Trust Me (24 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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“How many languages do you speak?” she asked as she reached his desk, sitting on the corner.

“Four fluently; French, Italian, German and of course English, but I can understand a bit of Chinese, Japanese and Russian.”

“And do you always get upset when you speak Italian?”

“What an odd question,” he frowned. “Why would you ask me that?”

“Because I’ve heard you on the phone twice now and each time you were speaking what I assume was Italian and both times you were angry.” Creighton sighed again, turning his chair to face her.

“I’m sorry; I suppose I wasn’t aware of it.” He reached toward her and slid her across the short distance of the desk to sit in front of him and began to caress her long legs from beneath the robe. “I have a business partner that I’ve been having issues with lately.”

“What sort of issues?”

“There’s a girl…just a girl, barely nineteen. Her father is a very influential man and isn’t happy that I walked out on her.”

“What do you mean walked out on her?” she asked, silently scolding herself. She had no right to pry into his private life, but her subconscious reminded her that he had asked her to marry him, so in a way she did have a right.

“She’s a very sweet girl, spoiled rotten of course, but very pretty and very young. She was in her first year of university and since her father and I have had dealings for several years, he asked me to keep an eye on her. You know, make sure she was safe, wasn’t homesick, that sort of thing. She fell in love with an intern in my research and development department in Paris. He’s a smart kid, hardworking and eager to make his internship a permanent position. All the girls in the office found him quite handsome which made it easy for him to snag Aryana, but he’s far from being socially equal to her family. They arranged to meet each other on the sly; either he would go the home office in England and meet up with her there, or she would come here claiming to visit me. After a few months of sneaking around, she became pregnant. Her father learned she was pregnant from another colleague who accidently saw her at my office and told him; he in turn assumed it was mine since she used me as her scapegoat for visiting Paris.”

“Oh dear.” Sandra felt stupid, but she didn’t know what else to say.

“I’ve been trying to convince her to come clean with her father, but she’s afraid of what he might do. Now it seems the old man has sent two of his boys to bring me back, to fess up to my indiscretions. I was hoping of getting Aryana to go to her father instead, but she’s disappeared somewhere in Paris. I think I know where she is, but I have to get to her before her father or his boys do.”

“Will he force you to marry her?”

“He will try, but it won’t work.”

“Is that why you asked me to marry you?” He looked into her eyes and frowned.

“Is that what you think? I’m using you to get out of a complicated situation?”

“It’s happened before.”

“Only in your books, Sandra; real life doesn’t work that way. I asked you to marry me because I’m in love with you. If I needed your help saving me from a dangerous, angry father, I wouldn’t have suggested you think about my proposal. I could just as easily get you drunk and when you awaken you’d find yourself married. Isn’t that the sort of thing they do in your romantic novels?” Sandra blushed causing him to chuckle.

“I know I can straighten this all out, but I have to find the little nit fist and convince her to go to her father on her own. She hasn’t returned my calls in two days, but I know she’s with Daniel; he’s been staying at a flat his uncle owns in Paris. Until I can talk some sense into her, I have to stay two steps ahead of The Don’s boys.”

The Don
?” Sandra gasped. “Do you mean the girl is the daughter of a mafia king?” she whispered.

“I never said that and I’d appreciate it if you never said it again either.”

“Are you in danger?” she asked him quietly.

“Not if I can get his daughter to confess,” he answered just as quietly.

“So what do you have to do?” she asked in a hushed whisper. Creighton drew a deep breath and slowly released it, sliding his hands up her legs, moving the robe’s soft material aside. He leaned into her and gently kissed her knees one at a time, caressing her kneecap with the tip of his tongue.

“I have to find her,” he said frankly. “If I can’t get her to return my phone calls, I’ll have to go to Paris.” He pushed her legs apart as he spoke, kissing a hot path along the inner flesh of her thighs and stood up out of his chair to face her. He kissed her lips in a tender touch, filled with passion and promise, removing the robe from around her and tossed it across the arm of his leather chair.

“Do you know how delicious you look sitting on my desk naked?” he asked her in a deep husky tone. “I want to make love to you, right here, right now. That way I’ll have wonderful memories to occupy my time during boring meetings.”

“Aren’t you afraid of someone coming in?” she gasped, listening to his deep chuckle.

“Nobody comes in here without my permission.”

“I came in.”

“You have my permission to go anywhere and do anything you like on this yacht. As my wife, everything I own will be half yours.” He carefully cupped her breasts in his warm hands, smiling seductively at her as they spoke.

“Shouldn’t you have a prenuptial agreement?”

“No,” he said firmly, looking back into her eyes. “If you leave me, you take everything I have of worth. You will take my heart and my soul, anything less than that is of no importance to me.” Sandra was taken by surprise at the intense expression in his eyes and found herself mesmerized by the dark depths. “I love you Sandra; I have since I first lay eyes on you. Someday you’ll understand just how deeply my feelings for you run.”

“Have you always been a romantic?” she asked with an amused smile. He leaned closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers, brushing her lips very briefly with his.

“Don’t you mean a perverted romantic?” he asked her in a hushed whisper. Sandra didn’t speak, her throat went suddenly dry and her words wouldn’t form a full sentence inside her foggy mind. “I want to eat you until you scream and then I’m going to make love to you on this very desk.” He lifted the sash to her robe and held it up in front of her eyes, smiling.

“I want you to lie back and brace your legs on the edge of the desk. I’m going to wrap this around you, just in case you squirm too far out of my reach.” Sandra blushed, bit her lower lip and giggled softly as he lowered her across the desk, helping her raise her knees so her feet braced the edge of the desk as he instructed. He slipped the sash of the robe around the upper thigh of one leg and across her tummy to the other one. Once she was bound to his satisfaction, he smiled down at her, tugging the strap so she slid toward him and nearly off the desk.

