Trick (Master's Boys) (4 page)

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Authors: Patricia Logan

BOOK: Trick (Master's Boys)
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Very well, you can go now, Ernie,
Zack growled, low.

Oh, yes
Master, I mean…

Ta ta,
Zack said
wiggling his fingers as he shooed the ridiculous man away. Once Ernie was out the door, Phoenix roared with laughter.

Why are you laughing, you braying ass? Do you know how hard it is to find good help?
Zack asked. Phoenix slapped his hand over his mouth but his shoulders still shook with laughter.
Zack threw him a dirty look and took a sip of his coffee only to turn to the side and spray it right back out of his mouth
all over the carpet.

Jesus! What is that? Jet fuel?
Zack cried. Phoenix put the mug he
d just picked up back down on Zack
s desk
, afraid to touch it.
At least Lila could make a cup of coffee that didn
t taste like gasoline!
Zack said, pushing the cup away and mopping his carpet with tissues from his desk. He turned to Phoenix
and his expression was priceless.
Phoenix didn
t think he
d ever seen Zack this flustered.

Listen, as amusing as this is, I came in here for a reason, Zack,
Phoenix said, sobering. Zack stopped his useless mopping and threw the tissues in t
he trash, sitting back in his leather desk chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Phoenix marveled at how beautiful Zack was. If he hadn
t been a Dom himself, he
d have played with Zack a long time ago. Watching him go at the subs they shared had been hotter than hell, but since committing to Cassidy Ryan, Zack
s hot new cop boyfriend, Zack had stopped booking sessions with subs. It seemed that Zack wanted only one man th
ese days, a blond Malibu Ken doll with a badge

Spill, Ivan, anything I can help with,
Zack said.

I brought someone back to the studio with me this morning,
Cassidy said. Zack lifted an eyebrow, uncrossed his arms and leaned forward.

Do tell,
the Dom said.

I was driving in
to the studios this morning and saw this young kid huddling in a doorway. He was turning tricks. The minute I rolled down the window, he shoved his groin out at me and asked me if I wanted some. It was pouring fucking rain.

Aw hell,
Zack said.
How young are we talking here, Ivan?
Phoenix knew that Zack was a very good and decent man
but he wouldn
t put his business in jeopardy by harboring a minor under his roof.

He says he turned eighteen last week. I think he
s telling the truth,
Phoenix answered.

You confirm it,
. Then, you can let the kid stay as long as you want.


Zack knew of Ivan
s background of being kicked out by his parents as a young man. Picking this kid up had been an entirely compassionate move on Ivan
s part.
knew that Ivan had a thing for young submissives.
d worked for him for several years and was a huge draw on the internet. People loved logging in and seeing him pound
away at
his subs, in more ways than one.
One of the favorite
Doms, Phoenix was well known for his play with very young men
and he wondered whether Ivan had the intent to bring him into the lifestyle

What are your intentions with him?
Zack asked.

I intend on training him. He
s already a natur
al submissive and quite innocent
even though
s lived
on the streets,
Phoenix said.
Zack wondered about that
but because the kid was so young, he didn
t doubt it. If he
d been on the streets for a
while, that meant he hadn
t finished school or much of anything else. Just because he sucked cock so that he could eat, didn
t mean he had the emotional maturity of an adult.

s his name?
Zack asked.

Wade, but he uses the name Trick,
Phoenix replied. Zack just shook his head.

s too bad, Ivan. I hate to see young kids sell themselves. Unfortunately, it
s all too common.

I thought I could broadcast our training sessions,
Phoenix offered. Zack nodded, looking Phoenix in the eye.

I don
t have a problem with it
but how are you going to g
et the kid to agree to that
Phoenix grinned.

You just leave that to me, Zack. I think the kid is going to be into this once I get a chance to begin his training. I
ll break the ice with him tonight once he
s had a shower, a nap
and a hot meal.
Zack smiled back, nodding. Phoenix stood and Zack did as well.

I know you
ll take care of
him, Ivan.
Zack reached out and shook his hand.


Trick slept all the way until evening. When he woke, naked and surrounded by downy warmth, it took him a few moments to remember where he was. In Master P
s bed, that
s where. He wondered for a moment what the P stood for
and then his stomach growled. He threw the soft covers away and grabbed the fluffy robe that he
d put on after his shower.
He stubbed his toe on the bed in the dark and yelped just before opening the door to the hallway. He stepped into the hallway and noticed that several green lights were on
above doors. Curious, he opened one, hoping to find Master P. What he saw stunned him.
A stage of sorts was set behind a window and a scene was playing out on the other side of the glass.

A huge muscle man was tied to a large X shaped device
, his arms and legs restrained and spread
His face was turned away and Trick had a perfect view of a nicely muscled ass. Master P was in the room as well and all he wore was a studded thong, a vest
and high black boots. He turned when Trick walked in and smiled, motioning him to a chair in front of the window. Intrigued, Trick sat in the chair and
watched as Master P turned back to the bound man. The man was naked except for a blindfold and writhed on the cross, groaning. Master P took the man by his hair and bent his head back, leaning in to speak to him.

