Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1)
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She slipped into the shower without waiting for an invitation. He stood with his back to her under the raining showerheads, soap running down his body. Even though he didn’t turn around, his back muscles tightened. For a moment, she stood there enjoying the way the soap bubbles slid down his body, before racing down the drain. Finally she stepped closer, giving into her temptation, running her hands up his slippery back.

“I knew you’d join me.” He leaned back, letting the water run through his hair. “Damn, you get more beautiful each day.” He advanced on her and pushed her against the cool tile, grasping her wrists with one hand and holding them hostage above her head.

“Funny, I was thinking something similar…though more manly. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find the three of you, but it’s more than I could have hoped for. You’ve invaded every thought I have. You keep my body on edge.”

“Let me take the edge off you.” He crushed his mouth to hers, and slid his hand between her legs. He worked his thumb and forefinger against her nub to drive the pleasure from her. Heat erupted against his touch, radiating in tingling waves outward, weakening her legs. If he hadn’t been bracing her against the wall, she’d have slid down onto the floor. Fierce desire rose within her.

“Take me,” she murmured against his mouth, holding onto him as wild delight streamed through her.

He grazed her lower lip with his teeth and pulled his hand away. She cried out in frustration, but he ignored her demands. Gripping her hips, he lifted her and spread her thighs before he drove into her with one powerful thrust. She moaned and twined her arms around his shoulders as he withdrew and thrust into her again, deeper, harder, his pumping almost savage as he revealed some of the beast within. The water pummeled from the outside while his pounding sparked sensations inside of her she’d never experienced.

He left her mouth, feathering kisses along her collarbone. She held onto his shoulders as every pump of his hips sent pulses of pleasure exploding through her. She tightened her legs around him as he groaned and shoved himself deeper into her. The pressure built within her until her body trembled and another orgasm rushed upon her. She held onto him as he slammed home in a frenzy. A climax tour through her with such force her world came apart at the seams, her inner muscles clenching around him as he continued to drive into her.

His climax burst through as a second tsunami shattered her world. She shook with the force of it. This man utterly devastated her.

The water turned cold and he shut it off, sliding free of her slowly and reluctantly. Her mind was almost numb, raw sensation skittering through her. With loving tenderness, he used a large towel to dry her off.

“Beautiful…” When she didn’t look up at him, he used his index finger to tip her head. “You okay?”

She couldn’t blink the tears away, instead she wrapped her arm around him, burying her face in his chest. “What if I lose one of you?”

“Shh, love, that’s not going to happen.” He wrapped the towel around her shoulders and held her tight.

“If Mom’s cancer has taught me anything it’s that we’re never guaranteed tomorrow.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I don’t know how I could live without each of you.”

“I know, love, but it’s going to be okay. We’ve got many years together before anything will happen to any of us.”

“Each of you are so different than the other but somehow you’ve come together to be everything I wanted in my husbands. Cody is the sensitive, caring, and romantic one. Kain, my sexy cowboy is strong, protective, resourceful, yet has a side he keeps hidden from others that I’ve gotten to see and explore. Then there’s you.” She leaned back to look at him. “My football player turned businessman. Just like me, you have a work ethic that drives others mad. Still you find time for me and the others. You have depths I have yet to explore, but I have a feeling you’re as much of a romantic as our Cody.” She paused and leaned back a little farther. “Until now, I hadn’t realized it but…”

“What, beautiful?”

“Somehow you’ve taken the lead. Kain and Cody both look up to you. Even when it came to me, you were the first one to claim my body, and only then did the others follow suit. Cody might be shy compared to you and Kain, but he’s a man of his own right. Then there’s Kain who almost seems like he should be in charge. He’s got the authority in his tone. He’s the one who reached out to the company for help finding a woman. Yet he looks to you to guide things along more than Cody does. How did you manage to get two strong men to follow your lead without a sexual lure?”

