Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1)
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“We might get off the hook for a bit but it won’t be long.” She snuggled against his chest, enjoying the feeling of his arms around her. “You know that’s why I took your case. I don’t normally do a lot of face to face stuff with clients, I’m more the matchmaker behind the scenes. Dad needed someone to cover for him and he came to me, because he knew how London would react to who it was. We didn’t even put your information in our system and
client past or present is in the system.”

“Well, I for one am glad you came to us.”

“Me too.” She smiled and lean to kiss him. It was chaste compared to earlier but it was all she could manage. “Mom knew all about you and after my first visit she told me to get my butt back here and claim my men. Little did I know when I arrived for that family celebration that the three of you had your own plans in mind.”

“In the end we all got what we wanted.” He pulled her back against his chest, holding her tight. “We’ll be right by your side and we’ll make sure you get through this.”

“I’ve brought the SUV around to the front. We need to get a move on it, the snow is starting,” Kain called from the bottom of the steps.

“We’re coming.” He let his hands slide down her back. “You ready, beautiful?”

“I just wish I was there already.”

“We’ll be there soon, Cody’s waiting for us with the jet ready.” He kept his arm around her waist as they made it down to Kain.

“I’ve got to grab my bags.”

“I’ve already got them in the SUV.” Kain held out her coat for her to slip her arms into.

Aiden put his own coat on before touching her arm. “Don’t look like that.”

“Like what?” She let Kain button her coat because her fingers just wouldn’t stop shaking for her to do it herself.

“You’re looking around this place like you’ll never see it again. We’ll be back.”

“Oh, Aiden…Kain.” Tears rolled down her cheeks again. “If this is prolonged I might not be able to come back for a while. My family will need me.”

“Then we’ll stay with you.” Kain wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “We’re a team, all of us, and we’ll make this work.”

Even as her heart broke and her hands trembled, she couldn’t help but feel blessed because of the men in her life. They were truly the best the world had to offer and they were hers. She loved them even if she hadn’t said the words aloud to all of them

Chapter Twelve


The hour was late and the hospital was deserted by the time they had arrived. Paris walked hand in hand with Aiden and Cody, leading the way through the emergency room and heading toward the critical care wing when security stepped into the hall blocking the way.

“The hospital visiting hours are over. Unless your family was taken from the emergency room, you’ll have to wait until morning.” The taller security guard crossed his arms over his chest.

Anger rushed through her. It was unreasonable, but she couldn’t help it. She had made it all this way and she wanted to get to her family. To find out what was going on and possibly see her mother. Her family needed her and she needed them. No security guard was going to stand in her way.

Kain laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle rub. “Darling, I’ve got this.” He stepped around them and closer to the security guards. She wasn’t sure what he said but whatever it was, they nodded and stepped aside. “Come on, darling.”

She let go of Aiden and Cody’s hands to wrap her arms around Kain’s neck. “Thank you.”

“It was nothing. They were only doing their job, once I explained the situation it was fine. Now let’s get to your family.” He kept his arm around her waist as they carried on down the hall, the others just a step behind them.

They made it down the rest of the hallway toward the first floor critical care unit without any problems. She glanced to the closed doors and she knew somewhere behind those pale blue doors her mother lay in a coma. She wanted to go there, to demand the staff let her in to see her mother, but that would do no good. What she needed to do was find her family, who were in the waiting room.

“Paris.” Paul stood in the doorway to the waiting room looking completely worn out.

“Dad!” She slipped from Kain’s arms and dashed toward him. “Oh, Dad, how is she?”

He pulled her into his arms, burying his head in her hair. He just stood there and hugged her. She hugged him back because she knew he needed it, while her men stood behind her giving them the space they needed. When he finally stepped back, he nodded for them to come into the waiting room. He led them toward the only round table in the room where they could sit together. Paul sat beside her, while Aiden took her other side and the other two took the last seats.

“Mathew’s with Mom, but there’s no change. Doctor Vander believes this reaction might have been caused by her newest medication but he’s running tests to be sure. Right now we just have to wait. There’s no telling when she might come out of it or if she will. The staff have been nice enough to understand our situation and have allowed one of us to stay with her at all times. There’s also a private security guard at her door round the clock.”

