UnholyCravings (14 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

BOOK: UnholyCravings
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“Say my name.”


. “Say my


“Good. He trailed his fingers over her backside. “Very good.”
He slipped them down between her legs, then ran them through her damp folds.

Tara groaned and arched her back, eager for more.

“If I’m too rough, you will say my name and it will stop, do
you hear?”

Tara closed her eyes and moaned as he slid his fingers
through her folds.

“Do you hear me?” he asked.

His touch felt so good. She imagined Donar sliding his cock
into her channel and stretching her muscles, then pushing himself so deep that
his hips pressed flush against her backside.

Pain exploded across her ass, then vibrated up
her spine.

“Did you hear me?”


“Repeat it to me.”

“Say your name and it will stop.” Tara couldn’t imagine ever
doing such a ridiculous thing.

“Good.” He soothed the spot where he had hurt with his
fingers. His touch felt almost magical. Desire poured from his fingers and
filled her body, giving her a sense of urgency.

“You are to call me master otherwise.”


“Yes, what?” He slapped her again.

“Yes, master.”

“Very good.”

Tara groaned as pain swirled with pleasure. It was such a
heady mix. Both emotions fought for dominance, creating a swirl of sensation
inside of her body. She heard some shuffling behind her, then saw Donar’s
clothes fall to the floor beside the counter.

She felt something hard and plastic slip in between her
folds. “What’s that?”

The object was immediately removed.
Once again
pain vibrated through her body, numbing her mind and allowing her to focus more
fully on the moment.

“You should always trust me.”
“Never question.”

“Yes.” Tara arched her back and raised her hips, eager for

“Yes what?”

Tara groaned as the object struck her low, close to her

“Yes what?” he repeated.

“Yes, master.”

He ran his hands over her backside. “You like that, don’t

“Yes, master.” She whimpered as he pulled away his hand.

“Then I shall give you more.”
Slap. Slap.

The object hit her backside with a steady rhythm. With each
strike, Tara’s world blurred more and more. She groaned and closed her eyes,
focusing on the pain. She tumbled deeper inside of herself until her senses
heightened. She felt her breasts jiggle with each impact, the catch in her
breath as pain exploded across her skin. Moisture filled her channel and a
primal need rose in her core. She moved up on her tiptoes, eager for him to hit
her faster, harder.

Somehow, he knew what she craved. He increased the rhythm,
his blows vibrating through her body and leaving her breathless. She heard his
grunts, felt his eagerness. For the moment, the world faded away until there
was nothing left but her, Donar, his
and this moment. She never
wanted it to end.

When he finally stopped, Tara was sore and needy. She wanted
him to fill her, to feel his hips slap against her ass just like the object.

She heard something clatter to the floor.

“Now I will have you.” Donar sounded just as breathless as
she felt. He rubbed his hands on her backside, easing away the hurt. “You’re
such a delightful pink.” He kissed first one cheek, then the other. Tara
groaned as pleasure rippled through her body, making her feel weak.

Then he straightened and positioned himself against her
opening. His head slid through her folds and inched just inside her body.

“Ah, you’re so wet, my sweet. Wetter than you have ever been

“Yes, master.”

“You want me, don’t you?”

“Yes, master.”

“Then you shall have me.” With one giant thrust, Donar
speared himself inside her channel, filling her to the hilt. The loud slap of
flesh on flesh filled the room and Tara groaned as her muscles stretched to
accommodate him.

“Open your wings for me.”

Tara pushed her wings up and out the slits in her back,
allowing them to unfold behind her. The room filled with light and color so
bright that she had to squint against it.

“So beautiful.” Donar ran his fingers over her wings,
causing her to shiver.

He eased one of her wings back and slid his tongue along the
rim. Tara groaned as desire spiraled up through her body and made her tremble
with need.

“I want you to come for me,” he said. “I want you to come
hard and fast.” He repeated the delicious torture to the other wing. As sense
of urgency washed over her, and she tightened her core muscles around his cock.

“Yes master.”

He traced each wing with agonizing slowness, making sure to
hit every inch, every dip and crevice. It was almost as if he knew how much she
loved to be touched there.

Of course he knew
, she thought. He could feel her

Tara closed her eyes and gave herself over to the erotic
sensations. To have him fill her, then to touch her so intimately, was the
erotic experience of a lifetime. Never before had she felt so in tune with
another person, so connected. When he finally pulled away, she whimpered in

“Ah, my little one, now the fun begins.” He grabbed her
hips, his nails digging into her flesh.

Before Tara realized what he was doing, he pulled back and
then thrust hard, touching her deep inside her core. Tara shuddered as heat and
need filled her lower abdomen. He retreated and advanced again, this time
thrusting a little harder than before.

