Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3) (25 page)

BOOK: Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3)
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I stopped smiling.

“I’m just kidding. I’m sure Dylan will appreciate whatever you’re wearing, Aubrey.”

“Alex, Dylan and I haven’t spoken in almost two years. That’s the only reason I’m nervous to see him. Don’t read too much into it,” I sternly advised.

“I don’t want to fight, okay? I love both of you, but I’ll never understand why you’re not together. You haven’t been with anyone since him. Aubrey, you barely leave our apartment, so you’re obviously not moving on for a reason. Why don’t you ask yourself what that is?”

I shook my head. “Half-Pint, don’t talk about things you don’t know about.”

“Then tell me so I do,” she challenged, placing her hand on her hip.

I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. My heart dropped. Alex took in my pale face but didn’t say anything. She got off the couch to open the door. Every step she took I felt my resolve crumble a little more.

I can’t do this.

I got off the couch to rush to my bedroom, but I wasn’t quick enough. She opened the door, and I stopped dead in my tracks in the entrance.

“Half-Pint!” Jacob greeted, making her squeal when he picked her up off the ground.

My heart was beating out of my chest, echoing in the room. The room began to close in on me. I tightly shut my eyes, trying to catch my bearings. My skin felt cold and clammy, I thought I was going to pass out. I heard Austin’s voice next, waiting for Dylan’s.

As if reading my mind, Alex asked, “Where’s Dylan?”

“Oh,” Jacob muttered. “Umm… he had some shit to take care of or something. He will be here later.”

I instinctively turned, locking eyes with Jacob. Austin lightly backhanded him in the stomach.

“Why you lying? Half-Pint, you know how Dylan is, he has pussy in every zip code. He’s with some chick who picked us up from the airport, he’ll be back once he’s done with her.”

Jacob’s face frowned and his shoulders hunched over. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, shaking his head.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and faintly smiled. “Some things never change, huh?”

Austin glanced over at me like he just realized I was standing there and remorse spread throughout his entire expression.

“Shit, Aubrey, I didn’t—”

“How was your flight?” I interrupted Austin, wanting nothing more than to change the subject.

They recovered quickly, but for the few moments they all looked at me with pity. I hated myself a little more.

“It was great,” Jacob chimed in, pulling me into a hug.

I despised being touched, but I let him because what else could I do? Austin was next. They both lingered with their arms around me for far too long. Which only made me want to shower again.

“So,” I breathed out, trying to steady my nerves from their hands being on me. “What do you guys have planned?”

“I thought I would show them around,” Alex chimed in. “Want to come?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I gotta study. Finals and stuff are coming up. You guys have fun though. We’ll catch up later.”

Alex nodded, and I left to go to my room. The last thing I wanted was to see the look on their faces, once was enough. I took another hot shower and changed into some cotton shorts and a tank. The only time I ever wore revealing clothing was when I was by myself in my safe space. I threw the stupid yellow dress I bought in the farthest end of my closet and studied all day, locked in my room.

I yawned, reading the time on my phone, seeing it was almost one in the morning, and I hadn’t heard anyone come home yet. My stomach rumbled, so I set aside my textbook and got up to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. I rummaged through the upper cabinets, trying to decide what I wanted, when the door opened.

“Half-Pint, do you know where my cereal is?” I asked, stepping higher on the tips of my toes searching the back.

“Still eating Lucky Charms?”

I froze.


I felt him come up behind me, the smell of him muffled by the stench of a woman’s cheap perfume. My breathing hitched when the warmth of his chest pressed against my bare back, my eyes falling to his strong hand resting against the counter.

Why did he have this effect on me, still?

He reached up behind me, skimming my shoulder to grab my Lucky Charms and set it in front of my face.

He leaned in close to my ear, his breath hitting the side of my neck causing shivers to course through my entire body. He chuckled when he noticed the hair on my arms standing up.

“I didn’t know we were havin’ a slumber party, darlin’." He softly caressed along my arm where my hairs were standing at attention. “Although, I did always prefer it when you slept naked,” he groaned, igniting a tingling feeling deep within my belly.

