Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1)
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This woman was already working her way into every thought he had. He hadn’t been able to focus on work. Since she arrived, he had been focused on how he was going to convince her they no longer needed her matchmaking services because she was the one. His father’s advice that everything would fall into place might be good, but the three of them needed to put a plan together on how they were going to approach this. They needed to work together to claim their woman.

“Aiden,” she called, waving her hand in front of his face.

He shook his head, sending his thoughts floating away as if on water. Now with his head clear, he realized she had said something. “Sorry, what?”

“I asked you where we were going now.”

“Through that door.” He nodded to the second door. “The other is the bathroom. It connects to where we’re going, but also has a door from the hall. This area could be used as another master bedroom, but all three of us have our space on the second floor so this isn’t set up that way. Open the door and find out what’s there.”

She did as he asked and they stepped into a large room with floor to ceiling windows that showed off every aspect of the view three different ways. The only wall that was closed off was to the bathroom, but with the house backed up against a mountain, the view wasn’t lacking anything on that side. The furniture was minimal in here. Two warm brown sofas were positioned so one could take advantage of the views, and there was no television or any other diversion. This place was for relaxation. When any of the guys came up here, they left their cell phones downstairs, and the others knew not to bother them unless it was an emergency. This was the one place they could just be and not have to worry about daily stresses.

“It’s beautiful.” She moved closer to the windows while he hung back, giving her a moment to enjoy it. “It looks like the land just goes on and on.”

“The room was Cody’s idea. He’s always been more in touch with the land and outdoors than the rest of us.”

“It’s a view to be envious of that’s for sure. The gentle rolling hills, green grass, animals roaming…and then in the distances the mountains shooting up like giant stairways to the sky.” She spun around to see the view from the other side. “No matter what way you look it’s stunning.”

“Whether the sun is rising or setting, you can see it from here. Maybe on your next visit you’ll be sure to time it for the sunset. It is really something you shouldn’t miss. It’s a truly unforgettable experience.” One he wanted to experience with her. To see the last rays of sunshine off her body, mixing with the warm orange, pink, and blue tones, was something he didn’t want to miss.

She nodded but didn’t give him an answer. “My home office has the view of the mountains but nothing like this. I can see the snow covered peaks, but that’s about it because of the high walls that have been built surrounding our property. It keeps us safe but it obstructs the views. Whereas this…this is just amazing.”

He came to stand next to her, and when she looked at him, there was a twinkle of happiness in her eyes. The others might have wondered why he brought her somewhere that was so special to them. This was their private area, one they never allowed visitors to venture in. But this was all part of his plan. She’d leave and this spot would be on her mind; he hoped it would lead her thoughts back to them. Her next visit would be scheduled for later in the day, and she could enjoy a romantic sunset with them—one they’d be ready for.

Chapter Six


The house was eerily quiet as Paris made her way toward London’s office in search of an update on Mom’s condition. She had planned to see her parents, but with the silence, she thought her mother might be resting and didn’t want to disturb them. With the cancer treatments taking a toll on Mom, she wouldn’t disturb them if they had finally managed to get some sleep.

“Paris,” London whispered from the middle of the staircase leading upstairs.

“Why are you whispering?” She kept her voice low to match his but all she got was a gesture asking her to climb the steps before he turned and started walking. Seeking answers, she followed him, climbing the stairs two at a time before finding him on the landing between their spaces. His bedroom, office, and sitting room were to the left while hers were to the right. “What the hell’s going on?”

“The treatment was rough today and Mom’s resting.”

Now that she was closer, she could see the strain around his eyes. For the first time she saw something in him she hadn’t seen before. Fear. He was growing up and facing things head on like the rest of them had to, instead of hiding behind partying or work. “Dads?”

“Paul is with her and Mathew has gone to get a new medication the doctor prescribed.” He rubbed a hand over his face before looking at her again. “I’ve never seen her this bad. I feel so helpless, there’s nothing any of us can do.”

She reached toward him, laying her hand on his arm. “We can be there for her. We can deal with the company so Dads can be by her side during the treatments and when she’s here. They’ll let us know if there’s anything else we can do. Otherwise, as hard as it is, we just have to wait. Mom’s strong, she’ll get through this.”

“I hope so. I know they don’t want us to worry but when you see the worry in our fathers’ eyes, it’s hard not to. Mathew has been putting in fewer hours at the office and working more from home. I thought at first it was because of the attack on the office, but now I realize he wants to be close to Mom.”

“Even Mathew has been doing less and clinging to Mom more.”

“Do you think they know something we don’t? Could they have given Mom a time frame?”

