Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (31 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Did you do everything she wanted you to?” Sandra asked with a frown.

“No,” he said flatly, still trailing the beads and leather across her delicate skin. “I refused to choke her and I refused to beat her. I won’t deliberately hurt a woman, even for pleasure.”

“She sounds disturbed.” He chuckled softly, allowing the beads to slip between her legs.

“She was seriously mental. She said it was because she was German, that she liked inflicting pain and having it inflicted on her. Regardless, she was a very strange girl.”

“But you liked shagging her?” Sandra asked, moaning softly at the feel of the cool beads ticking her crotch.

“I liked what she had to teach me, yes, and I was young. When a beautiful woman offers a man sex for free, even if it is weird, he agrees to it. She was messed up: a real masochist, but she gave me an insight into how to please a woman. I’ve used her lessons to my advantage, over the years, but I’ve never enjoyed it as much as I have with you. The fact that you’re such an innocent is exciting as hell.” He raised the flogger and gently slapped it against her buttocks and smiled when she screeched.

“Ouch,” she scolded him and actually found herself smiling as he laughed, slapping her again.

“Pain can be fun, if it’s done right,” he told her. He reached around her, sliding his arm beneath her tummy and raising her hips until she was on her knees in front of him. He slapped the flogger against her upright bottom and gently began to massage the area with his hand. He quickly slapped her again on the opposite cheek and again massaged her tender flesh.

“I don’t know if I’m angry with you for using that thing or not,” she told him rather breathless, listening to his deep chuckle. Once more the beads slapped against her bottom, and instead of massaging her, he bent closer to her and bit her tender, pink flesh.

“I’ve wanted to do that since you wiggled your bottom in front of me that first day on the beach,” he told her, pulling her legs out from beneath her, collapsing her back to the mattress. He tossed the flogger back in the case and slowly rubbed her pink flesh as he leaned across her, nipping and licking her firm buttocks.

“I did it more for the twit waitress than you,” she snapped.

“So you were trying to turn her on, instead of me?” He asked as she turned to her side and looked up at him.

“No, I’m not into that,” she argued. “It’s because she was practically drooling all over you. I wanted to make sure she knew you were watching me.” He laughed happily at her, his hand smacking against the delicate flesh where the flogger had last struck.

“You were jealous,” he told her, watching the pink rise in her cheeks. “I love it. I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman jealous over me.”

“Whatever,” she snapped. “I’m sure you’ve had more than one willing to fight over you, you were just too busy shagging the next girl in line to take notice. Now, tell me about this,” she insisted holding up the small feather duster. “Why would you have feathers in your kinky kit?”

“For this,” he said, taking it from her and tracing the side of her breast with it. She squirmed and giggled as he ran it across her sensitive skin. “Imagine being tied up and having this used on you. It would drive you crazy.”

“I guess you can keep it,” she said with a wide smile.

“Very good, darling; because I was going to keep it whether you wanted me to or not. So, we’re down to the last two items.” He picked up the silver bar with the leather cuffs and laid it stretched out between them. “Know what this is?”

“It’s a spacer bar,” she said proudly, feeling quite happy that she knew at least one thing he had in his arsenal.

“Very good.” He kissed her cheek. “Any idea how it’s used?” She shook her head after a moment of trying to figure it out.

“Let’s try it,” he whispered against her neck and quickly rolled her over to her back. He sat at the foot of the bed and pulled her feet straight down, placing the bar between them, adjusting them so her legs were spread apart. He easily fastened her ankles in the leather restraints near the end of the bar and reached up pulling her to a sitting position and smiling wickedly.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, a little fearful, but more excited.

“I’m going to strap your hands to the bar.” He pulled her wrists forward and secured them within the leather restraints and stepped back when he had finished admiring his handiwork. He slowly smiled at her, reaching for the plug in massager her grandfather uses and plugged it in next to the bed.

“Know what this is?” he asked and she looked at the long handle with the ball on the end.

