Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (34 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Good, and since we’re on our honeymoon, we’re also looking for something a little intriguing, if you know what I mean.” Sandra’s blush deepened.

“I understand sir,” the woman said, no longer a casual friendliness to her tone, but rather a business one.

“And how much were you planning on paying?” Creighton merely sighed as he reached for his wallet handing her a plastic credit card. The woman glanced at the name and gasped, looking back at him as though she had just seen Elvis walk through the door.

“Money is of no object,” he assured her, reaching for Sandra’s hand again, holding it a little tighter than before. The woman’s seductive smile was back as she hurriedly walked toward an aisle that held negligees, teddies and erotic wear. Creighton held Sandra back for a brief moment, whispering in her ear.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t stand being drooled on,” he said causing her to snicker. “At least not by other women.” She blushed as he winked at her and kissed her cheek, aware the woman was watching them.

They spent nearly two hours in the shop, while Sandra tried on blouses, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, hats and swimsuits. She felt like a Barbie doll being played with, changing from one outfit to another. She opted out of modeling the panties, nylons and kinky outfits Creighton insisted she buy and sat while the woman busied herself to find a pair of thigh high boots in Sandra’s size.

“Why are we getting so many things?” she asked him once they were left alone. “I thought this was only a two or three day trip?”

“But I have you for the next eight days, at least,” he told her gently. “I already told you, I like playing and I’ve been eager to see you dressed up for me.”

“With what you want me to wear, I’m more dressed down.”

“As long as I can get them off you in a hurry, I’m happy. Besides, I’m very greedy. I’m hoping you’ll dance for me again. I really liked it.”

“Maybe I will,” she smiled at him. “Just depends on how obedient you are today.”

“I’m the one with the handcuffs, remember? I’d say that statement should be reversed, wouldn’t you?”

“No, Mr. Ashford, I think you should earn me. Besides we don’t have the handcuffs with us. Do we?” she narrowed her eyes at him and watched the wicked smirk cross his lips.

“I figured it wouldn’t hurt to pack a few toys,” he whispered. “I know you like them as much as I do, so they are safely tucked away in our bags.

“I see,” she said with a deep blush. “What exactly is packed in our bags?”

“Just some of the things you said were your favorite. The rabbit, the nipple clamps, the spanking board, the silver eggs, the beads and the mask.” Sandra’s mouth dropped open as she thought about all of those things being stowed away in the trunk of the car.

“You are a deviant,” she said in a low tone, making him chuckle.

“I told you, I like playing and I love playing with you. I want to please you and likewise, I want to be pleased. That’s the reason for all the kinky clothes and boots. I want you to wear them while you dance for me and play for me.”

“What are you going to do for me, to make me want to dance?” She couldn’t believe she was being so calm about all of this. If her sister were to learn everything that she had done this week, she would go ballistic. Creighton narrowed his eyes at the woman, considering her question, before looking down at her lips.

“Wait until we get to the hotel,” he promised. “We’ll see who earns what.”

The sales woman returned with the boots and Sandra slipped her foot into them, zipping them up nearly to her crotch. Creighton smiled seductively at her, ignoring the saleswoman who watched the two.

“Now that’s what I call tempting,” he teased and chuckled at the blush she offered.

“Can we go now?” she asked, sitting down to remove the boots. “I’m tired of playing dress up.”

“Do we have everything you need?” he asked her with an underlying tone that asked more if she had everything he wanted.

“I have everything and then some. I really didn’t need all this stuff, you know?”

“I know, but they are things I wanted to get you. As your husband, I have a right to spoil you, so indulge me please. I like buying you nice things.” Sandra rolled her eyes, slipping her new sandals on and standing up.

“We’ve already been through all of this,” she argued, hoping her reasons filtered through his stubbornness this one last time. “As your wife, I appreciate all you do, but I am not for sale. Stop spending money on me, unless I ask for it.” Creighton stood beside her, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing the knuckles of the hand that held his ring, as the clerk gathered all of the clothes and shoes and hurriedly rung them up, just in case Sandra could convince the man to not purchase them.

“I love you; I want you to be happy. You can’t deny me that, and I won’t deny you a single thing. This relationship stuff is new to me as well,” he said in a hushed whisper, pulling her into his embrace. “You have to be patient with me, while we both learn to fit together. I’m used to spending money on people I love; I’ve already told you that. I will try and slow down, but please don’t deny me when I know you need clothes.”

“Last time,” she instructed. “I will not allow you to continue spending money on me. That’s if for a while, agreed?” He smiled at her, kissing her lips gently and nodded.

“Let’s get to the hotel,” he whispered against her ear. “I want you to model the rest of the clothes for me.”

“Deviate,” she whispered with a warm smile.



The first leg of their trip was very enjoyable and peaceful as they drove to their hotel in Loiret. The sports car Creighton had rented was very luxurious and comfortable, with heated leather seats, satellite stereo, surround sound speakers, CD player, iPod and cell phone dock, DVD player, climate control, backup camera and cruise control; there was nothing left out for their convenience. It was very similar to Creighton’s car; same model, make and color, but much
more of everything. In defense of his Mercedes, he argued, this was a brand new model where his was a couple of years old.

Creighton had begged Sandra to change into one of her new outfits before they left the shop; choosing a short dark-blue skirt and white spaghetti strap tank top for her to wear. The top was much more see-through than she would have preferred, showing her white lacey bra beneath the thin material; but she had a matching blue over shirt to wear with it, so it wasn’t as embarrassing as it could have been. Right now, however, she was enjoyed what it was doing to Creighton. The glances he gave her as he admired her from his side of the car, made her vividly aware that he was getting aroused; she knew she was driving him nuts and she smiled to herself, eager to have a little fun of her own.

