The Wide Receiver's Baby (6 page)

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Authors: Jessica Evans

BOOK: The Wide Receiver's Baby
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Chapter Twenty




The first thing I was going to do was join my fellow members at DKE. The frat house was where the recruitment process was held. Shit, I knew it wasn’t easy. These guys were going to make sure that if I got through the pledge process I would be one of the guys. I wasn’t stupid; I knew that these guys ran things as far as football was concerned.

And that was the main reason I came to college, to study and party of course,  but mainly to play football. Shit, I love the sport. Maybe not as much as my own life, but not far from it.

That was when I opened the door. The guys making noises outside were not my room mates. It was worse than that. They were from DKE (Delta Kappa Epsilon). I knew, because they were covered in black with the letters, DKE in silver.

Pledge night was tonight!

Shit, I’d thought they would at least let me settle one damn night. The next thing I knew I had a black bag over my head.

“Logan Collins, I hope you’re ready to rock and roll. Cause tonight, if you pass, you’ll be on your way to becoming one of us.”

I nodded my head. I could hardly breathe. Whoever had put the bag on me, had done it too tight. I was practically suffocating as they held my legs and arms.

They were singing and people were laughing as they roughly jostled me to wherever they were taking me.

I wondered if John, Reg and Steven were there when  they came to take me. It didn’t matter, I was too busy thinking about the fact that I’d left my room unlocked. My stuff was all over the place and I hadn’t even put my password on my Mac yet.  And I’d taken a couple of photos of Alexa while she was naked. I had so many things on my mind that, when they dropped me, I didn’t even know where I was, because I had visions of Alexa’s pictures being on the internet!

“Is this the last one?” A deep voice asked. Wherever I was I felt so damn cold. My nuts felt as if they were going to drop off. I was only in my pants and I didn’t even have a shirt on when they came to pick me up. I’d been  too busy jerking off at the sight of Alexa.

They started to chant like there was no tomorrow, “No means yes and yes means anal.”

That was when one guy took of my black bag. The light was blinding and I saw that we were in the sauna. I didn’t like where this was heading.

Like me, three other guys were in their pants. I assumed that they were all freshman's like me, and on the football team.

“Right, you losers! The rules are very simple. You want to take your pledge, you do as I say, when I say it. If at any time you ladies want to leave, you just shout - “Out”. No second chances. You’re out. You can never come back. You got that?”

The guy that was speaking had on a lion mask and he was tall, just like Reg. I looked at the blond guy next to me and the other dark haired one. We knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I thought with all the cases recently with problems with pledges that they would go easy.

Maybe a simple too many drinks in the bar, a few exercises and then we pledged. I could see that I was totally wrong. This was completely different. It was going to be gruesome; I had the stomach for it, but I wondered if I had the strength to make it through. I’d only been at Yale for one day.

“You’re going to go to the sauna. Take a drink. Whichever one. Then head to the ice room,” he pointed across from the sauna. “Take another drink and, in between each one, I want you to do a pushup. You stop when I damn well tell you to. You got that?”

I didn’t say a word. I just stared at the masked guy, but the other guys screamed, “Yes!”, as if they were in the Army. That was a mistake. I remembered the chant from earlier.

Yes, meant anal.

And, true to their word, two dildos were placed up the guys’ asses. They bent down and were screaming like pigs. There was no mercy spared as they screamed at the top of their lungs and women in bikinis, who must have been part of the cheerleading team judging by the puffs that they were holding, laughed as they continued to thrust the dildos up and down in the guys’ asses.

One of the guys yelled, “Out! I fucking want out!”

And, just like that, he left holding his pants. But before he could even make it out of the sauna, scissors were used to tear down his pants and he was told to leave.  He ran out butt naked and there were guys taking photos of him as he left. The whole idea of having a dildo stuck up my ass made me feel like doing the same thing, fucking shout out, “Out!”. But that would be too easy.

The idea of running through campus naked and then having my photos plastered on the net kept me going and, before I knew it, the guy that left was replaced with another. Again there were three of us, standing in our pants.  When the whistle to told us to go,

I rushed in and out of the rooms, doing my push-ups as instructed. I supposed that was one good thing about the challenge; I could hold my drink,  and before I knew it, one of the other guys was out. I carried on, determined not to be defeated.