“It’s a massager,” she told him. “My grandfather used it after he injured his knee.” Creighton laughed and switched it on.

“Not exactly the same thing,” he told her, pressing the round ball against her breast. She gasped in surprise, watching him smile. “I’m going to put this between your legs and force you to come. Once you have, I’m going to stop until you calm down and do it again,” he told her. “After I’ve had my fill of watching you, I’m going to love you while you’re tied up. When I’m finished, I’ll unfasten you and you can sleep if you want.”

“And if I don’t want to?” she asked bravely, feeling the moisture already begin to pool between her legs. He smiled at her, folding his arms across his chest.

“If you aren’t tired, we’ll start all over again, you chose what to do. I want to do one more thing before we begin,” he told her, and reached for the silver threaded hangman’s nooses.

“What are those for?” she asked, watching him slide the metal claps down.

“Like the nipple clamps, these are for pain and pleasure. I figure since I have you so securely bound, I would do the same with your nipples.”

“I don’t know about this. I’m still sore from the last ones.”

“These are different. I can make them tight or loose and still make you enjoy them.” He leaned in and took a nipple between his finger and thumb and began to play with it, pulling and tugging it until she moaned. He slipped the silver thread around her nipple and tightened it, before moving to the other side. Once both strings were attached, he pulled them forward and wrapped the opposite ends through the metal eyelet holes on the wrist restraints. It didn’t hurt, it was just odd; strapped to the metal bar; hands, feet and nipples. Creighton stepped back to admire his handiwork once again, before lifting the handle and ball.

“This is a basic wand,” he told her. “Unlike the dildos and the rabbit, this one is specifically designed to stimulate the clitoris. It has different settings on it, so I can make it as intense as I desire. We’ll start out slow and once you’re accustomed to the feel of it, I’ll increase the speed. When you feel the need to come, you have to tell me, or I’ll stop and won’t let you have an orgasm. Understand?” She nodded softly and closed her eyes.

“Want the blindfold?” he asked and she nodded again. He sat the wand down between her legs and turned it on slow, pressing it against her soft curls. She gasped at the soft humming that seemed to vibrate through every nerve.

“Do you want anything before I put this on?” She smiled at him, feeling the need building between her legs.

“Just promise me you’ll stop when I ask you to?” she said and he shook his head.

“You have no say in it this time, my love,” he told her firmly. “I’ll decide when you’ve had enough. Now close your eyes.” She frowned at him but did as ordered as the soft mask slide across her eyes. She waited for several moments as the vibrating continued between her legs, but he didn’t touch her. She knew he was still there, she could hear his soft breathing, but he wasn’t touching her. She frowned beneath the mask, what was he waiting for. Just then she felt the pressure on the mattress behind her as he sat down, pulling her into his embrace and against his chest. She tipped backward and actually found her legs and arms being lifted as she moved, her nipples pulled hard against the restraints.

A cool, sticky sensation dripped onto her curls and between her labia and she moaned as he began massaging it. It warmed with his touch and she knew immediately it was the gel they had both made good use of the day before. The more he touched her, the warmer, and the wetter she became. The vibrating sensation was back as he lifted the wand and began to massage it across her brown curls. She tried to concentrate on what he was doing, feeling the slight tug and sting in her breasts as she breathed, but the warm sensation made it difficult to think.

“How does that feel?” he asked her.

“Strange,” she breathed heavily, causing him to chuckle behind her. She felt his hand reach between her legs and massage the lips of her labia as the wand pressed against her clitoris. She moaned softly, tipping her head back and feeling the tight tug on her breasts as she moved. In order to prevent the pain in her breasts from increasing she had to lean forward, which increased the sensation between her legs.

“Difficult to move?” he asked her with amusement. She growled playfully back at him and he laughed. “I like you tied up,” he told her against her ear, his tongue tracing the lobe. “I like you restrained and unable to resist me. It makes me horny.” Sandra couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s reaction to her predicament and the restraints on her nipples tighten. Creighton reached up and ran a moist finger across the tender tip of her nipple and she moaned.