She ran her hand up his arm, chasing away the goosebumps that had risen on his skin. “We can’t think like that. I don’t believe our parents would keep something like that from us, and the doctors wouldn’t be pushing such a high radiation and chemotherapy round on her, three days a week, if they didn’t believe there was a chance it would send her back into remission.”

“Mom is the center of this family, the one who keeps us all together. What happens if she doesn’t make it?”

“She’s going to and we’re not going to think like this.” She nodded to her door. “Why don’t you come in and have a drink with me?”

“I can’t, I’ve got an early flight to Florida. Can I have a rain check?”

“Sure, when you get back. I thought Jake was off tomorrow.”

“He is.” He raised his eyebrows at her, giving her a wide-eyed expression. “The horror, but I have to travel like common folk. This was a last minute trip. I don’t know if you remember Mr. Langer and his family, but his second wife was killed in a car accident last night. I’m going to attend the funeral and see if there’s anything I can do to help them.”

“I remember them. He hired us to find him a third wife.”

He nodded. “Wonder if that makes her the second wife now.”

“Anything you need me to cover while you’re gone?”

“I’ve got most everything done, and Dottie will handle the rest. If anything comes up I’ll let you know because I’m not sure how long I’ll be there.” He turned his sparkling blue eyes toward her—his father Paul’s eyes. “Paris…you will call me if anything changes with Mom, right? I can get the first plane back.”

“You know I will and I’ll send Jake to fetch you if you can’t get a flight home. It’s going to be okay.”

He nodded and turned back toward his open door, but she could tell she hadn’t been able to relieve his worry. That didn’t surprise her because she was terrified they’d lose Mom, too. “London.” She waited until he looked over his shoulder toward her. “I love you, little brother.”

“Love you too, sis.” He stepped into his quarters and closed the door, leaving her standing in the hall alone.

She needed to know how Mom was but didn’t want to disturb Paul. Instead, she pulled her cell phone out of her bag as she headed to her room and pulled up Mathew’s cell number. She sent him a quick text message asking him to stop by her room when he got home. With that done, she pushed the door shut to change out of her business suit and into something more comfortable before checking her email and voice messages.

She quickly slipped out of her clothes and into a pair of heather gray yoga pants and a white tank top before heading toward her desk. Even after the long day, there were things she wanted to attend to. Most likely phone calls from clients she had to return, and she knew there were emails that required her attention. On the airplane she could have pulled out her laptop and worked but her thoughts were preoccupied with Aiden. Well, not just him, but all three of them. She couldn’t separate herself from his case as she had done in the past with other clients.

She pulled her laptop from her bag, sat it on the desk, and booted it up. It was too late to make the calls she needed to some clients, but she could reply to the emails. More importantly, she wanted to start the system running a detailed check on all three of the men. She wanted to eliminate any surprises they’d failed to mention during her visit before she went any further. Maybe she’d find something that would force her to push them from her thoughts. She was beginning to think they were perfect for

She shook her head, trying to chase that thought away. She was their matchmaker, and that was as far as things would go. There was no use wondering how their hands would feel on her body. Or worse yet, what it would be like to have them in her bed.

They were attractive, but it was more than that for her. These men had answered questions about what was important to them just as she would have. When matching people, they were matched on levels beyond physical compatibilities. They needed to want the same things, have the same goals, desires, and so much more. If she was the client and not the matchmaker, she’d have thought they’d be a perfect fit for each other.

“Damn it, Paris, no!” She scolded herself just as there was a knock at her door. “Come in.”

Mathew peaked around the corner. “Hey, sweetie, I got your text.”

“Come in, Dad.” When he hesitated, she added, “It’ll only take a minute and then you can get back to Mom.”

He entered, closed the door behind him, and came closer to her desk. “Thanks for covering the Aiden Dalton case for Paul. Did you have a good trip?”

“It was fine and I promised to find them the perfect wife, so don’t worry about that. You and Dad need to focus on Mom. The case isn’t why I asked you to come up here.” She strolled around the desk, standing closer to him. “How is she? Truthfully, Dad.”

“My sweet little girl is all grown up.” He smiled at her but there was a sadness in his eyes.

“I’ll always be your little girl, Dad, but I need the truth. How bad is the cancer this time?”

He laid the brown bag from the drugstore on the desk and sat down on the only chair in front of her desk. “Oh, Paris.”

She knelt in front of him, taking his hands in hers. “That bad?”

“It’s worse than last time, and you know how hard that was on her. This chemo and radiation combination was a killer, and today was only the first day. It’s going to get worse over the next three weeks. Three treatments each week for the next three weeks before her doctors want to run a fresh batch of tests, but it’s possible there’ll be an additional three weeks.”

