UnholyCravings (10 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

BOOK: UnholyCravings
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“I think he’s trying to brainwash us,” Donar said. He rubbed
his temples as his memory flooded back to him in a rush. He remembered Darien
now, and the mission. Fuck, Urian was in charge of the
They were seriously screwed.

Soren agreed. “The sensation is weak though. I’m able to
resist it.”

“It might be because we’re not in hell anymore.” Donar
dragged his gaze away from Nergal and focused on Soren. “His powers are weaker

“What are we going to do?” Tara asked.

“There isn’t much we can do until he stops,” Donar said. “Then
we try to make a run for it.”

Tara shivered. “What if he brings us to more

Soren wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she inched
closer into his arms. Donar felt a stab of jealousy.
should be the
one she turned to for protection, not Soren.

Donar tore his gaze away and looked out the window. He didn’t
understand his feelings or his fierce possessiveness of the woman. It was
unrealistic. He’d have to sort everything out once they got safely away.

And they
get safely away. Anything less would
be unacceptable.

They rode for a time in silence, then Nergal turned into a
huge storage facility. He drove down to the last station, then cut the engine
and honked the horn.

The door to the station opened and three more
came forward. Nergal left the car to meet them.

Donar’s inner
rose to attention.
He forced it aside and focused on Tara. “We’ll create a distraction. Run as
fast as you can and get help.”

“Like hell I will.” Tara pulled out her throwing star, her
face determined. “You two are too important to us. I won’t risk another
failure. I already have too many.”

Donar wanted to ask her what she meant by that statement.
What did she fail at? Now wasn’t the time however. He filed the information
away to go back to later, when they were all safe.

Soren leaned forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword. “We
can’t let you—”

Her features hardened. “I saved your ass once, Mr. I’m-afraid-of-heights.
I’m prepared to save it again.”

Donar did his best to hide a smile. The woman had a lot of
spunk. He liked that.

Soren looked to him. “Did you hear what she just said to me?”

Donar nodded. “It sounds as if the woman doesn’t want your

“Well, what do you think we should do about it?”

It seemed right that Soren should ask him this, even though
he couldn’t remember the man ever bowing to his judgment before. They had
shared women, yes, but nothing like how they shared Tara back in the alley.

Donar fought back the
in his mind. Perhaps Soren’s
might have been a servant or a
slave to his. It would explain the protectiveness Donar felt toward Soren, and
why his twin liked being ordered around so much. Before the possession, Soren
would have told Donar off if he tried to tell him to do something. Now it
seemed like Soren almost begged to be ordered around. Donar wondered how Soren
adjusted to the new presence. Did Soren the man like taking orders as much as

“She fights,” Donar said.

“Okay, it’s probably just as well,” Soren responded.

He seemed to give in rather quickly. Donar frowned at Soren.

“Because Nergal is heading back this way and he’s bringing
his friends.”

“Oh lovely, a party. Just what I always wanted.” Tara leaned
forward in the seat and slid her fingers over her throwing star. “Let’s do it.”

Donar put his hand on his blade and got ready to spring into
action. No one laid a hand on Soren and Tara without his approval and these
bastards didn’t ask permission.

Now he was going to make them pay.

Chapter Ten


Soren focused on Nergal as he approached the car.
out the leader, and the minions will scatter.
With every second that
passed, Soren was remembering more and more of his time in hell. Seeing Nergal
must have triggered something. He recognized the
as one of the
ones who had abused them when they first crossed over. The beady eyes and wry
smile would be etched in his memory for a lifetime.

“Stay back. Let me go first.” He put his hand on Tara’s leg.
Her body heat moved up through his fingers. Awareness tingled over his skin and
a ripple of protectiveness washed over him. He had only known the woman beside
him for a short time, but he felt a strange connection with her. He didn’t want
anyone or anything to bring her harm.

Tara eased back closer to Donar. Soren glanced over his
brother and nodded. Donar was anxious and worried, just like Tara. Both of
their emotions were a continuous presence in his head since their time together
in the alley, something that was very strange to him. He had a hard time
separating his own emotions from theirs. Why could he detect what they were
feeling now and not before in the hotel?

It didn’t matter. All three had the same emotions running
through them. They wanted vengeance and to escape. Adrenaline pumped through
his veins. He reached for his sword as the
put his hand on the
door. Then he sensed a surge of adrenaline from Tara.

“Duck,” she commanded.

Soren moved on instinct and crouched low at the command. As
the door opened Tara threw one of her throwing stars. Nergal ducked out of the
way and the star hit the
behind him in the throat. Soren’s inner
darkness surged, filling his mind. He jumped out of the car and swung his
blade. A loud crunch echoed around him as the blade hit flesh. He swung
through, cleanly slicing the head from the body.

