Tortured Beginning (16 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Tortured Beginning
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I turn around to see Steve, Mr. Bauman and Trevan talking. I look in the yard, to see Lynette and the girls playing with Lucy. I walk to where they are and put my arm around Lynette's shoulder.

"Well how are you?" I ask.

"I should ask you that. I see you brought Detective Dreamy with you."

I laugh at her and shake my head. "Yeah. So where are your kids?"

"They are on vacation with my parents. They took them for two weeks, I thought it would be great. But I miss them like crazy."

"Damn, but that was nice of them. Where did they go?"

"They went RVing. Down to the Grand Canyon and making stops in between."

"Well shit, that's a nice vacation."

"Yeah. Steve and I have been enjoying a quiet house. But they have been gone a week and I'm ready for them to be home."

I shake my head as we watch the girls. Lucy keeps bringing them the ball and they throw it for her. We decide to walk back to the patio and join everyone else.

I grab the chair next to Trevan and put my hand on his knee. He looks over to me and smiles, as he puts his hand on mine. The rest of the BBQ goes by fast.

I enjoyed everyone's company with great food and good beer. When we get ready to leave, it's late and I wrap my arm through Trevan's, as we walk back to my house. Moments like these, I can actually see myself being some what normal.










Trevan and I decided to do something, only us this weekend. We always do things with our friends, or we go to each others house. He made plans to go out to eat and said the rest of the night is a surprise.

Anne and I had gone shopping, which we haven't done in so long. It was a fun day at Lakeside Mall, which normally I don't like doing. We had a nice lunch, and caught up on everything. She didn't talk much about her and Wyatt, so I'm not sure what is going on. I feel like an awful friend, but she needs to figure out what she wants.

I know those two are meant for each other. They are having a hard dealing with Kyle, at least that is what I think. I might have to go have a talk to him, to tell him to knock it the fuck off. He decided too late to save his marriage, he obviously doesn't understand that.

I look at myself in the mirror and I look hot, downright sexy. I laugh at myself, hoping Trevan likes it. I bought myself a little black dress. It's form fitting on top with spaghetti straps, and flares out to mid-thigh. I grab my purse and strappy shoes.

I set them by the front door and I look to see that I have about twenty minutes until Trevan gets here. I step out onto the deck to have a quick cigarette. I sit there wondering what the plan for tonight is.

I walk back in, in time to hear the doorbell. I hurry to the door and open it. Standing with a dozen coral colored roses, is Trevan. He walks in and hands them to me.

"Thank you. They are beautiful."

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman," he smiles at me and I want to melt.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a vase, from under the sink. I get them situated in the vase, and put them in the middle of the table.

"You ready to go?" he asks.


We lock up. I'm not sure where we are going, so I sit waiting to see where we head. He starts driving to the expressway and now I'm very curious. Once we get on the expressway, I turn to Trevan.

"So where are we going?"

"We are going to eat downtown Detroit, at Pegasus. They have the best greek food, if that's okay?"

"Sure. I love greek food."

It's a forty-five minute drive into the city and I sit back to enjoy the ride. Not that there is much to see, on this stretch of road. Lots of shopping areas, than closer to the city, houses. Downtown Detroit is a great place to go. The girls and I have gone done to the Casino's. It was so much fun. I also like to go down to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts). I have gone down by myself quite a bit and get lost in the art.

I don't usually go downtown to eat, I'm excited to enjoy this with him. I love going to Red Wing games, or the Detroit Tigers and I have always wanted to go to a Lions game. I'm not a huge sports fan, but there is nothing like going to watch a game live. Maybe we can do that this fall.

We get to our exit and I'm thankful he knows where he is going. He drives down a few streets and we reach Greek Town. He pulls into the parking lot and pays the attendant. Once we are parked, he runs to my side and opens the door for me.

Being with a cop, makes me feel even more safe being down here. Like I said, downtown is fine, you just have to be careful on the outskirts of town. That is where all the crime is.

I loop my arm through Trevan's and we walk the block and half to the restaurant. Once inside, the hostess greets us. Trevan gives her his name for the reservation he made. We sit and I order a glass of red wine. It's their house wine and the waitress said it was very good.

