Trust Me (17 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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There were two tubes of lubricant, a tube of thick pink colored liquid called
crème assaisonnée de mamelon
and what looked like a purple finger splint with a very bumpy surface. There were two very pretty gold clamps encased in small white crystals that resembled elaborate clothespins with a sliding hinge and a matching gold chain holding them together. There were two rather odd looking small hangman’s nooses of silver braided twine, each with a metal slide at the knot.

There was a long slender, colorful feather duster, a string of dark red beads the size of marbles, two small silver egg-shaped items attached to wires and hooked to a small black box. There were two golden balls on a green ribbon, about the size of candy jaw breakers, two long ribbed tubes; one short and black with what appeared to be a thistle blossom on the end and the other one long and thin in pearl white, with a tapered curved end. There was a plug in, hand held massager like the one Papa used on his knee and another ribbed device of sky blue with a tiny bunny on the front and a deep purple tube about the size of a lipstick with three tiny metal balls. She sighed, turning her attention to the tray still inside the case.

The bottom tray held two pairs of handcuffs, but instead of being a heavy metal as she had seen so many times on television shows, these were wrapped in what looked like the tail of a tiger and a mask with the same feline covering. A strange adjustable black strap with a small red wiffle ball in the middle and a black leather covered board that looked like a hand, similar to the spanking board Nana used when children would disobey. There was also a long silver bar with a locking mechanism in the center to adjust the width; attached to the bar were two sets of wide leather cuffs with silver buckles. A long thin stick that looked like her grandfather’s riding crop, occupied another slot in the case; the handle was dark smooth wood with a thick leather braid wrapping around the length, the tip holding a flat strip of leather used for striking animal flesh. The last item was a handle that resembled the riding crop, but at the end of this one were a dozen six inch long braided strips of leather with black beads and several thin strips of leather without the beads. Her frown deepened as she looked up at the man watching her.

“I have no idea what I’m looking at,” she told him honestly. “What are these things?”

“Sex toys,” he said softly. “Play things to keep the excitement elevated during intercourse.”

“So this is a kinky-kit?” she asked and he laughed full and deep, caressing her soft cheek with the back of his fingers.

“I have never heard it called that, but yes, I suppose it is.”

“I can’t believe they really sell kits like this,” she said in a hushed whisper, in complete awe of all that she was looking at.

“There are several kits available if you know where to look, but this one is specially designed by me.”

“Does it cost a lot?” she asked, wondering how much a person would pay for toys like these.

“Depends on what you consider a lot,” he said honestly. “As for me, it was very affordable considering it was designed for hours of pleasure and fun.”

“I don’t think I’m ready for this,” she told him expecting him to be angry, but instead he leaned across and kissed her lips gently.

“We’ll start slow and work our way up to the more intense items,” he assured her. “We have all day and all night if you want stay with me again.”

“I’d stay with you forever if I could, but I’m not sure about all of this,” she told him, watching the haunted expression cross his face. Creighton reached out and ran a long finger down her cheek and across her bottom lip.

“A month ago, if someone had told you that you would lose your virginity on a private yacht in the Mediterranean Sea, would you have believed them?” She shook her head. “What if someone had told you a week ago, that you would be dancing in front of a man completely naked and enjoying it, would you have thought them mad?” She nodded and swallowed hard. “Before today, would you have ever considered touching yourself until you had an orgasm, just to tease a man?”

“So you’re saying that this is just another experience among the many?” she asked and he smiled.

“Let’s call it, another path leading to a unique and fun adventure. Didn’t you say you always wanted an adventure? Then let me take you on one. I promise, if you don’t like it, all you have to say is stop and I will.” Sandra drew a deep breath and swallowed involuntarily. “Trust me?” he whispered and she felt it again; the warmth spread through her veins like hot lava, heating all the right places. She glanced down at the kinky kit and back up into dark blue eyes that watched her and nodded. He smiled back at her, kissing her lips softly, his tongue tasting and teasing her into relaxing.

