Read Touch Me Gently Online

Authors: J.R. Loveless

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Touch Me Gently (13 page)

BOOK: Touch Me Gently
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Logan stifled his rage when he saw the scars that covered Kaden’s stomach, not wanting to cause Kaden to believe for a split second his emotions were anything close to disgust. For Logan, it couldn’t be further from the truth. His body begged him to take Kaden where they sat, demanding to feel the younger man’s body surrounding him. He slowly moved his hand, the shirt sliding up in the process, further up, baring more of the teen’s childhood torment. A thrill raced through him when he heard Kaden let out a moan at the sweep of his palm over the dark-haired man’s hard nipples. “You like that?” he whispered into Kaden’s ear, doing it again and feeling a shiver run through the teen’s body.


Kaden nodded, still feeling embarrassed. Logan’s hand felt wonderfully sinful on his skin, and when it cupped his cock through his pants, a gasp tripped from his lips. He felt the fingers moving and fondling him slowly, caressing him, driving him insane with pleasure. He let out a sound of protest when Logan took his hand away. “Shh. I’m just going to take away the barriers.” Logan sounded amused, and Kaden bit his lip at his wanton behavior.


The button came out easily, and the zipper was loud enough to match the breath panting from Kaden’s lungs. He felt the tugs at his clothing by Logan’s hands, moving them down until his stiff cock came free from its confines. “Beautiful,” he heard Logan murmur, and then one finger trailed along the length of the shaft.


Electricity darted over his body, sending sensations tingling down his spine. Kaden let out a hoarse cry when Logan’s palm fisted his aching cock, slowly, tantalizingly beginning to tug. Each tug pulled at something in Kaden’s stomach, twisting him higher and tighter. Heat invaded his groin, and his toes curled inside his socks. Stars began to dazzle him behind his eyelids, which had slid closed after the first tug.


Logan couldn’t look away from Kaden’s flushed face, the pale lips parted with his panting breaths, a light sheen of sweat dampening the skin, causing his dark hair to stick to his face. He had never seen anything so wonderful, so exquisitely stunning. The soft, slick skin beneath his palm pulsed as Kaden stepped closer and closer to that edge, the moment you let go of the world and everything faded but the wonder of flying. A shudder of Kaden’s body was his only warning, and his eyes flickered to where their bodies were connected, watching as the teen fell off the precipice, a cry of completion filling the room. White seed spilled across his hand, his shirt, and Kaden’s jeans, adding to the mess they’d already made.

Chapter 13


lay there, dazed and astounded at how good it all had felt. Nothing he’d experienced had ever prepared him for the satiation and pleasure inundating his body. Shyness swamped him, and he kept his eyes closed. “Are you all right?” Logan asked softly.


“Uh huh.” He had no other words. They’d been stolen by the breathtaking beauty of his first mutual orgasm.


“Were you scared? Did it feel good?”


He could hear uncertainty in Logan’s voice, and finally found the courage to open his eyes. He grinned up at Logan, his gaze twinkling with merriment. “No, I wasn’t scared. And hell yes, it felt good.”


Logan released a sigh of relief, nuzzling Kaden’s throat for a moment before pulling back to grimace at the mess they had made. “I think we should get cleaned up. We got a little dirty.”


Kaden laughed and went to stand, but Logan scooped him up before he could move off him completely. “Together,” Logan said, his tone brooking no argument.


Unease flittered over Kaden, but he knew he had to show Logan he trusted him, so he nodded. Logan gave him a wide, unabashed grin and juggled Kaden in his arms enough to lean over and turn off the TV and the light. He strode toward the stairs with purpose, heading up to his bathroom for privacy. Shea wouldn’t be home for another hour at least, but he didn’t want to take any chances at Kaden being embarrassed or ashamed. He set Kaden on his feet gently, reaching in to turn on the water and let it heat up before stripping his clothes off.


His eyes glued to the hard, chiseled body being revealed to him, Kaden stood there, his arms crossed over his belly. Logan turned and spotted him fully dressed, stalking slowly toward him. “You’re still wearing clothes,” he pointed out, his voice slightly accusing.


Kaden’s hands shook, and he still hesitated to remove his shirt. But Logan took that choice from him when he stopped in front of him and grasped the hem of Kaden’s shirt. “Lift your arms.”