Aiden leaned away from her, his muscles tightened under her embrace. “Are you claiming that the guys and I have kept a sexual relationship from you? Because I’m sorry to disappoint you but all we share is friendship. We have a brotherly bond, you might even say we love each other, but there’s nothing sexual about it.”

“I didn’t mean to imply anything. Only what I’ve seen. I think the four of us work so well because you’ve already worked this out between the three of you before you found me. This saved us from having a struggle over dominance.” She lightly hooked her feet behind his knees to draw him closer to her. “You, my gorgeous man, are the leader of our little group. Did you realize that?” She took in his stunned expression and smirked. “You never knew.”

“I guess I didn’t, we’ve just always been together, working together. We’ll continue to work together to make you happy and to make sure you have everything you want.”

“The three of you are all I want.” She leaned in closer, drawing their lips together. Her lips brushed against his and she whispered, “I love you, Aiden.”

Chapter Fourteen


By the time Paris and the others arrived back at the hospital, things were buzzing. Family and friends rushing to see people, nurses and doctors busy at work, even with all the activity it was hard to forget what this place represented. The awful stench of illness and ammonia enveloped her as they made their way down the long corridor. The smell stole the breath from her lungs. Hospitals were the one place she always hated. The stench never seemed to disappear, and hidden within the walls were people breathing their last.

Kain had his arm around her waist, his fingers teasing over her hip as they walked. “Deep breaths.”

“Easier said than done.” She felt like she couldn’t get enough air and black dots danced in her vision.

“Do you want to stop for a moment?” When she shook his head, he tightened his embrace, pulling her a little snugger against his body. “I’ve got you, now just breathe.”

“Are you okay?” Aiden came up to her other side and took her hand into his.

“I’m just freaking out about whatever it was Doctor Tobias found that made him call us back to the hospital an hour before the scheduled meeting…that’s all.” She tried to make light of it as her heart tried to beat its way out of her chest.

“It’s going to be okay. Remember, whatever the reason, it might not be bad, and we’re here by your side.” Aiden reassured her.

“You’re making a scene, Paris, let’s go,” London bitched.

“Why don’t you go on ahead if you’re in a rush?” Kain’s body tensed. “Doctor Tobias won’t be there for another ten minutes.”

Aiden stopped and turned to London who had been lagging behind them. “Your problem has been with me since I arrived, but your sister doesn’t need this. Instead of this ill directed anger, you should be thinking about your mother. Let us worry about Paris.”

“How am I supposed to stand by and watch as you hurt her? When you leave I’ll be the one left behind to help her pick up the pieces.”

She shook out of Kain’s embrace and spun around. “London, I’ve had enough.” The tears she had been holding back forced their way down her face. “I love you, but I just can’t take this. Right now I don’t honestly care that you don’t like Aiden. I love him and that’s what should matter to you. If you can’t support my decision to be with him, that’s your choice, however I can’t stand for your hostile attitude. Right now the whole family needs to be joined together for Mom’s sake and that includes Aiden, Kain, and Cody. Please, little brother, I’m not asking for you to be happy for me, just stop being so angry at least until we get Mom better. Then if you want to rant and rave, have at it.” She tried to keep her voice low, but she could see people glancing in their direction.

Mathew, who had joined them sometime during her rant, cleared his throat. “I had hoped after sending you home with them, you’d have worked out whatever issue you have with Mr. Dalton. Since you haven’t, I’m going to ask you to keep your distance. Right now we’re dealing with enough and our focus needs to be on Mom. We’ll deal with your grievance in time. Now, Doctor Tobias will be joining us shortly so can we please act like a family that gets alone instead of having these discussions in the hallway?”

London brushed past them and into the critical care waiting room when Dad turned to her. “Paris, I’m sorry you have to deal with this. He’ll come around if you give him some time.”

“Right now I don’t care.” Even as she said the words, she knew it was a lie. “Right now I’m focused on Mom, the company, and them.” She glanced at her men before turning her attention back to Dad. “Any change with Mom?”

