Read Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1) Online
Authors: Marissa Dobson
“Come on, let’s go to bed. I think we could all use a little cuddling and sleep.” She stood and tugged his hand.
“I’m injured; doesn’t that mean I get to lay next to my beautiful fiancée?” Kain didn’t even open his eyes or move. “Actually maybe…I’ll sleep…here.”
“No, buddy, you need a bed. Tonight you and Cody can sleep next to her, after all I think you both need her the most.” Aiden winked at her and leaned down to help Kain sit up. “This relationship is all about compromise and we’re all in this together. Tonight is about touches, cuddles, and forgetting the awful shit that has happened. Tonight is about us. Tomorrow we’ll deal with the rest of the world.”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” She needed to hold her men, to know they were safe, as much as they needed to hold her. These men were her life, and if she had lost even one of them tonight her heart would have broken. She didn’t have favorites or love one more than another, she loved and needed all of them. Soon, they’d be her husbands.
Cool air drifted around Paris, blowing her hair into her face. She didn’t bother to push it away, instead she stood there watching her husbands with their families. This was the first barbeque of the summer, and they were holding the event in their new house. It was extra special since Aiden and Kain’s family had joined them as well. Everyone was joking and chatting as if they’d known each other for years. There was something special about a family living beyond the terms of monogamy. Paris felt they cherished times together that other families didn’t have.
Dividing their time between Wyoming and Colorado had required them to buy a second home. Even though this one wasn’t custom built as the one in Wyoming had been, it still became their home, and more importantly, it was less than a mile from her family’s house. It was still a ranch style house, with lots of land, but somewhat smaller. They didn’t each have the dedicated office spaces they had at the other place. This one only had four bedrooms, not that it mattered since most nights they all slept together, rotating so no one person was always stuck on the outside.
Everything had come together almost perfectly. She had found three amazing men she was destined to spend the rest of her life with. Mom’s cancer was gone and hopefully for good this time. London was still adjusting to his new role within the company, but now that she was only around part time there was only Dottie for him to fall back on and she wasn’t cutting him any slack.
Schwartz had accepted the position as her assistant with some reservations. He had been against it at first and accused her of using it as a way to get him out of the line of danger so he’d make it home to Mya. They had some heated discussions about it, but in the end it had been Cody who had convinced him he was perfect for it. With this new position, Schwartz, Mya, and the nanny were stuck traveling back and forth as well. This time when they returned to Wyoming there would be a new house just off the mountain on their land for Schwartz and his family. This had been Aiden’s idea to keep him close in case anything should happen since they all firmly stood against having round-the-clock guards.
Their security wasn’t as big of a deal in Thermopolis, Wyoming, as it was here because the community was smaller, and where they lived no one had a reason to be there unless they were coming to the house. Aiden, Kain, and Cody had bought up all the surrounding land around the house, giving them all the privacy they could ask for.
Schwartz stepped through the sliding glass door with Mya in hand and Riley just a few steps behind him. “Mya’s been putting up a fuss today, wanting to see you.” He brushed the blonde hair from the little girl’s face.
“Come see your Aunt Paris.” Paris held out her arms and Mya came right to her. Schwartz had asked all the Nelsons to step in and be a family to the little girl. After all, he considered them family as well, and with Mya being raised around them, it seemed like the right thing to do. Paris loved being an Aunt. It was giving her hands-on training for her own children.
At almost two years old, Mya was still a love bug; they believed she was trying to make up for the time her mother had neglected her. Even now, Mya’s mother—Schwartz’s sister—had turned to drugs, leaving him alone to raise her.
“Have you figured out what you’re going to do about her calling you Daddy?”
“Oh, Paris.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “It feels wrong.”
“But that’s what you are to her.”
“Yeah, you’re the only parent she has,” Riley pointed out.
He looked between the two women. “What if my sister gets her life back together?”
“You know the chances of that.” Paris hated to crush his hopes, but it was unlikely and Schwartz needed to consider that. “Even if she does, by the time she’d prove it to the courts, Mya will be old enough to understand.”
“I know you’re right, but it still feels wrong.” He glanced back at Riley. “I’m
the only parent she has.”
“What? You can’t seriously mean—”
“No, I mean
. You do just as much, if not more for her.” She started to say something before he cut her off again. “Don’t give me that
it’s just your job
stuff. I see how you are with her. If it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t have adjusted as well as she has.” He took her hand into his. “Thank you.”
Paris watched them and wondered if something was happening between them. Riley was a sweet girl, and she’d taken to their way of life without any issues. She had been open and accepting, but she seemed so innocent compared to Schwartz.
“Darling, I need you in the house for a minute,” Kain called from the doorway.
“Excuse me.” She started to hand Mya back to Schwartz only to have her kick up a fit.
“Just bring her if Schwartz doesn’t mind,” Kain hollered over the little girl’s cries.
“Go ahead, we’ll grab a beer and we’ll be out here.” Schwartz tipped his head toward the chest of drinks by the table.
Adjusting the little girl on her hip, Paris turned to Kain. “What’s going on?”
“There’s someone I need you to officially meet.”
She stepped into the kitchen to find a man who looked very much like Kain standing near the island in the kitchen. The only thing missing was the cowboy hat Kain favored, but the other man had the same business-like stare.
“This is my brother Jenkin, and he needs your help.” Kain pulled out one of the bar stools for her and she took a seat with Mya on her lap.
“Help with what?”
“I want what Kain has.” He rested his hands on the counter on either side of his hips. “Except it’s not that easy.”
“Love never is.” She smirked and looked up at Kain. “But it’s always worth it.” She shared a moment with Kain before she looked back at Jenkin. “So, what is it you need my help with?”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Another man stepped into the kitchen.