Once we order our food, I sit back, taking a sip of wine. I savor the taste of it and close my eyes. I've always enjoyed a good tasting wine, I don't drink it often enough. I open my eyes to see Trevan looking at me, a smile comes across his face.

I smile back, "What?"

"Nothing. I was enjoying watching you."

"Yeah," I smirk back at him.

"Don't do that. You need to let people in you know."

I don't like the tone in his voice, but I don't want to ruin our night. I take another drink of my wine, trying to wash away the anger.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to be mad. I know it's hard, but you are worth it. I hope you realize that."

"Okay. Let's leave that alone for now, I don't want to get into a fight."

I can see the hurt in his eyes, "Fine."

I sigh, not liking where things have gone. We were having a nice evening. Why does he feel like he has to fix me. I don't want to go down this conversation.

"So what is the big surprise for after dinner?" I hope to change the subject.

He smiles, "Do you really want to know, now?"

"Well, yes." I lean forward on the table and smile widely at him.

"We are going to see Wicked."

I actually jump up and down in my seat. I am so excited, I had mentioned once that I really wanted to see it.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much, I can't believe you did that."

I lean over the table and kiss him hard on the lips. He looks up at me and laughs.

"Well I guess you are happy."

"I have wanted to see that for so long, I can't wait."

The start of an argument forgotten now. My mind was only on the evening ahead. The waitress brings our food and we talk happily with each other.


I was worried that the evening was going to be lost when we were at dinner. I only want her to be happy and she can be, if she lets herself. I don't understand, why she won't even talk to me about any of it. I have never been in that situation, but I deal with people who have all the time.

I put my hand on the small of her back, as we walk out of Fox Theater. I was entranced watching her. She was so enthralled in the show and I loved to see her like this. Once out of the theater, I listen to her talk about how much she loved it.

She has kissed me a dozen of times on our way back to the car. This is how I would love to see her all the time. Happy and content with the world, enjoying herself.

I open the car door for her and help her into the car. I walk over to my side and start the car. I glance over at her, before I back out. She smiles back at me, looking very content. 


I wake up in the morning and smile over at Trevan. The night before is almost like a dream. I haven't enjoyed myself  that much in a long time. We got back to my house, and I wouldn't take no for an answer, he was coming in.

Once in the house, I thanked him thoroughly for the wonderful date. I know I seem like a kid, but this was the nicest evening I have had with a man. I was shocked that he remembered I said I wanted to see Wicked. That was so sweet, I wanted to jump him in the restaurant.

I don't want to think about our almost fight. Eventually I'm sure he will want to talk about it, but I'm not ready to do that with anybody right now. I want to enjoy what we have together, there is no need to complicate things with my past.

I don't know much about his past, and I don't ask him to share it with me. Is it to much to ask that I don't want to share?

I get out of bed, kissing him gently on the cheek. I go into the bathroom to quickly do my business. Once done, I go downstairs and make a pot of coffee. Still savoring my happiness from last night, I step outside.

I light a cigarette and enjoy that first one. I walk back in and get together a plate of muffins and coffee cake for breakfast.

I cut up some fresh fruit and have a nice spread for us. I hear the doorbell ring and smile, because only one person would come over this early. I walk to the door and see Trevan coming down the stairs. I smile up at him and he smiles back.

I open the door to see Anne and Wyatt on the other side.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning. Come in, I just made coffee."

They walk in and  follow us into the kitchen. Trevan and Wyatt step outside, talking about sports or something. I smile and like how things have ended up for all of us.

"So how was your night?" Anne asks.

"Oh my god, he took me to Wicked. It was amazing."

"That is so great, I know how bad you wanted to see that."

I get the coffee in the portable carafe, as I tell Anne all about last night. She pulls down my big tray and grabs mugs. She places cream, sugar and spoons on the tray next to the mugs.

"So, how are you and Wyatt?"

"We are fine. It's been a bumpy ride, but we are good."

"Yeah. But I think you guys will get there."

"So how are you and Trevan?"

"We are good." I smile at her.

She nods, as if she knows something that I don't. She puts the coffee on the tray and picks it up. I grab plates and napkins, setting them on the tray as well. I grab the plate of breakfast goodies and the tray of fruit.

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