Tortured Beginning (15 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Tortured Beginning
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He grabs a condom from his wallet and quickly puts it on. When our eyes meet, he closes the distance between us. He grabs me by my ass and lifts me onto the island counter. He moves his hands up my back as he takes one of my breasts into his mouth. I arch my back with the sensation he sending through my body. He moves his mouth to my other breast and I groan with the feeling of his tongue on my nipple. He gently tugs on the tip, before he starts kissing me down my body.

His hands are every where as he kisses, until he reaches my pussy. He looks at me from between my legs, than licks between my folds. That is almost my undoing, the wondrous feeling of his tongue on my clit. He kisses and licks, I almost reach my climax.

He starts kissing my inner thigh, then works his way back up my body. I feel as if I might very well explode from the pleasure of it all. He pulls me close and I can feel his hardness at the tip of my opening. He pulls me to his lips, and I can taste myself on his lips. That only excites me more and I groan into his mouth.

He pushes into me with such force, I feel as if I might split. I pull away from his lips to kiss his neck and pull at his ear. He groans with his own pleasure, as he continues to push into me with such urgency. I can feel my climax coming and know he is almost there as well. He grabs me by the neck, our eyes meet and he pushes into me with all his force. That is all it takes to bring me to the edge, him as well. I scream with my release and I here him groan with his.

I fall back onto the counter, trying to catch my breath. I feel him pick me up and I wrap my arms around his neck. He carries me up the stairs and into the bathroom. He gently sets me on the edge of the tub, as he starts the shower.

We step into the shower and I let him wash me. He starts with my hair and the feel of his fingers in my hair is heavenly. When he is finished with my hair, he washes my body. I then do the same for him. I love the feel of his body on my fingertips. This to me, is more sensual than sex.

We get done in the shower and we both towel off. I go into my room to get into my comfy sweats and a t-shirt. I hear Trevan go downstairs, that's where his clothes are. I think dreamily to myself, how wonderful that was.

I walk happily back downstairs and into the kitchen. I find Trevan spraying disinfectant on the counter and scrubbing it down. I start laughing, he looks up and smiles.

"We can't leave it now, can we?"

"No, we can't. I'll order our pizza. What do you want?"

I walk to the drawer with all my menus and find Hungry Howie's, my favorite.

"What ever you want, but no black olives."


I grab the phone and dial. I order my favorite, three cheesier pepperoni pizza, with butter garlic crust. I also order a cheese bread. The girl gave me my total and said it was a thirty five minute wait.

"It will be thirty five minutes."

Trevan nods, and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me and I put mine around his neck. He kisses me gently on the lips.

"Want to watch a movie?" he asks.

"Sounds good."

"I pick this time."

He points a finger at me, playfully. I nod and follow him into the living room. He grabs the remote and turns on the On Demand, feature. He looks to see what is playing.

"Okay, let's watch Lucy."

"I heard that was a good movie," I reply while shaking my head.

We watch about fifteen minutes, when we hear the doorbell.

"I got it." Trevan says.

I decide while he grabs that, I will grab plates, napkins and Coca-Cola for each of us. I walk back into the living room, and he is putting the pizza on the coffee table. I set everything down next to it.


We settle in on the couch with food and watch the movie. We had such a great day, the zoo was a good idea. She really enjoyed herself, and I could tell that I chipped at the wall a little. Everything was going well, until I tried to hold her hand. I could mentally kick myself for trying to push her to fast.

I know it will take a while for her to bring those walls down. She will probably never let them down completely. Things have happened to her and I don't think it's all from Ben. I make small glances over to her, and think how lucky I am that she let me in at all.

Once I'm done eating my pizza, I throw my plate on the coffee table. I close the distance between us and pull her back into my chest. I love having her in my arms, I wish things could stay this way. I know it will be a long hard road for us, if she lets us take it.























