Trick (Master's Boys) (13 page)

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Authors: Patricia Logan

BOOK: Trick (Master's Boys)
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I don
t… know, Phoenix… I can
t … stop,
Trick sobbed out. Phoenix rocked him in his arms
and Trick knew that he
d never felt this safe in his life.

Shhh, honey,
Phoenix cooed in his ear.
ve got you. Phoenix has you.
Trick sobbed
so long and so hard that he was a limp rag by the time Phoenix finally carried him into the bedroom and put him to bed. He fell asleep almost instantly.


Phoenix was becoming attached to
and it worried him. He
d never become attached to a sub before and he certainly didn
t want to hurt the kid. There were times when the boy would look at him with stars in his eyes. He decided that he needed to leave the kid on his own for the night and put a little distance between them, so he went home as soon as he
d showered.


Chapter Ten


Trick woke with the sun streaming through the window. He rolled over, expecting to find Phoenix beside him only to realize that his side of the bed hadn
t been slept in. All kinds of thoughts went through his mind, not the least of which was the thought that Phoenix had been sickened by his emotional reaction of the day before. Trick didn
t really understand why he
had a meltdown in front of Phoenix but he couldn
t help it. He felt so safe in Phoenix
s arms, more comfortable with him than
d ever been with
any other person in his life.
The thought that he meant nothing to Phoenix
except as a sub, struck him at the moment that Phoenix kissed him and cleaned him. Even as a tough Dom, Phoenix always put Trick
s needs before his own
and no one had ever done that for him before.
All those years of having nothing
and having to do what he
d had to do to survive, must have taken an emotional toll on Trick. It
s all he could think.

He dressed and brushed out the unruly curls, stopping to shave his face and put on a little cologne that Phoenix had given him along with the clothes. He loved the Dolce
Gabbana. After brushing his teeth, he went in search of Phoenix. Instead, he ran smack dab into Ernie.

he said, stopping short, before he ran the twink over.

Well, don
t you look yummy, boy,
he said, snidely, looking Trick up and down. Trick didn
t like the strange looking man at all. Something about his attitude rubbed him the wrong way.

Have you seen Phoenix?
s expression instantly turned murderous.

Master P is not here, boy. You don
t seem to get the idea that you are just one of Master P
s many boys. You are nothing special
so don
t walk around thinking that you are. If you were something special to him, he would have left word with me
to tell you
where he was going and when he was coming back. I suggest you just cut your losses and leave. In fact, I overheard him talking to Master Z in the kitchen. They were laughing at you behind your back. You
re nothing special and believe me, you
re nothing to him,
Ernie spat.

s heart broke at the vile words. Of course Ernie was right. He was just a trick, a cheap whore who Phoenix had picked up out of the filthy gutter. How could Trick ever really mean anything to Phoenix? Phoenix was a beautiful, successful Dom and way out of Trick
s league. Trick belonged with the street trash. He turned away, determined to get going before Ernie could see him cry and before Phoenix returned. He was a pathetic loser.
Trick returned to the bedroom and dug his old clothes and raggedy shoes out of the closet.
d been cleaned since being returned by the laundry, but they were still little more than rags.
He quickly changed and lovingly placed the beautiful etnies back in their box. He hoped Phoenix would be able to get his money back for all of the gorgeous clothes. He threw on his old hoodie and took one last look at the bed where he and Phoenix had made love. Walking to th
e door of the bedroom, he stepped
into the hallway, quickly making his way to the front door.

Bye, boy,
Ernie said to him as he passed the man
s desk. He glanced at him and noted the smug smile on his face as he wiggled his fingers, just before stepping out onto the street right where he belonged.


Phoenix returned to the several hours
later. He brushed past
Ernie as the man stood when he came in, bowing his head submissively. He rolled his eyes and walked past him, ignor
ing the receptionist completely. He strolled to the bedroom door and opened it. The first thing he saw was the shoe box on the bed along with the neatly folded clothes.

he called out, thinking that the boy must be in the bathroom. There was no answer
and suddenly Phoenix had a sinking feeling in
the pit of
his belly. He walked to the closet and opened it, digging around for a moment
and then he realized that
s tattered clothes and shoes were gone. He slammed the closet door and walked to the reception area. Ernie was not at his desk so he walked straight back to Zack
s door and knocked. Ernie instantly answered the door
and when he saw who it was, he bowed his head and stepped
aside, allowing him in. Zack was
behind his desk
and he stood to greet Phoenix.