She glanced back at London who was spread out over one of the sofas, looking extremely uncomfortable. “He should have gone home to rest.”

“He refused to leave.” Paul glanced to the men before his gaze settled on Aiden for a moment. “You’re going to have a hard time explaining why you’ve kept this quiet.”

She reached beside her and took Aiden’s hand in hers. “I’ve already told him all about London being a fan. Still, he was willing to risk family drama to be by my side.”

“Thank you all for bringing my daughter home.” Paul looked from each of them before back at her. “I’m sorry to have to call you home like this.”

“Don’t, Dad, you had no control over this and this is where I want to be.”

“There were guards who were supposed to meet you at the airport. Didn’t you see them?” Paul looked at the doorway as if expecting them.

“I sent them away.”

“You did what?” He raised his voice, his eyes widening.

“Dad, I have these three with me. I didn’t need any more of an entourage and this is a family matter. We didn’t need this place crowded with guards while we’re dealing with Mom’s health.” She laid her hand over his, trying to calm him.

“We’d have kept Paris safe,” Cody added.

“He’s right.” Aiden nodded in agreement.

“Dad…” She squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back to her. “You said the medication might have caused this. Is there something they can give Mom to reverse the side effect?”

“They’ve taken her off the medication and now we just have to wait. It could take seventy-two hours for the drugs to completely leave her system. Paris, there’s just nothing we can do but wait. Doctor Vander has consulted with some of the best doctors in the world and we just have to wait. I’m sorry.”

“Then why don’t you get some rest? You’ll be no good to Mom if you’re exhausted. I’ll be right here and if anything changes I’ll wake you.” She nodded to the sofa he must have been using sometime before they’d arrived; there was already a pillow and blanket on it.

“Sir, your daughter is in safe hands,” Aiden told Paul when he hesitated.

“I have no doubts there. My baby girl wouldn’t have chosen just any men. She’d want ones who would make her feel safe.” He laid his hand on her shoulder. “That’s the very least you deserve after the danger we’ve put you in.”


“I know, I know. Don’t give me that speech again.” He rose from the table. “I’m going back to check on Mathew and Mom. When I come back with an update, you can go home and get some rest. There’s nothing you can do here tonight and you know I’ll call if she wakes up.”

“I just got here, there’s no way I’m leaving.” She glanced at her men, feeling slightly guilty because she knew they wouldn’t leave without her, but she hadn’t flown all this way to go wait at home.

“You’re as stubborn as Mom, so I know you’ll do as you want. I don’t have the strength to argue with you. Why do you think London is still here? I gave up fighting him to go home and rest. How did I manage to get saddled with two stubborn kids?” Paul mumbled as he made his way from the waiting room to the critical care unit across the hall.

“He’s right, you need rest.” Cody moved from where he had been sitting to the chair next to her.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Then lay down on the sofa. We’ll wake you if anything changes,” Aiden suggested.

She brushed off their touches and rose from the table. “I’m not tired.” She stalked over to the small kitchenette. She needed something to keep her hands busy, to keep her from bashing someone with her anger. Losing it now would bring nothing but tears. Still, that wasn’t what kept her together; it was the fact that her family needed her. Dad could walk back through that doorway at any moment and he didn’t need to see her falling to pieces.

Hadn’t their family had to deal with enough already? Cancer had been eating away at Mom and the family for long enough. They needed a break…they needed the treatment to work.

“Hon…” Aiden whispered, his arm around her shoulder as his other hand came around to lay over hers on the coffee pot. “Give me this.”

She didn’t understand what he wanted until she realized she had made a mess. Coffee flowed over the mug, spilling over the counter and dripped onto the floor. “Shit!” She let him take the pot and grabbed napkins to clean up the mess.

“Cody.” In a flash Cody was by their side, taking the napkins from her and Aiden pulled her away. “Come on, hon. Cody will clean it up and bring you a fresh cup. Just come sit with me.” He didn’t wait for an answer and next thing she knew, she was being pulled down onto his lap.

Kain wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. “Darling, we can handle things. Just stay here with Aiden and Cody, I’ve got to step into the hall and make a call.” He kissed her forehead before he walked away from them.