“We haven’t been able to see her until a few minutes ago since they were doing the tests. But I have to tell you I received a heads-up from a journalist friend of mine that the media has gotten hold of this. They know she’s been admitted and within the hour they’ll be outside.” Mathew glanced to Aiden. “It’s only going to make it worse that you and the others are here. If you want to slip out before the madness starts, now’s your chance.”

“Absolutely not. We’re here with Paris and you all the way. I’ll apologize in advance if my former career brings any additional media attention to you and your family at this time, but we’ll stay with her unless she asks us to leave.” Aiden looked down at her.

“I’d never ask that.” She leaned her head against his chest.

“Good.” Mathew nodded. “I’m glad to see my little girl has men who will stand by her side instead of running off when things get tough.”

“Oh, Dad, did you really think I’d choose anyone but the best? After all, I had good role models, and my men have the same outstanding qualities my fathers have.”

“Guys…” Paul stood just down the hall, ushering them along. “I’d like a few minutes to talk this over as a family before Doctor Tobias joins us.”

Outside the waiting room, Kain touched her arm. “Maybe we should wait out here.”

“Oh no.” Mathew shook his head. “You’re part of this dysfunctional family now, and you brought Doctor Tobias to us.”

“He’s right and I want you with me.” When she still saw a hint of hesitation in his eyes, she stepped closer to Kain and laid her hand on his chest. “Please.”

“When you put it like that, how could I deny you?”

Her cowboy leaned down toward her. “We’ll always be at your side. Don’t doubt that. I only thought you and your family would like to discuss this and make a decision without the three of us hanging around, especially with London’s current attitude toward the situation.”

“He’ll get over it, or he won’t. I’m not letting it change things for me. For the first time in longer than I can remember I’m truly happy. You three make me happy. I have something besides work. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work but it makes it all the more worth it to know I have you guys waiting for me at the end of the day.”

Inside the waiting room, Paul and London were already sitting at the only table. Mathew went to take the seat next to Paul, leaving four empty seats for them. Feeling only slightly guilty, she took the seat next to Mathew and let her men work out who sat to her right. Kain, Aiden, and Cody sat in that order so that Kain was next to her and Cody sat next to London. She wasn’t completely sure it was the best idea to have Cody there, but before she could give it more thought Paul leaned forward placing his hands on the table.

“Mathew and I have been discussing the situation with Mom, as well as looking over the study that is ongoing with this drug. We agreed not to make a final decision until we know where the new tests stand. However, we have an idea which way we’re leaning. We also have some additional questions for Doctor Tobias. The question is, have you given it more thought? Paris, let’s start with you.”

“As I said before, I know Mom would want us to fight for her. From what the doctor said before her chances of a recovery with this drug are stronger than without. I think we’ve got to trust him and do it. If it was me in that bed, I would hope you’d do the same for me. I don’t want to be left unconscious as life passes me by. If I’m alive then I want to be enjoying it with my family, otherwise…pull the plug.”

“We’re not talking about you,” London snapped.

She forced a deep breath into her lungs and held onto the chair to keep from climbing over the table to smack him. “Any idea where I got it from? Mom! She’s the one who taught me the value of life. Do you honestly think Mom wants that?”

“It’s better than losing her.”

“How?” She leaned forward in her chair. “If she can’t be an active part of our lives, how is this better? What about Dads? Don’t they deserve to have their wife home with them?”

“Paris.” Mathew laid his hand on her shoulder.

She turned her head so quickly she felt her muscles cry out in pain. “What? You agree with him?”

“No, but London is scared of the alternative. It’s understandable. We all are.” Tears glistened in Mathew’s eyes. “I don’t want to lose my wife. She’s the glue that keeps us all together, the reason I get up in the morning. There’s nothing better than opening my eyes and having her face the first thing I see.”

