UnholyCravings (15 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

BOOK: UnholyCravings
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Tara moaned and whispered his name as he worked and he felt
her race closer and closer toward her goal.

He slipped one hand out from underneath her body and slid
his finger along the outer rim of her opening. Around and around he moved as
she bucked and groaned beneath him. Finally, when he sensed she was on the
point of breaking, he stuck a finger deep inside her channel.

It was enough. Soren felt her shatter. He groaned as he
licked up her orgasm, using his finger and tongue to lengthen her pleasure as
much as possible.

When she finally drifted back into reality, he pulled away
and crawled up over her body, his gaze focused on her.

“Will you deny your attraction for me now?” he asked.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. “No, Soren, I couldn’t
deny you anything.”

His inner
growled in appreciation.

She slipped her hand down his neck, then his chest. Soren’s
whole body tightened as she inched her fingers just inside his jeans. “But you
must let me have control now.”

It was a command, the one that Soren had been waiting for.
His inner
howled with glee. Tara knew that he wouldn’t be able
to find release without being commanded, so she’d provide it for him. It was
why they were so perfect for each other.

She sat up, and eased him back on the mattress.

“Get on your back, Soren. It’s my turn now.”

Soren felt the control on his inner
slip as
he settled back on the bed. Tara climbed on top of him and slowly lifted up his
shirt. He watched her as she bent over his body. He groaned as her hot tongue
ran circles over his abdomen. Fuck, she was amazing. He propped himself up on
his elbows, unable to tear his gaze away.

She worked her way down to his belt buckle with agonizing
slowness. Each dip of her tongue made it more difficult to battle his
for control.

A low growl escaped his lips as she started to undo his belt
with her teeth. The noise disturbed him with its animalistic sound, and it
should have frightened her, but it didn’t. Instead she glanced up at him and

“You like that, eh?” she asked.

All he could do was nod. She took his breath away. The sight
of her lovely frame as she undid the zipper of his jeans with her teeth almost
made him come in his jeans.

“I’ve been thinking about doing this again since I had you
in the alley.” She placed a kiss on his lower abdomen. “A girl could get
addicted to your taste, Soren.”

He groaned as she hooked her fingers under his jeans and
eased them down. He planted his feet on the mattress and lifted his hips,
allowing her to remove the clothing completely. He settled back down on the
mattress as she settled herself over him once more.

She focused on his tattoo and Soren raised his brow as she
followed the length of the snake over his outer thigh.

“How did you get it?” she asked.

“It’s the mark of an elite club.”

“I figured. Donar has one too.”

“Yes,” Soren felt a twinge of guilt over how he and Sparrow
were chosen for a special ultra secret assignment over Donar, but then he
pushed it aside. What happened at Venom was in the past. Even though he had
trained for the mission, learning boating and scuba diving, the team was
disbanded before the mission ever got off the ground. To this date, Soren didn’t
know what they were going after.

“It’s where I got my fear of heights.”

“What happened?”

The person he was assigned to kill had led him into a trap
and Soren had been dumped over the balcony of an apartment. He fell six stories
and should have died. If his brother hadn’t positioned a landscaping truck full
of leaves underneath him, he would have. As it was, Soren was in the hospital
for weeks after the fact. Soren owed his brother his life. It was a big reason
why Soren was so loyal to him.

He didn’t want to tell Tara of his failure, however. Some
things were better left in the past. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

“You’re a trained assassin, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, it was why we were chosen for Darien’s team. We’re
killers, Tara. Does that scare you?”

She flashed him a smile. “No, should it?”


“I think it’s kind of sexy.” She turned her gaze back to his
tattoo. “I want to taste it.”

Soren opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it again. No
one had ever wanted to taste his tattoo before. It was something new to him and
rather appealing.

He watched her ease down his legs to about mid-calf, where
the snake’s tail ended.

“This must have hurt.”

“Not much.” Who was he kidding? It was the greatest pain he
had ever had before his torture in hell. It was part of the initiation into
Venom, however, and how the members identified each other in the field. No one
knew all of the members of the team for their own safety. Soren had no idea how
many of them were out there, and at this point, it didn’t matter. All that
mattered was the woman before him.

Tara bent over his body and flicked her tongue over his
calf. His nostrils flared, and he flexed his fingers. She looked up and smiled,
then did it again. Soren felt his cock swell in response.

“You’re going to have to tell me the whole story sometime,
but not now.”

“No, not now.”

“I have more important things to focus on.”

Soren swallowed as she leaned over his calf one more time. “More

“Yes, more important, like tasting this tattoo.”

Soren moistened his lips as her tongue touched the end of
the tattoo. She swirled her tongue around the end, then followed the long line
of the snake’s body up his leg. Soren glanced at the tattoo head on his hip,
located only inches away from his cock. He knew that was her destination. Would
she linger on the snake’s head, or move over his and take his erection in her

Images flooded back from their time together in the alley.
He loved how her hot little mouth wrapped around his shaft, and how her fingers
and tongue made him harder than ever before. More than anything he wanted to
experience it again.

Nothing was as expected with Tara, however. He had learned
that much in his short time with her. He watched her slowly make her way up his
leg and tried to enjoy the moment, but the anticipation was almost too much.
What would she do when she got to the end?

The tattoo wrapped around his leg and Tara shifted her body
to get better access. Soren widened his legs and brushed his thigh against her
breast. She stopped her advance and moaned at the contact. Then she continued,
following the tattoo in a long, seductive line.

Soren closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of her
wet tongue on his skin. She felt so good, such a reprieve from the torture he
had been through in the past few months. Heat trailed after her mouth, creating
a hot line of desire that went straight to his cock. Pressure built at the base
of his spine as anticipation filled the air between them. He opened his eyes as
she reached the place where his leg met his hip.