God, I hadn’t felt that in such a long time.

The front door opened again and he moved away from me rather quickly, taking my cereal with him. I turned around and our eyes connected immediately. He bit his lower lip and looked me up and down, making me feel naked.

Damn, he looked good.

His hair was blonder than I remembered, and he had it tied up in a high bun on his head. His eyes were a soft color of honey with a glossy glare, which I assumed were the after effects of alcohol. I had never seen him with facial hair before, all sorts of blonde and brown mixed along his upper lip and along his chin. He was wearing a tight white shirt that accented his defined arms that were a lot bigger since the last time I saw him.

My boy grew up.

He was a man now, a devastatingly handsome man, in a rough and rugged kind of way.

He grinned, taking pieces of my cereal to his mouth, purposely licking his lips when he realized I was looking him over.

“Dylan!” Alex exclaimed, breaking my trancelike state.

He set down my cereal on the counter next to him and picked her up off the floor. I yearned for him to do the same to me.

After everything…

I still loved him.

I still loved him so much.

He didn’t take his eyes off of me as he held Alex in his arms. I wondered if the same thoughts were going through his mind.

“Half-Pint, look at you all grown up,” he stated as he took her in.

“You say that every time you see me,” she giggled, looking back over at me. “I see you’ve been reacquainted.”

He narrowed his eyes, waiting for me to say something.

“Hey, McGraw,” was all I managed to get out.

He flinched, pushing off the counter with my cereal in his hands, stopping when he was right in front of me. I gripped the counter, my legs suddenly feeling weak.

He cocked his head to the side, tugging on the ends of my hair. He leaned in like he was going to kiss my cheek.

"I remember when you used to grip my cock that hard," he rasped, gesturing to my hands white knuckling the counter.

I gasped, taken aback. I didn't realize I was holding on so tight. I released the counter and warmth took over my cheeks. He handed me my cereal, letting his grasp linger, mimicking the hold he still had on my heart.

He left me standing there in shock.

For the first time in years, I had no idea who he was anymore.


We had been in California for almost a week and had one day left. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Aubrey since that night in the kitchen.  I avoided her like the plague.

As far as I was concerned, there was nothing left to say to her.

“You’re such an asshole,” Jacob stated.

I grinned. “Why, whatever do you mean?” I asked with a smartass tone, pulling some random pussy to my side. 

“How many girls do you plan on fucking while we’re here? Are you trying to make your way through the sorority house or just continue to piss off Aubrey?”

I laughed. “This has nothing to do with her.”

“It has everything to do with her. She’s staring at you right now. The hurt look on her face pains me, Dylan, and I have nothing to do with it.”

I rolled my eyes. “She should have thought about that before she left me.”

“Why don’t you try talking to her? Maybe hear her out?”

“That would imply that I actually gave a fuck about her.”

I pulled another random girl to my other side, and Jacob shook his head, walking away from me. We were at Cole’s fraternity party, and as much as Alex tried to hide it, I knew her and Cole were together. I caught the looks that they gave each other and the way she would touch him when she thought no one could see them. I didn’t understand why she was trying to hide it from us. I didn’t care who she dated as long as she was happy, and Cole seemed to treat her right.

The night took a turn for the worst when Alex came running up to Jacob to tell him that Austin was high on ecstasy. I wasn’t surprised in the least. The boy had a fucking death wish. After Jacob and I found him in the park and tried to help him, all it led to was our friendship going to Hell in a hand basket. Shit was said that could never be taken back, and my disappointment in both Austin
Jacob at the moment was enough to send me spiraling down a bottle of rum.

I took a swig out of the bottle as I made my way down to the beach. The fiery liquid burned with delight. I wanted to forget. I wanted to pretend like the last fucking hour didn’t happen. I ended up on the beach that was within walking distance of their apartment and I knew that was Aubrey’s doing.

She loved the beach.

I wanted to imagine that I didn’t see her fucking face in front of me, the same face that I desperately tried to forget over the years.

All of it, every memory and emotion hitting me in the face, back to back. Taunting me. Making me feel like the piece of shit I knew I was.