Her body stilled as her gaze traveled over him. His shaggy dark brown hair fell to the bottom of his ears. His deep green eyes seem to hold a mystery she wasn’t sure she wanted to unravel. She didn’t recognize him, and he wasn’t one of the guards.
“I’m Scott, Jenkin’s husband.”
She turned to Kain. “You didn’t say—”
“That my brother was married to a man,” Kain interrupted. “No, I didn’t, but I didn’t think it mattered. They’ve been out of the country for the last six months and I was waiting until you met him.”
“It didn’t…I mean, it doesn’t matter.” She shook her head and turned back to Jenkin and Scott. “I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot and I’m sorry about that. It’s just surprised me, that’s all.”
“You’re not the first to be shocked.” Jenkin took Scott’s hand in his own. “Until I met Scott, I never knew…I’d only been with women until him.”
“That’s why we need your help, your company’s help. Jenkin and I want to find a wife who will accept our relationship, while still allowing us to have one with her.” Scott glanced at Jenkin, appearing nervous.
“Okay.” Paris bounced her leg to keep Mya quiet as she thought things through.
“They’re leaving in the morning with my parents, but when we get back to Wyoming at the beginning of the week, maybe you can meet with them,” Kain suggested.
“You’re leaving so soon?”
“We have to get back. Scott’s a songwriter and has a deadline at the end of the week.” Jenkin looked over at his husband, who nodded. “But next week, once you’re home, we’d like to speak with you about this. That is…if you think you can help us. Kain seems to think you can.”
“I can help. I have no doubt about that. I’ll just need to pry into your lives. I’m not sure you want your new sister-in-law doing that.”
“We have nothing to hide.” Jenkin pushed off the counter. “Then we won’t take up any more of your time with this today. Once you get back home and settled we look forward to hearing from you.”
“Welcome to the family,” Scott said. “I’m sorry I was unable to attend the wedding, I was in Scotland working with one of the artists who’s using my songs on his album.”
“I understand.” She said goodbye to Scott and Jenkin, watching as they left. Once they were alone, she turned to Kain. “You could have told me instead of springing it on me like that.”
“Actually, I didn’t know until two weeks ago and I figured it was best for you to meet them in person. They eloped when Jenkin went to Scotland. Said they didn’t want to wait another day.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “It wasn’t until they arrived an hour ago that he said he wanted your help. I knew you couldn’t start right now, but I wanted you to meet them and know what they wanted.”
“I feel like I made a fool of myself.” She slipped off the bar stool and adjusted Mya in her arms. “What a wonderful impression I made on my new brother-in-laws.”
“It’s not them you’re married to, so who cares. Anyway, you did fine.” He leaned down to kiss her just as his father popped around the corner.
“Hey, Kain, your mother is looking for you.”
“Go ahead,” she told him. “I’m going to get a drink and I’ll be out.” In reply, she received a quick kiss before he turned to go outside.
She bounced her niece up on her hip. “I made a fool of myself, but still my man loves me. When you’re older make sure you find a man just like my husbands.” In response, Mya cooed.
She grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and headed back out to join the party. “You know, little one, you’re getting heavy. Let’s find your playpen and set you down.”
“Here, I’ll take her.” Riley appeared as she glanced around to check where the playpen was set up.
“Thanks.” Paris waited as Riley lifted the little girl. Turning, she began looking around for one of her men.
“Daughter, you have a glow about you. Is there anything you wish to tell me?” Mom strolled up next to her, carrying a large bowl of fruit salad. Her mother’s brown hair was still short, but it was starting to fill out again now that she wasn’t going through the cancer treatments, and her figure was beginning to regain the weight she had lost. No one would have suspected that just a few months ago she had been fighting for her life.
Paris instantly touched her stomach as the doctor’s words played out in her mind again.
She still couldn’t believe it. In seven and a half months they were going to be parents. That was one of the reasons for this barbeque, so they could finally spill the news about her pregnancy with everyone gathered in one place.
“Well, Paris?” Mom pushed again when she didn’t answer.
“We were going to announce it after everyone ate.”
Her mother wrapped an arm around her and squealed with joy. “I’m going to be a grandmother!”
“What’s going on?” Paul stopped on his way out the door. Mom turned to him, tears in her eyes.
“I thought we were going to wait.” Aiden slipped his arm around her waist and tugged her closer to his body.
“Mom knew, I didn’t say anything.” She let her head fall back against Aiden’s chest and looked up at him. Her sexy husband gleamed down at her, a twinkle in his eyes, and she knew he was just as excited to tell everyone as she was. “Well, the cat’s out of the bag, let’s tell them.”
Aiden hollered for everyone to gather around. Kain and Cody moved beside her, knowing what was about to happen. Not only was she excited she was going to be a mother; she knew her amazing husbands would be wonderful fathers. She was also thrilled her child would be brought in a family surrounded by such love.
Her child would be able to have the extended family she hadn’t had growing up. Paris wondered if she’d missed out on something special, but she knew her baby wouldn’t. Her grandparents and the rest of her parents’ families had disowned them when they had come out about being together. She’d be able to offer her child something she didn’t have—many grandparents and other family members. London, and Kain’s brother, would make great uncles as well.
She hadn’t begun to show, but still she ran her hand over her stomach, knowing life was developing within her.
“My sweet child, you’ll be blessed with people who care about you. Not just your parents…but everyone.” She leaned into Aiden’s embrace and took hold of Kain’s hand. As if knowing what she wanted, Cody came to stand behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Her men.
“Time to party,” Cody whispered, his mouth next to her ear. “Then, after everyone leaves, we’ll have a party of our own. After all…there are still a few rooms we haven’t