Until I Met You (11 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“Exactly what Paul and I tried to bury into that thick skull of his.”  I shook my head, annoyed at all the girls making a fool of themselves.

I turned around again, not wanting to see Seth for the rest of the night.  I took my glass and downed it in one go.  “Let’s talk about something else please.  I’m bored of talking about STD now.”

Shelly giggled and Anthony just screwed up his face.  “Never mind,” was all I said, swiftly getting on to other subjects.












The evening went in really well, after deliberately avoiding any eye contact with Seth.  We all joked, laughed, and roundabout the time when I started to wobble slightly on my feet, I felt it was time to get home.

“I’ll walk with you,” Jonathan said, as we all said our goodbyes to one another.

I gave him a polite smile and placed my hand on his shoulder.  “It’s only across the road Jonathan.  There’s no need.”

“I want to.  Besides, I think your parents would never forgive me if they knew I wasn’t looking after you here.”

“You know, I’m not a little girl anymore, Jonathan.”

He looked me up and down, and smiled.  “No, that you most certainly are not.”

I chuckled at his cheeky grin.  “You behave yourself there, Mr Francis.  Anyone would think you were flirting with me.”

He nodded his head.  “That I am, my sweets, but that’s as far as it will go.  Now, come on.  Let’s get you home.”

He took my hand, but I grabbed it and pulled it around my shoulders.  I knew what he said was true, but I felt safe and warm around Jonathan.

He guided me across the road, making sure I got my key into the lock properly.  I didn’t ask him in, and he didn’t make any noises that he wanted to either.  I knew what we had now was a strictly professional and platonic relationship.  We both had to make sure we kept it that way.

“Goodnight, Angelina.”

“Goodnight, Jonathan,” I said, smiling as I shut the door.

I was in my bathroom getting ready for bed when I heard music coming from my bag.  It was a strange, alien sound.  I recognised the song though.  It was “Angels” by Robbie Williams. 

I knew immediately who it was, and I didn’t know how, but that little fucker had somehow managed to steal my phone and change my ringtone.  I was going to kill him.

I tried hunting through my bag and picked my work phone out, but it wasn’t coming from my work phone, it was still coming from my bag.  I routed through until eventually I came across an iphone 5—which by way—was definitely not mine.

I answered with an annoying hello and waited to hear his voice.

“You took your time answering.  Did I interrupt anything?”

“You,” was all I said.

“Yes me.  Aren’t you glad to hear from me?”

I shook my head in frustration.  I couldn’t believe the levels this guy went to.  “Are you some crazed stalker or something?  Do I need to call 999 on your ass?”

“No, I just wanted to hear your voice.  Did you like the ringtone?”

I smiled despite myself.  “You really are something else, aren’t you?”

“Oh baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.  Do you want me to come over?  I can bring my game of Twister with me.  We can play it naked.  Now that would be fun.”

The laughter came.  I couldn’t help it.  I didn’t like the guy, but he did have some sort of morbid, witty sense of humour.

“I’m sure your bunnies would have something to say about that,” I said after calming down a little.

“They’re certainly not my bunnies.  However, you’re my angel, Angel.  Now, quit playing hard to get and let me devour that beautiful body of yours.  I take it you’re home alone, that you got back okay?”

“Yes,” I replied.  “Jonathan made sure of that for me.”  The smile I had at his silence was revealed only because he wasn’t here to witness it.

“He’s not there with you, is he?”  I could hear the eagerness in his voice. 

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Oh Angel, you’re breaking my heart here.”

“I didn’t realise you had one, dear Seth.”

I heard a sexy sigh on the other end of the line.  “God you sound sexy when you say my name.”

“Really?  You like that—do you… Seth?”

“You’re going to be the death of me woman.  I’m telling you now; I’m going to crack that cookie of yours even if I have to use the biggest goddamned hammer you ever seen in your life.”

My laughter erupted again.  He certainly had his charm.

“Now, Angel, please tell me he’s not there?”

For some reason I felt I had to put him out of his misery.  “No, he’s not here.  I’m all on my own.”  I heard him sigh deeply, but I couldn’t help myself still.  “Well, apart from Jerry of course.”

“Jerry?  Who’s Jerry?”

