Trick (Master's Boys) (3 page)

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Authors: Patricia Logan

BOOK: Trick (Master's Boys)
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Oh damn!
Trick hadn
t expected him to walk back to the table. He ran to catch up to him, to distract him somehow, but it was too late. The murderous look on the big man
s face said it all. Trick took a giant gulp and
stared into his face.

I… I…
he stammered.

Stealing from her is the same as stealing from me, kid,
the man growled. Trick watched as the man vibrated with rage. The pointy index finger returned as he said,
try my patience, boy. You need something, you ask me, but don
t go stealing from others.
He held out his hand
and Trick dug the five out of his pocket and handed it to him. Phoenix threw it back on the table and took the kid by the bicep, turning him and pushing him lightly down the aisle toward the front door.

Trick felt like crap. He
d been forced to steal lots of times. Luckily, he
d only been caught once and had done a three day stint in juvie. Hell, when you were starving, it was easy to walk into a drug store and pick up replacement cartridges for those fancy vibrating razors. They were small enough to conceal and traded like currency amongst the junkies on the street. Most stores kept them locked in a case, but Trick had become an excellent lock pick over the years. Between turning tricks and the razor blades, he ate most days. They walked silently out to the car, the rain having let up finally, and
Master P
popped the door locks with a key fob. Trick climbed inside, remembering that this was a client and wondering where they were headed. He almost looked forward to doing the guy after the great meal but he wondered if the guy was going to stiff him af
ter the stunt with the waitress
s tip.
d serve me right

They drove back to Santa Monica Boulevard and Trick wondered if
the guy was just gonna dump him back at his rat infested wet doorway. When they drove past it, headed toward the 405
reeway, he sighed in relief. They drove another ten minutes and pulled into a covered parking structure in front of a commercial building.

Get out,
Master P
said. Trick was a bit surprised, thinking the guy was taking him home or to a cheap motel, but he obeyed, getting out of the car and following the man as he walked toward the entrance of the building. Written on the glass door was the word and he remembered the guy telling him that he worked at some kind of online BDSM club by that name. He followed him into the office and was immediately surprised by how luxurious it looked. Abstract art hung on stark white walls and a boxy red leather sect
ional sofa was pushed into
a corner. A glass table with chrome legs was in front of it and a large vase of freshly cut flowers sat on top.
They were immediately greeted by a twinkish man wearing tight shiny rubber shorts and a slave collar, nothing else. Both nipples were pierced as were his eyebrows, lips
and nose
and his eyes were lined in black kohl.
lack lipstick and black nail polish rounded out his look.

Oh, Master P!
the man exclaimed, dropping his
to the ground and clasping his hands in front of his groin as he interlaced his fingers. Trick almost laughed at the ridiculous looking man who couldn
t be much older than himself. His black hair was cut into a long spiked Mohawk.

Ernie, is Master Z in?
This time, Trick couldn
t hold back and a tiny squeak escaped his lips as he slapped a hand over his mouth. Master P looked over at him
threw him a
dirty look
and he quickly sobered.

s in his office, Master P,
Ernie replied, keeping his eyes lowered, never meeting the Dom
s gaze.

Buzz him and let him know I
ll be there in a minute,
Master P said, brushing past the man.

Yes, Master P,
Ernie said.

Trick didn
t know whether to follow until the big Dom turned to him and said,
on, boy.
Trick hurried to obey. He followed him into the
via a hallway
lined with closed doors. Some had lights overhead
lit up in green. Master P walked to the end of the hall and opened a door, ushering Trick inside. Trick was surprised to find a bedroom. He
d expected an office. The bedroom was decorated sparsely
and there was a large floor to ceiling red velvet curtain covering the wall opposite the foot of the bed. Off to the side was another door. Master P closed the door behind them and Trick took it as his cue to approach the large man. He
d turned enough tricks to know what came next. The man stood tall and still
looking down at Trick as Trick began opening the large man
s belt buckle. The Dom suddenly grabbed both of Trick
s hands,
stopping his actions and a jolt
of fear shot through Trick at the motion, thinking that he must have made a terrible misstep and not wanting to face the guy
s wrath. But, the intense stare that Master P gave him was anything but angry. His face was a mask of lust. Only a moment later, Trick was hauled up against a rock hard body and he found his lips captured in a deep and claiming kiss.