He complied reluctantly, and Logan slid the shirt over his head. His pale skin was littered with scars, varying in size and shape, from his shoulders to his chest and lower still to his belly. His arms came down to cover his chest as much as possible, but Logan gently gripped his wrists, pulling them away from his body. He felt the cowboy’s lips settle against one of the scars. “Never hide yourself from me, Kaden. You’re beautiful. And even if I have to kiss every single mark on your body to make you believe that, I will do it until the day we die.”


Logan’s hands dropped to his jeans, sliding them down his legs and encouraging him to step out of them. He now stood naked in front of Logan, who in turn led him into the shower and beneath the spray. Kaden had never felt as cherished as he did during the next twenty minutes. Logan soaped up his body, carefully washing each and every inch, from his neck down to his feet, squatting down to wash them. When Logan massaged his scalp with shampoo, Kaden couldn’t stifle a small sigh of pleasure. It felt good, and he could feel the man’s body leaning against his, sending a deliciously sinful shiver down his spine. But Logan didn’t try to pursue any more physical contact, just finished washing him up before quickly taking care of his own body.


He wrapped Kaden up in a big fluffy towel, drying him gently and carefully, littering his shoulders and the back of his neck with butterfly kisses. When he’d finished, he slapped Kaden lightly on the butt and said, “Go, get in bed. I’ll be there in a moment. I just have to use the bathroom.”


Kaden gave him an indignant look over the ass slap and stuck out his tongue before darting out into the bedroom and climbing beneath the sheets. He snuggled down and closed his eyes, exhausted from the day’s events. It didn’t take long before he slipped into a deep sleep. He never even felt Logan sliding in beside him, or the strong arms that wrapped around him, dragging him back into the warm, hard body.


Sunlight streaming in the window the next morning woke Kaden, and he blinked, confused for a moment about where he was. A warm body pressed against his back, and he remembered the events of the previous evening. The heated moments with Logan on the couch, the wonderfully erotic shower, and sliding beneath the covers of Logan’s bed, naked, all came back to him. He lay there for a moment, just enjoying the safe, warm feeling. Today he wanted to show Logan exactly what he’d accomplished with Mantacor. Excitement and pride wound through him. He couldn’t wait to see Logan’s expression when he saw Kaden astride the white stallion. Secretly, with Shea’s help so that Logan wouldn’t be angry with him, he had been working with Mantacor on trusting him more, accepting a saddle, and letting him ride him. Of course, he’d fallen off a few times due to Mantacor’s fear of letting someone close to him, but eventually, after a few days of working with the animal, he’d managed to mount the horse and ride him around the corral. Kaden didn’t trust the stallion enough yet to take him out of the corral, but at least he’d made progress. It would only be a matter of time before he could actually take Mantacor for a true run.


Kaden shifted to his side to face Logan when he heard the cowboy waking up. Propping his head up on one hand, Kaden watched as Logan slowly came to consciousness, the brow furrowing against the light splashed across his face, his eyes squinting shut a little tighter, and then the lips parting on a sigh as his eyelids slid open. Logan blinked a few times to clear his vision, his lips quirking up in a sleepy smile at Kaden. He reached out and lightly caressed Kaden’s cheek. “Good morning, little one.”


“Morning, Logan. Get up. I have something I want to show you after breakfast,” Kaden said excitedly, unaware of the picture he presented with his hair disheveled, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes sparkling with his eagerness.


Just as Kaden went to leap from the bed, Logan gripped his wrist, pulling him beneath him before Kaden could even react. Kaden blinked owlishly up at Logan in surprise at suddenly being underneath the cowboy. Logan felt relief at the obvious lack of fear in the violet eyes. “You’re supposed to give me a kiss good morning,” he pointed out with a devilish grin.


The corners of Kaden’s lips curved upward, and he wrinkled his nose at Logan. “We both have morning breath. At least let me brush my teeth first.”


“No.” Logan lowered his head, feathering his lips over Kaden’s before deepening the kiss and thrusting his tongue into the depths of the boy’s mouth.