Three to six weeks of this combination therapy might be Hell, but if it kept Mom here, they all knew they’d fight to make it happen. Mom wasn’t a quitter, none of them were. She pushed back the tears that threatened to fall. “Mom’s strong and we’re going to get through this. What can I do to help?”

“You’re already doing too much.”

“Dad, we’re family and we’re there for each other. London and I have the company managed, but what else can I do?” She ran her thumb over his knuckles.

“There’s nothing you can do. Not really.” He paused, glancing from her desk and back to her. “Just spend time with her when she’s up to it. If this has taught me one thing, it’s we never know when our days are over.”

“She’s not—” She couldn’t bring herself to give him false hope, because in the end no one knew when their time was over. “Dad, there hasn’t been a time line given, has there?”

He turned from her and refused to meet her gaze. “I’ve got to get back to them.”

“Dad!” She didn’t budge when he started to get up. If he wanted to stand, he’d have to push her out of the way. “If anything has been said like that I’ve got a right to know. London and I have a right to know so we can cherish whatever time she has left.”

“Paris.” He finally looked at her, and she saw terror in his eyes. He was scared of losing his wife. “The doctor didn’t say it to your mother, he’s a friend of Paul’s and he mentioned it, but there’s nothing definite.”

“What did he say?” Despite the fact it was going to break her heart, she still needed to know.

“He only mentioned that if this treatment combination doesn’t work, it’s our last hope. That…” His voice broke before he was able to continue. “That we needed to prepare for the possibility…that she wouldn’t make it to the first thaw.”

Deflated, she sank back on her heels. The possibility that her mother’s cancer wouldn’t go into remission again had hung over them, a constant fear since the news came that the cancer was back with a vengeance. But the first thaw? It was January, that didn’t leave much time. She couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her face.

“Paul and I made the decision not to tell you or London until we knew something definite. There’s no reason to worry if this treatment works. If not, we’ll know in three weeks and then we would have told you.”

“It’s that bad.” The words came out barely above a whisper.

“I’m afraid so, sweetie.” He stood, drawing her into his arms and held her tight as she cried. She wasn’t sure how long he held her, but when she finally pulled away he added, “Let’s keep this to ourselves, don’t tell London yet. He’s already worried about Mom and there’s no reason to stress him out more until we know something.”

“I think he already suspects something. When I came home tonight, he was waiting for me. He’s worried about her. I know we all are, but I still think he should know before he leaves for Florida in the morning. As you said, no one knows what the future holds. None of us will ever forgive ourselves if he gets on that plane tomorrow and something happens to her.”

He shook his head. “I’m leaving here at six in the morning and you know he’s not an early riser. It’s going to have to wait until he gets back because I’m not going to ask Paul to watch for London in the midst of caring for Mom.”

“I’ll do it.”

“You’ve had a long day and I’m sure you have work you need to attend to. He’ll be back in a few days.”

“No, Dad. He needs to know. I’ll tell him in the morning if that’s okay with you.”

He took a deep breath and exhaled before nodding. “Tell him not to say anything to Mom. We don’t want her to know or to give up fighting. If she becomes discouraged, we might lose her.”

“I’ll make it clear, but if there’s anything I can do please come to me.”

“I will, but now I have to get back to Mom. I love you, sweetie.” He kissed her cheek before reaching past her to grab the drugstore bag.

“I love you too, Dad. Give Mom and Dad my love too.”

When he left, she leaned against her desk. The work she had planned to do was suddenly unimportant. It was as if her whole world had shattered around her. Before she spoke to London, she needed to get her head together. Her emotions were all over the place, making logical thought nearly impossible.

Needing fresh air, she pulled open the sliding door to her private balcony and stepped outside. The cold winter air enveloped her, welcoming her to the winter wonderland. Below her, she saw the guard making his patrol of the perimeter. Everyone around her was going about their business, while she tried to face the eventual death of her mother. She was only twenty-five and London twenty-three; they were both adults, but they should have their mother around for many more years to come. Mom should be able to see her children get married, have children of their own, and enjoy all the other milestones of the future.

Standing there in the cold, she let the tears fall until her body shook. She gave herself time alone to fall apart so she could put the pieces together and be strong for her family. By the time the tears had ended, she was shivering from the cold. Her cell phone, which she forgot she’d shoved into the waistband of her yoga pants, was vibrating. She tugged it out with the intention of sending whoever was calling straight to voicemail. Aiden Dalton’s name on the screen caught her attention, and without thinking, she answered and brought it to her ear.

“Hello, Mr. Dalton.” She couldn’t bring herself to answer more formally, and ask him what she could do for him, because at the moment she just wanted to hear his voice.
Damn it, Paris. He’s not yours. Don’t get attached.

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