Jaylah and I have been having a great time together. We go out with friends, she has even spent the night at my place. I have Ben's court date today, and I want to see her before I go. She was talking about showing up, but I don't want her there. I explained to her that she doesn't need to show, this is pretty much an open and shut case. Because he violated a court order and we have witnesses, there is nothing he can say to get out of this.

I pull into the front of Sweet Pleasures and feel excitement at the thought of seeing her. I've feeling like this in a long time. I thought I had it once for Tami, but she decided I wasn't the one for her. I had a hard time with it all, I was in love with her. I wanted to marry her and she didn't want to be in such a serious relationship. She felt she was too young to be tied down.

So after a year together, four months of that we lived together, she was gone. It was almost a year ago already. I shake myself from my thoughts, I don't want to think of her anymore.

I get out of my car and walk up to the shop door. The bell dings, as I open it and I walk up to the counter.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the girl behind the counter asks.

Before I can answer, Jaylah walks out from the back. Our eyes meet and she smiles widely at me. God she is so beautiful when she smiles, I want her to always be like this.

"Amanda, I got him."

The girl smiles as she looks between the two of us. She nods, and walks past Jaylah to the back.

"Hey." I smile at her.

"Hey, yourself. You want a coffee?"

"I would love one, please."

She nods and I watch as she make me one, in a to go cup. She walks around the counter to where I'm standing and hands me the cup.


"Let's go sit over her for a minute, okay?"

She points to the couch in the corner, and I nod. I follow her there and sit next to her. I know she is thinking about Ben and what will happen today. I set my coffee on the coffee table in front of the couch, and grab her hand.

I rub my thumb across the top of her hand, in hopes of consoling her. She looks into my eyes, and I'm sure I see a tear in the corner.

"Look everything will be okay. He is going to jail for a while."

"I know, I just hate all of this. I want it over and not have to think about it anymore."

"Well you won't have to after this."

"Only until he gets out, and then he will be looking for me."

"I will be here, I'm not going any where. Trust me, okay."

She nods and stands up when she hears the bell ring above the door. I grab her and pull her back down to me. She looks into my eyes, as I rub my knuckles across her cheeks. I kiss her gently and wipe the tear that falls.

"I will come see you when everything is over."



I watch as Trevan walks out the door. I sit back down on the couch and simply sit there. I feel drained from all the emotions I have been having lately. I know Ben is going to jail for a while, but he will get out. And when he gets out, he will be fucking pissed off. I know he will come looking for me. I almost went down and dropped the charges. But I know that Trevan, Anne and Lynette for that matter, wouldn't let me do that.

I see Anne coming towards me and sits down.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I'll be happy when this is all over."

"It already is."

She puts her hand on my shoulder, then pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, grateful she is in my life. I pull away and smile at her.

"I know, let's get back to work."

We both get up, and head back to the counter. For the most part the day went pretty quickly. I look up to see that Kayla is here, to close the shop. I'm thankful that we have people we can trust working for us.

Our business has been picking up, along with the economy. We have been talking about hiring some more people. Also about promoting either Kayla or Amanda to a manager, maybe even both. It would be nice if we didn't have to work so many hours. I know Anne wants to spend as much time with the girls, since she doesn't have them all the time. Plus she wants to spend time with Wyatt.

I realize, that I have been so wrapped up with myself that I haven't been a very good friend. We haven't hung out and talked in a long time. I know we see each other at work all the time, but it's not the same. I don't even know how her and Wyatt have been doing lately.

He use to come into the shop all the time, now it's only once in a while. Well I think it's time for us to all hang out. I decide to plan something this weekend, as long as Anne doesn't have the girls.

I walk to the back and find Anne in the office doing paperwork. I lean against the door opening and wait for her to notice me.

"Yes?" she asks with a smile.

"Do you have the girls this weekend?"

"Actually no. Why?"

"Okay. Let's plan to spend sometime together. All of us, Lynette, Steve, you, Wyatt, me and Trevan."

"That sounds great."

"We can figure out all the plans, together."