Hey, Phoenix!
Zack said. Phoenix was in no mood for pleasantries.

s gone,
he stated, plainly.

Zack asked, surprised.
Why would he leave? I thought
he was excited about the new job!

I have no idea.
Phoenix turned to Ernie.
Did you see
he asked. Ernie kept his eyes downcast but nodded.

He said he wasn
t happy here and that he wanted to go,
Ernie whined.

re lying!
Phoenix roared.
Why would he tell you that when it
s not true? He was homeless. He had nowhere to go
and he was excited about the job.
Zack stood and walked around the desk.

Look at me, Ernie,
Zack said. Ernie shifted his weight from side to side obviously uncomfortable and not wanting to be caught in a lie. When he finally looked up, the expression on his face was guilty as hell.

He came out
looking for Master P
and I told him that you weren
t here
and that if you had wanted to leave a message for him, you would have left it with me,
Ernie whined.

What else did you say to him?
Phoenix roared
He could feel
the cords standing out on his neck.

I told him that he was only one boy
and I had heard you and Master Z in the kitchen talking about how
he was nothing special.

I never said that he was nothing special!
Zack growled.

You said he was fragile,
Ernie said.

You idiot!
Phoenix screamed. He wanted to wrap his hands around Ernie
s neck and snap it, after choking him to death.

Get the fuck out of here right now, Ernie,
Zack yelled. Ernie made a squeaking noise and turned, running as fast as he could out the door.

Go after him,
Zack said.

m going after him,
Phoenix said at the same time. He turned and walked out of Zack
s office
straight past Ernie
s desk
where the quirky twink trembled
and out the front door.


was furious with himself. He
d gone and left the kid on his own after that emotionally charged scene. If he
d realized that this would be the fallout from that simple decision, he would never have done it
and he prayed that it wouldn
t change things forever
. He
e up and down Santa Monica Boulevard
looking into every doorway a
nd every alley. He finally parked
the car around
midnight and got out of the Mercedes to walk.
Filled with worry for
and anger at Ernie, Phoenix was bound and determined not to give up until he
d located
. He
d walked for hours and was returning to the car when he spotted a smallish man, huddled in a doorway, curled into a ball, with his thin arms wrapping his knees. The curly brown head rested on his knees and Phoenix
s heart leapt in his chest. He practically ran across the street the moment he saw
. The boy lifted his head and looked into Phoenix
s eyes the minute he ran up. He barely had time to unwrap his arms before Phoenix bent down and lifted him into his arms. The feel of
safely in his arms, shivering against his chest, made his heart do a little flip flop.

Phoenix… I…
Phoenix cut off whatever the boy was going to say as he swooped down, taking the kid
s lips in a blistering kiss. The boy relaxed into the kiss and Phoenix felt his heart soar.

Why did you go?
he finally asked as he ripped his mouth away from
s, looking hard at the young man.

I… I… Ernie told me to go. He told me that you didn
t care for your subs
and that he heard you and Master Z laughing at me.
He told me that I was just one of many of your boys.
I thought you wouldn
t care if I stayed
and I didn
t like the idea of being laughed at, so I left. Why are you here, Phoenix?

m here to bring you home,
. I do care for you. I never laughed at you. I want you to stay at the club and continue your training. You are very good at what you do,
and I would be lost if you went back to this life. Please say that you
ll come back to the club with me. Please say that you
ll train with me?
s eyes welled up
and Phoenix leaned down
kissing away the tears.
Will you? Will you come home?
looked up at him with wonder twinkling in his soft doe eyes. He smiled and Phoenix was devastated. If he wasn
t careful, this boy would worm his way into his heart permanently.

Yes, Phoenix, I
ll come home,
said and Phoenix felt joyous relief. He took his hand and pulled him across the street, walking him to the Mercedes a few blocks down. As he tucked him into the warm car, leaning over to belt him in,
caressed his cheek.

Thank you for changing my life, Master P,
he said.
Phoenix kissed him softly and shut the door, thanking his lucky stars that he
d driven down Santa Monica Boulevard one rainy morning.


The End

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