I was glad when the lion blew the whistle. My body was shaking, not only from the tequila in the ice room, but the change of temperature was killing me. I had no shoes, socks or anything, but when I moved to the ice room, my feet felt as if they were on fire.

I was mid-way through a push up when he blew the whistle and, unlike the other guy who just started crying that he wanted out, I managed to stand up straight. That was when I felt a pat on my back. My face was covered again and the guy behind the lion mask shouted, “Round Two!”

I was lifted up by a couple of guys and we moved around like we did before. This time my head wasn’t as clear as it had been. I felt sick, I wanted to vomit, but I held it in. I wished that I had eaten before I came out, because I was starting to feel light headed. I closed my eyes, ignoring the noise  hoping that Round Two would be the final round, but I had a feeling that this was only the beginning, and I didn’t know how much more I could take in one night.



Chapter Twenty One



I had no idea where we were, fuck, I didn’t care. I saw some girls half naked standing over  big buckets. One was urinating and the other was throwing up. I wondered if they were part of the cheerleaders initiation. I knew what was going to happen and I wondered if I should just say “Out”.

I felt so fucking sick.

This would take strong willpower and, with the smell and everyone covering their damn noses, I wondered if I could go through with it.

You can do this! I kept trying to convince myself whenever I wanted to give up.

The lion shouted, “Ladies, thanks for participating tonight.”

Then a woman who was wearing a lioness mask told the three girls to strip down naked and first sit in the vomit until the whistle was blown, then sit in the urine until the whistle was blown again. This went on for a while. Sure enough, the urine started to have vomit in it as one girl couldn’t hold it in any longer. I wondered if we were going to have to do the same. That was when the lion turned to us and I saw the two glass boxes. They  contained something far worse than urine and sick. Something that I didn’t even want to think about. When we were told to do the same thing, before the whistle even blew  the other guy shouted out, “No fucking way!”

I wondered if these guys really were on the football team, because they seemed to have a problem with instructions. And that was the worst thing that he could have said. Again, like the last guy, he was restrained and the lioness had the pleasure of putting the dildo up his ass.  She was chanting with the rest of the guys, “No means yes and yes means anal!”

They were laughing and it bought me some time before I had to sit down in the tub full of cockroaches. They looked so fucking huge. I sat down for what felt like a five minutes, but it could have been longer. The whole time I was sitting down they were scratching my chest and it felt as if they were singing too. They were so damn gross, I wanted to say, “Out”, but something kept me in there until I moved on to the next box, which was filled with shit.

All I did was hold my damn nose and pretend that it was something else. It fucking stunk and I wondered where they’d got a whole load of shit from, but then part of me didn’t want to know. I just had to get through this.

The whistle kept blowing and I kept switching boxes with the other two guys. I didn’t get it. Every time one guy left it was as if they had a replacement as a back-up. I just kept my eyes closed, and  pretended I heard nothing, felt nothing, until the whistle went again and I knew it was time.

“Ladies,” the lion shouted out. “Pretty impressive. Okay, so now we go to round 3.”

One of the guys shouted, “But they fucking stink!”


What did he expect?

The black bag went back on my head and I was in my room. All my boxes that I said I would unpack were gone. My room was completely bare. No sheets. No clothes. Nothing. I just had my damn pants, which stunk of shit, and my boxers.

I knocked on each door, but everyone was out. All their room doors were locked.

This was Round 3 - like really? It made no fucking sense, I thought as I hit the showers.



Chapter Twenty Two



It was so damn weird when I was registering. It was almost as if I was back in High School again. I just had to sort out the paperwork for my financial aid and stop thinking about Logan. My focus was clear: get the paperwork signed and then I would be a college student like  I’d always wanted to be, and be on my way to the career that I’d dreamed about.

It had been one week since we had spoken on Skype. I sat by the computer each and every night hoping, praying, that things hadn’t started to get bad between us already. I knew he was in college and having fun, but not even a phone call? That was just weird. I tried calling him, but  each and every time his phone was switched off. I sent emails, nothing. Texts the same, nothing. It was almost as if he had cut himself off completely. So when his mom came round on the weekend to check on Mom, I couldn’t help but ask the question.

“Hi, you heard from Logan?” I asked as soon as I opened the door for her.