It wasn’t Nergal, but it was a kill nonetheless. Soren felt
powerful, just like he always did when his inner darkness took control. He
turned around in time to see Tara and Donar jump out of the car. Donar’s eyes
were glowing red, his blade ready. He gave a battle cry and charged into the
middle of the group of

“Go!” Tara retrieved her star and threw it into the small
pack of
. Soren stood guard to one side, his gaze sweeping the
battle before him. Donar took out one monster, then turned to face another.
Soren itched to go after him, to help his master in the fray.

He couldn’t leave Tara by herself, however. Someone had to
protect her.

“I said go!” She shoved him toward the group.

He planted his feet in the ground and held himself at her
side. “I won’t leave you.”

“I don’t need protection, you idiot!”

“Of course you do.” He glanced over his shoulder and caught
Tara running back behind the hood of the cab. She crouched low and used it for
protection as she threw throwing stars every which way. The woman was fast, he’d
give her that. Still, he felt a deep need to protect her. No, he would not
leave her side.

“For the love of the Goddess, just go!” she yelled. “I can
take care of myself.”

The urge to fight was building. Soren’s
sense the violence around him and wanted to participate. He turned back to the
crowd and saw a
coming toward him. He swung his blade, but the
monster ducked out of the way.

swung his axe at Soren and together they
embarked on a deadly dance, first one gaining the advantage, then the other.
Finally Soren tripped him with his foot and moved the blade in a wide arc,
slicing through his neck. The
fell to the ground.

As soon as one was down, another took his place. Soren
defeated him too, then quickly scanned the group looking for Donar. Soren
spotted him fighting the last of the
s. It appeared he had the
upper hand.

Good. Soren relaxed his sword and turned to Tara. She was
leaning up against the cab, sweat beading on her brow. She was a gorgeous
sight. Soren couldn’t believe how strong she was, both in mind and body. Never
before had he seen a woman with so much determination and power. Desire rose up
and the familiar craving gnawed away at his soul. His
wanted to
claim her, possess her.

He caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. Soren
flicked his gaze behind Tara. One of the
rose up behind her
small frame. How did he get there? He must have looped around Soren while he
was fighting. Fear gripped his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

“Look out!”

Tara either didn’t hear him or ignored him. Soren knew that
he couldn’t run around the car and attack, he’d never get there in time.
Oblivious, Tara threw one more star. Soren didn’t wait to see where it landed.
He took the hilt of the sword in his hands and held it as if it was a spear.
roared in his ears and he let the dark presence take control
of his body.


He threw the sword with all of his strength. It shot through
the air as though it was an arrow and sliced through the middle of the
chest. The creature grunted and stumbled back. Tara turned, surprise evident on
her face. She whipped out two more stars and threw them. The
fell as they landed in the sides of his neck.

Soren jumped over the hood of the car, hardly paying
attention as his leg skimmed the smooth metal of the hood. He landed next to
and placed his foot on the creature’s chest. He sneered as
he withdrew his sword. The monster hissed, his eyes red with rage.

“You…are a fool,” he rasped.

“No,” Soren responded. “You are the one who is a fool.” He
swung the sword down and separated the creature’s head from his neck. “And now
you are a dead fool.”

It was finished. Soren stood over the body as rage coursed
through his veins.


That thing tried to kill Tara.


He looked up and met her gaze. No one was going to take her
from him. No one.

He sheathed his sword. “Come here.”

Tara shivered. “Soren, are you okay? I feel all of this

“Come here.” His voice rose. It was deep and rough, but he
didn’t care, he was going to teach her to listen to his commands. What just
happened was too close for comfort.

“When I speak, you will obey.” He grabbed her hand and
pulled her to him. She felt warm and soft. Soren’s inner
out with need, its scream of frustration ringing loud in his head.

He ground his teeth as he struggled for control. “Are you
daft, woman? When I tell you to move, you move. You could have been killed.”

Tara stood still for a moment, her body frozen. He felt her
fear radiate off her in waves. “I-I didn’t hear you.”

“I almost lost you.” Desperation rose up and overwhelmed
him. There was something about this woman, a connection that had to be
protected. He didn’t understand it, but he knew that it had to be preserved at
all costs.

He dropped his sword and framed her face with his hands. “I
won’t lose you.” He tilted her head and covered her lips with his own. She felt
so soft, so warm. He wanted to sink deep inside of her and never let her go.

He felt her body melt, felt her hands come up and slip
around his neck. His
howled with victory. He kissed her harder,
wishing that he could somehow meld his body and thoughts with hers. Kissing was
good, but it would never be enough. He needed to be closer…


Tara felt lightheaded. Never before had she been kissed like
this. She swept her tongue in his mouth, enjoying his salty taste. It felt so
good to be close to him, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to be inside of him,
to read his thoughts and touch his soul.