She nods and goes back to her work. I turn and make sure everything is done, before I can leave. I walk through the to the front and talk over the closing with Kayla. Once that is all done, I can finally leave.

I walk to the back, taking off my apron as I go. Anne is in the back, doing the same. We walk out together, and she stops in front of my car.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I don't know."

"Well I'm having a BBQ tonight, why don't you come over? You can bring Trevan, too."

I smile, "Sounds good, darling."

We both get in our car and drive the short distance home. I pull into the driveway and up the path to my front door. Once inside, I hear my cell phone ring. I dig through my purse and finally find it. I see the screen says it's Trevan, and I hurry to answer it.


"Hey. Can you talk?"

"Yeah, I just walked in the door."

"I wanted to let you know that he got one to three years."

"Really? Wow."

"Yeah, he could get out sooner with good behavior. But for now he will be locked up."

"Well that's great."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Oh, by the way are you busy tonight?"

"I'm busy with you, sweets."

I smile at him calling me sweets, "Well that's good, Anne invited us over for a BBQ."

"Sounds good. Let me get ready and I'll be on my way."

"Okay. See you soon."

I hear the click and hurry upstairs, to take my shower. I actually feel a light in my step, knowing Ben is gone for a little while. It also helps knowing that Trevan is on his way over.

We walk across the street, with a bottle of wine to Anne's house. I see Wyatt's truck parked in front, and also Anne's dad. I'm surprised she is having everyone over. I wonder if she has news, or just wanted to have us all there.

I walk to the gate to the backyard and walk through it. Once we walk through, Lucy comes and welcomes us. I bend down to give her a scratch behind the ear and kisses. She runs off and I follow her to the patio. Lucy is Mr. Bauman's Weimaraner and she is such a great dog.

"Hey bitches, I'm here." I yell to everyone and laugh. Trevan puts his hand on the small of my back, I turn and smile at him. "Everyone this is Trevan. Trevan this is everyone."

All of a sudden, I get run into by Katie and Shannon. They both wrap their arms around my middle and squeeze. I wrap my arms around them and squeeze them back.

As quickly as they came, they run off again. I see Anne's dad, sitting at the table and I rush over to say hello. I haven't seen much of him since he was home from the hospital. I look to Trevan and he follows me to the table.

"Well there she is. How are you?"

"I'm doing good, Mr. Bauman. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. So who is this?" he asks, pointing to Trevan.

"Hello. I'm Detective Trevan Ryan," Trevan replies extending his hand. "But call me Trevan."

"Well it's nice to meet you. It's nice to see our Jaylah, with someone nice." He winks at me as he says it.

I roll my eyes, "Who ever said he was nice."

We all laugh, "I'll be back. I have to find Anne."

"She's in the house," Mr. Bauman replies.

I nod and walk through the sliding door, into the kitchen. She is at the counter cutting up onions. I set the bottle of wine on the other counter and lean up to it look at her.

"Well. Why are we having a big party?"

"It's not a party."

"What the fuck ever. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Is it okay that I only wanted everyone here?"

"Yeah that's fine. But I don't buy it."

"It's the first time the girls are meeting Wyatt. I didn't want it to be just us."

She sets down the knife and looks at me with worried eyes. I can tell that she is having a hard time with this all.

"Oh, that's a great idea. "She looks down and shakes her head, I grab her arm gently, "Hey, it's fine."

"Am I doing the right thing? Maybe I shouldn't have him here."

"Stop it. The girls will be fine. They are stronger than you think."

I see her mentally struggling with this, "Your right."

She picks her knife back up and starts cutting onions again.

"Do you want my help?"


Anne tells me what she wants done, and then I hear Lynette. Now that we are all here, this will be quite the night. I can hear Lynette, talking to Mr. Bauman. I smile to myself, glad to have all these people in my life.

I grab the plate of chicken, to have Wyatt put on the grill. I walk over to him, and he smiles back.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I've been better. Anne is making me nervous as hell," he smiles, unsure of himself.

"You'll be fine."

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