Read Touch Me Gently Online

Authors: J.R. Loveless

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Touch Me Gently (18 page)

BOOK: Touch Me Gently
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Kaden nodded enthusiastically and shifted over to start kissing on Logan’s neck. It still amazed him how well things had turned out for him in Montana, but he wouldn’t change anything for the world. He thanked God that he’d taken the job and that Logan had known to touch him gently, leaving him with the taste for more.



blared through the booth as he stood there, and Kaden couldn’t help but have a sense of pride while watching the band playing behind the glass. Nothing could compare to hearing his lyrics actually being sung. Arms wrapped around his waist from behind, and he leaned back into the embrace with a wide grin. Logan’s voice caressed his ear. “It sounds great.”


Kaden nodded and reveled in all the good things that had happened to him in the past year and a half. Logan had moved him into his room at the ranch, and not long after had discovered his lyrics notebook. The cowboy had raved over them, encouraging him to put them out there for the world to see. It had taken some time before he’d come up with the courage to show them to other people, but it wasn’t long until they were snapped up by a high-profile band and now he stood here, listening to them being sung by an artist whose voice compared to a beautiful summer sunset on the ranch.


The band was recording at the moment, and he saw the lead singer wink at him through the glass. A flush dusted over his cheeks, and he felt Logan’s arms tighten around him. Mitchell Kingsley had been hitting on him from day one, trying to lure him away from Logan. It had almost caused a fist fight to break out between the two men, but Kaden made it clear to Mitchell that only one man held his heart, the one currently holding him. He tilted his head back and wrinkled his nose up at Logan. “You don’t have to be jealous, Logan. I already told him that my heart only belongs to one person.”


“That better be me,” Logan growled into his ear, and Kaden laughed, shaking his head.


“How can you still be so unsure about me, Logan? We’ve been together for two years now, and you are everything to me.” Kaden turned around in Logan’s embrace and looked up at the man who’d saved him in so many ways. The band transitioned into the next song, and the words spilling from Mitchell’s lips drifted over them both. “Besides, I don’t write a song for just anyone, you know.”


Logan smiled tenderly down into the violet eyes gazing up at him and stroked his thumb over Kaden’s cheeks. Words from the song dug into his heart, burrowing deep, and sending reassurance to him. Kaden had blossomed in such a way in the past year and a half that Logan couldn’t help but be afraid other people would see that and try to take him away. Like the one singing his love’s songs at that very moment. He rubbed his nose against Kaden’s and pulled him closer, drawing his lips lightly over the younger man’s before leaning back. “How much longer until we can go home?” he asked.


“This is the last session, and besides, I don’t have to be here. I already know how they sound. This is just the recording session.” Kaden grinned at Mitchell in the recording room, and the man’s voice trembled a little at the utter happiness on the kid’s face.


Mitchell had tried everything to swing Kaden’s attention to him, drawn to the younger man’s innocence and beauty. He’d been astounded at the teen’s ability to write lyrics, and the depth of emotion behind them. It struck a chord in his heart, bringing forth the urge to protect and hold the smaller man. But nothing he did could draw Kaden’s attention away from the big cowboy, much to his disappointment. He struck the last chord on his guitar and watched the two men in the booth as the last note faded away to silence. He could see the affection and love between them. It made him ache for someone of his own. It had been a long time since he’d had a relationship that lasted for longer than a month.


Sighing, he stood up and made his way into the booth to say goodbye to the younger man and the cowboy. “Great session, guys,” he called out to his band mates.


“Kaden,” he shouted as he entered the booth, smiling in pleasure. He hugged the younger man tightly before stepping back to gaze down at him. “I hope that we did justice to your songs, man.”


“You did!” Kaden exclaimed excitedly. “I loved every one of them. Your voice is perfect for the words. I’m just so amazed that you chose my songs over the ones professionals write.”


“You are a professional, Kaden.” Mitchell smiled at him. “Your lyrics have something to them that will touch the lives of thousands of people everywhere. Don’t stop writing, because in a year, I’m coming back for more!”


“Great! But keep in touch more often than that. Otherwise I’ll think you only want me for my words,” Kaden teased, his eyes sparkling with laughter.


“You should know better than that by now,” Mitchell growled, but he stepped back a little further when he saw the anger that darkened the big cowboy’s features. “I’ll have them send you the CD once it’s done. Have a safe flight back to Montana.” With that, he left the booth to join his mates again.


Logan grabbed Kaden’s hand and started to drag him from the booth. “Whoa. Slow down, Logan,” Kaden protested.


“I just want to get you alone. Now. Before I explode,” Logan ground out as he continued to pull Kaden along behind him to the elevators. Once inside, he yanked Kaden into his arms and brought their lips together in a heated and passionate kiss. Their mouths were trained for each other, knowing exactly how to move and how to part to please the other. Logan’s hands slid down Kaden’s slim back to cup his ass, pulling him tighter against him and grinding their stiff flesh together. Kaden gasped under Logan’s mouth, and he moaned at the friction of his jeans rubbing against him.


“Logan,” he pleaded, his head lolling back as Logan’s mouth left a blazingly hot trail to his throat. Kaden’s hands slid up into Logan’s mane and held on for dear life, his chest heaving with his panting breath. “We… ah… shouldn’t be doing this here,” he moaned, loving the feeling of the hard body pinning him to the elevator wall.


