True Fate (42 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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readying themselves for bed Nia crawled under the covers next to Aaron
exhausted more mentally than physically. She needed a break and soon seeing as
her mini vacay had turned into one crazy ride.


“So? How are you
handling all of this?” Aaron asked twirling a strand of Nia’s long black hair
around his finger. Nia thought about it for a moment, it would definitely take
getting used to.


It was a relief
knowing, even though it was unbelievable and sounded crazy.


“I think I am
handling it as best as I can. I just don’t think I can say it out loud.” she
confessed with a giggle.


Aaron loved
hearing her laugh, he had missed her so much in his inescapable darkness. She
looked at him questioningly and he quickly shifted and she pressed her palms
flat and her back into the bed. He placed a hand on either side of her hovering
just above Nia looking deep in her eyes.


She giggled again
and he let out a laugh then let out a deep sigh that resembled a moan. He
kissed her cheek softly making his way to her beautiful lips. Lips that he
missed very badly.


Nia pulled away
breathless and looked at him. She was so happy that she didn’t lose him she had
no doubt that in losing him she would have lost herself. She felt like she was
the luckiest girl on the planet right now. Here with the love of her life, the
love of her forever.


Her fate and her
future she had no doubts anymore. Nothing mattered but him and what she was
born to do.


Something did
happen when she placed the ring on her finger she was certain. In that moment
she felt the importance of her fate. It was so much bigger than her and she
would do whatever she had to do to fulfill it. Reaching up she laced her
fingers behind Aaron’s neck and he smiled making his dimple deeper. She pulled
him close and kissed him again. It would all be okay she could do anything with
him by her side.


Aaron winced when
he felt a twinge where his new scar was and laid back down beside her. She
cuddled up and sighed taking her favorite spot.


“I think you
should say it.” he told her in the dark.


“What?” she asked
then yawned.


“Say what we are.”
He said then kissed her forehead.


Nia huffed and
giggled once more.


To say what they
truly were, what he nearly died for them to find out. They said it at the exact
same time laughing at the fact that even if they could tell anyone, who would
believe them?


She had a lot of
information to digest and they had some hard things ahead but together it would
be okay, it had to be.


Nia felt so weird
saying it out loud like maybe Aunt Amarie wasn’t crazy after all, she just knew
all along what she had been forced to hold inside. Nia said it one more time in
a whisper before closing her eyes hoping for a dreamless night.







The End… for now…






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would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this book.


I want
to thank my family for putting up with me having myself glued to my laptop
while writing this book. Especially my husband. Baby I love you and want to say
thanks for being supportive, even when it was hard. Thanks for every bit of
input you put into details of the book.

I want to say a huge thanks to K.A. Last of KILA Designs for the awesome book
cover. I absolutely love it. I thought of Nia the second I saw it! Thanks for
all of your advice, and being my extra set of eyes, it was definitely a priceless

special thank you to “Angel” for funding my beautiful cover!

Carrie the best book fairy ever for making me feel like I had my very own
cheerleader, always encouraging and awesome. Thank you for all you do and for
Beta Reading for me! Thank you Shanna for being a great Beta Reader as well and
giving me the much needed input! Thanks to Toni Lesatz for helping with what
you could whenever you could!

Durfey your input has been enlightening and priceless. Thank you so much for
taking time out to school me in detail and answer all of my questions. You

don’t think I would be so proud of True Fate without all of your help!


are many authors both self-published and published who took time out to give me
much needed advice and I am honored for the sincerity you deliver.


special Thanks to Misty Jones (Bet you weren’t expecting that!) for introducing
me to Goodreads because in a roundabout way it has led me to where I am now.


I had
a ball writing my first book and am already writing book 2, True Chaos along
with Novella’s for the series. I am grateful for this opportunity to help the
readers escape for just a little while from the hustle and bustle of life.






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About the Author


Shayna Varadeaux is married to her best friend and the
mom of three teenagers. She is a native Texan and loves where she comes from.
She is a highly addicted reader and an avid reviewer with a love for
generating buzz for other authors.


“Life is chaos and reading is my relaxation. Writing
comes second only to my family and my music. I love playing the bass and
singing backup vocals for my husband! A tattoo artist turned author, following
my dream and loving it!"


I am currently writing True Chaos Book 2 in the True
Fate Series!




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Copyright © 2014 Shayna Varadeaux Books

True Fate Kindle Edition

I make this a new chapter or is it too late to start re breaking chapters?

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