It was hard keeping the laughter at bay but I managed it somehow.  “Well, he’s the only man in my life at the moment.  He’s loving, caring, doesn’t say a lot, but he’s loyal.”

He sighed again.  “You have a dog called Jerry?”

“No, he’s a cockatiel.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”  His tone was so serious I knew he meant every word he said.

“Well, now that you’ve made sure that I have no male company of the human kind with me, you can go back to your bunnies.  Now hop along, playboy,” I chuckled.

He started laughing again, and my pulse sky-rocketed.  “How do you know if I’m with any of them?”

On instinct I fell silent for a moment trying to get an inkling of where he could be.  I couldn’t hear anything in the background, so he obviously wasn’t at the bar anymore.  “Well,” I began.  “I wouldn’t have thought it would be your thing not to have at least one of them with you.”

“Are you curious, Angel?”

“No, not at all.”  I was of course.

“Not even just a little?”  His voice was playful.

“Oh for God’s sake, just tell me if it means that much to you.”

“I thought as much.  I’m actually in the Phantom—on my own.  I’m going back home alone, too.”

I suddenly pictured a little version of me doing the can-can and shaking my ass.  I haven’t got a clue where that came from.

“Why are you on your own?  I didn’t think you ever went home alone.”

“Normally no, but I have this huge problem you see.”

“Oh yes,” I said probing him for an answer.

“I met this girl yesterday.  She hates my guts and I can’t stop thinking about her.  To be honest with you, she does my head in—but I keep coming back for more.”

I was suddenly stunned into silence.  My heart was beating like a drum—so much so—I was starting to think he could hear it through the phone.

“Angel?” he asked, worry in his voice.


“Have you fallen off your chair?”

I couldn’t help but giggle.  “No, but you’d like me to, wouldn’t you?”

I heard Seth gasp.  “Oh baby, I would never want you to hurt that gorgeous derriere of yours.”

I couldn’t believe I was grinning like an idiot now.  “Oh really?  Do you make it a habit of looking at my derriere?”  Great, now I’m encouraging him.

“Oh yes, every chance I get.  It’s very round and peachy.  I think I’d very much like to bite it.”

My laughter erupted easily.  The champagne and his voice mixed together was too much too resist.

“Am I beginning to see a hint of a crack somewhere, my Angel?”

“No!” I blurted.  I was still determined not to give in.

“But you’re starting to like me though, aren’t you?”

“No,” I said, in mild protest.

“You can admit it to me you know?  I won’t tell anyone.”

I laughed again.  He was just too much.  “I’m going to hang up now.”

“Oh come on, Angel.  Just answer me.  You know you want to.”

I didn’t think I could do this anymore.  I think he would see me crack.  “I’m going.  Goodnight, Seth.”

“From now on I forbid you to call me, Mr Jacobs.  My name on your tongue sounds just too delicious.”

“I’m going now, Mr Jacobs,” I said with a chuckle.

“You need to be spanked.  Were you like this as a child?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”  I was being way too seductive and I knew it.

“I think you know the answer to that, my angel.”

“Goodnight… Seth.”

“And a very goodnight to you, Angel.  Dream about me tonight.  You know you want to.”

With a click of the phone, I hung up and found myself staring at it.  It was only then I realised what was in my hand still.  He had this habit of conveniently making me forget where I am, who I am, and what the bleeding hell I’m supposed to be doing.  I searched for his number and sure enough, it was the only one there.  I decided to text as I knew he would never let me off the phone otherwise.

By the way, why have I got this phone?

As usual it wasn’t long before a reply came beeping through. 

So I can contact you.  You sa
id you didn’t want any funny business on your work phone, and you wouldn’t give me your number, so I improvised.

I shook my head, but replied back. 
But this is an iphone 5.  You didn’t need to give me such an expensive phone.  I’ll give it back to you, and let you know my mobile number if it’s that important to you, but don’t go buying me phones!

I was about to put the phone down when it pinged again. 

