True Fate (39 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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'Stay close, this is dark magic.’
she sent to the guys and Avery. It seemed darker than it had been and foggy
as well. An eerie silence whipped through the trees, making Avery shudder. She
could see shadows shift in and out of focus, no doubt a part of the dark


Savannah stretched an extra layer around her
group and locked it tight. She knew they wouldn't even be aware of the extra
protection but it was needed.


Rowen stopped ahead as the eerie chill of the
darkness was gone from Savannah's senses.


"You can come out now.” Rowen told them
laughing. They released their protective layerings but stayed close still as
Rowen started walking again.


There were torch lights up ahead and the sound of
voices. Laughter and conversation were carried on the air. Just over the torch
lit hill they saw a clearing with picnic tables strewn about. The trees were
lush and green and around seventy five to a hundred people were seated at the
tables with hearty plates of food in front of them. There were women and men
young and old as well as some children. "What is this?” Darragh asked.


"This my friend is the revolution!” Rowen
announced, placing a hand on Darragh's shoulder. Savannah beamed a smile full
of pride, she felt the freedom and joy these people felt and the happiness of
the earth surrounding them. This was another haven, a community of Liberated,
she was certain of it.


"Wait are you saying that you're rebels?”
Eric asked carefully.


"Oh yes my boy, we are indeed rebels of
tyranny and injustice. Many have faked their deaths as I have or rumored it and
sent token back to the court making them believe it. Losing a finger is a small
price to pay to gain one’s freedom.” he said holding his hand up that was in
fact missing his right ring finger.


Avery's mouth dropped. She had no idea any of her
people lived this way, even though a world without Lilith seemed nice to her.


Savannah broke the bewilderment, "We can't
be long Rowen there is only one guardian with our charge. We need to have that
conversation.” she said with a sad expression. Savannah would like nothing
better than to stay and learn more about these brave people, but Nia couldn't
be left alone long.


Rowen guided them to a large tent where they all
took a seat. He explained that he had received word of an offer from high up
with high pay to track a team travelling north and intercept them and capture


He also explained he had no idea who the order
came from directly.


"So who are you guarding?” Rowen asked.


"If you let Savannah search your intentions
then I will answer your questions, friend. We can't take any risks.” Darragh
said coolly.


Rowen nodded, "Aye, that's fine, I
understand. Do your damage then darlin’." he said relaxing into his seat.

Savannah closed her eyes and searched his mind,
looking for any hidden agenda but found none. They would be happy to hear the
news they had for them.


She nodded at Eric and, "We found the girl
of the prophecy, we are escorting her to learn her destiny.” Eric said, gaging
their expressions.


Rowen's face was shocked but he quickly composed
himself. "Well! That is good news! So it is her?” he asked looking at
Darragh who nodded.


"That must be why there's a bounty for your entire
group.” he mused.


"I'm pretty sure you're right.” Darragh


"If you need help along the way just call on
me and we will be there in a flash,” Rowen told them, standing to his feet.


"Thank you my friend, I'm happy to find you
alive and well.” Darragh said gripping the man's arm and Savannah wrapped him
in a warm hug.


Avery and Eric said goodbye politely and they
were back at the car in no time. They needed to make sure no one was tracking
them and then go get the others.


The safe house that Eric sent them to had not
been used for some time but was one of the strongest glamoured safe places the
guardians had. They were escorted back to the vehicle by a young looking man
that had been close by Rowen, he turned to leave as soon as Sorin and the car
were in sight. Sorin bowed and he waved a farewell then disappeared into thin


Avery's jaw dropped and Savannah looked at her
sister, "He's a transporter.” she said as if this was a normal thing.


Eric looked at her questioningly and Darragh
smiled. "How did he do it?” Eric asked as they got into the car.


Savannah laughed, "It's one of his talents apparently.
We aren't taught to push our boundaries or all of the possibilities. He has a
broadened spectrum, it's the old ways, before the sisters divided the realms.
We call a group like the one we just came from "Liberated", because
they are no longer being held captive to the lies our people are fed." She


Eric scoffed. "Are you serious? How do you
even know this?” he asked incredulously, but Darragh spoke before she had a
chance to respond.


"She's been out here on her own for a long
while and I'm most certain she's seen more than we have.” he said looking at
Eric pointedly.


"I actually was thinking about introducing
you all, especially Nia, to the liberated people. They have been waiting a very
long time for her. She means a certain victory for them. They aren't deserters,
they're just free.” she said with a shrug.


Avery smiled at the thought, maybe she and Eric
had a chance to be together after all. They just had to find the right person who
could tell them what they needed to get his bond with Lilith removed.


"How do they know these things?” Avery


"That's a long story I'd like to share with
the entire group sometime. It would be better to take you there and let them
tell it themselves. Mostly it is passed down through generations.” Savannah


Avery nodded and grabbed Eric's hand, they may
have a chance after all.




Chapter 21


Nia paced and Aaron did as well while Isabel sat
calmly at the kitchen counter. Rhea and Adam were watching the television
intently trying not to focus on the missing part of their group. Nia and Aaron
were definitely worried enough for all of them.


Nia thought for about the millionth time, reaching out to his mind. She
was certain something was wrong or he would have answered already.


Relief flooded her features and Aaron came to her
side as the reply finally eased her tension.
‘Everything’s okay we will be there soon.’


With a sigh of relief Nia took Aaron’s hand,
“They’re alright. They are on their way here.” She told him.


He let out a breath, relieved to hear it himself.
Aaron was certain he could protect Nia but he hadn’t learned much yet from the
other Guardians.


Realizing that she hadn’t told Isabel yet about
Savannah Nia now had to do it quickly. She went to the kitchen area where she
had seen Isabel seated at the high counter.


