True Fate (37 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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"Ah, Isabel, my dear. How are you?” Lilith
said in her sugary tone.


"I am well ma’am.” was her brusque reply.
She had been sure to keep her tones clipped and all business. It helped to mask
her emotions and had Lilith convinced she was just bitter.


"Lovely, I am assuming you have enjoyed your
month of inactive service?” Lilith asked.


"Yes ma'am, though I have been training the
entire time. I'm quite eager to get back to work.” she responded with a curt


"Oh, I am glad to hear that! I do have an
assignment for you. I will send you a briefing and this is top secret. No one
at all is to know. I and Alana are the only ones privy to the information.” Lilith
said and waited for Isabel's answer.


"Thank you Lilith. I will be ready. Is that
all?” Isabel said fidgeting letting Lilith feel her impatience


. "Yes, you will leave in a few days. That
is all.” Lilith said smiling at Isabel.


"That is great. I will see you at the
briefing.", and with that she spun on her heels and headed for the door.


The view from Isabel's mind skipped forward.
'Only pulling what I need to know,’ Savannah sent to Nia.


Isabel was pacing behind a small building and the
relief that flooded her at the sight of Brennan was overwhelming. She pressed
out a bubble as she pressed herself to Brennan's chest.


"She's sending me on a mission, it's the
girl. They've found her. I have to be a part of the escort, but she also wants
me to keep an eye on everyone. Like a spy! Can you believe her!?” she told him.


He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her
head. "I'm relieved it's not a ridiculous suicide mission. I know it will
be dangerous but I'm sure there will be nothing but elite on this trip.” he
said in as calming a voice as he could muster. "I think you can fake it.",
he told her lifting her chin.


Isabel sighed. "This is our opportunity to
go, to really get away from here. If the girl is who they say, she's a game
changer. It would be wise for us to forge an alliance now. I really think this
is it." she told him with eyes sparkling with tears. Relief and fear
mingled together and he felt it emanating from her.


"I will be ready at a moment’s notice, don't
worry Izzy. I've already started moving things to the realm. My room is almost
all glamour now.” he said with a chuckle.


Isabel smiled at him, "Maybe we have a
better chance than I thought, I'm just afraid she'll ruin everything. I can't
stand her, she has no loyalty to anyone but herself.” she told him with
loathing clouding her eyes.


"Do we know why she's aiding her journey?”
he asked. "I'm sure there's an angle and I will figure it out.” she
assured him kissing his chest.


"It's almost light, I think we need to go.”
she told him reluctantly.


They embraced one last time, he seared her lips
with a tender kiss then turned to walk away from her. He faded into the


This will be her last mission for Lilith, she
would be free soon enough and with Brennan beside her.


She was certain.


'Nia, I have all I need. Don't stagger when I
release your mind. You ready?’ Savannah sent to Nia.


'I'm good and I think we may be able to trust
her.', Nia said.


'I will leave that up to you and the others.’ she
sent and then Nia felt her mind disengage from Isabel's and her sight come back


Nia snapped back to reality and Eric was talking
about staying for a night at a ranch. "The ranch has some things that we'll
need and it's completely glamoured. There are also beds and we can give you all
some physical training while we're there too. We will need to recoup at one
point or another anyway.” he said looking at Nia,
'You okay?’
he sent
her through their bond. "That's a good idea.” she told him trying to send
a reassuring vibe
. 'I will be.’
she sent back. She felt a little weak
after the memory watching. He shot her a smile and clapped once.

"Okay everybody, let's get on our way. Meet
in the lobby as soon as you have your stuff together.” he instructed. Isabel
went with Adam and Rhea to their room, her stuff was already packed into the


Savannah appeared in the corner and immediately
pressed out a bubble. "I am sending you all, what I have found, mentally.
I don't think we have time for explanations. Nia thinks it's safe to trust
Isabel.” she informed the group.


They were clearly processing the information,
Darragh with a sigh of relief. He was happy that Isabel had found happiness.


"I think Nia should tell her that she knows
and that she can trust her.", Savannah said quietly.


Eric flexed his jaw, "Maybe we still need to
be a little careful until she gets Brennan out of the court.” he suggested.


"I will tell her that
read her and
we can keep Savannah a secret for a while longer.” Nia said. "I am
starting to not trust Lilith but for now we need her I guess. We'll just have
to see what Aunt Amarie has to say about her."


"We got to get moving.” Aaron said finally
speaking up.


"Okay let's do this.” Avery said with a
smile as they all began to leave the room.




Isabel felt...... off, she went to the bathroom
as Rhea finished up her packing. She splashed water on her face. She had no
clue why Darragh would be riding alone but she wasn't about to volunteer as a
passenger. Maybe it was about her, though she hoped not.


There was a light knock on the door. "Isabel
we're ready to go. We'll be in the lobby.” Rhea said through the door.


