Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (38 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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was already dressed in a very attractive yellow sundress, when Creighton joined her in the bedroom. She was busy packing their belongings as he reached her, taking her hands in his and smiling; his long legs hidden under a pair of casual dress slacks, his chest bare of clothing, as were his feet. He wrapped her in his strong arms, nuzzling her neck.

look stunning, as always,” he whispered.

glad you think so. I have never felt more uncomfortable in my life.”

What’s wrong?” He frowned as he stared down into her tanned face.

so sore I can barely move. My butt and my crotch feel like I’ve been on a tractor for days.” Creighton laughed as he wrapped her against his chest.

“Maybe I should ease off your for a while,” he suggested.

“Don’t you dare,” she snapped. Creighton laughed as he walked to his black bag with their cleaned toys and removed the warming gel. Stepping back to her, he knelt down on the floor in front of her and slowly slid his hands up her legs, under her dress to her panties. Smiling up at her as he slid the silky material down her legs, gathering her dress together and raising the front out of the way.

will help a little until we can get to Paris,” he assured her, kissing the soft curls of her pubic area, before rubbing a liberal amount of the warming gel between her legs and across her bottom. “Once we get to our hotel, I’ll be more than happy to give you a private massage. Until then, whenever you start to ache, all you have to do is rub yourself and the gel will warm again. It should last an hour or two. If you don’t want to rub it, I’ll be more than happy to do so for you.”

you,” she said as he briskly rubbed her skin and smiled as the gel warmed his hand and turned her skin a delicate pale pink.

pleasure,” he assured her, pulling her panties back up and her dress down as he stood in front of her. “I have a surprise for you; something I was going to give you last night, but I got so thoroughly distracted and forgot.” Sandra sighed watching as he walked to the bedside table, picking up the small box she had seen him with the night before. He grinned as handed it to her. It was an expensive looking jewelry box wrapped in a bright-red ribbon and she sighed.

don’t have to keep buying me things,” she argued with him, her excitement at the gift starting to rise inside her. Creighton lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles, his lips gently brushing the engagement ring positioned on her left hand.

already told you, I buy things for the people I love. Now quit arguing and open it.” Sandra stepped to the bed and sat on the edge, eager to open the box, but fearful for what was inside. With a deep breath, she slid the ribbon off and opened the lid.

Creighton,” she said reaching inside and removing a pair of diamond earrings. There were three tear drop stones, about two inches long, with a small single round diamond at the top. She touched each stone in turn and smiled.

can’t replace your mother’s, but maybe they will find a special place in your heart just the same.” He sat on the bed next to her and staring lovingly into her eyes.

Creighton, they are beautiful. I don’t know what to say.” Tears sprung to her eyes as she looked up at him.

feel really bad that you lost your mother’s earrings,” he said wiping away the tear that fell down her cheek. “I just wanted you to have something special to remember France.” Sandra wrapped her arms around his neck and accepted the kiss he offered before pulling away and slipping the earrings into her lobes. She smiled happily, walking to the mirror over the dresser and looking at her reflection.

them?” he asked stepping up behind her again and placing his warm hands on her shoulders.

love them. They’re so beautiful.”

He leaned down to kiss her exposed neck above the thin straps holding her dress across her shoulders. “Now, let’s get finished dressing and get out of here. We have a long day ahead of us.”



steered the sleek black Mercedes easily along the main road toward Versailles, where they planned to stop for lunch. They remained silent, for the most part, as they listened to the soft classical music from the radio. Sandra found herself smiling as she relaxed against the back of the seat. She really loved this man, though she didn’t know how to handle his extravagant spending. She always seemed to feel elated and put down every time he bought her something.

what’s the matter?” he asked as though reading her mind. Sandra glanced at the man beside her and noted the concerned frown that etched his handsome features.

makes you think there’s something wrong?” she asked, her tone filled with humor, knowing how easy it was for him to read her.

know you well enough, to know when something is bothering you.”

don’t know me at all,” she teased with a soft chuckle.

know you better than you think,” he told her again, turning his attention back to the road. “Are you disappointed with the earrings?”

I love them.” She reached up and touched the diamonds in her ears, feeling ashamed of her attitude.

know, you’re angry because I spent more money on you, am I right?” he asked with a half grin, causing her to blush. She cleared her throat and looked out the window.

me about Versailles,” she said, hoping to change the subject.

would you like to know?”

what’s it like, the history, the people, you know, all the tourist stuff.”

is a beautiful place. It was the capital of France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. King Louis the fourteenth founded it during the late sixteen hundreds before the French revolution. It’s world renowned for its chateau, the Palace of Versailles and the gardens of Versailles. If we had enough time, we’d visit all of them.”

you been there often?”

I love the place. I have a flat there and when I’m not using it, I rent it to employees for holidays or weekends, or use it for out of town visitors. My parents spent a week there a couple of months ago for their anniversary. It’s not far from Paris, so when I’m in France on business, I often stay in Versailles rather than the big city. It’s small, but not too small and filled with loads of energy. Irena loves to shop there, more than Sabrina does, but they both seem to find enough to buy when we visit.”

really love your family, don’t you? I mean you’re always talking about them.” Creighton smiled.