“Fuck, Tara, you feel so good.” He repeated his movements
again and again, building a steady rhythm.

Tara blanked her mind to everything but his movements. She
focused on how their bodies came together and how their scents mingled. Soon a
light breeze caressed her skin, just like it did back in the alley. Then
something dark passed through her mind.


It was Donar’s
, she could tell. She reached
out for it, dragging it closer.

she said back.

purred with pleasure. Donar groaned as he
moved, his voice adding to her longing. Soon Tara was moving with him and their
bodies came together with urgency. The wind picked up and began to swirl around
her. She was close, she could feel it.

Donar’s thrusts became faster, more needy. He tightened his
fingers into her flesh and thrust harder, each push filling her with more and
more emotion.

Then she felt him explode. He let go of her hips and grabbed
her wings, crying out as he filled her with his seed. Darkness filled the air,
calling to her, urging her to follow.

She did. Her orgasm raced through her as though it was a
waterfall, pouring pleasure into every muscle, every pore. She tightened her
grip on the counter and cried out as magic poured from her body, meeting the
darkness in the air above. Power and light filled her and she felt as if she
was floating on air. The darkness seeped into her skin and penetrated her mind.
She sensed his pleasure, his wonder. She embraced the new connection and let
herself enjoy the moment.

When his movements finally slowed, Tara loosened her grip on
the counter and opened her eyes. Sex had left her weak and shaken. The drain on
her power was enormous and she felt as if she had been run over by a truck.

Donar eased out of her body and helped her to straighten.
She teetered on her feet as exhaustion overcame her. He gathered her in his
arms and brought her back to the king-sized bed. He laid her down there on the
mattress and then climbed in beside her. Tara smiled as he sprawled out behind
her and spooned her body.

That was amazing
, he thought.

I know.

He raised his head from the pillow and looked at her. “You
can read my mind?”

She ran her fingers over his arm. “Yes, our minds are
blended now.”

He rested his head on the pillow and buried his
face in her hair.

You feel at peace,
she thought after a moment.

I am
This is perfect.
are perfect.

They lay there for a time, neither of them wanting the
moment to end. Then Donar ran his finger over the base of her neck.
tattoo has changed.

I know, yours has too.

He withdrew his hand.
The heart grew vines.

It’s because our minds are blended. The tattoo will
finish once we blend our spirits.

Let’s do it now.

She smiled.
My magic is too weak right now. We’ll have to

He tightened his grip.
Okay then, we’ll wait.

Tara took his hand from around his waist, drew it up, then
kissed his palm. Then she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


Soren sat down in the small armchair beside Tara’s bed and
watched her sleep. Even though the thick comforter was pulled over her body, he
could still see the outline of her curves. He ran his gaze over her as a primal
need surfaced deep inside of him.


He tore his gaze away and took a deep breath. Not his. If
what he heard earlier was any indication, then she had sex with Donar. He
should have expected it. Donar had always been more dominant in the
relationship. Women liked that kind of thing. Soren had just hoped that…well,
it was a foolish thought anyway.

Now, according to Donar, he and Tara were mated, or close to
it. The tattoo she carried at the base of her neck matched the one Donar had
shown him earlier. The man had been so happy, so content. It tore Soren up
watching him.

Even now, sitting here watching her, Soren wasn’t sure what
he was more upset about—not participating, or not being able to watch.

His mind drifted back to the alley, back when he watched
Donar lose himself in Tara. The sight was so erotic, so beautiful. Then Donar
invited him to participate. The opportunity to share such a beautiful woman as
Tara with Donar was heaven.

Now Donar wanted her all to himself. At least it seemed that
way. Tara had chosen Donar over him and Soren wanted to know why. Why choose
when they were so great together as a threesome?

Before his trip into hell, Soren would have never even
considered a permanent threesome. Sure, Donar and he had shared women before,
but that was just sex. Being with Tara was so much more. Donar and Tara were
special to him and he couldn’t understand why Tara had shut him out.

She can only bind with one of us, man. I’m sorry.
Soren wiped a tear from his cheek with the back of his hand.
had promised that he and Tara would do everything within their power to help
him with his
. He didn’t want their help. He wanted to be a part
of what they were sharing.

Why did she choose Donar over him?

Tara shifted on the bed, scattering his thoughts. She opened
her eyes, then rubbed the sleep out of them. “Where’s Donar?”

Soren’s heart lurched at the mention of his twin. He pushed
it aside. “He couldn’t sleep and went upstairs. We’re anchored in a cove for
now, so we don’t have to rely on his boating skills.”

“We’re close to land?”

“Yes. Donar told me about your fear.” He hesitated for a
moment. “I can relate.”

“I know.” She smiled and, sweet goddess, it struck a chord
in his heart. “I was there when you climbed out the window of our hotel room,

“We need to talk,” he said.

