed.

“Me?  No,” I protested.  “That would be completely wasted on me also.  I like my men too much.”

“You and me both.  Although—I must say—in the abundance of men around here, they sure seem in short supply of the good ones.  It’s hard to find anyone worth the while getting to know.  I put it down to being in such a big city with too many people.” 

Shelly slunk back in her chair and took a deep breath.  I started to wonder about whether I could find a ‘go to’ guy now that I’m living here.  That really does sound awful.

I regarded Shelly for a moment as she twiddled with an elastic band.  “Are you originally from London?”

Shelly straightened her posture.  “Yes, I was born and bred in Battersea.  I love the London life, but pretty soon when I meet someone and settle down, I don’t think living here is going to be an option bringing up children.  That’s my opinion anyway.  I’d probably want to move just outside, somewhere like Surrey, Enfield, or Kingston Upon Thames.”  She smiled at me and paused for a moment.  “So what about you?  Cornwall girl born through and through?  Did you break any hearts to be up here with us?”

Leaning over the desk, I nodded.  “Yep, born in Cornwall and most of my family are there.  They didn’t want me to come, but I’d rather try and think of my career at the moment.  I’m not into marriage and children, never have been.  Makes no difference whether I stay in London or not.  If I like it here, I’ll stay, if not, then I will have to think of something else.”

Shelly looked at me for a moment before speaking.  “So, you don’t want to get married?  Have you ever fallen in love?”

“No, and I don’t need to.  I like my life the way it is.  It’s uncomplicated and free.  I don’t have to answer to anyone and I can come and go as I please.”

“What about sex though?” she asked, shocked.

“Oh, I get by,” I said.  And that was all I was going to say.  Shelly could see I wasn’t going to elaborate, so she kept quiet.  She still had a smirk on her face though.

“So you’ve never had feelings for someone?  Not just a little bit?”

I thought about poor Brian and what I put him through.  I care enough to know that it hurts me that I hurt him, but that’s as far as it goes with me.  “Nope.  There’s not a man out there that can change the way I feel, or even goad some sort of reaction from me.”

Oh boy.  Little did I know—that in three weeks time—I’d be eating my own words.

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