“Then let me introduce you to a whole new, wonderful world of passion and desire,” he told her, standing off the bed and pulling her gently into his embrace. He held her against the length of his naked body for a long moment as his mouth claimed hers, teasing and tasting, battling with her tongue until she moaned. She could feel him smile against her lips when he at last released her.

“Let me demonstrate a few of your new toys.” He eased her down to the cool fabric of the sheets, pulling the leather case closer to her side. “Show me something that peaks your interest,” he ordered, crouching in front of her on the floor and sitting back on his heels. She blushed scarlet and looked at the trays beside her. She tried hard to find the least offensive item and pointed to the lovely jewel encrusted clamps. Creighton lifted them out of their designated place and held them up for her to inspect.

“Go ahead,” he urged her. “Take them and tell me what you think they are used for.” She removed them from his hand and ran her finger along the clear crystal gems, watching as the sun from the window reflected rainbows through them. She frowned, pinching them so they opened. He took them from her, removed the chain and lifted her hand, clipping one to the end of her little finger, the other to her index finger and slid the hinges so they tightened around her flesh.

“Do you know what these are?” He smiled wickedly at her, attaching the chain and tugging gently on it as he watched her examined her fingers.

“No, but they are very pretty,” she said absently. “I like crystals.” Creighton laughed as he bent forward and kissed her bare knee.

“They aren’t crystals,” he told her boldly. Sandra looked up at him and frowned. “They are diamonds set in 24 karat gold.” She gasped, looking at the objects in disbelief.

“Do you always buy diamonds and gold for your kinky kits?”

“No I have to admit, this is a first. Now, do you know what they are?” She shook her head, still in awe from what they were made of.

“These are nipple clamps,” he explained, watching the expression on her face turn from interest to fear. “Do they hurt?” he asked quickly, tugging on the chain again, forcing her to reexamine the objects dangling from her fingers. She lifted her hand, turning her fingers over and wiggling them. They were tight, but not painful and she shook her head.

“It won’t be painful, just twinge a little and make your nipples very sensitive to touch,” he assured her and leaned in to kiss and lick her nipple until it was a hard pebble. He suckled her, bit and teased the rock hard pebble until she closed her eyes and moaned. He took the clamps off her fingers and placed one on the erect nipple, slowly clamping it until it was snug. Sandra gasped at the sensation and he looked into her eyes to judge her reaction.

“Hurt?” he asked and she thought for a moment, shaking her head. With a smile he repeated the torturous teasing on the opposite nipple until he was certain it was ready and clamped the second jewel clip to it and snugged it down like the first. Sandra gasped again, this time the sound was mingled with a soft moan. He gently pulled at the gold chain holding the two together and she moaned louder, then he slid the tip of his tongue across the exposed skin of her imprisoned nipples causing her to arch her back toward his mouth, groaning hard.

“Now what?” he asked after a few moments, forcing her to look down at him. He smiled at the green eyes that shinned with dark passion and pulled on the chain once more. “Show me what you want to try next,” he ordered her. She looked back at the box and tried to focus on the objects, but it was difficult since her nipples were throbbing and tingling; the new sensations radiating through her breasts. She lifted the purple finger splint up to him and watched the dark expression grow on his handsome face. He slipped his middle finger through the opening of the splint and pushed a little switch on the side, causing it to buzz.

With deft hands, Creighton spread Sandra’s knees apart and began to run the purple device slowly up and down her labia, caressing her short brown curls. She moaned and closed her eyes again, tipping her head backward.

“Like closing your eyes, do you?” he asked, bringing her gaze back to look at him. He looked at her with a wicked grin, shutting the finger splint off and standing up. He removed the feline mask and matching handcuffs from the kit before leaning down and kissing her trembling lips.

