True Fate (7 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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"Things are not as they seem dear Nia, I will
have to come back to you soon.” The girl said looking startled.
“I promise I’m on your side, please remember
that. I think he has sensed you already.” Lilly said biting her lip. “I have to
go. I will find a way to see you again. Do not worry." Nia frowned,
"Please just tell me why you reacted like that to my tattoo.” she
practically begged.


"I’m afraid I cannot. I must go, he is
coming.” Lilly said abruptly.


"No please! Wait! I have more questions!”
Nia screamed after the disappearing girl.


Lilly was fading when her voice came through like
a whisper. "You will be sent a Guardian. Only he can truly protect you. I
will contact you soon. Do be safe, Nia!" and just like that she was gone.


Hopping off of the branch she stood frozen.
"Now what am I supposed to do and what the heck does any of that even mean!!"
She screamed stomping her foot truly frustrated.


Nia thought for sure this would be the revelation
she had been waiting for. A telling of why weird things happened to her all her
life. Nia's dream began to change subtly at first then the sky slightly
darkened to a look of twilight.


It seemed to be getting colder too so Nia wrapped
her arms around herself whispering, "Wake up, Nia, wake up. WAKE UP!"
she hissed willing herself to awaken.


The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end
and she started to feel fluttering deep in her belly. She felt like someone or
something was behind her.


Turning around slowly Nia was shocked to find
herself face to face a couple of feet from a guy in a hoodie and jeans. His
pale blue eyes stared at her studying, making her feel like she was on display.
His eyes were almost crystal clear like ice and they were mesmerizing.


He let out a low rumbling laugh and Nia cleared
her throat and spoke slowly, "Can I help you?” she asked glaring at him
while she crossed her arms across her chest.


Before he could say anything she blurted,
"Hey I can talk again! I mean you heard that right?" she asked
cocking her head to the side.


A small smirk played on his lips, "Of course
I heard you. I'm not deaf. Wait, why did you ask me that?" he asked
tilting his head slightly.


Nia's tattooed wrist pulsed uncomfortably and she
stuffed her hand into her pajama pants pocket. She was glad just then for those
useless pockets. Something told her no one should see her tattoo, not after
Lilly's reaction to it.


"Never mind that. Who are you and what do
you want?” she asked summoning her courage. The feeling of being creeped out by
this beautiful boy was almost overwhelming. For some reason she felt like she
shouldn't say anything about Lilly though.


He lowered his hood revealing a shaved head with
just the stubble of the black hair that was once there. His cheeks sported twin
deep set dimples and a scar on the right from his dimple to right underneath
his eye. The scar was pink and puffy like it was fairly recent.


"I'm not here to hurt you Nia. I know things
are confusing for you right now but there is a lot going on. You have to find
your true identity because no one can reveal it to you, not even me. That
tattoo you are trying to hide on your left wrist brought me to you. Now before
you say anything else we have to go somewhere, less, I don’t know.
Open." He said gesturing for her to


Nia was silent for a moment thinking. "How do
I know you aren't trying to trick me?” she asked skeptically.


"You will just have to trust me this one
time." He said as Nia crossed her arms in front of her, defiance written
on her features.


The beautiful eyed boy huffed and took a deep
breath. "Here,” he said blowing out a breath and standing there for a
moment staring at her like he was trying to decide something.


He pulled a blue stone the color of his eyes and
the size of a quarter only thicker out of his pocket, it had a faint glow to
it. Looking at the stone he then clasped his hand around it and crossed the
space between them swiftly.


The blue eyed boy held it out to Nia, she took it a
bit reluctantly and it felt warm. The comfort that radiated from it was very
soothing. She stared at it and let the peace she felt radiate throughout her.

There was a low hum she could feel coming from it
as she closed her hand around it. He sighed deeply and shuddered.


"That stone, it connects me to this body and
it is very important to me. I don’t think I can clarify it any further."
Nia felt overwhelmed that he would be handing over something so important to
her, "But why are you giving it to me?" she asked him stunned holding
it carefully after the revelation.


"My purpose as of now is to protect you in
your dream realm. I am not allowed to give many details especially not here. We
have to go somewhere safer. But I am supposed to show you how to control your
dreams so that you can be safe." he said solemnly.


"Can you tell me your name?" Nia asked
weighing the truth in his words carefully.


"Names are sacred where I am from and we do
not give them freely.” he said shaking his head with slight apprehension etched
in his handsome features.


"That's not exactly fair. You know my name
and I didn't even tell you!” she complained a bit closer to his face than she
realized. Blushing at her childish behavior she backed away a little.


The boy stepped closer to her concentrating on
something as warmth enveloped Nia’s entire body. He stood there eyes zeroed in
on her lips, mere inches from her. Then grabbing her free hand he pressed it to
his solid chest.


Just her touch made him tremble, his words coming
out whispered. "Nia we don't have much time. What you hold in your hand is
my soul.” He breathed into her ear, causing her to shiver as goose bumps
trailed his warm spicy breath up her neck and caressing her ear.