She laughed, “You missing him already?”

Was she serious? Course I was missing him. I frowned slightly, thinking that it was a silly question. She could see the seriousness in my face.

“Sorry, bad joke. Can I come in and sit down for a minute?”

“Frats!” She blurted out, as if it meant anything to me. 

“They’re the worst.”

Mom walked in and they greeted each other. I had a feeling that this Saturday call, wasn’t just to find out if Mom was okay.

“Yep, we were talking about them last night. Richard was going on about his days at Yale and how they were the best. But he wasn’t a sportsman. You can tell, right?”

My mind drifted for a second. Wondering if I could picture Mr Collins, thirty years younger and playing football. I gave his balding head hair, his skinny frame some muscles and the picture just didn’t look right so I agreed whilst laughing with her.


Mom brought the coffee and I sat down with them in the living room. “Give him till this weekend’s over. He’ll tell you all about it. I know that there’s been deaths from these pledges and fortunately none of them happened at Yale. So, they've been told to calm it down. So, the worst that will happen to Logan is that he probably would have been sick about ten times, but he’ll be okay.”

I nodded, hoping that he would be okay.

“Anyway, you’ll be there to see him about four weeks right?”

I sighed, “Two weeks and six days, but hey, who’s counting?”

That was when I knew that my presence wasn’t welcomed. “Young love,” Mom sighed as she and Marie looked at me.

All this time I had thought that the divorce was going smoothly, but as they both stared at me, waiting for me to leave the room, I knew that it wasn’t and with Logan missing right now, I didn’t think I could take anymore bad news.

“Do you mind picking up Brian from the game?”

Unlike my boyfriend, my brother was more into baseball. I nodded my head. “No, I don’t mind.”

Why would I? He was a welcome distraction, and besides it was clear I wasn’t welcome here. I smiled whilst leaving the room, debating whether to take the car or not, but  as Marie said, “Holly we really need to talk,” I decided that I would go for a walk. I would take my phone in case I needed it, but other than that I wanted to clear my head and I hoped that it would be Logan calling with good news aka that he was still alive and Mom’s bad news would feel like something I could deal with. Something that we could both work on together.

Right now my mind was an unwoven mess, thinking that Logan could have died in some stupid pledge and to make matters worse Mom’s divorce was most likely not going to happen, any time soon.




I watched as the parents sat on the benches. Encouraging their boys to take a shot. They cheered as they ran and then I regretted waving at Brian who was on the bench. Then, he waved back and when he did start playing he kept looking at me, it was as if he had lost his head in the game.

I kept looking at my phone.

I should have seen what was really distracting him, but as he ran and fell over. I soon became away of what his eyes were focused on. It wasn’t me. It was Dad, he was sitting a few benches below me.

Anyone else would have been happy to see their old man sitting and watching a game. The only reason he was watching the game, was because he was bad news. I boldly went up to him. I didn’t care, who heard or what they thought, I spat out, “What are you doing here?”

He smiled, half his yellow teeth were missing and he looked a lot older then I remembered. Not that I hadn’t seen him that long ago, but he had aged, with his thick hair now just a shadow of its former self.

“Didn’t your Mom tell you?”

Well, if she had then I wouldn’t be asking him the question. One oversized parent, was telling me to move. Commenting on me blocking the way.

“No.” I spat out, not elaborating anymore, because I was feeling as if I should have stuck around and found out what Mom and Marie were talking about. I had a feeling that he was going to tell me.

The man that I had turned to hate.

“I’m moving back in. Now sit down so we can watch Brian play.”

I heard screams from the parent, telling me to get out of the way, but I was frozen in time. My mouth was wide open as it was trying to catch flies. Now the same Mom was physically trying to move me. The whole thing was so embarrassing. That all I could think to do was grab Brian and leave. He was sitting on the bench. The coach was telling me that I couldn't do that, in the middle of the game.

I had fire in my eyes and Dad's smile was hurting my head. It all happened so quickly, that I forgot what was on my mind before the game.


My phone started ringing and if he had called twenty minutes ago, I would have spoken to him. All I could do right now was leave the game. Switch of my phone and put it in my pocket and with Brian practically hopping home, I hoped that Marie was still there. I needed answers, quickly and most of all I wanted them today.



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