Trick (Master's Boys) (2 page)

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Authors: Patricia Logan

BOOK: Trick (Master's Boys)
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asked sweet
ly. The guy
t spare Trick a glance before answering.

Two, and keep them coming, hon.
He flashed her a brilliant smile and checked out her ass as she swished away humming a tune from the
eighties. The big man in front of him turned his attention on Trick
and suddenly the room became stuffy as hell.

So, Trick
is it? What
s you
r real name?
the john asked
. Trick was
uncomfortable giv
ing his real name to the big man; he just didn
t do tha
t. Some things were private
, even for whores.

Earl, my name is Earl,
Trick said, his tongue firmly planted in his cheek. What he didn
t expect was the dark shadowing of the man
s features or the leaning over the table to speak right in Trick
s face. The guy
s index finger joined the glower in his face as he pointed it right at him.

t be a mo
, boy. What is your name?
he demanded.

Wade, Sir, Wade,
Trick answered
, swallowing hard
. The domineering man seemed to relax and lowered his hand, removing the pointing finger from his fac
e as he leaned back in the booth

Yeah, you look like a Wade
, boy,
he said with a smile.
s a hell of
an accent that you got there
The waitress arrived with two coffees.
Trick immediately grabbed four packets of sugar and began emptying them into his cup. He stirred in a rich helping of cream and greedily slurped up the sticky mess.

Ready to order boys?
she asked, staring at Master P the whole time and batting her imp
sive fake lashes at him. Master P
looked over at Trick and nodded.

m ready
. You
, bo
Something about the way Master P
used the word boy turned Trick on
like never
before. He glanced one last time at the menu and then calculated when he
d last eaten and when he
d eat again
he ordered the Chicken Fried Steak Skillet with the
salad and French fries.
Master P ordered
the same and the waitress sashay
ed away after anoth
er glance at the beautiful man.

So, you a junkie, boy?
Master P asked, indicating the empty sugar packets on the table. Trick knew exactly why he asked. A lot of junkies used sugar if they couldn
t get their dope
. It was a poor replacement but filled an immediate need. He had to hand it to the man, he was sharp.

t do drugs,
Trick drawled, remembering that the john said he liked his accent.
Never have.
The man assessed him for a moment before nodding.

Good. I don
t play with junkies.

Trick asked. It was a strange term but then he thought that maybe this guy pictured himself in some sort of daddy role play. Trick looked him over. He couldn
t be more than thirty, not really what he considered a daddy, but there was still a decent disparity in their ages.

m a Dom. I work out of a club called It
s an online club,
the guy said
. Trick had never heard of such a thing but he hadn
t touched a computer for over three years. He
d been a little busy just trying to survive.

Trick said, gulping the balance of his coffee. Master P
watched him for a minute and then
raised his coffee cup, catching the waitress
and she quickly returned with the pot, topping them both off
, scurrying away as another customer flagged her down

You know anything about BDSM, boy?
the large man asked. Trick knew a bit but he
d never been into any kind of kink. Most johns were in a rush to just get off, not hang around and play with him. He wondered if this
was gonna try something rough on him and a stone settled in his stomach as the nervousness returned.

I know a little;
m not into pain,
Trick said quickly. He was surprised when the man barked with laughter.

ll see about that,
he said as the waitress returned and set their breakfasts in front of them. Trick picked up his fork and immediately dug into the delicious looking food.