Tara melted into his body and threaded her fingers into his
hair. If only she could pull the man inside of her, keep him close. Kissing
would never be enough, touching would never be enough. The only thing that
would satisfy this craving would be to finish the bonding ritual that they
started, but to do that, she would need his permission.

only felt sexual desire with their mate. It
was deep and instantaneous. She knew that what they were both feeling would
continue to grow until she was allowed to finish the binding ritual that would
seal them together for the rest of their lives.


Soren broke away from the kiss. Tara’s mind spun and she
felt unstable on her feet. Soren turned her around and held her protectively
against her chest. She felt warm and safe there. It felt right. She was
thankful that he held her, because she wasn’t sure that she was going to remain
upright otherwise.

Donar flashed them a sexy half-smile. “Aren’t I going to get
a victory kiss too?”

Tara felt the sudden urge to go to him, but Soren held her
in place.

“The taint isn’t gone from your eyes, my friend. I don’t
want you to harm her,” Soren said.

“It isn’t gone from yours either.” Tara couldn’t mistake the
humor in Donar’s voice. He held out his hand. “I want to claim my kiss.”


“That’s an order, Soren.” Gone was the humor and wry smile.
Small lines formed along his temples as he wiggled his fingers impatiently.

Soren made a frustrated noise and loosened his grip around
her waist. Tara looked up at him, uncertain. She felt his anger fading and his
embarrassment rising. Whatever had control of him moments ago had gone.

He nodded to her. “Go on.”

She turned back to Donar and took his hand. “One kiss, then
we need to get out of here and find Darien.”

Donar squeezed her fingers. “One kiss is all I ask.”

His hand was warm, reassuring. She could feel the pull of
his soul. Before she realized what she was doing, Tara left Soren’s arms and
moved closer to Donar.

His heat and scent surrounded her. She looked up into his
deep, crimson eyes. His smile faded as he hooked his finger underneath her chin
and lifted her head. She closed her eyes as mouth covered hers.

The kiss was different from Soren’s, more gentle and
touching, but no less possessive. Tara felt her legs weaken and her body start
to sway. She leaned into him and wrapped her arms up around his neck for

He tilted his head and ran his tongue along the seam of her
lips. Desire flared deep within her core. She parted her lips, inviting him in.
He took advantage, sliding his tongue through her mouth with a commanding
sweep. Tara shivered and touched him back. She felt light, her head fuzzy. She
concentrated on how the rough stubble of his chin scraped against her skin, the
earthy smell, the strong hand that dropped away from her chin and trailed down
her skin.

He cupped the base of her neck with his hand, holding her
steady as he plundered her mouth. Tara’s need escalated and she swayed closer,
wishing that she could press her body into his, wondering how he would react if
she reached out with her magic and touched him deep inside his soul.

But no, she couldn’t bind her soul with him, not without his
permission. Besides, the blending of souls could only happen after the blending
of emotions and thoughts.

So instead she held her magic in check and decided to enjoy
the moment. She was at his mercy, her body his to command. His presence was
overwhelming and Tara felt swept up in his emotion.

When he finally pulled away, she felt lightheaded. She
opened her eyes and instead of the cocky smile she was expecting, she found him
looking at her with wide blue-green eyes, his face the expression of wonder.

“How did you do that?” he asked.

“Do what?”

“She did the same for me.” Soren stepped forward and studied
her face. “There’s something about you that calms the voices inside our head.”

“I feel a strong connection to you,” Donar said. “One that
defies reason.”

“I do as well.”

They both felt the strong connection? Tara turned to Soren. “You
both feel this too?”

He nodded. “Do you know what it is?”

She stared at them in amazement. The bond normally formed
when an
first saw her spirit-mate and would strengthen until the
binding ritual was completed. The
were a feminine race, and such
bonds were normally formed with human males. Arianne was the first to form the
bond with a tainted human, and she was considered one of the most powerful
Tara didn’t think she had the strength to bond with one tainted human, let
alone two.

“That’s impossible,” she said. “You can’t
the connection.”

And yet, didn’t she feel the same strong connectiveness with
both of them? She wanted them both, but for different reasons. She needed to be
commanded by Donar’s strong hand and she needed Soren’s gentle touch.

“There must be some mistake,” she said.
bonds with only one man. They only had enough power to combine souls once. The
act was so draining, so consuming, that they would never be able to do it
again. To have formed unique bonds with two humans was incredibly rare, to bond
with two tainted humans was impossible.

Donar glanced at Soren and then refocused on her. “I am
close to Soren’s
, I know what it’s feeling. There is definitely
a connection to both him and you.”

“Agreed.” Soren said. “You are both like separate presences
inside my mind.”

This was all too much. Tara rubbed her temples. “I’ve never
heard of this happening before.”

“What’s happening?”

If they were right, and she had started the binding with
both of them, would she have the strength to finish it? Or would she fail at
this like she had failed at everything else in her life?

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