I didn’t want to feel anything.

I didn’t want to remember anything.

I didn’t want to know anything.

I felt as though I was reliving it all over again — the rape, her leaving me, the demise of my life and our love. Falling on me like a ton of fucking bricks, and I couldn’t breathe. I was suffocating. My adrenaline was pumping through my core, and I could feel the sweat pooling at my temples. I walked out into the water, the bottle already half gone. I was numb. I was always numb. Except when I wasn’t.



“You know there are sharks in there, right?”

I spun to find a brunette standing there and just like that it was gone. I could breathe. “No shit, is that right?”

She laughed. “Aren’t you scared of sharks?”

“Sharks don’t come to the shoreline, darlin’.” I took in her figure, a small waist and big tits. She was wearing a cover up over her bikini, easy access.

“I know, but why risk it? Anything can happen.”

“Anything?” I grinned.

She blushed.

“Isn’t it a little late for you to be walking the beach by yourself?”

“I’m not alone. You’re here,” she warranted.


“My name’s—”

“I don’t care what your name is,” I interrupted, walking toward her.

“Well, I know your name. Dylan,” she sassed.

“Is that supposed to impress me?”

Her eyes widened.

“Your lips.” I reached out and rubbed my thumb back and forth on her bottom lip. “They’re already doing that.”

Her breathing hitched.

“I want to see what else they can do.” I pushed my thumb into her pouty mouth. “Do you?” I questioned with conviction.

She sucked on my thumb like a damn pro and reached for my belt, unbuckling it.

“Good girl,” I praised, removing my thumb and bringing her closer to me by the nook of her neck. “Pull out my cock,” I groaned into her ear, and her skin immediately warmed my hand. I softly kissed down her neck, taking in her sweet smell of sunscreen.

I did recognize the girl. She was one of the sorority girls or some shit.

All the faces blended together, all but one.

I didn’t know her name and I didn’t care, I wasn’t lying about that. If she had followed me out here then she would definitely do anything for me.

And I wanted her on her knees.

She did as she was told with unsteady hands.

“Stroke it. Harder,” I ordered as I continued to kiss down to her breasts, making sure to rub my facial hair along the way. Women loved that.

“Like this?” she breathed out.

I groaned and cupped her breasts into my face. “Yeah…”

She was so responsive and that’s what I enjoyed the most about women. I jerked her head back and she moaned, pulling her onto the ground till she was on her knees. She took her hand away and I placed my own around my shaft, pumping myself up and down in front of her face as she looked back at me with hooded eyes.

When she realized what I was doing, her eyes glazed over like she had never seen a man stroke himself before. Or it could have been the size of my dick.

Either way it turned me on.

I looked down at her. “It’s not going to suck itself, sweetheart,” I huskily urged.

She didn’t have to be told twice, and her soft, wet, hot mouth took me in. I continued to jerk myself off while she sucked on the head of my cock until she started to move her mouth down toward my shaft.

“Deeper,” I demanded. 

This girl followed directions quite nicely, but when she didn’t take me as far as I would have liked, I did it for her. She gagged when I felt the back of her throat, making me growl and her wet.

“Pull down your bottoms, put your hand on your pussy and play with yourself. I want to watch you come.”

Again she followed my orders perfectly, manipulating her clit, slow at first then faster and more demanding. I gripped onto the sides of her face, moving her mouth on my cock the way I wanted.

The way I craved.

Her hand once again stroked me, and I quickly found a rhythm that had my head leaning back.

“Good girl, such a good girl,” I groaned, staring up at the moon.

Thinking of someone else as I fucked her mouth.

I enjoyed the feel of her lips wrapped around me, but I was drunk as shit. I wasn’t going to come. When I looked back down at her she wasn’t who I wanted her to be and that pissed me off. I roughly removed myself from her mouth, tucking my cock back in my pants.

“What the hell?” she snapped.

“I should ask you the same thing, darlin', with lips like yours, I thought you'd be a goddamn pro.”

I left her there yelling obscenities, tuning her out.