“So beautiful,” he told her with a wicked grin, his hands running down her torso to the curls between her legs. He gently tugged at them with his fingers and chuckled as she gasped. “I have never had a woman with hair,” he said. “I think I like it.”

“My sister told me I should wax before I came here.” She blushed scarlet, wondering why she had just told him that.

“If you want it waxed, I can arrange it, I’ll even watch if you let me.”

“That’s…” she paused, she wasn’t sure what word she should use to describe his remark. He laughed at her embarrassment, slipping his long middle finger deep inside her vagina, his thumb rubbing the nub of her clitoris.

“The word my love is perverted. I’ve already accepted that label, more when I’m with you than ever before.” He slid his fore finger into her alongside the other, smiling as she gasped. Creighton pulled the large leather chair forward and sat down, positioning himself between her legs.

“This is going to be the best memory I’ll ever have for his room,” he told her and leaned in to run his tongue along the crevice of her labia. Sandra gasped, her hands trying to find something to hold onto but he had moved everything out of reach so all she could do was brace her hands on her thighs.

He licked and teased her clitoris, his fingers moving in and out of her steadily until she began panting. He nipped the swollen bud of her clitoris causing her to react out of instinct, pushing away from him. Creighton laughed, his hand wrapping around the sash holding her legs together and pulled her forward, biting her again, slightly harder as a silent warning to not move again.

Sandra moaned louder than before when he slipped one side of her labia into his mouth and sucked, his tongue caressing the imprisoned flesh. He released her lip and moved quickly to the opposite side, repeating his action until she lifted her hips with pent up desire.

“More?” he asked and she moaned. “Tell me,” he insisted, gently flipping her throbbing clitoris with is finger.

“Yes, more,” she growled in frustration and was rewarded for her admission with his tongue once again, this time much more urgent and slightly rougher than before. His fingers moved gently inside her, caressing and massaging the front wall of her vagina. The strange mixture of hard and gentle brought an end to her torment, as waves of passion washed over her. Her hips rose to meet his mouth as she cried out to him; his actions continued at a slow steady pace, taking her further into the depths of her orgasm. When she was certain she could bear no more, she felt him rise from the chair, lifting her legs high in the air by the sash as he pulled her closer to the edge of the desk. The sound of a zipper alerted her senses to his removal of his pants moments before he pressed his erection into her, filling her quivering vagina with the full long shaft of his penis.

The movement of her legs in the air between them allowed her hips to thrust up, bringing him into her deeper. It was a sensation so decadent that she found herself tightening her kegel muscles around him, listening to his unexpected response. He thrust harder into her and she moaned, feeling the heat as he spilled himself into her heat, tipping her over the edge again. Sandra cried out his name, her hips lifting higher as he pressed against her, taking him inside her so deeply, she was certain she would split in two. A few moments passed before she opened her eyes to find the man leaning across her, the sash around her legs had been removed and her knees were braced around his neck, his mouth twisting in an amused smile.

“That was different,” he whispered, causing her to giggle slightly.

“That’s more than one memory for your boring meetings,” she teased, watching the brief glint of passion cross his eyes as he slapped his hand against her bottom, smiling brightly at the soft screech she supplied for his act.

“Come,” he ordered lifting her to a sitting position. “Bedtime. I think we could both do with a bit of sleep.” Sandra giggled as she stood up, reaching for her robe, but not fast enough; Creighton snatched it out of her reach and shook his head.

“I want you to remain naked. It will help with waking you up in a few hours.”

“I don’t think I’m tired,” she said honestly.

“No? Well, I suppose we can play some more if you’d like. I’m sure we can find a lot more to keep ourselves occupied until we pass out from exhaustion.”

“Could I restrain you?” she asked him in a burst of courage, causing him to look at her in surprise.

“Only if you think you can use the cuffs?” She smiled as they walked into the adjoining bedroom. Sandra hurried to the dresser where he had moved the toys from the night before and retrieved the feline restraints and the mask. She turned to see him climb onto the bed, an amused grin on his handsome face. She slowly crawled up to sit astride his lap, feeling the heat and moisture of his pallid erection beneath her bare bottom.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, as she looked at the cuffs closer.

“It’s your turn to do as you’re told,” she told him, frowning as she tried to figure out the restraints. He took the cuff she held in her hand and lifted it so she could see it.

“There’s a button on the side,” he showed her, as he locked the cuff and pressed the small button. “It’s a safety measure so you can get loose if you need to.”

“So I really wouldn’t have drowned?” He laughed as she took the cuff back and played with the button to familiarize herself with how it worked.

“I wouldn’t have left you drown, no matter what. You’re my life, Sandra, I don’t want to live without you and I don’t think I could even if I tried.”

“So what if I say no to your proposal?” she asked, looking down into his passionate face.

“I’ll have to follow you to Kansas and make sure you get so sick of me, that you finally say yes. Either that or I’ll just keep you here until each of the bedrooms on this yacht are filled with children and you’re too old to say no. It’s your choice.”

“Let’s not talk about this right now,” she told him, trying to fight the sudden tears that sprang to her eyes. “I want to play.”

“Then let’s play, my love.” He leaned forward kissing her lips passionately, before leaning back on the bed stretching his large muscular arms above his head so she could restrain him. She bit her bottom lip as she looked down at him; his expression was priceless. He smiled at her with such admiration and surprise that she couldn’t help but giggle.

“Legs too?” she asked and he shrugged his shoulders. He was too large to be stretched out as tightly as she had been, but she was pleased with her first attempt at playing dominatrix.

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