“We have a newcomer to the group but Lilith
doesn’t know she is with us and we want to keep it that way.” Nia told her


“Okay. You can trust me Nia, I thought we already
established that.” Isabel said looking at Nia questioningly.


“I know. It’s just from what I’ve heard you and
this person, don’t exactly get along.” Nia explained.


“Who is
it?” Isabel asked tilting her head in curiosity. “Oh, just spit it out!” She
added as Nia fumbled with her words.


“It’s Savannah Madighan, Avery’s sister.” Nia
said in a rush.


Isabel laughed long and loud at the worried
expression on Nia’s face. “Nia, it has been ages since all of that even
transpired, I have no issues with Savannah. As a matter of fact she would
probably be an asset to you.” She responded nonchalantly.


Just then there was a low humming which Nia
assumed was the others arriving.


“Stay put and don’t worry.” Isabel said sternly
as she hopped off of the stool and headed towards the door they had come
through earlier.


Nia went and sat beside Aaron on the couch
opposite Adam and Rhea. “I guess they’re back.” Nia said shrugging her




Now that she thought about it, it had been at
least five years since Savannah had been to a Guardian safe house. She was a
little worried that some sort of surveillance would tip off Lilith to her being


“Don’t worry I will take care of the cameras.
Just don’t get out until I tell you to.” Darragh said reminding her of the
strength of their connection.


She blushed knowing he could hear every thought.
Come to think of it she had already had some interesting thoughts on their way


Eric and Avery got off the car telling the others
they were heading for the weapons room to see if there was anything useful.


Savannah waited patiently looking through the
cd’s Darragh had brought along for the ride.


“I didn’t expect to find you alone.” Savannah
flinched as Isabel’s accent cut through her like a knife.


The last
time they were in the same room together, Isabel swore she would have her head.


“Hello Isabel.” Savannah replied gracefully
exiting the car with her auburn braid swinging around her. Isabel went around
to Savannah’s side of the car flipping her dark locks over her shoulder. She
crossed her arms and waited to see how Savannah was going to handle this.


“They told me you were here.” Savannah said


“Look I just wanted to say that I would like to
let bygones be bygones. I prefer to leave the past in the past. Water under the
bridge and all that.” Isabel informed Savannah who smiled a wide grin.


“I agree. There’s no need to explain. I can sense
your sincerity.” Savannah replied.


“Good, I want what’s best for Nia. My loyalty to
Lilith is all show.” Isabel stated plainly.


“I am glad that we can get past this, we have a
hard road ahead of us you know. There has been some tampering and breach
attempts in the glamour.” Savannah said.


“Well that’s not good. Do you think we are being
followed?” Isabel asked. “We were but they aren’t the enemy it turned out. We
need this whole team using their skills to their fullest.” Savannah said
relaxing against the car.


Darragh walked into the room and froze.


“It’s okay. We aren’t going to kill each other,
you can relax.” Savannah told him giving a curt smile to Isabel, who was just
noticing the promise marks around their wrists.


“Wow, congratulations you two.” She was stunned
but this was not important. Her focus was on escorting Nia and getting Brennan
out of Lilith’s reach before it was too late.


“I’m going to check on Nia.” Savannah said and
Darragh and Isabel followed.


Nia sighed in relief when Darragh and Savannah
entered the room. She went to them looking past them and seemed to freak out a


“Oh, don’t worry, they’re okay they just went to
the weapons room to see if there’s anything useful.” Savannah said quickly
feeling the despair that had swirled around Nia.


She sighed in relief and went back to sit and
wait. Eric and Avery came into the room and Eric asked for Darragh’s help with


The guys disappeared out the door. “So what was
all that about? Who were those guys?” Nia asked no longer able to wait.


“At first we were worried but we found out it was
a long lost friend. He is a trusted ally and has offered to help if we need it
at a moment’s notice.” Savannah explained as Avery went to poke around in the
fridge. She wasn’t sure what Darragh or Eric wanted Nia to know about the liberated
people so she steered clear of the conversation. She was still trying to digest
the information herself.


“That’s good. I was really worried. I don’t think
I have ever been that terrified!” Nia said glancing at her friends.


Savannah nodded and touched Nia’s arm in passing,
she went in search of water.


“Um, you guys.” Rhea said from the couch as she
stared at a rapidly paling Adam. “I think we need to get Adam topside as soon
as possible. He’s claustrophobic.” She informed everyone putting a hand on his
clammy forehead.


“Great cause we’re all finished.” Eric said
coming into the room. Darragh stood behind him nodding, it was time to go.


Savannah stepped to Adam with a cup of warm
liquid and handed it to him. “You should drink this. It will steady your nerves
and slow your breathing.”


He looked at her then Rhea who in turn looked at
Nia who nodded and he took the mug from Savannah and gulped down the most
amazing thing that had ever passed his lips.


He took a few deep breaths and noticed the
difference almost immediately.


Rhea put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a
smile. “You okay to walk, you had me worried.” She asked.


Adam nodded patting her hand. “I feel better.” He
said trying not to stare in her eyes too hard.


“Okay.” Avery said with a clap snapping Rhea and
Adam out of their hazy moment.


Everyone else had filtered out of the room
already loading up to get going. Rhea blushed and Adam grinned getting up and
walking to the car only slightly shaky. Nia laughed when she saw the goofy
smiles her friends were wearing. She hoped one or both found some courage soon.


They piled into the suburban which now had a
large box attached to its roof along with the turtle that housed their luggage.
Weapons was Nia’s guess.


glad you are okay, you had me worried.’
sent to Eric. He just caught her eyes in the rearview and smiled.

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