“Tender?” he asked her and she nodded. A few moments later, she felt the drips of the gel fall to the sensitive skin of her breasts and his finger began to massage it in. “I like how warm this makes you,” he teased her, kissing her ear. “I want you to come for me. I love hearing you call for me.” Her breathing increased as he continued to massage her nipples, the wand pressing hard against her clitoris. Her head began to swim and she knew what was about to happen. She tried to lean her head back, but couldn’t move, feeling the need suddenly erupt.

“Say it,” he ordered and the wand switched off.

“I’m coming,” she gasped and the wand turned back on as he tugged at her nipples causing her to cry out a deep growl. In a fluid movement that increased her release, he pulled on the strings holding her nipples prisoner and quickly jerked them off. The sensation was unexpected and a complete agonizingly erotic burst of desire. He continued pressing and massaging the small wet bud of her clitoris for a few moments until she was panting heavily, before switching the wand off and massaging the sides of her breasts.

“Sensitive?” he asked when he touched her nipples and she nodded. “Did you like that?”

“I wasn’t expecting it. It was pretty intense and very…” she couldn’t think of the right word to describe how it felt.

“Fetishistic? Perverse? Dark?” Sandra giggled.

“That’s close,” she told him, smiling as he laughed behind her.

“Have you had enough or do you think you can go again?”

“I can go for more,” she answered, thankful that the mask covered so much of her face so not all of the scarlet coloring was visible.

“Good girl. I want you to start pushing your own limits. Try very had to fight your next orgasm. I want you to be the master of your body.” He turned the wand back on and slowly increased the intensity until she moaned deeper, louder, feeling it radiate up her body.

“Fight it,” he ordered and she tightened her jaw as she tried to resist what she knew was going to happen. She found herself actually able to ward off her need for release for a few moments longer. It was intense, savage and she felt the power of her sexual control flow through her veins.

“That’s it,” he whispered against her ear. “You can do it, just a few more minutes. Make it the best one yet.” She struggled against it, tightening her stomach and kegel muscles. Her body was beginning to throb, her breasts hardened with her resistance and beads of perspiration slowly erupted across her body and forehead.

“One more minute, my love,” he ordered and turned the intensity up higher. She growled her resistance and began to shake her head, her hands balling into fists in the restraints. A deep desire began building inside her and she knew it would happen hard and she wanted it, she wanted to feel it rip from her soul. As Creighton turned the speed up all the way, he leaned into her ear and sucked on the lobe.

“Now,” he whispered. “Let go.” She felt the flood gates explode, growling a deep savage response to her release.

“Do it,” she ordered him roughly. “Take me, now.” He moved without hesitation, rolling her gently backward so her arms and legs were in the air above her. The blindfold was removed and she blinked briefly at the light. She batted her eyes until they adjusted to her surroundings, watching him as he slowly thrust his penis into her.

“I want to watch you,” he said and she growled again, frustration and need tensing every muscle in her body, the wand playing a wild wicked rhythm against her clitoris.

“Harder,” she ordered and cried out when he did as she beckoned; thrusting against her again and again faster, harder and she screamed her full release.

Creighton quickly joined her, filling her with his hot seed as he pushed further into her, lifting her legs higher. He slapped her bottom once and she gasped in surprise, again and she growled, once more and she cried out his name. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered Creighton turning off the wand, but she didn’t care as she rode the tidal wave that washed through her.

She wasn’t sure how long it lasted before she slowly began to feel herself calming, completely spent, instantly exhausted; panting, as she drew ragged breaths through a dry throat. Sandra moaned as her legs and arms fell from their restraints, her muscles aching and throbbing against the cool sheets. Creighton collapsed on top of her, his own breathing just as deep and rugged.

BOOK: Trust Me
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