Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (37 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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play for a little while and see how much courage you can muster. I promise it’s not as bad as you think it is. In fact, you’ll like it a lot; most women do.”

thought you had to be gay to enjoy something like that?” Creighton laughed slowly thrusting his thumb in and out of her bottom.

did you hear that?”

isn’t that what men do? I mean how else do they…you know.”

are very correct, but a lot of heterosexual couples enjoy anal sex as well.”

she asked, closing her eyes to the strange sensations he was bringing to life. He removed his thumb and carefully inserted a long finger, pressing the soft wall between her rectum and her vagina. Sandra moaned at the sensations, a strange combination of tingling from her behind and the hard objects massaging her vagina.

me to stop?” he asked in a tone barely above a whisper. Sandra shook her head and he chuckled, continuing the slow thrust and rub action. She couldn’t believe how incredible the sensation was, or how easily he could move her from one perverted act to another. He removed his finger and shifted slightly on the bed, laying his warm hands across her bottom, spreading her cheeks apart gently. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as he slipped the small beads inside her rectum; her mouth went suddenly dry causing her to lick her lips.

slowly pulled the beads out then pushed them back in; allowing them to take up the action of his fingers for a few long, agonizing moments until she was certain she would explode on his lap and just when the veil of release began to fall over her, he slapped her bare bottom, hard. Sandra’s eyes opened and she screeched causing him to laugh while he repeated the action once more.

stand up,” he told her and helped her off his lap. She gasped as she straightened up, her eyes wide with amazement. She could barely stand on her own after his erotic, sensual playing, but to have those balls inside her vagina, the beads inside her bottom made her ability to stand steady on her high heels difficult.

does that feel?”

she answered and he laughed.

just the beginning.” He pushed the button on her iPod and sat it on the table beside the bed, as the rhythmic beat began to pound from the small device. He stood up, removing his pants before sitting on the edge of the bed to watch her.

he ordered and she stepped back gasping at the sensation; the balls inside her moved and caressed the length of her vagina. The beads began to press against the wall of her rectum and an incredible array of tingling, pressure and a deep massage caressed her insides. Sandra felt naughty as the heat began to fill her and found she enjoyed the dancing very much; she was feeling more wanton and aroused with each passing second.

and swirled to the music, Sandra’s pulse increased as did her breathing, her hands sliding up and over the leather that encased her slender frame and back down across her torso and bottom. She was growing more urgent for release with each movement until she was nearly dizzy with passion.

some help?” he asked a few moments later, stepping up behind her and wrapping his arm around her waist, holding her tight against him. His erection pressed into her behind as his other hand reached around and cupped her crotch. He massaged the leather between her legs, feeling the heat radiate from beneath it, making her moan and wiggle against his touch. She was wet, very wet and it took all of thirty seconds before he had her quaking in his arms, crying out her release.

held her tight, supporting her with his weight as he quickly pulled the beads from her bottom, making her cry out his name; her nails digging into his forearm and writs. He unzipped the leather bustier just enough to expose her breasts without taking it off and pinched her nipples until her orgasm began to ease, before he lifted her in his arms and carried her back to the bed, lying beside her on the cool sheets. He slowly pulled the golden globes out of her by the strings, smiling as she gasped and shivered with the strange sensations. He rolled over to the bedside table and changed the playlist on her iPod to Yanni, then stretched out next to her, caressing her thigh above the leather boot.

was that?” he asked her with a knowing grin.

was really great,” she whispered with a deep blush, her breath a ragged pant, causing him to laugh at her response. He picked up the balls and held them over her tummy, rubbing the warm, wet metal against her flesh. He glanced down to her and raised an eyebrow, and she blushed again.

can definitely keep those in your kit.” Creighton smiled again, placing them on the side table.

getting used to coming, aren’t you? If I’m not mistaken Miss Dennis, I would say you enjoy having orgasms, nearly as much as I enjoy giving them to you.”

have turned me into a lustful, crazed lunatic,” she accused him.

correct term, Ms. Librarian, is nymphomaniac and I am obliged to please you.” He leaned down and kissed her lips hard, his tongue demanding her full attention. He nipped and sucked her lip then smiled against her mouth when she moaned.

to try a little backdoor fun?” he asked her, watching her expression closely.

scared,” she whispered with a warm blush. Creighton reached out and caressed her cheek with a long finger, keeping her gaze locked with his.

You enjoyed what happened a few minutes ago, didn’t you?” She nodded her head slowly. “It’s not much different, just bigger and deeper.”

you stop if I ask you to?”

time I will,” he assured her. “I won’t force you to try something this intense if you’re truly afraid.”

do you want to do this?”