“Lie back on the bed, in the middle and place your hands above your head.” She obediently crawled to the center of the mattress, reclining against the soft pillows. Creighton straddled her waist, sitting across her stomach and moved his erection slowly up her torso and between her breasts. He gently pressed her jewel-imprisoned breasts around his penis, thrusting gently between
the firm mounds several times. He leaned across her, smiling, and placed the soft cuffs around her wrists, removing all but one pillow from beneath her head.

“You have to agree to this, Sandra.”
He was asking her this now
, she thought? “We’re going to do a lot of very interesting things and some may frighten you, but I need you to agree to try them. I promise, if you don’t like it, all you have to do is tell me to stop and I will. We’ll get rid of the item from your kit and never use it again.” She frowned softly. He was giving her the control over what she wanted to do even though she had no idea what was about to happen.

“Just like the dancing and the touching you’ve already done for me, this is just play and your common sense is going to argue with you about it, but you have to be willing to trust me and trust that I won’t hurt you. If you don’t like what I’m doing, just say so.” She swallowed hard, looking up at him. She hadn’t known this man but a few days and she was agreeing to let him use a kinky kit on her. She must be mad! What would Cathy say if she knew what she was about to do?

“Agreed?” he asked again and she slowly nodded, the heat of her blush radiating up all the way from her toes. Creighton chuckled, leaning down and kissing her lips softly, biting and tugging at her lower lip until she moaned. He slid his tongue into her open mouth and began to play with her willing tongue, teasing it, battling with it and gently sucking the tip. He was an incredible kisser, she thought, moaning into his mouth again, spurring him onward for a few more minutes as he explored the dark recesses.

He stopped abruptly, smiling wickedly at her, his hips thrusting forward as his enlarged penis slid between her breasts. He stretched her arms further apart and fastened them snugly to the metal frame of the bed, then ran his fingers gently down them toward her nipples. She giggled softly as his fingers tickled her sensitive skin and his smile grew larger.

“Too tight?” he asked and she shook her head. “Try and pull them loose,” he ordered and she tried, but she was held securely to the bed. He bent down and kissed her passionately once more before taking the mask and slipping it over her head. “No more watching,” he whispered, securing the mask across her eyes and shutting out the room, the toys and the handsome face watching her.

Her heart began to pound and her stomach lurched at the unknown. She couldn’t help but smile, biting her bottom lip nervously, hearing his deep soft laughter, his tongue caressing the tip of her imprisoned nipples again and he pulled gently on the chain, causing her to gasp at the sensation.

“Scared?” he asked and she shook her head softly, unable to speak; anticipation heightening her senses. “Good. There’s no reason to be afraid my love, I won’t hurt you.” He moved off her and walking to the foot of the bed. He slipped his hands beneath her hips and tugged her gently down so her arms were stretched tightly above her head. He released her and moved away as she listened intently at what he was doing.

She really wasn’t afraid, just overly sensitive and very much alert to the sounds of the room, the soft jazz from the speakers and the weight of the bed where he pressed her into the mattress, the breeze blowing through the open window. Everything was heightened and alive and she felt like she was pure electricity, racing through the air and space around her.

Sandra heard the sound of something being pulled from the velvet lining of the kinky kit, the heat of anticipation warming her veins. Her excitement rose when her legs were pulled apart, the soft cuffs securing first one foot then the other, to the end of the bed. She was spread eagle in front of the man, naked and moist from the prospect of what was to come. For the first time in her life she didn’t want to think or rationalize her actions, she just wanted to know everything this man had to teach her. She was alert and alive and growing wetter with each passing second.

A few brief moments later and the soft vibration of the finger splint moved against her curls. Sandra bit her bottom lip in an attempt to control her racing heartbeat. This was the most incredible sensation she had ever experienced; unable to see what he was doing made her senses more alert. She could feel more than she ever had before; her nerves alive, her hearing more acute, even the smells around her were intense and she felt encased in a new world of realization.

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