By the time I made it back to their apartment, my drunken haze lingered but I started to sober up. I used the key Alex gave me knowing no one would be home yet. It was still fairly early by college standards. It was pitch dark when I walked inside. I must have left the bottle somewhere since it was no longer in my hand. I made my way toward Alex’s bedroom wanting to pass the fuck out on her bed till she got home.

I opened the door and Aubrey gasped, spinning around to face me with her arms over her naked chest.

I immediately smiled, gripping the door handle. Cocking my head to the side to take in her gorgeous fucking body that looked like the Aubrey that I remembered.

My girl.

“Jesus Christ, McGraw, don’t you knock?”

“Ain’t nothin’ I haven’t seen before, suga’.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re drunk.”

“You’re beautiful.”

She shook off my complement. “Were you raised in a barn? Shut the damn door.”

“Well, I’ll be damned, darlin, you don’t have to ask me twice.” I shut the door, leaning my back against it with my arms crossed over my chest.

“I meant get out,” she scolded.

“But I really want in,” I countered, peering down her body.

“You’re vile. How many girls have slept in your bed in the last two years, McGraw? Better yet, how many girls beds have you slept in the last week?”

I snidely smiled. “Bree, you lost the right to ask me about my bed when you decided you didn’t want to be in it anymore.”

She jerked back, stunned. “Get. Out.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Truth hurts, don’t it?”

“You’re such a—”

“You stole my heart and never gave it back.” 

Her eyes widened.

I sighed, walking towards the bed to sit against the pillows by the headboard. I beheld the ceiling for a few seconds before tossing my arm over my eyes to allow her to change. I don’t know how long I sat there until I felt the bed dip next to me.

“That’s not fair,” she announced out of nowhere.

I moved my arm and pulled back my hair, glancing at her sideways. “For who?”

She wore cotton shorts with a top similar to the one she was wearing the first night I saw her. Her blonde hair had gotten long, descending all the way down to her waist. Her bright green eyes still had the power to bring me to my knees all with just a simple look. She wasn’t wearing any makeup but she never needed it, she was always naturally breathtaking. The women I slept with didn’t even come close to her.

She looked older, and I hated the fact that I missed all that time with her. There was something in her eyes that told me that she wanted to say so much, and I would sit there for the rest of my life if that’s what it took for her to open up to me.

The past was still lurking right around the corner like a goddamn shadow I couldn’t get away from. All I wanted were a few moments in time where it didn’t haunt us anymore. Where it wasn’t right there for the taking.

She broke my heart, and yet there I was willingly waiting for her to do it again.

She caressed my cheek with the knuckles of her delicate fingers as if she knew what I felt, what I thought, what I wanted.

I leaned into her hand and it fell onto the back of the headboard. I used it as a pillow as her other hand played with my hair, pulling the longer pieces away from my face.

“I can’t believe you kept your hair like this,” she murmured as if it hurt her to say it.  

“You loved it,” I simply stated the truth.

My face turned into the palm of her hand and I softly kissed it, waiting for her to pull away like she always did before she left me on my knees, begging her to stay.

When she didn’t, I slowly placed tender pecks up her arm, brushing my lips back and forth to enjoy the feel of her skin against my mouth.

She was so soft.

So warm.

I made it to her shoulder and moved her hair to the other side of her neck, never stopping my caresses on her skin. I could feel the effect I was having on her and she hadn’t stopped me, yet.

“Dylan,” she lightly stirred, her body tensing.

My heart sped up. “What, suga’?” I was getting closer to her neck.

“You need to stop.”

“No, I don’t.”

Her chest lifted with every movement of my lips getting closer to her mouth.

“We can’t do this.”

“Yes, we can.”

I grabbed the side of her face, beckoning her mouth to mine and she let me. Her eyes were tightly shut, and she smelled like everything I ever wanted.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I groaned, desperately craving to take what I needed to be mine.

Her mouth parted as I brought her over to me. The smell and feel of her were making me dizzy, and all I wanted was to kiss her. It was such an innocent gesture, such a simple desire.

BOOK: Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3)
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