Her smile disappeared. “What’s wrong?”

“You can tell something’s wrong?”

“I can sense your emotions, remember?”

He nodded. “But you can read Donar’s mind and he can read

“Ah, so that’s what this is about.”

“It’s right that you chose him. Donar will be a good mate
for you.”

She sat up and swung her legs over the bed. Her long, creamy
calves poked out from underneath the bedspread. He imagined his tongue sliding
along her skin, her taste filling his mouth.

Soren swallowed the lump in his throat and shifted in his
chair to relieve some of the pressure in his groin.

“It wasn’t like that.” She leaned forward and took his hand.
“I can feel the dark presence within each of you. You’re both suffering. Out of
the two of you, I can tell that Donar’s
is stronger and is
giving him more torment. He needs help more than you.”

“You’re saying that I have better control?”


“So you are punishing me for being more in control.”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.”

“I’m just telling it like it is.” This was getting him
nowhere, fast. He could already feel her shutting down. He decided to try a
different tactic.

Soren ran his finger over the heart tattoo on her forearm. “If
he is your mate, then why do you carry this?”

She glanced down to where he indicated. “I don’t know.
don’t bind their souls with more than one mate. It just isn’t done.”

“Has anyone tried?”

“I don’t know. There’s a rumor that it was done once, a long
time ago, but there’s no proof and no one has ever bonded two tainted humans

“Then how do you know it can’t be done?” He leaned forward
in his chair. “It’s possible, I’m sure of it.”

“Soren.” She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“Why won’t you even try?”

“Even if it is possible, I’m not strong enough to heal both
of you.”

“But you come from Ireland. Our research says that Ireland
is a stronghold for magical abilities.”

“For some, yes. It is a place of old magic and much of it is
forgotten. Someone from there might be powerful enough to manage it, but not

“So you’re giving up before you have even begun.”


“No, don’t Soren me. I don’t understand.” He grabbed her
forearms. “Make me understand, Tara.”

“I-I’ve failed at everything I’ve done, okay?”

“What?” He let go of her and leaned back. “What are you
talking about?”

She sighed. “I’m an abomination of my kind. I’ve managed to
screw up every assignment I’ve been on.”

“That can’t be true.”

“It is. I’ve let the enemy slip away, and I’ve lost
important documents.” Tears welled her eyes. “I’ve let an FBI team descend into
hell and get captured, and I’ve led a group of
to the only two
witnesses alive who could help us defeat the

“You’re wrong.”

“My magic is unreliable at best. I’ve tried to heal both you
and Donar and have failed. I’ve tried to carry you from the building, but my
magic couldn’t hold you.”

“You brought us to safety.”

“We were both lucky that we didn’t break our necks.”

“We didn’t, though.” He leaned forward and brushed his
fingers over her neck. “You brought us to safety. You have used your throwing
stars to save our lives. We’d both be dead if it wasn’t for you.” He flicked
his gaze up from his fingers to meet hers. “You’re strong enough, Tara. I know
you are. All you need is a little confidence.”

She covered his hand with her own. “I can’t, Soren. I’m

He stared at her for a long moment in silence. “I don’t
care, I don’t need your healing.” He could feel his
inside his head. It wanted Tara just as much as he did.

“It has already happened, Soren. You can’t change the past.”

Soren saw the tears tumble down her cheeks and felt her
affection. It confirmed what he had already suspected. She cared about him.
Perhaps not as much as he cared for her, but it was something.

He slid his finger over her wrist. “You can change the
future, though.”

She covered her hand with his. “No, Soren. I’m just not
strong enough.”

He met her gaze. “I refuse to believe that.”

“It’s true.”

“If you really chose Donar over me, then why aren’t you
looking for him? Why are you instead trying to soothe me?”

She blinked at his accusation. “I-I don’t know.”

“If everything’s set in stone, then why do I feel your
desire? You told me that
only desire sex with their mates.”

“The desire is strongest with mates, but it is possible to
feel lust for another. It just isn’t as strong.”

“Is your desire for me strong?”

She stared at him in silence and he knew the answer.

“As strong as your lust for Donar?” He leaned forward until
his lips were inches from hers. “You can do this, Tara. Try. For me. For us.”

Silence spread between them as Tara glanced down at his
mouth. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I’m weak.”

She didn’t deny what she felt for him. Soren’s heart soared.
As long as she didn’t turn him away, there was still a chance. All he had to do
was to prove to her that he was meant to be with her just as much as Donar.

Soren pressed his lips against hers. She felt soft and
yielding. His inner
roared as he tilted his head and deepened
the kiss. She immediately responded, parting her lips and inviting him to
explore. He took advantage. Soren swept his tongue over hers and her taste
filled his mouth. She was so sweet, so perfect. A man could lose himself in a
woman like this and never come up for air.