I want you to know everything there is to know about your body. You have a right to feel and enjoy your orgasms and this is an intense sensation that will drive you crazy. Men enjoy anal sex because it’s tight, really tight and by submitting to it, you give total trust and total acceptance to my desires.” Sandra bit her lower lip as she thought about this and closed her eyes. “Do you want the mask?” She thought for a moment and nodded, watching him move off the bed to the foot. Before he returned to her, he stepped back to his bag and pulled the little square package from the side pouch.

me with this first,” he told her when he returned to the bed. He ripped open the foil and removed the rubber disc.

probably a little late for that, isn’t it?” she asked him with a frown. Creighton smiled a half grin at her, handing the sticky rubber disc to her.

for what we’re going to do,” he told her. “You have bacteria in your colon that should never come in contact with your vagina. This will protect you from more than pregnancy.” Sandra blushed as she took the object and followed his instructions, pinching the end as she began to roll it down and across his rock-hard shaft, smoothing it out as he moaned softly.

reached to the bedside table and retrieved the bottle of warming gel. He took her hand and poured a liberal amount into it and pulled her hand back to his penis where she immediately began to massage it across the rubber sheath, caressing and squeezing slightly for several long moments.

he said suddenly, holding her hand and stopping her fingers from playing with him any further. “I’ll be completely spent if you don’t quit.” Sandra watched the expression of lust and desire cross through his dark eyes.

will be easier with you lying across the bed.” He took the stack of pillows and laid them in a pile in the middle of the bed, reaching for her hand and leading her to them. He kissed her lips gently before patting her behind and slipping her bustier off her shoulders, smiling at the sight of her exposed breasts.

with your tummy on the pillows,” he instructed and she did as she was told, drawing a deep breath as she moved. She lay down across the pillows, her bottom in the air, leaning up on her elbows. Creighton took another pillow and placed it between her arms kissing her neck before slipping the mask across her eyes.

go very slowly. The first few seconds will be a little tight and there is a bit of pressure and pain, but if you relax it will be easy. Are you ready?” she nodded silently laying her head across the pillow and braced herself, waiting.

cool moisture of the gel dribbled across her bottom again, his knees spreading her legs apart, edging closer to her. Instinctively, she tightened her butt cheeks when he touched her; his large hands softly massaging her bottom, his long fingers running further down her bottom and backup, kneading the flesh until she physically relaxed, moaning at the warmth that spread over her.

felt him move the thin leather strap aside, the warm moisture running down the crack, causing her to giggle and squirm as it tickled closer to her anus. His fingers were there to prevent it from dripping any further, massaging and caressing the small opening to her rectum. She drew a deep breath and forced herself to relax, moaning again when he slipped a long finger carefully inside.

felt dizzy lying across the pillows. It was an odd position, but it was very comfortable with all of them beneath her. The strange tingling began again followed by the pressure as he slid another finger inside her, thrusting in and out of her very slowly. Her bottom began relaxing; unaware that she had tightened her muscles. He moved his free hand up her bottom and massaged the muscles of her cheeks as he slid a third finger into her rectum, causing her to gasp.

my love,” he told her, stroking and thrusting inside her until she relaxed again. She felt the warmth of his penis as the head pressed against the opening, his fingers slowly pulled out while the tip of him pressed in.

drew a deep breath and gasped; there was indeed pressure and a sting of pain as he slowly slipped the head of his erection further inside her, but there was so much lubricant that her body quickly absorbed the movement; less painful than strange. She mentally forced herself to relax, her fists clutching the pillow beneath her head, her face burring into the soft foam.

Sandra,” he ordered and she let out the air she had been holding, turning her head to the side and feeling more relaxed as he moved further into her. She was amazed that her body was actually beginning to grow accustomed to his size. The pain stopped, leaving her only with a strange pressure sensation; her lower-body beginning to tingle, her vagina throbbing. The odd sensations changed as he began to carefully pull out of her, then slowly back inside. It was amazing; she was actually finding herself relaxing with each steady stroke, the tingling increasing, the sensations growing to primal levels. Sandra heard a deep moan and realized with a start that it had come from her, as she felt the familiar touch of his finger when he began to massage her throbbing clitoris, his free hand resting on her hip, gently pulling her into his increasing thrusts.

my God,” she said as the sensations grew more urgent. She lifted her bottom slightly, taking him in deeper, his long middle finger moving expertly into her wet vagina, pressing against the front wall. She couldn’t believe the sensations burning to life, feeling and taking all that he was giving her. His thrusts quickly became more urgent when he slipped two fingers into her hot, tight vagina and that was all it took; Sandra clutched her pillow tighter, burying her face into it again as she cried out, growling with the release that seemed to rip from her very soul. He slapped her bottom and she came a little harder, another slap and she felt it deepen, one last slap and she leaned up on her arms, bucking against him. Moments passed before she heard the deep savage growl from the man behind her, feeling his penis thicken and throb inside her bottom. It was incredible, erotic and outrageous and she very quickly collapsed back against the pillows as he fell into her bottom, slumping over her and kissing her spine.

are the most amazing woman I have ever known.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, raising her off the bed to press her against his chest, kissing her shoulder and neck.

nineteenth,” she whispered, feeling him smile against her skin, his arms wrapping around her tighter.

June nineteenth?” he asked, then instantly froze, pulling her head back with a gentle tug on her hair, so she was facing him; his eyes wide and alight with excitement. “Are you serious?” Sandra nodded, chuckling as she accepted the passionate kiss he gave her, equaling his vigor with her own.

am going to play with you so hard tonight you’ll sleep until June eighteenth,” he teased, causing her to laugh, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

somewhere deep inside her, a tornado began to stir her emotions and she found the tears forming in her eyes. She was getting married in less than a month, to a man who kissed like an angel and made her feel like a queen. Now all she had to do was explain this to her sister.

BOOK: Trust Me
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