Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (22 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“I know this is sudden,” he said pulling her back into his embrace. “But I have loved you from the very moment I laid eyes on you. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy and I will give you everything your heart desires. Just please think about it? I’m not crazy and Scotland Yard or the FBI, or anything even similar is not looking for me. I’m an honest, hardworking businessman who is very devoted to his family and just wants to spend the rest of his life with the woman he’s in love with.”

“This is all happening way too fast,” she said softly. “I’m not a spontaneous person, Creighton. I mean, the time we’ve spent together has been amazing and I’d love to continue for the rest of my life, but I can’t just abandon everything for a fairy tale. I have obligations at home; a job, my grandparents, my sister; I can’t just leave all that behind without careful and thorough consideration.”

“Alright,” he said gently. “I won’t push, but I still want you to think about it, please?” Sandra was silent for a moment as she studied his sincere face.

“I’ll think about it,” He smiled and softly kissed her lips for a few long moments.

“Okay. Let’s go clean things up. Maybe we can go diving before the day is over?”

“That sounds great, but I don’t think you can make love to me underwater.” He laughed at her, lifting her into his embrace, his hands supporting her bottom as he raised her higher into his arms, her breasts level with his nose, her legs wrapped around his waist.

“I’ve never tried, but as we’ve discovered recently, there’s a first time for everything.” He leaned into her, taking her breast in his mouth and sucking hard. The sensation stung against her sore nipples, but it was only momentary and she moaned in pleasure as his tongue began to trace her delicate nipples.

“We’re never going to get things put away before the crew comes back, if you don’t stop looking so desirable,” he teased her.

“We’d be able to do a lot more, if you didn’t get so distracted.” She giggled as he gently bit her breast, avoiding the nipple completely. He set her down and slapped her bottom, causing her to screech, her eyes alight with relived memories of what had occurred between them.

“Let’s get dressed and get your kinky kit put back together so it doesn’t frighten the hell out of the crew,” he said with a laugh, turning her toward the door. “We don’t want anyone to think we’re some sort of degenerates, do we?” Sandra blushed, but found it difficult to hide her laugh. She did feel like a degenerate, but a very happy, very satisfied and very confused degenerate.



Creighton’s Steward was a middle-aged British man named Garman Ward. He was stern and very proper and kept the yacht and staff in line; making certain everyone did his or her job without hesitation. Creighton and Sandra had spent the afternoon scuba diving and returned to the ship shortly after twilight, to find wine and cheese waiting for them in the parlor. After their large lunch, having a simple snack was perfect, allowing them time to enjoy the evening together.

Sandra sat curled beside Creighton on the large leather sofa, the soft sound track from the opera
echoed softly over the stereo speakers, making the end of their day quiet and peaceful. The violins played beautifully and Sandra closed her eyes as she listened, feeling the orchestra filter through her mind, relaxing her fully.

“Are you tired?” Creighton asked, causing her to open her eyes to smile up at the man who watched her.

“Not at all,” she answered. “I was just listening to the music. Tell me about this piece, what is it about?”

“Agrippina was composed by George Frideric Handel in the early eighteenth century,” he began, resembling a talking encyclopedia. “It’s a comedy about Nero’s mother, Agrippina, who plotted the downfall of the Roman Emperor Claudius. It was considered one of the best operas composed by Handel; full of typical political allusions. He was only twenty-four when he wrote this.”

“It’s quite nice.” They remained silent for several moments listening to the musical. “Have you ever seen this performed on stage?”

“Yes, once,” he answered. “I was a teenager and my gram took me to see it. She took all of us to the theater in turn, to enrich our minds and affect our future. She believed that we should have a chance to experience culture and the arts. Andrew liked it more than I did, though I really enjoy the theater.”

“Do you go often?”

“I have season tickets, but I don’t get to go as often as I would like. I’m always working.”

“Who is Andrew?” she asked, taking a sip of her wine.

“My brother, he’s two years older than I am.”

“You don’t sound very fond of him.” Creighton frowned, looking at the wine in his glass.

“I love my brother, but no, I’m not very fond of him. He and I have always had our differences. Where I love living on a farm and working with the animals; he loves the city, the excitement and the noise. He’s a homicide detective in London and hates telling anyone he’s from humble beginnings.”

“What about your other siblings? What do they do?”

“Derek is married with three kids and one on the way; he’s the eldest. Sabrina is two years younger than I and just graduating university and Irena has one year left of school before she goes off to university.”

“Where do they live?”

“Derek has a small farm near my parents, but he hires most of it out. He’s a solicitor and doesn’t have the time needed to care for it; but like me, he’s a farm boy at heart. It’s really a great way to raise kids. Sabrina is going to Oxford, so she lives in a flat near campus and Irena lives at home with our parents. We get together once a month for Sunday tea.”

“You sound like you have a very close family.” Creighton smiled, looking into her bright eyes.

“We really do. I guess it’s because we weren’t raised with a lot of money that makes us thankful for our family. We weren’t poor, mind you, but we didn’t have a lot of luxuries, either, just the necessities. If it weren’t for a trust my grandfather left each of us, we wouldn’t have been able to go to University.”

“Where did you go to school?”

“Mont Rose College of Management and Sciences,” he said proudly.

“And you studied finance?” Creighton watched her over the rim of his glass as he took a sip of his wine.

“Does it show?” he asked.