She responded to his touch. Their tongues danced and her
soft moans were like music to his ears.

After a moment, she raised her hands and placed them on his
chest and gently pushed him back. “We can’t do this anymore, Soren. I belong to
Donar now.”


“Soren, don’t do this.”

He reached up and grabbed her wrists. “No, I refuse to
believe that you have to choose. You would not have two tattoos otherwise.”

Tears brightened her eyes. “Please, Soren.”

His whole body tightened with frustration. “Then let me
serve you.”

“Serve me?”

“I will give you everything I have, everything I am. If you
can still deny me after all of that, then I will walk away and never bother you

Another tear rolled down her cheek. “Soren, don’t torture

“Is it me who will be tortured or you?” He caught her tear
with his thumb and brushed it away. “Give me a chance, Tara.” He kissed her
cheek where the tear had just fallen. “Just one chance, that’s all I ask.”

He felt her body relax and knew that he had won the battle
of wills. She might be telling him that she didn’t want sex, but he could feel
her response to his touch. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.


Her words were like a dam breaking. Soren straightened and
eased her back onto the bed, horizontal to the headboard. He leaned over her
and sealed her promise with a kiss on the mouth. She lay still at first, but
after a moment she wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him close.

cried out in victory. Her resistance
was already weakening. She was as good as his.

Soren tore his lips away from her mouth and kissed a line
along her jaw.

“I love your skin,” he murmured against her.

She groaned in response.

“You taste so sweet, little one.” He continued to kiss down
your neck. “I’m going to kiss every inch of this delectable body.”

She wove her fingers through his hair, holding him close to
her skin. Her groan was his only response.

He palmed her breasts as he worked his way down. She arched
her back, pressing them deeper into his hands. He rubbed his rough hands over
her mounds, then pinched and rolled her sensitive tips between his fingers.

“Soren.” She curled her fingers deeper into his head as her
legs wrapped around his torso. Her scent drifted up and tickled his nose,
making his cock harden.

She liked being talked to, he realized.

“I’m going to suck your wonderful breasts,” he said. “And
enjoy my fill.” He worked his way down, kissing the top of each mound. “I’m
going to drive you crazy with my tongue.” He removed his hand from one breast
and flicked his tongue over the tip. She groaned and lifted her arms away from
his head.

He risked a glance up and saw her grip the headboard above
her. He smiled and repeated his torture, first flicking her nipple with his
tongue and then rolling it between his teeth. She groaned and thrashed, forcing
him to hold her sides to keep her steady. He alternated between breasts, first
nipping, then licking, then sucking them both into tight peaks.

All the while he gauged her rising desire. If he felt it
wane, he would adjust his movements. If he felt it rise, he knew that what he
did pleased her and he did it again. Soon she was writhing like an animal
beneath him.

“Soren,” she whispered.

“Yes, it’s me,” he whispered against her skin. “Never forget
that it is I who am pleasuring you. It’s me who is making you feel this way.”
He noticed that his voice sounded rough, like his vocal chords had been rubbed
against sandpaper. He gave each of her breasts one last kiss, then continued

“Now I’m going to kiss this wonderfully smooth belly of
yours.” He began a trail under her left breast, then worked his way down. With
his hands, he hooked each of her legs and eased them off his body, allowing him
to move more freely.

“You have such a beautiful navel,” he said. She groaned as
he flicked his tongue along the rim, then dipped it into her center. “Beautiful.”

He risked a glance up and saw her looking down, watching
him. “Your eyes are flickering red,” she observed.

“Does it matter?”

She smiled. “No, I like it.”

“Good.” He reached her hairline and lifted her legs. “Open
for me, little one.”

She placed her feet onto the mattress, spreading her legs
open to him. Soren groaned as his cock pressed painfully against his jeans.

Her scent was intoxicating, her pussy so inviting. “Now I am
going to feast on you until you fall apart in my arms.” He leaned forward and
ran his tongue in between her folds.

Tara gasped as he licked a ring around her opening. “Oh my

“No goddess, just me.” Soren did it again, then slid his
tongue up and pressed it against her swollen nubbin. Tara shuddered and lifted
her hips, trying to get closer to his mouth.

Soren slid his hands underneath her and feasted. He licked
her opening, then her clit, alternating between the two sensitive areas. He
reached out and felt her desire rising, her body racing up toward that unseen
goal. He moved faster, dipping his tongue inside her opening and tasting her
slick channel. She tasted so good, like a ripe fruit. He couldn’t get enough of

Tara tightened her fingers in his hair, holding him close.
Soren glanced up and found her watching him. He doubled his efforts, venturing
deeper into her channel, pressing harder against her clit.

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