Staring in awe at his sparkling eyes as he looked
down at the dim glowing stone with a pulse all its own. Nia slowly realized
that it matched the heartbeat that was strong and steady under her palm and
gasped in surprise.


"Nia, I am trusting you explicitly. I know
your name because we are in your mind. Your mark brought me to you. Now we can
waste time arguing about this, or you can come with me and learn something that
will be valuable to your well-being.” He said in a semi-frustrated tone.
“Perhaps maybe even mine.” he slowly backed away biting his lip.


Nia had nothing to say she simply closed her hand
back around the precious stone removing her other hand from his chest in a
daze. She held her free hand out to him. "I will go with you, but I have
to call you something. Some name."


He took her hand and thought for a moment a small
smile slowly changing his beautiful features. "Why don't you decide that?"
He said finally.


Wearing a sly smirk on her face now Nia spoke
ragged. "Fine. How about Eric?” she asked.


He laughed, "Sure, Eric it is. Now hold on
tight." He said giving her hand a light squeeze. A wicked grin spread
across his face, or maybe it was more mischievous. Nia wasn’t sure.


The world around them started to turn slowly, all
of the colors mixing together like spilled paint. The sky and the grass turned
into a kaleidoscope of color mixed with the rich brown of the bark of the huge
oak tree. It twisted and spun until it was all a blur. Nia felt like she would
be sucked into the ground, she was fighting off a violent feeling of nausea,
gritting her teeth. She clutched onto Eric's hand tighter and buried her face in
his shoulder cradling the stone tight to her chest between them. With an almost
violent jerk towards the ground like gravity was kicking in they stopped.


Eric said, "Open your eyes." She heard
him laugh, a beautiful sound. "Nia please, open your eyes.” he prodded.
She must have looked ridiculous with her head buried in his chest clutching her
hand to her own chest with her eyes shut tight.


Nia slowly complied and gasped at the sight as
her eyes adjusted. She was standing in a field with wild flowers scattered
about. It was absolutely beautiful. She took a deep breath allowing the
soothing aroma of the vibrant colored flowers to sooth her stomach. Exhaling
with relief that the nausea was practically gone. She spun around laughing
fully aware of Eric’s eyes staring at her, clearly enjoying her reaction as she
blushed under the heat of his gaze.


Nia noticed a small cottage that was tucked to
the right with vines trailing up one side. The stones it was made out of were
black as night and quite large. It had a lovely burnt orange roof that reminded
her of what red riding hood might have lived in. Round top windows with wooden
shutters and the front door looked like it was carved out of a redwood tree.


There was smoke coming from the chimney in puffs and
a bench swing in the yard next to a small fountain with a meadowlark bathing in


"Where are we?" she inquired turning to
Eric. He was staring at her again as if he was taking her in. He shook his head
minutely snapping out of his daze.


"This is my home and I swear you are safe
here Nia. I have something for you and we have some things we need to talk
about.” he said heading for the front door.


Nia hurried after him and stopped as they got to
the front door. He reached for the doorknob and whispered turning the knob with
a click. He opened the door and Nia followed him inside.


The room was beautiful and quite unexpected. Dark
couches and mahogany tables with a small designated area with a desk and
bookshelf. The fireplace was bigger than she would have thought possible for
the small cottage. Thick comfortable looking rugs were laid on the floor making
her want to kick off her shoes though she wouldn’t dare. A hallway led off to
what she assumed was a bedroom, bathroom and perhaps one other. It had four
doors three regular size and one thin.


He motioned for her to follow him through a
swinging door, he held it open and she passed just grazing his shoulder with
hers. The sensation of the contact lingered like the brush of butterfly wings
and her heart fluttered.


The kitchen was no disappointment at all. It may
very well be the largest room in the house. Her mother would envy the decor in
here for certain. Copper pots all perfectly polished hung from a rack over an
island and if she wasn't mistaken there was a wood burning oven on one wall.
The appliances were modern and top notch at that. The dishwasher was a surprise
as well. It seemed no amenity had been left out.


"Sit, please." he pulled out a chair from
the table made of thick rugged wood. The surface was slick and shiny and it had
carvings all around the edges. The chair was gorgeous, intricate patterns wove
through the backrest. There was a deep crimson velvet that covered the fluffy
looking cushion that seemed to puff up as she sat down.


"Thank you.” she said taking her seat.
"Well what do you think?” he asked looking around at the house.


"I think it's really gorgeous. Is it real? I
mean if we’re in a dream is this really your home? Like physically?” he nodded
standing and going to put on a pot for tea.


"It can be confusing but this place is as
real as I am. Just think of it as an in between reality." He tried to


Eric produced two cups and grabbed napkins and
spoons. "I know that all of this is a lot to take in Nia. I assure it will
all be made clear to you very soon." He said taking his seat again.


She smiled "I guess I’m ready to do whatever
it is I am here to do.", she had a curious look on her face. Nia asked him
a question that was in her mind the second the dream felt lucid.


"Wait. Does this have anything to do with
what happened on my eighteenth birthday?” at that, Eric froze, then said,
"I'm sorry that's something I cannot speak of." He said wincing.


Nia frowned, "Well tell me what you can
then.” she said with a sigh.

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