We have an observer, Bob. He
s going to watch me as I fuck you with one of my toys.
The man groaned and Trick got the idea that he liked being watched. Something in Master P
s voice sent waves of arousal through Trick.
That, in and of itself
felt odd to Trick. He rarely felt anything sexual. It was probably
due to
the job.

yes, Sir,
the man whimpered.

Now, I
m going to get you ready to take my toy,
Master P said. Trick watched as the big man picked a tube of
what could only be lube from
a metal table beside the
man. He squeezed a liberal amount onto the black rubber glove that he wore, dropped the lube back on the tray, and bent over the sub, pushing a finger through the man
s sphincter. The man groaned and Trick felt the first signs of an erection forming under his robe. Deciding that it felt good for a change, instead of dirty when he got them while being fucked, he went with the feeling, riding it out as his cock thickened. The man groaned again when Master P pushed a second finger in and twisted them. Trick focused on the motion of Master P
s fingers tunneling in and out of the man
s hole
and by the sounds that the man was making, he was enjoying himself very much.

Master, please fuck me, please fuck me!
Master P
removed his fingers and reached for a large covered object on the tray.
He removed the towel and Trick was shocked to see a gigantic pink latex dildo.
God! That would rip me in two!
He began to squirm in the chair, not wanting to see that kind of torture, when Master P leaned over the man again and whispered something into his ear. The man nodded vigorously
and Master P picked up the lube, squeezing a liberal amount over the head of the dildo.

re going to go slow, Bob. Master won
t hurt you,
Trick heard the large man say as he poked the head
of the dildo
between the man
s butt cheeks. He placed his left hand on the
s lower back and
began to pant. Trick wondered why. He didn
t think that Master P had inserted the dildo
but because he couldn
t be sure, he felt very uncomfortable.

s begin,
Master P said and at that moment, Trick could see him pop the head through the man
s sphincter. The man whimpered but said nothing.

Are you okay, boy?
Master P asked as he pushed in and pulled out, working the man
s hole
a little bit deeper each time.

Yes! Yes
the man said through gritted teeth. He gasped
and then said,
Sir, please give it all to me!
Trick heard the big Dom chuckle.

You love this, Bob! You love being taken like the dirty whore that you are,
he said. Trick
s heart beat wildly in his chest
Yes! Yes! That
s all I am! A filthy dirty whore
and no man will ever want me!
The reality came crashing down on Trick and suddenly all he wanted to do was run. He shifted in the chair and Master P must have noticed the movement through the window, because he turned to Trick and met his gaze. The expression that Trick saw in the Master
s eyes seemed to call
him immediately. It wasn
t disdain or disgust as he had expected, it was simply one of compassion, the same expression that he
d seen in the man
s eyes over breakfast that morning. Suddenly, the Master nodded at Trick and his
pinned him into the chair. He felt hypnotized as if the Dom had ordered him to remain in his chair. Inexplicably, Trick grabbed the seat of the chair to anchor him in place, obeying the unspoken order without question.

Master P smiled at him and turned back to the task at hand. Over the next fifteen minutes, the Master coaxed the dildo all the way into the man
s ass and had him begging to be allowed to come. Trick sat and watched, his erection never leaving him, but becoming harder and harder beneath the robe he wore. When the Master finally relented and ordered the man to come, Bob, shot a copious load of come all over the floor with the Master
s helping hand pumping his dick the whole time. Trick watched as Master P cleaned the
dildo with a towel and placed it back onto the table. Then, Master P freed the man from his ankle restraints, helping the shaking muscle hunk regain his footing and holding him steady as he unclipped the man
s wrist restraints from the top of the cross. Master P was whispering something into the man
s ear, for his benefit only
nodded, wrapping his arms around the large Dom and falling against his chest.

You did very well, boy,
Master P spoke the praise loud enough to be heard through the glass.

Yes, Sir
. Thank
the man repeatedly said. Master P smiled and held him closely, cuddling
as he kissed him softly on the lips. The
muscle man
gazed up at him, seeming mesmerized by the larger man
s smile
, once again laying his head onto Master P
s chest. It was then that
looked straight through the glass at Trick and mouthed the words
thank you
. Trick was stunned and looked side to side to see if anyone else besides him was in the room. The room was
empty. Why was he thanking Trick? Huh. Master P steadied the man on his feet, patted the man
s bottom
and glanced over at Trick as he led the man out of the room. Trick stared through the glass window into the now empty room and thought about what he had just seen. He
d not thought that this type of kink would ever be his thing, but his erection still throbb
beneath his robe
and he wondered what it would feel like to be Bob, being serviced by that big beautiful man.

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