She swirled her tongue around the snake’s head, then pressed
her lips against his skin. Soren groaned as heat flooded his body and desire
roared in his veins. His cock ached and his inner
pushed against
his consciousness. Soren held it back, but it was tough. The more aroused he
felt, the more difficult it was to maintain control. He knew that he was
fighting a losing battle, but he wanted to hang on and experience Tara as
himself for as long as possible.

“Just as I thought.” She raised her head and met his gaze. “Delicious.”

Soren saw the fire in her gaze, felt her rising need. “I’m
glad you liked it.”

“There’s something else I like as well.”

He raised his brows. “There is?”

She nodded and shifted her body until she was directly over
his erection. Never breaking eye contact, she leaned over and ran the tip of
her tongue over his length, slowly going from root to tip.

Soren hissed as she flicked her tongue over his sensitive
head. Wow, that was incredible.

“While your tattoo tastes good, this tastes better.” She
repeated her motions, driving him mad with desire. Then she wrapped her fingers
around the base of his shaft, and slipped her mouth over his head.

Soren lifted his hips off the mattress as she slid down his
length, desperate to reach far inside her mouth. He was too big for her to take
all of him, but she took enough. Soren closed his eyes and moaned in bliss as
her wet heat surrounded him.

Fuck, that was good. He closed his eyes and savored the
moment, fully aware of how her heartbeat picked up, and how her hand trembled
on his length. She was almost as aroused as he, and that made the experience
even more intense. Nothing in the world was as good as this woman, this moment.
As Tara moved up and down his length, Soren’s control on his inner
slipped and darkness filled his mind.


Tara loved tasting Soren. She loved how she could feel him
losing control and how his need for her rose. She moved quickly over his length,
adjusting her movements so that he felt the maximum pleasure. She had a
fleeting thought that what she was doing was wrong, but she pushed it aside.
For now, she would give Soren what he needed.

She felt his longing and it fueled her own. Her pussy ached
as she worked over his length, and she began to imagine him slipping into her
slick channel. To have all of that muscle over her, to feel the heat of his
body and inhale his scent…

She felt Soren thread his fingers through her hair, easing
it away from her face. He was watching her. She sensed his eyes on her, his
intense stare touching her soul. The urge to unleash her magic and bond with
him overwhelmed her and she fought it back. Despite her longing, she knew that
she would never be able to forge the connection. She had already done so with

“Don’t hold back, Tara.” Soren’s voice rumbled like distant
thunder. She looked up and met his gaze. His
was in control now.
She could see the red in his eyes, and sense it in the darkness around his

She eased away from his cock. “Soren, I’m sorry. I—”

“No!” The command was loud and primal and made her pause. He
sat up and slid his hands down her arms, then gripped her biceps. “Give
yourself to me, Tara.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” He forced her off the bed and up against a
nearby wall. “You want to, I can feel it.”

“But I’ve already—”

Soren’s grip tightened, pinning her against the wall. “I don’t
care what you did with him. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is here. Now.
Me.” To punctuate his point, Soren leaned in and took control of her mouth,
kissing her until all of the air left her lungs.

Then he tore his head away and rained kisses down her jaw
and neck. He lingered on the place where her neck met her shoulder, nipping and
licking her skin until her whole body hummed with need.


“Yes,” he whispered against her skin. “Say my name again.”


He inched down her body and took her breast in his mouth. It
was rough and hungry, but Tara didn’t mind. She could feel his desperation,
sense his plea. She wished that she could give him what he needed.

She gasped as he raked his teeth over her sensitive tip. “Oh
goddess, Soren.”

He repeated the torture to the other side, plunging her mind
deeper into a pleasurable haze. She laced her fingers through his hair, holding
him close to her skin. What they were doing felt right and good, yet how could
it when she was already bonding with another?

“Don’t think, just feel.” Soren nipped her sensitive tip
once more, sending sparks of pain over her skin. Her mind blanked as it
ricocheted through her body, then groaned as he licked away the hurt.

“Feel me, Tara.” He straightened and ground his cock into
her lower abdomen. “Let it happen.”

He was persuasive. Tara met his gaze. “I have bonded with

He grabbed her wrist and held her arm up between them. “You
have started bonding with me, as well. Finish what you started, Tara.” He
dropped her arm and flicked his gaze to her mouth. “I beg you.”

He captured her lips in a hot, searing kiss. Tara’s mind
swirled with desire as he drove his tongue inside her mouth, possessing her a
little more with every caress.

He was right, of course. Tara had two tattoos, not one. She
had already started the bonding process with him, but each stage of weaving
souls was more and more difficult and took a greater toll on the
Would she have the strength to see through what she started?

She framed Soren’s face with her hands and gently eased him
back. She looked deep into his eyes, past his
, past the darkness.
She saw Soren’s hurt, his desperation to be with her, and knew that she had to
try. Not only for Soren’s sake, but for her own.

He’d fade away without her, and Tara didn’t know what she’d
do if she lost him.

Tara didn’t speak, she didn’t need to. Instead, she kissed
him soundly on the mouth and let go the last of her control.

It was as if a dam had burst. He growled against her lips as
he moved his hands down to her ass. She wiggled closer, pressing her belly into
his cock. He squeezed her backside, then lifted her into the air and pressed
her against the wall.

Tara wrapped her legs around his waist and concentrated on
kissing him back.

After a long moment, Soren tore his lips away and leaned his
forehead against hers. “Position me.”

She reached down between them and grabbed hold of his shaft.
He groaned as she moved the head up against her opening.

“Tara,” he whispered.

She stroked his length. “It’s okay, Soren. I’m here.”

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