Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (21 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Stay here,” he ordered, kissing the tip of her nose and left to go into the bedroom. Sandra stood there next to the table, her knees shaking and her palms sweating as she listened to his footsteps hurry away, returning a few moments later. He stepped up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. He began kissing the tender skin beneath her ear, licking a hot path down her neck as she laid her head back against his shoulder, allowing him full access to her throat. He softly bit the sensitive flesh, slowly pulled her shirt up to expose her torso, massaging her stomach, running his long fingers up her ribcage to her breasts. He gently massaged the tender nipples, until she moaned then lifted the shirt over her head, tossing it to the floor.

She felt his hand slide down her stomach and inside her panties, playing with the soft brown curls and she moaned louder; his finger slipped between her labia, massaging her swollen clitoris. Sandra pushed her behind into him, feeling his full erection press against her and he moaned in her ear.

“I want you,” he whispered and she could feel her excitement rise. He slipped a long finger into her and she nearly cried out, but before she could lose herself completely in his touch, he bent down, pulling her panties across her hips to her ankles. He pulled the material tight, tying her ankles together with the black material, causing her to gasp as he lifted her into his embrace. He carried her to the leather sofa that faced the flat-screen television and sat on the edge, holding her in his lap as he deftly kissed her. A few heated moments passed before he lifted his head and held up a string of beads for her to inspect.

“I’m going to put these in you and then I’m going to spank you. When we’re finished I’m going to make love to you, alright?” She blinked at him. She wasn’t sure she wanted to do this, but she didn’t have the courage to deny him, either. She found herself nodding against her own logic as he kissed her neck.

“What are they used for?” she asked shyly, looking down at the string of dark red beads.

“They are anal beads,” he explained. “They are meant for added excitement.”

“You mean you’re going to put them…
?” He laughed softly leaning his forehead against hers.

“Don’t be frightened. I promise; you’ll enjoy them.” He picked up the bottle of lubricant from the sofa beside him and she noticed the black leather hand sitting on the sofa where the bottle had been.

“Hold them,” he ordered and placed the beads in her hand, forcing her fingers to wrap around them. He pulled them slowly out of her hand, one bead at a time and she gasped. “This is how it will feel inside you, butut with much more pleasure, like my fingers earlier. But I have to make certain they are prepared properly.” He flipped the lid on the bottle of lubricant open and uncurled her fingers, laying the beads flat in her hand, and very carefully dribbled the liquid across each bead.

“Rub them,” he told her and smiled a half grin as she closed her hand and rolled them inside her palm. “Hold on to them and stand up.” She did as instructed while he balanced her on her tied feet, spreading his legs slightly and turning her to face him. “Lay across my legs,” he told her and watched the blush creep up her neck. She slowly did as ordered and felt the heat of her embarrassment filter its way down her body.

Sandra tightened her bottom when his hand touched her cheeks and listened to his soft chuckle. He slowly massaged her butt cheeks, kneading her firm muscles with his large hands until she relaxed. He slipped a long finger between her cheeks and caressed her anus causing her to moan unexpectedly.

The warm stickiness of the lubricant fell onto her backside as he massaged it into her skin; the more he massaged the warmer it became and she gasped at the sensation.

“It’s a warming gel,” he told her in answer to her unspoken inquiry. “The more you touch it, the warmer it gets. It’s the perfect lubricant for what we’re going to do. Now, let me have the beads.” Sandra handed him the string of marble-sized beads and tenseed again.

“Relax,” he ordered. “It won’t hurt.” She closed her eyes tight and hid her face in her elbow as he slowly inserted the string, one bead at a time. The first bead was very awkward and slightly painful, the second was more pressure than pain and by the time the last bead was inserted, she
felt nothing but the heat of the lubricant and an odd arousal that caused her breathe in ragged pants.

Creighton began to massage her bottom again with one hand, causing the heat to rise; his fingers moved to her anus and he began massaging the opening, as the heat of the gel increased. She began to move her bottom, amazed at the sensation from the beads as well as the heat of the gel. He moved his knee between her legs, forcing them further apart across his lap, his hand pressing against her low back forcing her hips to rise slightly, holding her securely against his long legs and then it happened.

A sharp stinging sensation struck her bare skin and she cried out. It wasn’t painful, but shocking and the beads seemed to jump inside her. Again he spanked her, this time a little lower on her bottom and she again cried out. His began to softly massage the spot where he had struck, causing the warmth of the gel to build across her tender flesh, making her moan. He spanked again, followed by his large hand massaging the area. He continued the strike, massage pattern for several long moments until she felt dizzy and breathless, each strike was a little further down her bottom until it struck the junction of her buttocks and she screamed softly in surprise

Creighton hit her with the object again and she moaned, loudly; he massaged her and she wiggled her hips, pressing her soft curls against his leg. This rhythm continued for three more strikes; he would slap her hard causing her to screech in surprise and pain and then massage her. He lifted the board and struck her hard between her cheeks, but this time he didn’t massage her, instead he struck her again, quickly and just as hard, the beads pressed into her deeper. Once more and she felt it, the familiar explosion of her climax and she began to gyrate against his lap, her release was deep and primal as she called out to him, her hands clutching the sofa beneath her head. He spanked her twice more and her orgasm deepened even further and she found herself biting the leather cushion to help steady and control her outbursts.

With skilled hands, Creighton lifted her off his lap to kneel on the floor in front of the sofa, her breasts lying against the soft leather. Sandra moaned again as he reached around the front of her and thrust two fingers quickly into her vagina, moving her into a ready position of passion. Sandra gasped when Creighton slipped an arm around her waist and lifted her to lean on her knees on the edge of the sofa, her arms braced on the back of the cushions as he held her securely around the hips, slipping the tip of his penis into her wet canal. It was tight but his movements were fluent and easy as he thrust into her making her moan again. The sensation of the beads in her bottom were alien, yet arousing as they pressed against the wall between her vagina and her rectum, massaging her passage with every movement he made.