Chapter Two


Phoenix generally didn
t take this route
to work, but with his usual
off ramp
closed due to flooding from the heavy storm in the early morning hours of dawn, he was forced to make a detour. He hated driving through this sleazy part of Hollywood
frequented by addicts and prostitutes. As he drove through the
dirty streets with his very expensive car, he was forced to slow down due to the pouring rain. He
missed the sight of a
small form huddled under an overhang in a filthy looking store front. Only when his headl
ights lit the recess for a few
, did he see the look of desperation in the kid
s eyes. He
t stop and was about to drive on by when his conscienc
e told him that he had to
. The young
man had the look of
written all over his face. Phoenix was reminded of his own family, kicking him out of their house when they learned of his BDSM lifestyle and how he
d struggled to eat, scratching to survive. He was compelled to pull over
and pick him up

As they ate, he studied the kid. Now that he had him, he wondered what he was going to do with him. What he wasn
t going to do was put a hot meal in his belly and kick him back out on the street. As he watched the kid shovel food into his mouth like it was his last meal
a plan began to formulate in his mind. Perhaps he could take this boy back to the studios and see how he
responded to the BDSM kink
. If he could turn him into a halfway decent sub, then find him a permanent Dom or set him on the road to an education, the kid might be able to find his place in the world. Anything was better than this life.

The boy was really young
but that was okay with Phoenix. He liked them young. It
made them pliable
to train
and since this one had no experience, it was going to be a bit of a challenge.
Phoenix loved a challenge
and hadn
t shied from one yet
The kid was really good looking and really underfed.
Curly brown hair, dulled
most likely
by his diet
and soft brown eyes framed by long curling lashes, the kid was really beautiful. He tried to play tough but Phoenix sensed a vulnerability that made him think the kid might be a perfect sub.
Phoenix wondered how long the boy had been on the street and what had forced him into the life. He was more than likely a
away or a
away. Sadly, too many boys ended up on the street
when their parents learned of their true nature.
He wondered whether the kid had come from a broken home or had been abused.

How old are you?
Phoenix asked between bites.

How old do you want me to be?
the kid replied. Phoenix should have been an
gry, but all he felt was compassion
. He frowned and the kid looked up from his plate when the conversation paused.
The deer in the headlights look confirmed that he knew he
d fucked up.
He immediately stopped chewing the large mouthful of steak and sobered.

Eighteen, last Thursday,
the kid answered honestly
. Phoenix knew that it was time to set a few ground rules. He sat back and folded his arms across his chest
pinning the kid with a

Look, no more of the lies and subterfuge, you got that?
Phoenix said. He watched as the kid swallowed and then stared back across the table, looking guilty as hell.

m sorry. I
m just not used to talking with a jo…
The kid stopped abruptly then finished quietly.
With anyone that I don
t know.
Phoenix held in the smile that threatened. He
d never been ca
lled a john before and it cracked him up.

If we
re going to get along, you better be honest with me,
Phoenix said.
You said you don
t do drugs. Do you use condoms with your clients?
The kid set down his fork and sighed, staring down at his plate.
The boy
reached into his tight jeans and pulled out a wad of condoms, showing them to him.

the kid said, meeting Phoenix
s gaze for the first time. Phoenix nodded.

Fine. Now finish up. We have some business to conduct,
Phoenix said. The kid seemed to get t
he message and scrambled to swallow down
the rest of his meal. Phoenix watched, once again wondering when the kid last ate. The waitress came over with her coffee pot and Phoenix covered his cup with his hand, gesturing for her to fill up the boy
s cup.

ll just take the bill, hon,
Phoenix said, flashing her his most practiced smile. She grinned and sauntered off, returning a few minutes later with their tab. Meanwhile, the kid polished off the rest of his food and gulped down another sugary cup of coffee.
ll be right back,
he said to the kid, standing with the ticket in his hand. He threw five dollars on the table as a tip.
Gonna pay this and then we
ll get going,
he told Trick. As he walked away from the table, a pang of sadness stabbed his chest. How bad must the kid feel about himself that he had to call himself that?
Phoenix decided then and there that he would be calling the boy Wade from this point on.
He paid their bill and as he finished signing the credit card slip, he noticed the kid standing beside him. Something about the w
ay the kid wouldn
t meet his gaze
had him wondering. He walked around the kid and back to the table. The tip money was gone. As he spun around, the kid walked up to him.

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