“What’s so amusing?” he asked her, bringing her out of her private thoughts.

“You,” she answered, shifting slightly in her seat.

“So why am I amusing?” he asked her with a relaxed grin.

“Because you can’t keep your eyes off my chest,” she said boldly. “You want to see my new bra, don’t you?”

“I can see most of it already, your shirt is a little thinner than I would like you to wear in public, but yes, I want to see it.” With a wicked grin, Sandra reached down to the side of the seat and pushed the switch that slowly laid the back down. She lifted her shirt up and over her head, revealing her bra to him, thankful the car had tinted windows and the top was up. Creighton’s eyes widened as he watched her remove her shirt, before she raised her seat up again. A soft blush rose up her exposed chest to her cheeks as he tried to concentrate his attention back on the road ahead of them.

“Very nice,” he said, reaching over and cupping a breast in his hand. “Feels good, too.”

“It has matching panties,” she said briefly, watching the interested expression cross his face as he glanced down to her exposed legs.

“Really?” he asked, hopefully.

“Yes, and no, I’m not wearing them,” she said, hoping her voice sound sarcastic. “In fact, I’m not wearing panties at all.” The car swerved as he turned his attention to her and then quickly turned back to the road. “Yep, completely stark ass naked, wanna see?” she asked and he smiled at her, watching while she lifted her skirt, revealing the patch of small brown curls.

“Now who is the deviant?” he asked her, reaching down and running his hand across the hair.

“Both hands on the wheel please,” she argued with him, pushing his hand off her body. “I don’t want to spend the night in the hospital because you can’t watch where you are going.”

“It would be your fault,” he said, flipping the signal on and glancing behind them before changing lanes.

“Mine? What did I do? I simply decided to show you what your money had bought and you became distracted. Not my fault.”

“We still have about half an hour before we get to Loiret,” he said with a warm chuckle. “Since I can’t touch you, why don’t you do it for me?” She smiled, feeling very daring. She reached to her breasts and unfastened her bra from the front closure and pulled the lacy cups open, her hands gently caressing the soft mounds.

“I cannot believe you actually assume that I would do something so disgraceful as to touch myself, just for your pleasure,” she said, caressing her erect nipples. Creighton smiled wickedly at her as she played with her breasts.

“I know how shy you are,” he said with amusement. “I just suggested that since my hands are busy, you could be a champ and help me out. I know how much you hate doing things like that.”

“I do hate it,” she said, her right hand slipping between her legs, caressing her patch of curls as her left hand massaged her breasts. “I think there is something wrong with me. I seem to be wet and hot. Do you think I’m ill?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I should take your temperature.”

“Just keep your hands on the wheel Mr. Ashford. I can take my own temperature,” and she slipped her middle finger into her vagina as she spoke.

“Better make sure it goes in deep enough to get a good reading,” he instructed watching as she pushed in deeper. “How does that feel?” he asked her.

“Hot, very, very hot and very wet. I’m sure of it, I’m definitely ill.”

“Give me the thermometer and let me check for myself.” He reached toward her, pulling her finger to his mouth and sucked the moisture off.
  “Mmm,” he said. “Better check again, I can’t be sure.”

Sandra slid her finger back inside her body, thrilled at the game they were playing, feeling the moisture begin to build. His watching her made her actions quicker as she began to thrust her finger into her vagina, pulling it out and putting it back in over and over.

“Taste it,” he ordered her and she looked up at him, locking her eyes with him.

“I can’t,” she said quietly and he smiled, reaching over the span of the seat and inserted his finger into her, pressing it hard against the front wall of her vagina as he moved it in and out, causing her to moan softly. He pulled his finger out, wet and dripping with her moisture, quickly placing it into her mouth as she gasped.

“Suck,” he ordered and she found herself obeying, tasting the salty moisture and blushing. “How daring do you feel right now?” he asked her when he pulled his finger out of her mouth watching her wiggle beneath her seat belt.


“Good,” he said, signaling again and pulling off the main road and onto a dirt path that led in between a small patch of trees. He quickly shut the car off and opened the door, going around to the passenger side. He opened her door, pushing the button on the seat belt holding her restrained and pulled her out.

“I need you now,” he insisted, taking her to the front of the car and laying her out across the warm hood; the heat stinging her bare bottom as he pulled her feet up, bending them at the knee. Instead of thrusting into her as she assumed he would, he leaned down and clamped his mouth across her curls, sucking and teasing the throbbing bud. She moaned loudly and he inserted two fingers into her vagina then suddenly found herself climaxing around his hand. Before she could finish he was positioning himself between her knees, the hard pressure of his erection thrust against her, pressing hard until it slid into her.

Creighton held her around the hips, bracing her on the edge of the car as he moved against her. Three hard thrusts later and she felt him explode inside her and she smiled as he growled, causing several nesting birds to chirp frantically and fly off, leaving their nests in the trees around them.

“What are you smiling about?” he asked breathlessly a few moments later, glancing up into her flushed face.

“I was just thinking.” He leaned up, pulling her off the hood of the car, allowing her feet to rest on the ground, but keeping his arms around her waist; her bra slipping down to her elbows.

“About what?” he asked her, smiling at the sparkling green eyes that stared up at him.

“How much I really love teasing you,” she said and they both laughed, their arms wrapping around the other.

“You need a pair of knickers now,” he told her kissing her ear. “You’re going to drip all the way into the hotel, if you don’t.” She smiled and he chuckled, as she adjusted her skirt bunched around her waist.

“I wouldn’t need any if you would remember to use a condom,” she argued halfheartedly.

BOOK: Trust Me
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