I do. You have to understand; I didn’t grow up with money, but I did grow up with love. We had enough of what we needed, so we weren’t impoverished by any means, but we also didn’t have a lavish lifestyle. I think that’s why Andrew is so secretive, that very few people know he grew up on a farm. Not exotic enough for the type of friends he chooses to associate with.”

now that you have money, you spoil your family?”

the most part,” he said turning off the main road. “I make sure my parents have what they need and I’m helping put sisters through school. My parents won’t allow me to spend my money on them the way I’d like to, though. I’ve offered to buy their farm a number of times, and get them something smaller, but they refuse. It’s the life they have chosen for themselves and they don’t want to move. I don’t blame them; Yorks is a wonderful area to grow up; it's quiet, and everyone knows everyone else. It’s one of the only places I know, where you can leave your door unlocked without fear. The farm I’m interested in buying is directly next to my parents, this way I can keep an eye on them and still have my own space.”

farm you want to buy, is it hayloft girl’s farm?” Creighton glanced across the car to her.

as a matter of fact, it is. However, her love barn isn’t there anymore. It wasn’t in the best shape when she made use of it, probably why she felt safe there; her father would never use, so she could hide out and nobody would suspect anything. The neighboring kids used to play around in it and the local government feared it was unsafe so they tore it down about two years ago. I want to put up a new barn, something large enough for a few animals, maybe a couple of horses. Once it’s finished, we can initiate the hayloft ourselves, that is, if you like the place. I mean, we can always live at my flat in Chelsea, or even Paris if you’d prefer.” He smiled at her as she turned and looked out the side window.

guess that’s something we’ll have to discuss sooner rather than later,” she said, feeling the sudden burst of anxiety flow through her veins.

having second thoughts are you?”

I just haven’t thought as far as living arrangements or the details involved. I suppose we’ll have to start making wedding plans soon, too.”

can hire a planner if you’d like. That way, the only thing you have to do is give your approval and worry about what you’re going to wear on our wedding night. I’m opting for that little black number from last night. That has suddenly become my favorite outfit on you.” Sandra giggled with a deep blush.

pulled the car to a halt on a rather busy street and stopped the engine. Sandra glanced around at the surroundings while waiting for him to walk to her side of the car and open her door. The street was filled with refurbished old buildings and shops; a large cathedral loomed over the tops of the buildings, appearing like a guardian among the masses. They walked up to the front of a quaint old building with an orange sign that read
Monument Café
. Like usual, Creighton spoke French to the young man who greeted them and was led to a table near the front window. Sandra sat down and looked at the many paintings and pictures hanging on the walls.

have a buffet set up, unless you want something different,” he told her, and she smiled.

sounds fine.” He placed the order with the man, who nodded and said something in French back.

we have more time, I would love to show you the sights. Versailles is very beautiful and full of history. You would find it quite romantic.”

really wish I could extend my trip,” she said solemnly. “I would love to visit every town from Cote d’Azur to Paris, maybe even further.”

you like to do that for our honeymoon?” Creighton asked seriously. “We could spend two or three weeks just touring France, if you’d like.” Sandra frowned as she thought about what her life would be like in less than a month.

get your crazy runaway out of our lives first and then we’ll spend an entire afternoon discussing farm life, honeymoons and the future, alright?” Creighton smiled and reached a hand toward her.

They shook hands as if making a merger and she found herself fighting the urge to laugh.

long until we get to Paris?” she asked.

twenty or thirty minutes I suppose. We can check into the hotel first if you’d like and then go take in the sights. I’ve made dinner reservations at a very nice restaurant in the Eiffel Tower?” Sandra accepted her iced tea from the waiter, with a smile.

wonderful. I’d also love to see the Louvre and maybe do some shopping.”

would you like to shop for?” Sandra blushed as they stood and walked to the buffet to collect their lunch.

I’d like to have my hair cut. I’ve wanted a true Parisian hair style since I first thought about coming to France.”

short do you want it?” he asked her with a frown.

short, just layered a little maybe. I like the length, but I want something a little…different. Cathy thinks I should have a short style, but I’ve always had long hair; I just want something new, nothing drastic.”

think you’d look marvelous with whatever style you choose. Don’t think about your sister; just do what your heart tells you to? There’s a salon I’ve used in the past, I’m sure I can arrange a setting for you.”

use salons?” she asked with a tone of surprise. Creighton smiled as he piled his plate with food.

don’t get my hair cut in the back alleys of London, you know? I use salons with very attractive females who know how to pamper a man. I like having manicures and I love having my hair washed and my scalp massaged. It’s very luxurious and relaxing, especially if a big busted blonde is doing it.”

going to have to keep an eye on you,” she said with a feigned frown. “I don’t want the luxury to go to your head…the smaller one, that is.” Creighton grinned wickedly as they sat down at their table again.

BOOK: Trust Me
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