I want you to have it.  I think you’re the kind of girl that deserves the best of everything.  No matter how much you hate me. ;)

I didn’t know how to possibly answer something like that.  I knew I had to give him the phone back, but I couldn’t help the butterflies now fluttering violently in my stomach.  It was a strange sensation.  I never get butterflies—over anyone.  The thought frightened me to death.  I had only met him yesterday and yet he seemed to have this vice-like hold over me.  It was such an uncomfortable feeling of having no control.  Seth had the control and I knew it.  Fighting him was going to be a losing battle—and I don’t like losing.

His name was suddenly swimming around in my head. 


It seemed to whisper off my tongue, making me feel light-headed and wanton.  For some reason, every time I said his name, my fingers seemed to dance lightly on my chest.  My eyes would close and I would picture his smiling face, his sexy dimple, and those pools of blue eyes, willing me to come to bed with him.  Showing me just how much he wants to take me.

My eyes immediately snapped open violently, and before I knew It, I was panicking.  I had to give myself a thoroughly good internal hiding.  I can’t, and won’t think about him.  It’s just that simple.  I have to do something else to distract myself.  Maybe some reading, that should do it.  I’ll get lost in someone else’s world and then I don’t have to think about my own. 

And that’s exactly what I did.











For the next month, Seth actively pursued me.  He would make appointments nearly every other day, and his flirty banter and my flippant comebacks were all we had to share.  He was wearing me down and he knew it.  He would ask me out, and I would say no.  He would text me all the time, and for some unknown reason I kept texting back.  He was forever in my thoughts and I hated him for it.  I even tried giving him back his phone a handful of times, but every time we finished a viewing, that song would start to play in my bag.  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how he did it.

In that month I tried calling Paul, and all it did was go to voicemail all the time.   I was wondering what the hell was going on there.  I didn’t imagine this; he did seem keen to go out with me.  I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t answering his phone.


It was now Thursday morning and all was quiet.  Jonathan was in a spirited mood, which somehow lifted my own.  I had been wallowing a little, but today was a new day.  I had my first client at ten o’clock and all seemed free up until two.  I started thinking about Paul again and thought I would try one last time to call him.

I retrieved his number from my phone and tried calling.  It went straight to voicemail again leaving me sighing with frustration.  I thought about leaving a message, but decided against it.  It was time to just leave well alone.

“What have you got today, Angelina?”  Jonathan was hovering over my desk, light dancing off his silver hair.

“It’s a bit slow today.  I have a ten o’clock appointment at Lucan Place. It’s a fixer upper.”

His eyebrow raised.  “Really?  Who’s the client?”

“His name’s Mr Hare.”  I looked at Jonathan for some spark of recognition, but his face seemed impassive.

“Not heard of him before.  Do you know much about him?”  Sitting at the edge of my desk, his hands clasped together on his lap.

“No.  I didn’t get to speak with him.  His secretary rang the appointment through yesterday.”

Jonathan’s lips immediately curved down a little, but he rose and walked back to his office.  “Okay, Angelina.  Let me know how you get on.”

I smiled sweetly.  “No worries, Jonathan.”


Once I gathered all my belongings, I made my way down towards Lucan Place.  The weather was cloudy and dull today, but at least it wasn’t raining.

As I started down the quieter streets—and nearing Lucan Place—I heard a phone buzz.  I knew it wasn’t my personal phone, or my works phone, so there was only one person this could be.

Pulling the iphone out, I looked at the screen.  Sure enough there was a message.

Did you dream about me last night, my angel?

I couldn’t help the big stupid grin plastered on my face.  He’d been texting me that same sentence ever since that night he gave me the mobile. 

I was so busy focusing on his text, and how I was going to answer, that I didn’t realise I was being watched.

“I take it that smile is for me.”

Looking up, I nearly jumped out of my skin.  Seth was standing there as brass as anything.  Smiling that cocky, sexy smile of his.

“You!” I shouted.  His smile broadened and immediately my back was up.  He saw a weakness in me and I hated him for it.

“You seem to be saying that a lot lately.”

“So you’re Mr Hare, ha, ha, very funny.”  I shifted past him towards the door of the flat, as his chuckles radiated around me.

“I thought you would have realised.  You seem to have a fetish for rabbits.”

As I opened the flat door, I turned to bite his head off.  “I only mention it because you seem to like hanging around them a lot.”  I pushed the door wide and edged myself towards it, to let him pass.  He took a few steps, halting once he was face to face with me.  He came up so close that I felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me.  I pushed myself back and I couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped me.  STD smiled at my reaction.  Again, I couldn’t seem to hide my obvious want.