To say that Trick was surprised would have been a huge understatement. His johns never wanted to kiss him; they wanted their dicks sucked or to pin him to the wall with their cocks up his ass. No one ever fed him and then kissed him
and as hot as the kiss was, Trick felt apprehensive, not knowing what this guy
s trip was.
whole wine and dine thing
and now the
thing, creeped him out just a little bit.
The kiss ended abruptly as Master P released him and stepped back. Trick looked up at him, wondering what in the hell would happen next. The guy looked him up and down, seeming to appraise him somehow.

You need a hot shower,
he said, that deep voice coming out like a growl. Trick felt more than a little offended. He washed up every day at Hollywood High School
s library toilet. He couldn
t always do his hair but he thought he did a pretty darn good job of keeping clean. He sure was clean enough to suck dick.

Shower up, and take a nap. I bet you haven
seen a real bed in a long time. Bathroom
s through there,
Master P said, indicating the closed door.
You could have knocked Trick over with a feather. That was the last damn thing he ever expected to hear. Before he could say another word, the large Dom spun on his heel and was out the door. Trick stood in place, stunned to his very toes. He had no idea what this guy was up to, but he sure wasn
t gonna refuse a hot shower. He glanced over at the king sized bed. A
fluffy down comforter lay on the bed and Trick could smell the freshness in the room.
He didn
t think he
d ever slept in a bed that nice. Maybe he would take a little nap.
He kicked himself for not asking the guy for his money, but it just didn
t seem right after the first real meal that he
d had in weeks and now a hot shower and a clean bed, Trick was beginning to feel like he
d won the lottery. And the guy was a great kisser
all man, all forceful
and the biggest turn on Trick had ever had.
Trick turned and walked
toward the bathroom door.

The white tile gleamed and a fluffy terry cloth robe hung from a peg on the wall. Trick quickly stripped and climbed into the glass shower enclosure, turning the water on and stepping under the spray. The hot water relaxed him and it felt like heaven.
So used
to taking cold sink baths,
this was a real treat. He lingered as long as he could and after a quick dry off, climbed into the softest bed he
d ever slept in. Within minutes, he was softly snoring away.


Chapter Three


Phoenix knocked on Zachary Teak
s door. The owner of was one of his best friends besides providing him with a good living.

s open, Ivan,
Zack called out through the door. Phoenix stepped inside and smiled at Zack. He liked the fact that Zack used his real name
Ivan Rubashkin, when everyone else used his
working title,
Master P or Phoenix. Descended from a prestigious Israeli family on the east coast,
Phoenix moved to LA as soon as he wa
s kicked out of the his house
. His parents had no problem with him being gay, but a BDSM lifestyle, they couldn
t accept. His father sent him on his merry way, muttering something about disgracing the name of Rubashkin. Phoenix walked inside and closed the door, coming over to Zack
s desk. Zack stood and shook his hand. The two men were very similar with the exception of Zack
s long hair and obsidian colored eyes. Zack made a sweeping motion with his hand, inviting Phoenix to sit. Phoenix took a chair in front of his boss
s desk.

How are you this morning?
Phoenix asked. Zack held up a finger to Phoenix and then swiveled before pressing his intercom button.

Yes, Master Z?
s high pitched voice came over the line.

Two coffees, Ernie,
Zack ordered.

Yes, Master Z. Right away,
Ernie whined.

s the new receptionist working out, Zack?
Phoenix asked. From the look on Zack
s face, he guessed not very well.

Better than Lila, but just barely,
Zack growled. Phoenix laughed. His last receptionist had done nothing but teeter around in black stilettos and pull her skin tight Lycra skirt down to cover her bubble butt,
but it
was so short, her ass cheeks poked out,
grossing out every gay man in the place.
At least I don
t have to look at her gigantic fake tits all day.

Yeah, I can see how that can be disturbing
Phoenix laughed again.
A little knock sounded at the door and Zack beckoned the twink inside with the two coffee cups. He was so flamboyant, he nearly floated a foot off the ground. He set down the coffee cups on the desk and kept his eyes
, playing his submissive role to the best of his ability.

May I get you anything else, Master Z?
he asked.

ve told you, Ernie. You don
t need to call me master. Just Mr. Teak will do.
The sub flicked his eyes up and Phoenix read the lust in them.

Oh, yes Master, I mean… Mr. Teak,
Ernie whined. Zack
s face was priceless. Phoenix knew that his friend was vibrating with
from the way he gritted his teeth and the way the cords stood out on his neck. Phoenix bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud.

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