“Wonder if they’ve eaten…maybe I should get Dad something from the vending machine…”

“Stop worrying about everyone else.” Aiden rubbed his hand along her back. “You’re stressing yourself out more.”

“Here.” Cody sat on the edge of the sofa, next to her legs that were hanging over the side of Aiden’s thighs. “Drink this. The warm liquid will help you and I’ll deal with making sure your parents have eaten.”

She took the mug from Cody; thankfully he had considered her shaky hands and had only filled it halfway. No doubt Aiden was thankful for that as well, since he wouldn’t get hot coffee spilled over him. “I’ve got to do something.”

“What you need to do is let us care of you. I’ll make sure your family eats, drinks, sleeps, and anything else you want, as long as you let us do the same for you.” Cody laid his hand on her thigh. “There’s nothing you can do right now but wait. Let us comfort you.”

“Come on, beautiful, rest.” Aiden continued to rub small circles along her back. “You know we’ll wake you up if anything happens.”

“Just hold me for a minute and then I will.” She let Cody take the untouched coffee and laid her head against Aiden’s chest.

“I’ll hold you for as long as you want.” He placed a soft kiss on her temple.

Cody lifted her legs and sat next to Aiden, her legs over his, gently massaging her calves. It was comfortable and her eyelids were growing heavy; she only wished Kain was there with them. She felt like a piece of her was missing with him gone. She placed her hand on Aiden’s chest, and realized the four of them had become a team. She might have been the final piece that had brought them together but they were the ones who made her realize there was more to life than work. Love was more important than work and money.
The love of these three men is worth more than anything in this world.

Paris wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep in Aiden’s arms but she came awake to hear London’s voice. Exhaustion hung heavily on her, so instead of rolling over to see what was going on she snuggled against Aiden’s chest and did her best to block out everything around her.

“Could you keep your voice down and let her sleep?” Cody asked, nicer than the other two would have.

“But you’re Aiden Dalton. What are you doing here? More importantly why are your hands on my sister?”

“I’m here with her.” Aiden gently rubbed her back. The touches held a hesitation that wasn’t there before, as if he was torn between wanting her awake and wanting her to rest.

“She doesn’t need a man who will toss her to the side whenever he’s tired of her. You’ve left a line of women behind you and she will
be one of them.”

Aiden chuckled, his chest vibrating her head. “Your sister said you were a fan…I hadn’t expected this reaction.”

“Fan or not, I won’t stand by and let you hurt her.”

“The days you’re talking about are long gone and you don’t know the full story.” He laid his other hand on her arm. “I’m not going to hurt Paris, I love her.”

“Damn it, London, this isn’t the time,” Mathew growled. “Let your sister sleep and leave the guys alone.”

“Dad, it’s okay, I’m awake.” She reached up to cup Aiden’s check. “My sweet man, I love you.” She didn’t care that her family was watching, she ignored them and leaned up until she could kiss him. Her tongue slid between his lips. She kept it sweet, even as the desire to straddle him and devour him coursed through her. With one last peck she forced herself to lean back; even as she did so, she could see the desire in his eyes.

“If I knew that was all it took to get a kiss like that…” Kain shook his head.

“Paris…” London started only to have Mathew grumble at him. “Dad, I’m just looking out for her.”

She slipped off Aiden’s lap and rose to stand in front of her brother. “First, you heard Dad say now isn’t the time. Second, I love you little brother, but I know what I’m doing. The media trashed us in ways that were unbelievable and they did the same to Aiden. He’s always been upfront to me about his past. Now please just drop this.”

London held his hands in front of him. “I’ll let it go
for now

Instead of fighting the inevitable, she stretched and looked at Dad. “Any change?”

“No.” He set aside his coffee. “Paul’s with her and the new doctor.”

“New doctor? Dad didn’t say anything about another doctor.”

“Kain…” Mathew nodded to Kain who was sitting on the arm of the sofa.

“Doctor Tobias he’s a neurologist who treated Aiden after a rather nasty hit when he was playing ball. We’ve kept in touch over the years and he’s one of the best in his field. I called him in to give your family a second opinion.”

Kain’s explanation brought a fresh wave of tears to her eyes. “Oh, Kain!” She went to him, only to have him draw her tight against his chest.

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