“But I’m only interested in one.”  He smiled, drinking in my whole face.

That was all it took to realise where I was and what an asshole he was.  “I’m going to repeat this one more time for the record.  I am not—nor will I ever be—your bunny.”  I shifted my weight from under him.  Despite how angry I felt, feeling him so close to me was making feel things I didn’t want to feel.

“No, you’re not a bunny.  You’re a cookie.  I think we already established that a long time ago.  I just wanted to see if the cracks were forming yet.”

I was halfway up the stairs when he said this.  I turned around to shout something back at him, but my mind went blank.  I’m not a woman of few words.  I can say what I mean when I want to.  I have always been able to handle things—but lately—what with Cruella and this handsome bastard in front of me, I can’t seem to structure a bleeding sentence together. 

With a shake of my head, I swiftly turned and walked the remainder of the stairs.  I could hear Seth’s footsteps and could feel his eyes were upon me.  It made me excited and nervous all at the same time.

I got the apartment door and pushed the key through.  Seth’s hot breath was now behind my ear.  “Have you lost your tongue?” he whispered.

It took all my willpower not to just let go and sink my body into him.  Let him do whatever the hell he wanted to me.  Luckily for me, my phone saved me from making a big mistake.

“I have to answer this.  Excuse me,” I said, reaching into my bag.  It was Jonathan.

“Angelina, hi—are you okay?  I’m a bit worried about this new client and just wanted to make sure he’s not a bit of a weirdo or anything.”

I instantly chuckled, thinking he was bang on.  “I think you are definitely right about that, Jonathan, but you already know who this person is.”

“Really?”  Surprise filled his voice and I couldn’t help laugh at his tone.

“Yes, it’s actually Mr Jacobs for the viewing.”  Seth snapped his head round to look at me and smiled his devilish grin.

“Then why did he call himself Mr Hare?”

I couldn’t help the giggles that formed.  “It was a joke.  He seems to have a thing for bunnies you see.”  Seth smirked and raised his eyebrow.  I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Okay then, I’ll let you go.  Don’t want to keep Mr Jacobs waiting—or for this viewing, Mr Hare.”

I rolled my eyes.  “Of course not, Jonathan.  That would be sacrilege.”

“Eh, stop the sarcasm, Angelina.  It doesn’t suit you.  I’ll see you when you get back.  Take care now.”  He hung up, releasing me back to the sexy beast now staring at me.

“Do you know your laugh is the sexiest thing I have ever heard in my life?  You should definitely do that more often.”

I instantly turned around so I didn’t have to face him anymore.  Instead I took in the tired looking apartment.  It had definitely seen better days.  You certainly had to look past all of it, and have an imagination for how it could potentially look once it’s been done up.  “As you can see, this definitely needs working on.”  I turned my face around to look at him, but all I could see was his eyes on me.  He walked a few steps towards me and my reaction was to walk a few steps back.  He looked like he was a man on a mission and it both scared and excited me all at once.

Soon, my back was against the wall and I had nowhere to go.  I thought Seth would stop, but he just kept coming.  I could feel the hairs rise on the back of my neck.  I could feel my breathing harsh and unforgiving.  My heart racing like a band of a thousand drums. 

Before I could react he was there—inches away from my lips.  All he had to do was lean in and that would be it.  I wouldn’t be able to fight it.  I’m not sure I even wanted to at that moment.  I looked at his lips for what seemed like the longest time.  My eyes trailed over to his sexy stubble.  All I had to do was reach my hand up and touch the rough edges of his skin.  To feel his tiny hairs upon my delicate fingers.  But I knew that if I did, I would be lost.

“I don’t like the fact that Jonathan can make you laugh so naturally like that, and I can’t.  I wish I could make you laugh, instead of you hating me so much.  Why do you keep fighting this, Angel?  Why won’t you just give in and be mine?”  His hot breath was seeping into my mouth, just waiting—longing for more.

“Because I don’t want to be—” I began, before he stopped me.