Sandra moaned softly, listening to the heavy panting from the man behind her. He massaged the firm muscles of her buttocks, slapping her bottom gently with his bare hand and chuckling when she gasped. She could feel the heat of the gel spreading across her bottom again and she moaned loudly. Again he spanked her, and again he massaged her, it was a pain-pleasure sensation that was quickly driving her insane.

“That’s it, my love, relax into it.” His thrusts began to pick up and Sandra found her arousal growing, feeling his strong full penis inside her grow thicker, knowing he was nearly spent, and then it happened…again. The dizzy sensation of passion overtook her and she cried out loudly, primal, calling his name. Instantly he answered her plea and thrust against her hard and fast, spilling his heat inside her, joining her release with a growl she was becoming accustomed to. Before she had a chance to regain her composure he pulled the beads from her bottom in a one quick movement.

It was such an overwhelming sensation that Sandra found herself climaxing again quickly, causing Creighton to chuckle, spanking her bottom with his hand again, hard. He slowly withdrew from her, untying her ankles and wrapping his arms around her hips. He pressed his hand between her legs, against her vaginal opening with his palm and smiled as her deep orgasm continued, leaning down behind her, he began nipping at her firm buttocks gently. Several moments passed before she felt the leather press against her quivering body as he laid her down to the sofa, collapsing into it, panting.

They lay embraced for several long moments until their breathing returned to normal their heartbeat slowing to a steady thump. Sandra smiled into the leather; the sensation of being in this man’s arms was one she would never forget.

“That’s one hand each,” he whispered into her ear. “Time to play for higher stakes.” She giggled as he licked a heated path across the back of her shoulder.

“I don’t know if my backside can handle another hand, either yours or the cards.” Creighton laughed, gently slapping her bottom.

“Then concede the game and I’ll give you my final demand.”

“What exactly did you have in mind?” Sandra shifted slightly so she turned on her back to look up at him.

“I want the rest of your time in France, Sandra.” He told her boldly. “I don’t want to be away from you a single moment.” Sandra smiled, touching his cheek softly with the tips of her fingers.

“And what would you like to do with all this time I give you?”

“Besides making you scream in passion a dozen times a day, I’ll do everything, anything you would like. I’ll show you France in a way you never would with a tour group.” Sandra thought of spending the next ten days with this man and found her heart skipping a beat.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk by the end of my time here, if I agree.”

“I could always promise not to touch you again,” he offered. “So long as I have you by my side, I can find joy as equal as that of your body.”

“You’re a very gallant man, do you know that?” Creighton smiled. “But as promising as your words are, I highly doubt you would keep to them. Not to mention, it wouldn’t be much fun.”

“It would be worse than hell keeping my hands off you, but I would do it if you asked.”

“I should probably say no then and insist you take me back to my hotel.”

“And if I promise to ravage you on a daily basis?” Sandra’s smile widened and she giggled.

“Then I shall surrender my heart, my soul and my vacation to you, kind sir.” Creighton kissed her hard, silently promising her everything his words never could.

“So it’s a bargain,” he said a few breathless moments later, rolling her beneath him as he positioned his rekindled erection between her bent legs. “For the next ten days, I promise to drive you wild.”



“My little sister is graduating university next month,” Creighton began a little while later as they reclined on the sofa, naked and moist from the perspiration of their recent escapade. “I would like very much for you to come to it with me.” Sandra frowned, unsure how to tell him that she just couldn’t afford another trip to Europe any time soon.

“I don’t know if I can,” she began slowly. “I have work and I’m not sure if I can justify taking any more time off right now.”

“I want you with me, Sandra,” he said sternly. “Not just for now, but always.”

“Long distance relationships never work out,” she said sadly, standing and walking to the bar, pouring herself another glass of wine. Her heart felt like it was breaking and she didn’t know how to stop it. It wasn’t until he reached her, pulling her hands into his that she realized she was crying. He gently wiped away her tears, hugging her close to his bare chest.

“We can make it work, if you’re willing.” His words were gentle as he held her tightly against him. “We can spend the weekends together and every holiday we can think of. Until things get much more serious, that is. I can come to the U.S. some times and you can come to England others.”

“Creighton, you have to understand. I don’t come from a wealthy family. It took me two years to save up enough money to come here, and I wouldn’t have been able to do come this soon, if it wasn’t for a contest my sister entered me in. I just don’t have the money to fly to England every weekend.”

“Who said anything about you paying?” he asked sternly. “I want to see you; I want to be with you. I will move heaven and earth if I have to, to make that happen.”

“I can’t accept your money.” She pushed out of his grip and turned her back to him. “I can think of a couple five letter words that describe women who use a man’s money.”

“I can think of only one four letter word.” She turned to him frowning.

“Wife. Marry me, Sandra.” She stared at him with disbelief in her eyes. She knew she had met the only man in the world whom she would be able to love, but to marry him? She had known him three days. What would Cathy say if she returned home the wife of a man she barely knew? What would her grandparents say not to mention his family? This was insane.

“Don’t answer me just yet,” he began slowly, reading the confusion on her face. “The crew will be back in half an hour. We’ll go back to Corte d’Azur tomorrow and get your stuff from the hotel. We can discuss it more before your time in France is up. That way it will give you a chance to get to know me better. You’ll find that I don’t snore or fart or burp and I promise to pick up my socks and shut the toilet seat.” She couldn’t help but smile at his teasing, but marriage?

BOOK: Trust Me
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