A soft moan issued from Kaden’s throat, and he brought his arms up around Logan’s neck, threading his fingers in the sandy blond hair. Their skin slid against each other, the friction causing both of them to gasp simultaneously. Kaden felt Logan’s cock stabbing his thigh, and panic rushed in. He nervously pulled away from Logan, closing his eyes and turning his head away. The cowboy relented, rolling to his back and flinging an arm over his face. “I’m sorry, Kaden. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”


“It’s all right. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I know that it can’t be easy for you to have to deal with my stupid—” Logan’s hand came over his mouth, muffling whatever he would have said.


A glint of anger flickered in the intense green eyes as Logan reprimanded him fiercely. “Don’t ever apologize for being afraid. Not after everything you’ve gone through. I do not want to ever hear you say those words again.”


Kaden nodded weakly, his eyes wide and his lips quivering as Logan lifted his hand away. “Go. Go get dressed, and you can show me this surprise after we eat,” Logan said wearily, brushing the backs of his index and middle finger down Kaden’s arm.


Logan watched as the teen scrambled from the bed, hurriedly putting on his jeans and grabbing the rest of his clothes before darting out of the bedroom. He flopped back onto the bed and cursed himself, calling himself every name he could think of for being such an idiot. But the boy had been so tempting that he hadn’t been able to resist. It would take time to gain Kaden’s trust, and be able to make love with him. He accepted that, but his body wanted to ignore what his mind told it. Sighing with resignation, he headed into the bathroom to take the thousandth cold shower since the younger man’s arrival.


Kaden hummed happily as he began to fix breakfast, a smile hovering on his lips no matter how much he tried to school his expression. Nothing could make him sad right now. He stared out the window above the sink, catching sight of Mantacor dancing around in his corral, tossing his long mane and flicking his tail with happiness in the early morning sunshine. “Someone sounds happy this morning!” he heard Shea chirp behind him, and Kaden turned to smile at her.


“Good morning, Shea. I’m going to show Logan this morning, so you have to keep him inside while I get everything ready,” he informed her as he slid eggs and bacon onto three plates before adding two slices of toast each.


“That’s great, Kaden!” Shea walked over to grab the glasses for orange juice out of the cabinet, setting them on the table before grabbing the jug from the fridge.


Kaden poured himself and Logan a cup of coffee while she set out the silverware on the small kitchen table. Logan stepped into the kitchen just as the two of them were sitting down to eat. He dropped a tired kiss on top of Shea’s head and slid into the chair next to Kaden. “So what’s this surprise?” he asked as he started to eat.


He saw the looks that passed between Kaden and Shea, secretive looks. “You’ll have to wait, big brother.” Shea winked at him and stuffed a bite of toast in her mouth.


Logan could see the pride and satisfaction in Kaden over his surprise, and warmth settled low in his belly as he watched the excitement in Kaden. The boy could barely sit still, and as soon as he was done eating, he stood up, washing his own plate and fork. “I’m going to go get everything ready,” he said, flitting out the door before Logan could say anything.


He looked over at his sister in question, but she just smiled smugly and finished up her breakfast. “Don’t move from that chair until I tell you to,” she said, washing her dishes and grabbing his when he finished. She watched out the window while she washed the dishes, and Logan couldn’t figure it out for the life of him. “Okay, bro. Time to go.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him from the chair. “Close your eyes!”


He rolled his eyes but obeyed, falling sedately behind Shea. She led him down the porch steps and across the hard, packed dirt. “Open your eyes,” she cried, and he opened them to find Kaden sitting astride Mantacor. His eyes widened, and his heart began to pound.


“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” he shouted, startling Mantacor slightly.


Kaden’s wide smile of accomplishment faded, and he stared with hurt at Logan. “I… I’m sorry. I thought you’d be happy. I didn’t do it alone. Shea helped me the entire time.”


Logan swung his head to glare at his sister. “What the hell were you thinking, Shea? He could have been seriously hurt! That horse is dangerous.”


Shea’s hands came up to her hips, the defiant stance matching the pissed off look on her face. “You really are an idiot, Logan. In case you haven’t noticed, that horse adores him. Mantacor would never hurt Kaden on purpose. He’s as docile with Kaden as Brandy is with me! Now look what you’ve done! Kaden, get back on the horse.”

BOOK: Touch Me Gently
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