“I get it; you don’t want to be my bunny.  I’ve already told you.  You’re more than that to me.  Why is that so difficult to understand?  You drive me crazy.”

I looked into those pools of his and could see my eyes reflected back.  Right then I felt vulnerable.  There has only ever been one time I felt like that, and I vowed to never let myself get in that position again.

“You know if I kissed you now, there isn’t a damn thing you could do to stop me.  I could take you in my arms whenever I wanted and I know you would give in to my touch.”

The madness erupted.  I couldn’t believe how brazen he was being.  I knew what he said was right, and he knew that I knew it, but I’d be damned if I let him see me give in.  “If you do that I’ll scream the place down.”  I looked into his eyes, telling him I meant business, but all he did was chuckle.

“You’re one stubborn lady, my angel.  It will take some time, but I’ll get there in the end.”

I was losing resilience.  There only seemed to be one question floating around in my head right now.  “Why me?” 

It came out without meaning to.  It was almost as if I was pleading.  He looked deeply into my eyes like he was searching for something.  It was almost as if he was, too, trying to find the answer to my question.

“What?” he finally said, breaking away somewhat.

“Why me, why go to all this trouble over me?  You have countless of girls and yet you’re here, pursuing me.  Aren’t you even interested in this apartment?”

He stood firm, not letting me drop my gaze.  “Of course,” he said, stepping away.  “Lead on, Cookie.”  He winked and ushered me into the living room like nothing had happened.

Shaking my head, I had to gather momentum.  It was very hard to switch from a wanton hussy to career girl within seconds. 

So he couldn’t see my reaction, I walked in front of him and closed my eyes.  I took a deep breath and started my run down of the place.  We went through the rooms, one by one, and all the time Seth was just humming his approval and smiling.

By the time I was finished, I felt physically and mentally exhausted.  My body had this uncanny knack of being so aware of him around me that it was on constant high alert.

“You seem tired—and maybe just a little bit sad.”  He seemed to know me better than I knew myself.  Something else to be deathly afraid of.

“I’m fine,” was all I said.  “Have you seen enough?”  He stood with his hands in his pockets just studying me for a while.  His smirk returned and I just shook my head.  “You’re impossible, do you know that?”  I immediately remembered Paul and couldn’t help myself from asking.  “Have you got Paul’s office number?  I’ve tried calling him a couple of times and it just goes straight to voicemail.”

His smile cranked up a notch.  “It does, does it?”

Tapping my foot, I laid my hand on my hip.  “Yes, so what’s his number?”

He paced the floor a little, looking everywhere but me.  “I have already told you—it’s not going to happen.  Why can’t you just leave this endless pursuit of trying to go out with my uncle just to get back at me?  It’s not fair on him you know.”

It didn’t take long for my nostrils to flare in anger.  “You bastard.  How dare you say that.”  Shit, who am I kidding?  He was right.  I really like Seth, and Paul was just a distraction.  A great distraction nonetheless, but it wasn’t fair on him.  I knew I couldn’t have Seth, but Paul was ever so nice. 

Damn, this was so confusing.  I didn’t know what else to do so I just carried on ranting.

“You can’t dictate who I can, or can’t be with—and you can’t dictate who Paul wants to be with either.  It’s not your decision to make.”  I began shouting a little, all my composure slipping away into the cracks of this apartment.  Stripping me bear to the one man I wished I could get out of my damn head.

Before I could keep going, he stopped me.  All it took was his lips upon mine and I was gone.  At first it was gentle, but hurried.  Soon the kiss turned more aggressive as I wedged my fingers round the back of his head, pulling him deeper and deeper.

His mouth was hot and inviting.  His tongue tantalising the tip of mine—I was falling—falling into a world of Seth Jacobs and right now I didn’t care to climb back up.  My head was spinning, and my eyes clasped shut, just letting the feeling of him close to me take over.  His hands were on my waist, but very soon he moved them up my back and around my neck.  He had one hand holding me there and another had a fistful of my hair.  He groaned into my mouth and I thought I was going to explode with want.

I knew I would give in if he wanted me.  I knew he would be able to take me, right here, right now.  I had to get away.  I had to break free from him.

Pushing him away our eyes locked with heated desire.  I shook my head, trying to stop this feeling, trying to shake it away.

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