"I'll be done in a minute. I'm right behind
you.” she replied.


She needed to see Brennan tonight. She just had
to make sure he was okay and staying under Lilith’s radar.


Everyone met in the lobby and Eric brought the
suburban around and they loaded up the turtle on top. Some bags mostly
equipment went into the back of it. Darragh disappeared and pulled around a
black Camaro with blackouts. The windows were tinted a dark black. Savannah was
in there probably glamoured until they were a safe distance behind. Darragh
helped Eric with the turtle and then put his things in the trunk of the car.
Eric would be driving first so Nia and Aaron sat on the second seat with Isabel
beside her. Next row was Rhea and Adam.


The plan was to drive as long as they could in
shifts. At least until they get to the ranch in Lima. It was definitely going
to be a long drive, no more scenic route, no more stopping, unless it was
absolutely necessary. The car ride was pretty much silent until Avery plugged
in her iPod and started to DJ the road trip.


Nia was glad, it would direct attention away from
the awkward conversation she was about to have with Isabel. Aaron squeezed her
hand reassuringly, clearly feeling her tension.
'Maybe I'll wait a few miles.’
she sent Aaron. He chuckled out loud and she punched his arm playfully. She
leaned her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes. She was going to enjoy
every relaxing chance she got, she had no clue what awaited her when she got to
Aunt Amarie’s.


Or what the big secret of their lineage was. She
had gotten so caught up in everything else that the details of the situation
and the purpose for the journey dimmed. But now, heading towards her
destination, it was all coming back to her.


She knew she needed to get in some physical
training and learn more of her elements and she hoped she got at least a little
before things got too crazy. If they had some sort of fight ahead she would
really rather be capable of taking care of herself.


'Savannah?’ she whispered reaching with her mind
and testing her abilities. She waited figuring she hadn't gotten her message
through she was after all in another car.


Moments later Savannah's voice came through with
a giggle,
'You really are pretty powerful Nia.’
she told her.
had a question?’
she asked.


''I would like to try to get elemental and
physical training every day or at least as often as possible. Can we do some in
the realm and maybe some when we stop?’
Nia asked.
'I will tell Darragh and we will make sure it happens. I will let
you know the specifics soon.’
Savannah told her


'Thank you.’
sent letting go of their link.


She opened her eyes and heard the light snore
that was becoming more and more familiar to her and looked at a sleeping Aaron.
Sure she was still a bit freaked that he was hers but she was happy. It wasn't
any less weird to her though. She was ready to do what was necessary to not be
a burden on anyone, the thought of him laying down his life for her was
painful. She needed to be able to protect herself and Rhea, and Adam as well.


No one knew how terrified she was to have them
here but comforted just the same


she sent.


sent back.


'How is Adam taking the news of all the
supernatural mystery?’
Nia asked her.


'He trusts us sweet pea but I think you should
talk to him. Maybe show him some stuff so he doesn't run from us like we're
loony? He's been pretty quiet.’
Rhea suggested laughing a
little out loud.


'Good idea.’
replied. She decided to join Aaron and drifted slowly into a comfortable, even
if it was a short-lived, sleep.


Rhea tapped on Nia's shoulder, she had no problem
waking she hadn't even been asleep ten minutes.


she asked Rhea in her mind.


'You had something to tell me remember?’
she sent Nia anxiously. It had taken all of her self-control not to ask
before now Nia was sure of it. Nia proceeded to tell her of last night's
episode and the mysterious gash. Along with the healing and everything.


Rhea sat wide eyed and ashen and now more worried
than ever. '
I'll be relieved when we get some idea of what is going on. Maybe
it will all make sense then.’
Rhea tried to reason.


'Well Savannah offered to pull the full memory
from my mind. She says someone blocked it or hid it. I'm not sure if I wanna
know just yet. I don't think I can take anymore BS.’


Well maybe you should consider it. Just to be
safe, ya know.’
Rhea suggested


'I'll think about it, okay?’
Nia replied.


'I'm tired, I'm going to sleep a bit before our
next stop, and you should too.’
Rhea suggested.


Okay we can talk again soon.’
Nia said
letting go of their connection.




Savannah leaned back in the passenger seat of the
car Darragh had gotten for their travels. It was a comfortable ride and she
could feel the pulse of the glamour on the car in her senses. If she were
hunting him it would be driving her insane. They really had fixed a strong
glamour for the trip. Darragh had told her about the run-ins they had so far
with rogue hunters, he assumed they were working for the council's defectors. But
she wasn't as certain, when it comes to Lilith you can never be too careful.


In her time away from the realms she learned
there was a lot Lilith was keeping from the people. She met other outcasts who
had been peaceably banished, like herself, and 'defectors' too. She was taught
the defectors were council members opposed to separating the realm long ago.
They chose to leave and would stop at nothing to go back to the old ways of
killing and torture for secrecy and justice. At least that's what they learned
in their guardian training.


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