“You just have a no nonsense attitude when it comes to money. My grandfather is a lot like that. He never went to college, but he’s very smart. He was a lot like your father; he dropped out of school to take care of the family, but with careful planning and wise investing he was able to purchase three hundred acres on the edge of town. Now he’s thinking of selling it and moving some place warmer. The cold weather really affects his arthritis.”

“Whom is he selling the land to?” Creighton asked with a slight frown.

“There’s a company who wants to buy it to build a telecommunications plant. You may know the company; they are based out of England.”

“That’s your grandfather’s land?” he asked absently with a deeper frown, speaking more to himself than her, causing Sandra to frown in return.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Creighton remained quiet for a moment, glancing down to his glass again and shrugged.

“Just seems like a lot of land to sell. Does he need the money that badly?”

“Not really,” she answered, unconvinced at his attempt to recover. “He’s been thinking of selling for a while, but the mayor of our town is pushing him to make the deal. I think he’ll probably do it, but not for the price the mayor thinks it is worth. The idiot is so eager for the plant to be built in Hoisington that he’d sell his own mother if she wasn’t already dead.” Creighton chuckled softly, draining his wine glass in one large swallow before standing and walking to the stereo, flipping it off.

“So what do we do now?” He placed his empty glass on the credenza, turned and smiled wickedly as he walked back to her. He sat on the coffee table in front of her and placed his hand on her leg, causing an electric tingle to travel up her legs to that secret spot that he so loved to excite.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked with a soft blush.

“Depends, how tired are you?” Sandra bit her bottom lip, forcing the giggle back and smiled brightly. “I know you’re sore, but we can go slow and play a little, or we can make love like last night. Unless you’re tired and would rather sleep?”

“I’m not tired,” she assured him, perhaps a little too eagerly. He took the glass from her hand and set it on the table next to him and stood up.

“Then let’s go to bed and discuss our options.” Sandra couldn’t resist any longer and laughed as a result of nerves or excitement, she wasn’t certain which. Creighton held a hand out for her and helped her stand before quickly wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to his chest.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked gently, leaning down and kissing her cheek, his lips gently caressing the skin up to her ear and the tender flesh of her neck before lifting her in his arms and carrying her back to the master bedroom. He pushed the door open and walked through, kicking it closed behind them before taking her to the bed, lowering her to the covers. Once she was stretched out on the bed, he lowered his long frame across her and locked his lips to hers.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered against her mouth, teasing her lips with the tip of his tongue. Sandra gasped; she wasn’t sure what to say. A part of her wanted to play, but another part really liked how it felt last night.

“I just want you,” she said honestly. “Any way I can get you.”

“You have me already,” Creighton said as he pressed his mouth against her harder, passionately and she was sure she would have swollen lips by the time he was finished.

“So, let’s discuss your experiences today,” he said after a few moments, climbing off the bed and walking into the adjoining office. He returned a few moments later, the kinky kit in his hand and set it on the edge of the bed, opening it for her to look through. He winked at her before he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him and allowing Sandra to look at the many items in silence.

She blushed as she remembered how she felt when he introduced her to several of them. She thought about how she felt before he used them and how she felt about them now. She had been so afraid at first, but after experimenting and playing, she realized it was more of the unknown that she feared.

Creighton returned a few minutes later with a bottle of champagne and two glasses, a bowl of strawberries and a small plate of cream filled pastries. He set them on the bedside table and poured two glasses of the sweet liquor.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked her gently.

“Why did you introduce me to all of this?” She asked him, realizing that she didn’t know anyone who explored this side of sex…at least she didn’t think she did.

“Love making can be loads of fun,” he answered as he sat the champagne bottle back on the side table. “What makes it exciting is the foreplay. Women need to play more than men do, hell we can get a woody at the drop of hat, but women need to be encouraged. I didn’t know how innocent you were when we first met, or I probably wouldn’t have shown you all of this. But you were willing and you’ve had fun, so I don’t see a problem with continuing.”

“I had no idea there was this kind of sex out there,” she said, taking the glass he handed her. “I mean, I’ve heard people talk about sex games and toys, but I never asked questions about it.”

“And now that you know about it, how do you feel?”

“It really isn’t as scary as I assumed it would be when you first brought this stuff out.” Creighton smiled, stretching out beside her on the bed. “How long have you done this kind of thing?”

“A few years.”

“Have you done it with a lot of women?”

“Yes, a fair amount.”

“How many, ball park figure I mean.” Creighton sighed, taking a drink from his glass.

“Around twenty I guess.” Sandra stared at him wide-eyed; okay so not quite as bad as she had thought, but more than she would have assumed.

“Have you used this sort of stuff on all of them?”

“Yes and more,”

“What do you mean more?”

“My life has been a mixture of BDSM and deep perversion. I’ve experimented and played very intensely for several years. The women I’ve had in my life have all been consenting adults, who agreed and encouraged the playing. I love being the dominator in a sexual relationship filled with toys and bondage.”

“So you like to cause pain?”

“Yes, sometimes, but mostly I like to create orgasms. Playing is great for both partners.”

“How extreme have you been in this stuff?” she asked, feeling slightly dizzy over the path their discussion was going. Creighton caressed Sandra’s cheek softly with a long finger.

“Very,” he answered slowly. Sandra didn’t say anything, she didn’t know what to say; all she could do was stare and wonder.

“I’ve done a lot of things when it comes to sex, Sandra,” he said after a few silent moments. “Some pretty dark things. I’ve done the toys, the bondage, the S and M games, the group sex, the positions and the pornography. But I haven’t done the vanilla thing since Miriam.”

BOOK: Trust Me
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