“I’m dying for you, Kaden,” Logan sighed, his teeth nipping at the skin twitching from the boy’s pulse pounding beneath the flesh. “I need to be inside you, to feel you, to touch you. So deep.”


Kaden’s eyes slid closed at Logan’s words, and he tugged Logan’s lips to his, capturing whatever else the bigger man would possibly say. Caught in the heat of the moment, they were unaware of the elevator stopping or the doors sliding open. A woman gasping behind them brought them out of their trance, and Kaden grinned cheekily up at Logan. “I think we’ve been caught.”


Logan chuckled, his broad chest rumbling with the sound as he helped Kaden walk from the elevator, tipping his hat at the group of women who stood there. One of the women giggled, and the others just gave the two of them affronted looks as they passed by. Kaden had grown to be more accepting of people’s censure and had learned to ignore it. His playful side had grown as he had grown, and Logan couldn’t be happier or prouder of the way the younger man had progressed. “Let’s go back to our hotel room,” he said suggestively, and Kaden smirked up at him.


“I don’t know,” he replied with an indecisive sigh. “I mean, there is a lot of sightseeing that I wanted to do still.”


A growl worked its way out of Logan’s throat, and he leaned down to rumble into Kaden’s ear. “If you don’t get your butt in that limo and get us back to that hotel room, I’m going to take you up against this building and be damned everyone who wants to watch.”


The violet eyes widened, and he laughed huskily and a bit hesitantly. Kaden wasn’t so sure that Logan wouldn’t do just that. “Fine,” he said with a roll of his eyes, and he thanked the driver holding the door open to the limo before slipping inside.


The instant the door shut, Logan hit the button to roll up the privacy window and had Kaden pinned to the soft seat of the limo. Over a year ago, that move would have had Kaden quivering in terror, now it only left him quivering in anticipation. Logan’s hand found its way beneath the hem of Kaden’s shirt to caress the slightly rough skin of his stomach, and his lips latched onto Kaden’s ear, suckling hotly. Kaden moaned and sucked in a deep breath when he felt Logan’s fingers roaming over his nipples. “Logan, please,” he whimpered, gripping Logan’s muscled back.


“Please what, little one?” Logan’s hot breath slithered over the sensitive skin of his neck, sending a shiver of pleasure through his thin body.


“Please don’t tease me,” he groaned, arching off the seat as far as Logan’s body would allow.


“You don’t want me to do this?” Logan licked the outer ridges of the tantalizing ear. “Or this?” He slipped the tip of his tongue inside Kaden’s ear, ripping a moan of pleasure from the younger man. “Not even this?” His hand slid down to cup Kaden through his jeans, flexing his fingers to massage the hot and heavy flesh beneath the confining fabric.


“Logan!” Kaden mewled, his breath panting from his lungs, and he decided to extract his own form of torture. His hands moved down to grip at Logan’s hips, thrusting one of his legs between Logan’s. He started to massage the bulge in the cowboy’s jeans with his thigh, and he felt the shudder rip through the larger man. He grinned in satisfaction and murmured, “I can be just as wicked as you.”


Logan knew that Kaden had him in the palm of his slender hand, and he would do anything that his little one wanted. He sat up, bringing Kaden with him to settle him into his lap. As his lips claimed Kaden’s, his fingers nimbly slid the button of Kaden’s jeans from its hole and the zipper parted easily, sliding down to its base. Logan worked his hand inside Kaden’s jeans and caressed him through his underwear. His pulse leaped with lust at the small gasps that Kaden released as he massaged, rubbed, and squeezed gently. The cock beneath his palm felt hot and hard, driving his own passion through the roof. “You are so hot,” Logan said huskily.


“I… umm….” Kaden’s voice cracked when he felt Logan’s fingers brush over the tip of his cock. “This isn’t… mmm… the best… p-place for this!” He tried to find the energy to halt Logan’s ministrations, but his hand remained gripping the hard muscled shoulder.


“But your expression is so sexy,” Logan moaned, slowly lifting Kaden’s hard prick free from the jeans. The cool air of the limo hit the heated shaft, sending a shiver through Kaden. “And I can’t wait until we get back to the hotel to touch you, to taste you.” With those words, his hand gripped the younger man’s straining cock and began to stroke the soft, silky cage over the iron bar beneath it.


Kaden’s eyes were half-slits as his breath wheezed between his parted lips. Lightning zipped through his body, connected to that calloused palm sliding easily over his dick. He watched Logan’s expression as the man watched his hand caressing him. He leaned forward and buried his face in Logan’s neck, suckling at the salty flesh under his lips. Trembling, he felt his passion rising, pushing for the surface like a diver beneath the ocean. “Logan… oh….”


Logan moved quickly, placing Kaden on the seat beside him and diving down to take just the pink tip onto his tongue, closing his lips around it as Kaden lost it. The small cry that Kaden let out pleased him more than anything else in the world. He swallowed greedily, allowing not even a drop to escape his lips. He used his tongue to clean his lover before moving up and over Kaden. The boy’s eyes were closed, and his lips were parted on a gasping breath. Logan’s heart swelled at the sight before him, and he lifted his hand to brush a lock of black hair back from his sweat-dampened forehead. “You are more beautiful to me than the mountains on our ranch.”


Kaden’s hand rose up to trace the deep scar that ran the line of his cheek, and his eyes opened with uncertainty shining deep inside him. “Even with this?”

BOOK: Touch Me Gently
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