“Maybe she’ll come back to us on her own. Maybe she doesn’t need this drug. As you said, Paris, Mom’s a fighter,” London tried to reason.

“The longer she’s in the coma the less likely that is,” Paul pointed out. “If this continues much longer there could be more damage done from the coma itself. Not to mention that she’s not undergoing her treatments.”

“You’ve already decided to do it, haven’t you?” London pushed his chair back and stood. “Why have us gather around if we have no say in what happens?”

“I said when we sat down that Mathew and I already had a direction we’re leaning toward. Yes, if the tests come back that she’s a candidate and our questions are answered as we expect, then we’ve decided to do it. As for why we want your thoughts on it, you’re both adults and our children, your opinion matters.” Paul eyed London and added, “Though I will say I had expected you to handle this whole situation better. You’re not acting like an adult, but a spoiled child. I know you’re upset about Paris’s men, but that’s no reason for this.”

“I’m looking out for my sister!” London raged, glaring at Mathew. “Weren’t you just demanding that she come home because there’s danger surrounding Kain because of that baseball player?”

“We have taken precautions to ensure Paris is safe from Kings.” Kain turned to look at London, who was now pacing behind the table. “Kings might be an ass and after me, but he wouldn’t harm innocent bystanders.”

“You can’t guarantee that.”

“There have been attacks on all of us
Kain came into my life.” She pushed back the chair and stood. “Remember a year ago? Those protestors attacked, and Schwartz ended up totaling the SUV trying to get us out of there safely. This is nothing new. That wasn’t the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last time I’m a victim because of the lifestyle I choose to live.”

“Is this a bad time?” a voice interrupted.

She turned to see Doctor Tobias standing there, files in hand.

“No, Doctor. Please come in and tell us what you discovered about my mother’s condition.”

He grabbed a chair that was against the wall and brought it to sit between her and Mathew. “As you know I’ve ran a new batch of tests, some which they already ran and others they hadn’t. Every test from the simplest blood work, to additional scans to see where the cancer is and how advanced it is. I have some good news and bad news. The good news is Mrs. Nelson would be a perfect candidate for this drug.”

“The bad news?” Mathew asked.

“Her white blood cells are elevated, as if she’s fighting off some type of infection. I’ve ordered the blood work again, as well as a brain scan.”

“Couldn’t the white blood cells be high because of the cancer? I thought they were high last time as well, weren’t they?” Paul looked to Mathew for confirmation, who nodded.

“This brings me to the main reason I’ve called you together.” Doctor Tobias glanced at Kain, a huge smile etched over his face before he turned back to Mathew and Paul. “The cancer is gone.”

“What?” Paris couldn’t dam the tears up as they began falling freely down her face. “That can’t be? Doctor Vander said—”

“I’ve read all of his files, and I’ve looked at the tests they ran before her treatments began as well as the ones done two weeks ago. It’s truly remarkable, but the cancer is gone.” Doctor Tobias pulled two x-rays out of the folder that sat before him. “This was two weeks ago and this…this was taken less than an hour ago.”

Paris blinked and tried to take it in while her mind screamed it was a dream. She couldn’t process it. For weeks the whole family had started to prepare themselves for a huge loss. Even though Mom was still alive, Paris knew she had already started to grieve for what they all thought was the inevitable. After finding out Mom was going to live, her chest was tightening and she couldn’t breathe.

“I need to see her, please…”

Kain wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close to his body. She hadn’t noticed Aiden and Cody get up from their chairs but suddenly they were behind her, their hands on her shoulders.

An hour later Paris was sitting by her mother’s bedside, still in shock. The whole family had eaten, thanks to Cody who had brought food from the house since they were rushed back to the hospital. The additional tests had all come back clean, and now they were just gathered around her bedside to see if the drugs would work. The only one missing was London, who’d decided he needed fresh air. She suspected he was still fuming over the whole situation with Aiden, along with the family siding against him on this treatment.

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